CatFx50 - page 233


Nina, Eur PRICE has now moved from below 120ema to sitting just above it - does this have any significant sign?

Nina, Eur PRICE has now moved from below 120ema to sitting just above it - does this have any significant sign?

Angela, EURUSD is above EMA50.

Now you say price has crossed EMA120.


It's late. It's friday. They are squaring shorts.

EURUSD has gone up 100 pips.

Look at USDCHF. If you see a rush, go for a few pips and protect below EMA120.

But if you have made pips this week, do not do it if you do not see a big rush.



All three are in buy mode (long). Well, mates, there is a lack of synchronism here.


Here Nina, to help you out of some confusions.

Let's charts talk.


Hi Nina - do not worry I am not trading so late on a Fri but was interested to find your answer - thx

btw, Chf PRICEnow below 120ema


Hi Nina,

I'm new to your thread. Is it possible for you to open chatroom in paltalk or

eChat to discuss your strategy ? I'm sure alot of your followers will love this idea. Remember trading does not need to be alone.

Thanks for your contributions and time :-)


Chat Room

I would like and support that move.


me too!!! - but i suppose not possible because Nina works full time also


someone else

Well, maybe someone else (the other gurus of the system) would like to take that challenge and open that room.


Or how abt those pioneers who have been following Nina's strategy be moderators when nina's not around?

Just my 2 pips worth


hello to catfx50

Hello Nina

I found out your system is great.

Here is gpb/usd for entry.

I think this is a good entry sign

