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Added topic Price indicator
Hi! I'm looking for a "price indicator" that place rate on top of screen and it makes it bigger. I saw it here, but I do not remember who uploaded it. Thank you
Added topic How does your MT4 screen look like?
Hi! There are very savvy and talented traders here. People that make awesome indicators like, for instance, Igorad, Kalenzo, Cja and so on. Sometimes, as I go through different threads and posts I come across with gorgeous charts and lay outs. There
Added topic Need Help
Hi! Mt4 has made another update. From 4.00 build 208 to 4.00 build 210. When I update it, a window pops up saying: "Installation procedure needs to update and restart your application". There is a tab "update and Restart". When I click it, nothing
Added topic Nina's Levels
Hi! Here I will post my levels. I'll post them when I think it is worthy to have a bigger and wider picture. Just look at them or ignore them. EURUSD, while above 1.1960 , the pair is set to go to 1.2300. USDCHF , while below 1.2990 , it is set to go
Added topic CatFX50 Indicators
Hi! Here I will post and attache the indicators I recommend to trade CatFX50. You can use how many indicators you want, of course. I'd like to stress that CatFX50 is an easy system. It does not need many indicators to take a trade. If we use more
Added topic Mmts-2.0
Hi! Has anyone this e-book: MMTS-2.0 by Monica Korzec? Nina
Added topic Msroc
Hi!! Reading S&C I found (pag. 83) a good article by William Rafter about Moving Slope Rate of Change (MSROC). You can find the same article here: and
Added topic StepMAs
Hi, Mates!! I'm working hard with StepMas. I've been trading with them for a long time now. They are gorgeous. When there is a cross, you get always some pips. But you must be quick: speed counts here. They can be traded from TF5 to TF30. TF30 is
Added topic CatFx50
Hi! UPDATE 30-09-06 : Let's see if with the document attached we avoid the same questions each time a new viewer pops up. Validated indicators posted too. The right camarilla is camarilladt7v1. I attach a screenshot for settings (cet time). All the
Added topic Tech Problems
Hi!! I have tech problems with my MT4 platform. It says "No connection". Do you know Mig's ( ) IP? And another one: ) IP? Do you know what can be done to solve that "No connection"? Thank you! Nina
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Added topic Demo account disabled
Hi! I have a demo at They disabled it today (expired). Could you tell me how to open another one without losing all the stuff and charts I have there? Thank you! Nina
Added topic Fisher
Hi! A friend of mine has allowed me to upload this Fisher . Do not get overexcited. You'll see why. But it might be fixed. Don't you think