CatFx50 - page 239


1800 Candle EUR/USD

My CCIs kept me out of the trade when they blasted downwards like a kamikaze, but nice Stoch change to red on the Histo-StepMA-Stoch [attached]

Also a FIBO pivot kept me out this trade when I came in late [attached].

Attached are the main indicators I use for this system [CATFX50] in case anyone is searchign the thread or wants to ask the inevitable "Where do I get these indicators?" question.

Nina explains the system on the first page of this thread.

I attached the INVIND and it's Histogram equivalent, too as a confirmation graph.


I have discovered a very interesting CCI. For those who do not use Metatrader and cannot use Step_Ma_Sto.

Plot CCI (100). I plot it in yellow and have a zero line in blue.

Have a look, it is amazing. It keeps you on the right side of the trade for a long, long time and avoid to go out too early. Avoid a lot of false signals. But when it crosses the zero line...close your position as soon as possible.


hi kalenzo regarding your statement that nina suggested that is incorrect i dont use histo bars but the very first step stoc along with nina step ma stoc with arrows and step ma stoc these are 3 different step stoc indicators

Well, harold, I must say that mabye I'm missing something, becouse I wasnt very close with that thread, but from that what I read and was wathing, the first (and the only true ) was the step ma stoch made by Igorad (at the begining) and then, I restricted that indicator to count 2000 bars to make it more confident. Then I think that was Shadowz who made histogram with 2000 bar restriction with is nothing else like other graphic presentation of stepmastoch - THIS ISNT MAGIC INDICATOR - this is also step ma stoch. Then Shadowz made stepmastoch with arrows and dots on it.

Those indicators give U diffrent signals becouse of number of bars with they take to calculate. When u have no restrictions, the step depends from number of bars U have in metartader history, and bars loaded on chart.

So that is all!

Sorry if I disilluded your dreams..., U can always say that I'm wrong, if that make u happy


no signal

No signal today / updates or is that everyone taking a day off



Today's recap:

EURUSD, level 2 buy (13:00cet) at 1.2027. But MAX Moving Average did not allow that long. No trade.

EURUSD, regular sell (18:00cet) at 1.2024. Out of our trading time. It made a low at 1.2005. + 19 pips.

USDCHF, no signal.

GBPUSD, no signal.

EURUSD range so far: 53 damn pips.

CatFX50 done it great again.

As you know, we are waiting for FOMC.

Those who like to say EURUSD and GBPUSD trade always on the same side, today has been a good example of their blindness. They should look at EURGBP.

Each day, everyday, you should look always at USDCHF and EURGBP if you want to trade EURUSD and GBPUSD. ALWAYS!!!!!!! IT IS MANDATORY.


Hi, Image!

It is a good idea. I will pop up sometimes.


We may lose track of some important decisions or discussion relating to trades that should be posted here rather than discussed in the chat room. I still believe that trade discussion/commentary as currently presented is sufficient.


might be of some help

Here's a good homework example..

What made this Not a good time for a appears EUR/USD touches the 50Ema and goes back up on the next bar..

a Level 2 trade because HIST is above .04(slightly) but stepma does not validate.

Is it because the 120EMA is SO close to the 50Ema that it is not a good trade to place?

50ema.jpg  111 kb

hi kalenzo what i was trying to say was all 3 step stocs are set at diferent intervals i know igor made them and thats the reason its a good filter is that they are set differently the histo bars is the same as the step so there is no difference there just visuable difference not calculational difference hope i am clear on this and if was u who made the nina step stoc with arrows thatnks for a great tool if not thanks for great posts and insight

Here's a good homework example..

What made this Not a good time for a appears EUR/USD touches the 50Ema and goes back up on the next bar..

a Level 2 trade because HIST is above .04(slightly) but stepma does not validate.

Is it because the 120EMA is SO close to the 50Ema that it is not a good trade to place?

Hi, Spacechimp!

As far as I can see on your chart, that bar opens above EMA50. What trade do you want to take here?

On my broker (Neuimex), bar opens below, but hist and aNina does not validate it.



Nina, a novice question, can you just clarify why we should look at USD/CHF and EUR/GBP mandatorily.

Regarding CET time, the equivelant in GMT would be 0700 - 1700?

Regarding the arrows and dots on anina, how do you interperate those.