Signal Bridge - Best Metatrader to Telegram EA - manual

Signal Bridge - Best Metatrader to Telegram EA - manual

15 February 2025, 22:56
Inakis Srl



1 - Telegram Configuration

2 - Metatrader Configuration

3 - Initialization of Signal Bridge

4 - Explanations of all Inputs of Signal Bridge

5 - Errors handling


1 Create your target channel in Telegram

2  Create a bot in telegram:
- Open Telegram, and search @BotFather,
- "Menu"- "create Newbot", assign a name (eg: mychannel) and a username ( mychannel_bot )
-  copy the "API-token" generated at the end of the process (you'll need it in MT4) (eg: 1234567890:BBHeeTQYDprhrh1Cph2UBB7JKz6erSLWRqw

  1. Add the bot to your channel with ADMIN rights Open the channel/group Info, Manage, Add Administrators, type the bot username, and click Save
  2. Save your channel ID: you can find it by accessing selecting your channel, look your address tab and copy the numbers at the end of the address (eg: , your channel id is  2429693223 )


1.      Go to Tool-Options-Community and enter your credentials


1)      Go in terminal – Market, search Signal Bridge (if you already purchased, go directly in Purchased).

2)      Click Download


3)      Open a chart (recommended BTCUSD running 24/7)

4)      Make sure to enable “Allow WebRequest” for (double click Add new url, write, Enter!).

(in Tools → Options → Expert Advisors).

5)      Activate AutoTrading in mt4

6)      Go to Navigator, open Market, select  Signal Bridge Drag the EA onto a chart or doubleclick to load it.


7)      Go in Common and Allow DLL and Allow Live Trading


1  - The EA, at first loading, will present a popup generate to generat the chart templates.

Let the EA work for you few seconds, and then everything will be ready.

2 - After chart templates generation, the User Interface will allow to handle the reports and, if needed, reload the templates.

All the other settings ar available on the Inputs tab. RIght Click, Expert-Properties.


Input (User‐Visible) Description
Telegram Connection
API bot token The unique token from @BotFather. Paste it exactly as provided (e.g. 123456789:ABCdefGhIJkl-... ) so the EA can send messages to Telegram. See Telegram Configuration above to create it
Chat ID (Channel ID) Your Telegram channel or chat ID. This is the ID of the channel where trade updates will be sent. Just paste the n. without "-" and without "-100".  See Telegram Configuration above t
For instructions setup look the Product site A quick reminder link to see detailed setup instructions on the product page (
Signal Bridge Settings
Skip msg for Pending Orders and Send Buy/Sell at Activation If true, the EA does not broadcast new pending orders; it only notifies once they activate as market orders (Buy/Sell). It is reccomended to avoid differences between Signal Providers and Copiers; eg: order trigged on copier side but not triggered by the provider that will not Send updates.
The EA will send a New Buy or Sell at market orders when the pending will be activated and the users will not know that there was pending behind.
YourAccountCurrency Which currency symbol to display in the messages (e.g. “$” if your account is in USD).
Pips nr to define BE Trade in close message (from -X to +X =BE) A pip “tolerance” range for deciding when a trade is effectively break‐even (e.g. ±3 pips). This is relevant for
- Update messages (eg. Stop Loss moved to Breakeven) 
- Close/Partial close message to determine the Icon and the reason for closing
- Reports Trade By Trade: when a trade is withing the Pips tolerance,  (e.g. ±3 pips) it is considered "Breakeven"
Percent X% to define BE/neutral in Reports (from -X% to +X%=BE) Same concept, but in percentage terms. The EA uses this to mark trades as Breakeven in all reports By Day, By Pair and Winnning/losing trades, where % Profit/loss on balance is more representative than suming pips.
eg: suming pips of Gold and and EURUSD in a Report by Day to determine BE would be  wrong and misleading, reason why the EA uses % on balance.
Show Lots in messages (Recommended if you use Partial closes) If true, each Telegram notification shows the lot size (reccomened to show to users (especially for partial‐close scenarios) because some copiers (eg:TSC) are not able to copy risk and % of partial closes without lots.
Show pips in messages If true, the EA includes in the messages pips gained or lost in each trade message.
Show Pnl In currency in messages If true, displays the actual profit/loss in your account currency (e.g. “+100 USD”). you could choose to hide and show only PNL % achieved.
Show Risk on Balance in messages (SL value/balance) If true, includes approximate “risk % on balance” in the OPEN messages, based on your Stop Loss distance and lotsize used.
Send Order comment If true, the EA also shows the MT4 order comment text in the Telegram message.
Restrict to specific trades
Send only Specific Magic Number (comma separ.:eg: 23,456) Enter one or more Magic numbers to limit which trades are broadcast (e.g. 12,999 ); if empty, no Magic filter is applied. You may want broadcasting only trades related to a specific strategy in mt4 that use a specific Magic number.
Send only specific pairs (comma separ. EG:EURUSD,XAUUSD) Enter symbols (e.g. EURUSD,XAUUSD ) to restrict broadcasting to those pairs; if blank, all symbols are included.
Customize Messages
Your channel name shown in footer The text that appears at the bottom of each Telegram message, e.g. “Your VIP Channel name.”
Show 'Signal Bridge' below Channel name in footer If true, also includes “Signal Bridge - version” below the channel footer text. It is highly appreciated doing it!
Show_footer_in_NEW Whether to attach the above footer to “new order” messages.
Show_footer_in_Activated If true, attach the footer to “activated pending” messages. (Default: false)
Show_footer_in_Cancelled If true, attach the footer to “cancelled pending” messages. (Default: false)
Show_footer_in_Updates If true, attach the footer to any “update” messages, e.g. SL/TP changes. (Default: false)
Show_footer_in_PartialClose If true, attach the footer when the EA detects a partial close. (Default: true)
Show_footer_in_Closed If true, attach the footer when the trade is fully closed. (Default: true)
Customize Screenshots Charts
Instructions line: Choose your Chart theme or 'Custom' The lines gives instructions on how to use the next 2 inputs:
Select your chart theme Select the chart colors/theme:
Options include:
- Blue Background,White/Blue-light candles
- Grey Background,Green/dark Grey candles
- Black Background,Green/Red candles
- White Background,Green/Dark Grey candles
- Your Custom template:Add the name below
you can use one of the predefined or you can use your own MT4 templates; to add your mt4 templates select " Your Custom template" and add the name of the template in the next field
Your Template NAME eg: Template1 (must be in Templates folder) If “UseCustom” is chosen, provide the Template base name here so the EA can apply that chart style for screenshots.
If your template name is: Mytemplate.tpl just insert "Mytemplate" in the field, so without .tpl
Select Chart Timeframe Which timeframe (M5, H1, etc.) the EA uses for the screenshot chart.
it is recommended to fit to SL/TP level of your strategy: eg using 5M when you target 100 pips in EURUSD will not show the Trade nicely in the chart.
Select Chart Zoom level (n.candles) Choose an  zoom level 0..5 (or -1 to skip). Controls how zoomed in the chart appears in the screenshot. 5 is max zoom (few candles) 1 is min zoom (many candles); a value between 3 and 4 is normally appreciated by users.
Stop Loss rectangle color The chart will automatically draw a rectangle for the trade SL: you can customize your colors.” Defaults to “Tomato” (red).
Take profit rectangle color The chart will automatically draw a rectangle for the trade  Take profit: Color for the “T Box.” Defaults to “LimeGreen.”
Trade Close line color The chart will automatically draw a line showing starting point and final point of the trade: Color of the trend line from entry to close price. Default: “Blue.”
Close rectangle color The chart will automatically draw a rectangle for for the area defined by Open and Close price.  default is a light green ( 149,230,149 ). Careful that mt4 limitations will mix up colors when Close Rectangle overlaps TP or SL rectangle.
Configure when to attach the charts to the messages
Send Chart for Pending orders The EA gives the following options to controls if/when a screenshot is attached for pending orders.
Send with Signal message --> means that this is sent with the Signal Message
- Don't Send  --> NO charts with Pending orders
- Send immediately after. -- --> this will send the chart after the signal, replying to the message. 

Creating a chart, depending on VPS speed, might take 5-10 seconds, therefore if you want to send the signal quicker, Option  "Send immediately after" is recommended. 
Send Chart for Market orders Same logic, but for immediate market orders (Buy/Sell). Recommended:  Send immediately after.
Send Chart for Partial closed orders  Same logic: controlling whether a screenshot is attached upon partial closes (immediately, after, or not at all). Recommended:  Send immediately after.
Send Chart at Trade full close Same logic: controlling screenshot on final full close (with the message, after the text, or none). Send with Signal message
Don't send chart in case of losing trades If true, the EA will skip final close screenshots on negative trades. This is marketing! You decide!
In case this is true, the EA will not send, superseding previous input
Send an Update Message + Chart when trade turns positive When true, the EA monitors your trade progress and sends a special update message (and chart) once it crosses a certain threshold (below).  This is marketing! You decide!
Choose trigger for Update message Decide the trigger for your update message, Either 
- % On Balance or
- Number of Pips.
This sets the rule for sending it
N.of Pips or % on balance (without %) depending on above choice If you chose % On Balance the add the percentage without % eg: send when 1% is achieved, use "1"
If you chose  Pips, add the pips (no points!) when sending.
the EA will send in once, not every XX % or PIPs
Customize your Update message! The actual text the EA sends when that threshold is reached, for example “Boom! Fantastic, the trade has reached 1%! Let’s rock!”

Be consistent within Pips, % on Balance.. so if you Trigger at 2%, correct the text to 2% ( ... the trade has reached 2%...)
Configure Reports
Show Pnl in $ in reports If true, all daily/weekly/custom summary reports display net results in your account currency. eg: 2.000 USD PnL
Show Pips in reports If true, your summary reports also include total PIP gained/lost.
Magic to Include (comma separated eg: 12,23) Specify which Magic numbers to include in the aggregated summary. If blank, no inclusion filter is used. So if you want to send the report only for Strategy 1 that in Mt4 has 123 Magic, add 123 in the input.
Magic to exclude (comma separated eg: 12,23) Specify which Magic numbers to exclude from the summary. If blank, none are excluded.
Daily report config
daily Report Type (Choose between 4 types of Reports)
Possible summary styles:
By Pair:   --->   it sums by Pair, meaning if you send 3 trades for EURUSD, the report will show the aggregated result.
Winning Losing Trades: --->  show number of winning, losing, BE trades 
Detailed By Trade --->  show trade by trade Eg: EURUSD buy, Gold Sell
By Day:  ---> send total result by day (not ideal for Daily report)

Default is “Trade by Trade.” for daily, as per our users experiences.
Activate_Daily_report_schedule If true, automatically sends a daily report each day at the specified time below.
dailyReportTime HH:MM time for the daily report, e.g. “09:00.”
showOpenTrades_Daily If true, the daily report also includes open (still active) trades, including Pips, Pnl and % on Balance
Weekly report config
weeklyReportType Same grouping options (ByPair, ByDay, etc.) but for the weekly summary.
Default is “ Result by day. .” for daily, as per our users experiences.
Activate_Weekly_report_schedule If true, a weekly summary is sent automatically on a chosen day/time (see below).
showOpenTrades_Weekly If true, includes open trades in the weekly summary (default: false).
weeklyTime The HH:MM to send the weekly report, e.g. “23:10.”
weeklyDay Which day of the week to send it: Sunday..Saturday (default: Saturday).
Custom Period report config
Customize title for Report eg: January report You can Use the Custom Report for creating specific reports for a specific period.
This helpful if you want to send a Monthly Report (eg: by Day result) or a long period result (eg:  Winning Losing Trades)
This inputs drives the title of you Report: Enter any custom title for the custom date‐range report, e.g. “Custom dates Report” or “January Results.
customReportType Same grouping styles: ByPair, WinningLosingTrades, DetailedByTrade, ByDay. Default: by Winning‐Losing trades.
showOpenTrades_Custom If true, the custom summary also displays any open trades within that time window.
choose Custom Report start YYYY.MM.DD The start date for your custom range (e.g. 2025.01.01 ).
choose Custom Report End YYYY.MM.DD The end date for your custom range (e.g. 2025.01.27 ).

5 - Telegram errors handling

    Signal Bridge handles the errors coming from Telegram.

    In order to avoid you get banned, after 2 attempts, the EA will STOP all new messages and you'll need to remove and reload the EA to restart.

    Error / Status Meaning Suggestions
    400 Bad Request: chat not found This usually means the Chat ID is invalid or the bot is not a member/admin of the channel.
    • Check your Chat ID format: it should look like “1234567890”. 
    • Signal Bridge doesn't require "-100" + "channel ID", but if it's added it's able to handle it. eg also -1001234567890 works either
    • Verify the bot is added to the channel and has sufficient privileges.
    400 Bad Request: reply message not found The EA is trying to reply to a message that no longer exists (maybe deleted or never sent).
    • Signal Bridge always replies to the first trade message; Ensure you are not deleting the initial messages in the channel. 
    • After 2 attempts, the EA will send the message without replying
      400 Bad Request (other reasons) Could be invalid HTML tags, message too long, or other parameter issues.
      • Probably the message exceeds 4096 characters and telegram will reject,
      • Change report type: eg: Report by Trade creates too many lines; use instead Report by Pair or by Day or by Win/lose.
      401 Unauthorized The Bot Token is incorrect or expired.
      • Double-check the token in your EA inputs: it should look like 123456789:AAxxxxxx .
      • Generate a new token via BotFather if in doubt. See above!
      403 Forbidden The bot is blocked by the user/channel or doesn’t have enough permissions to post.
      • Unblock the bot in Telegram if it’s a private chat.
      • Make sure the bot is admin in the channel.
      429 Too Many Requests Telegram rate limit exceeded (too many messages in a short time).
      • Reduce frequency of messages sent.
      • Add small delays between messages if possible.
      5xx Server Error
      (500, 502, 503...)
      Temporary Telegram server error or maintenance.
      • Wait a few minutes and try again.
      • Check Telegram status or official channels for maintenance alerts.