☑ Solution “ When do we need to build teamwork ”

☑ Solution “ When do we need to build teamwork ”

9 April 2020, 15:20
Yohana Parmi
8 513

Hello traders,

New senior students who have years of experience in trading. They have a good job at the top level
as a decision maker, with a large income, they have a great desire to become a reliable trader, came to me with a story.

-- I would like to share it here, because I feel that (who knows) many of you might experience it too this year.
-- I hope my contribution to the blog here can be useful for people in the future.

I have been in the market for a long time.
At certain moments I get a very good trade position.

Hundreds of pips I get in just a few hours.
It happened when I was busy at work,
>> in a limited time I placed a pending order
at strong SR to get a reversal opportunity.

I suddenly felt very excited, but later ..
unfortunately, after that I can't stop trading.
I even increasingly want to trade more, and more.

I have trouble can't stop clicking my mouse
on the buy and sell buttons :(

At the end I am tired, my profits gone, and then
my balance goes back to the beginning or
even turns into a loss :'(

Therefore, not only my wife,
* I am also angry on myself :))

Finally, I often want to get a lot of activities at work,
-- so by that way I don't have time to look at charts often.
but my employee are uncomfortable when I am too often with them.
.. it is not funny, right?

How to fix that ?

I must prepare it, because I will retire from work
.. later when I get old.


All types of businesses, will always carry the risk of loss.
Even the work you are doing now also has risks. For example the risk in travel.
-- Even just walking on the sidewalk is still a risk.

I am sure you know that before I mention it, right?

Actually you only have a small problem.
Unfortunately, big problems always start with small things :)
That's about trading emotions, or also known as trading psychology.

It can happen to anyone, no matter what level of work or their status.
So, don't worry. I am sure you are not alone on that problem :)

I will give you solution later, next section on this page.

 I am worse.

I have been in forex for years.
So I really understand how the market works,
and what are the correct rules of the game.

Including the use of lot sizes and leverage,
I understand very well.

But unfortunately, I couldn't help myself, and ..
I had unconsciously been continuously breaking the right rules.

I have lost a lot in this game, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Starting from local brokers and foreign brokers, I always lose.

Even worse, I was even more excited when I lost.

but sometimes I feel annoyed.
It seems like this game is too difficult for me?

Actually I think I can do that, because there are times when I win.
Unfortunately, I won when using smaller lot sizes,
so that it cannot return its capital.

How to fix it? 
I must win this game. 


For sure that forex is not a game :)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I know, your lovely wife told me that you love this game :

Yes, that's really fun :))

but please you must be able to see that forex is not a game.

 Before you really go bankrupt in the coming years,
- - - - please stop trading if you can't change that view.


This is a fact when real traders enter the market, then
-- firstly you must get conclusions at least for :

Basic : Advance :
  1. Support (demand) and 
    Resistance (supply) - SR

  2. Trend

  3. Key breakouts

  4. Sideways range

  5. Momentum


Can you do it all, at the same time with many screens like this ?

If you can, that's great !
Even though it looks expensive, you look like a real professional trader :))

This can be cheaper.

Actually, you don't have to take all the opportunities that are available on the market. 
1. Just enough to take one of those opportunities according to your available time, or 
2. Skills that can be trained, then you will gradually achieve multi-tasking skills in the market. 


But if you want to take all the opportunities,
-- while your ability is limited in time and personal strength,
then the solution is a teamwork.

  • Please have understanding for this.

    Even though a pilot has thousands of hours of flying experience,
    >> it is not permissible to fly an aircraft alone.

    You can share assignments with team members, to focus more on certain things.

     -- You act as a leader, of course :)

  • Activities in a teamwork
    -- for example can be described like this :

    The trading situation will be fun, and
    you can enjoy a more comfortable time :)

Stay wise in the market.