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June consumer confidence from The Conference Board Prior was 92.6 (revised to 92.4) Best since October 2015 The index jumped from the worst since July 2015 to the best since August 2015. Details...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:16
Winners and losers of globalization at odds The dominant theme of the past three decades is globalization. It's meant open borders and open trade. The backlash is here. The Labour Left vs the Latte Left The wedge looks like it's immigration but it's really political correctness...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:14
Dead cat or sustainable? I think there is far too much turmoil and uncertainty in the UK to sustain the bounce in European stock but it was party time today. UK FTSE +2.5% French CAC +2.5% German DAX +1.9...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:11
Cable bounce fades All the gains since the start of London trading have evaporated and GBP/USD is now up just 60 pips on the day to 1.3284. The high was 1.3419. The level to watch is yesterday's US low of 1.3260. A break below would confirm that the minor uptrend since late yesterday is broken...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:10
Firms uncertain about trade with Europe John Cridland, the Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry met with UK political leaders and his verdict was negative. He said he didn't come out of the meeting feeling great...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:09
Draghi scoop from Bloomberg Bloomberg obtained Draghi comments from an EU Summit document. Sees GDP reduction for at least 3 years Concerned Brexit will lead to competitive devaluations It's time to address bank vulnerabilities...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:06 #GDP
Boris Johnson vs Theresa May A poll, which looks like an online survey, was released from UK website ConservativeHome today and showed a slight lead for Theresa May over Boris Johnson. It's not clear who will be in the race yet ahead of tomorrow's deadline...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 19:05
A busy morning for the pound again 28 June 2016 We've seen good two-way business on the pound this morning with GBPUSD and GBPJPY particularly enjoying some action. In the cable order-board I highlighted the near term supply between 1.3350-1.3400 and we saw 1.3373 before a return to test 1.3300...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 13:25
US ratings agency turning their attention to Spain 28 June Sunday's outcome is less likely to result in a repeat of 6-month political stalemate that followed that in Dec 2015 signs that a high level of consumer confidence may have reduced Brexit -related falls in fin markets represent key downsid...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 13:22
Italy June confidence report 28 June 2016 102.1 prev consumer confidence 110.2 vs 112.5 exp vs 112.5 prev revised down from 112.7 economic sentiment 101.2 vs 103.00 prev revised down from 103.4 All irrelevant right now. Let's see how its stacks up next time post-Brexit vote...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 11:31
German chancellor Merkel addressing the Bundestag 28 June we have to respect Brexit decision Europe has got through many crises and challenges in the past EU is strong enough to withstand Brexit Germany has special interest in European unification succeeding...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 11:30
Japanese Government Bond yields hit record low levels 28 June 2016 40 year 0.075% 30 year JGB 0.05% 20 year 0.04% 10 year 0.0225...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 10:17
Here's the Economic Data/Event Calendar for today 28 June 2016 Greetings everybody, and yes England's footballers were total garbage to a man! Data-wise it's another relatively quiet one today but we do get a third look at US Q1 GDP at 12.30 GMT As always I wish you a good session Times GMT...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 10:15
UK finance minister George Osborne has officially said he will not stand in the UK's Conservative Party leadership race 28 June 2016 Eamonn had the breaking news earlier but here's a bit more detail from Osborne's letter in The Times: "It isn't in my nature to do things by half-measure and I foug...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 10:14
Germany May import price index report 28 June 2016 -0.1% prev yy -5.5% vs -5.8% exp vs -6.6% prev A hint of price rises will be welcome but it's not going to change anything right now. EURUSD 1.1050 EURGBP 0.8315 EURJPY 112.67...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 10:12
Spain May retail sales report 28 June 2016 prev revised down from +6.4% yy SA +2.3% VS +40% prev revised down from +4.1% Softer data a concern but and we're not gonna see so many Brits taking up the slack anytime soon...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 10:10
UK finance minister Osborne speaking to BBC radio 28 June 2016 crucial to provide fiscal stability UK in prolonged period of economic adjustment decisions on taxes, spending to come under new PM absolutely going to have to cut spending and raise taxes...
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Sherif Hasan, 28 June 2016, 10:08
Colour them bearish EUR/USD: Our bearish view was encouraged by Friday's low close. We are looking for a move back towards Friday's 1.0910 lows and then towards a swing target near 1.0840. Beyond there we are looking towards the 1.0710 area...
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Sherif Hasan, 27 June 2016, 20:29 #nzdusd
US ratings agency Standard & Poors adding their own verdict 27 June downgrade also reflects risks of a marked deterioration external financing conditions GBPUSD lower at 1.3180 as S&P join others in giving a thumbs down to Brexit. Still remembering to sell those GBP rallies ? Excellent...
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Sherif Hasan, 27 June 2016, 20:15
US White House out with a press statement 27 June 2016 TTIP remains a priority for Obama no updated timeline for TTIP deal following Brexit decision The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is the proposed trade agreement between the EU and US with the aim of promoting trade and multila...
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Sherif Hasan, 27 June 2016, 20:14