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Neue Trading Utilitys für MetaTrader 5 - 20

icon Unten finden Sie Handelsprogramme, die den Handel in MetaTrader 5 vereinfachen. Fahren Sie mit der Maus über ein Hilfsprogramm, um dessen Beschreibung und Zweck zu lesen.
Basic Trade Buttons
Kriengsak Peitaisong
Basic Trade Buttons is a tool to help you to quickly open and close trades, place take profit and stop loss points by clicking on the button of each job that you preferred. Once you attached this tool to mt5 chart, the program will calculate a trade volume(Lots size) automatically to prepare to send to the trade server when you click on 'Buy' or 'Sell' button. Click on 'TP', 'SL' or 'Close' button to place take profit, stop loss based on the predefined levels or to close all open positions respe
This EA is used to close all your open market positions and/or pending orders with a click of a button. The EA is ultra fast and your positions will close within a blink of an eye. It also allows you to close profit trades only or losing trades. You can also choose to close sell/short trades only or buy/long trades only. If your strategy include having many open and pending orders positions, this is a good EA to help you close your positions all at once with one click.
Trade Manager Pro MT5
Bryan Djoufack Nguessong
Dies ist ein Dienstprogramm, das Ihnen den Handel erleichtert, indem es zeitraubende Aufgaben wie Ordermanagement und Risikomanagement auf einen oder wenige Klicks reduziert. Funktionen Risiko-Management   Berechnet automatisch Lots, die auf dem Risiko basieren, das entweder in % oder in $ im Risikofeld angegeben wurde, und lässt Sie einfach Linien für SL, TP usw. eingeben und zeigt den Risiko-Ertrag in Echtzeit an. TrueRisk, so dass die Kommissionen bei der Berechnung der Losgröße nur bei
Fimathe Tool for Semi-Automatic Trading. This tool serves as a support for trading using the Fimathe strategy, the same one used by Trader Marcelo Ferreira in his negotiations. Features: Button to set/change Trend chosen by Trader. Adjustment of Buy Zone and Neutral Zone Level Lines. Adjustment of Sell Zone and Neutral Zone Level Lines Subcycle Levels, R1, R2, R3, R4 and S1, S2, S3, S4. Automatic Trailling Stop for previous level with each new (Subcycle) level reached. Trading stop at the
EA utility to help you with your Discipline for New Traders. When Balance Drop below set Daily Max Percentage Draw Down Balance. Any new trades open after the DD Threshold reached, Bot will close any new trades instantly and will keep canceling any pending orders placed as well until the Next Daily Candle is formed or EA is removed. Note: 1. Please Attached EA Utility before start trading for the day.  2. Set Timeframe before attaching EA utility to the chart. If timeframe changed after taking a
As traders, we all know that risk management is the most important aspect of profitable trading. So, we need to determine the lot size, every time we need to open a new trade. The FX lot size calculator is a simple tool that will help you to determine your lot size easily without using any third-party service but you will be able to do that by your MetaTrader terminal. LIMITED TIME OFFER: 30$ FOR 10 ACTIVATION. Inputs: Maximum_Risk_Prc: To determine your preferred risk%. For example, if your ris
Expert Advisor for Automatic Stop Loss and Take profit , calculated by Pips and cover all major pairs . you can activated the EA in your chart then place orders manually and the EA will be place TP and SL automatically for all opened orders , covered Buy market , Sell Market , Buy stop , Sell Stop , Buy limit , Sell limit . it is an easier tool that help you manage your order without effort . 10 Pips = 100 Points Pending orders SL and TP will be placed once order is activated . MT4 Version  : ht
This EA helps chart pattern traders to automate thier task of placing trades.  All you need to do is to draw your trend lines and name your trendlines to match the object name input in the EA.  The EA is safe to turn off anytime. The input parameters are as follows:   UpperBorderline : Upper border line of chart UpperEnteryLine: For entering trades UpperTPLine: Trendline for Take profit LowerBorder: Lower border line of chart LowerTPLine: Take profit line for lower trend line BorderChannel: F
Strategy description can be seen in the attached video( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzN1fEZmc40 ). This hedging strategy strictly follows what is presented in the video. The strategy works on any pair of forex, crypto, indices and other derivatives. Through the settings, you can customize the size of lots, add pairs for operation, and profit and loss points. The distance between sell and buy orders must be configured according to the number of decimal places of the pairs that will be tra
Risk Control Mgr
Stefano Frisetti
RISK CONTROL MANAGER Now You can have the same control over risk management as big trading rooms, institutional investors and hedge funds. Managing risk is a fundamental operation for your brokerage.  Choose your maximum desired risk exposure in percentage to Your account, set it on the RISK CONTROL MANAGER, the EA will check and make sure that You'll never exceed that. When You ignore the trading risk, and you leave your operations open, that potentially could lead to catastrophic trade expos
Slippage Calculator
BM Trading GmbH
5 (4)
Wenn Du Scalping-Strategien verwendest (oder irgendeine Strategie, die Stop-Orders zum Öffnen oder Schließen von Positionen verwendet), musst Du deine Slippage kennen. Slippage ist die Differenz zwischen dem Preis deiner Pending Order und dem Preis, den dein Broker zur Ausführung deiner Order verwenden. Dies kann sehr unterschiedlich sein und hängt sowohl vom Broker als auch von den Marktbedingungen (Nachrichten, Handelszeiten usw.) ab. Mit diesem kleinen Skript kannst Du die von Dir "bezahlte
Boleta de Operação que funciona para o Mercado B3 feita para Mini Indice e Mini Dollar com Cálculo de Risco e Retorno da Operação. Características e informações: Ao colocar o EA no gráfico inicialmente serão apresentados 1 painel e 3 linhas todos com informações a respeito de operações, saldo e cálculo que facilitam o Trader a ter um operacional mais seguro e menos arriscado. O intuito desta ferramenta é fornecer dados em tempo real para que o Trader (ANTES MESMO DE ABRIR A ORDEM) consiga obter
Manuel Marcel Simon
Gutes Money / Risikomanagement bedeutet mehr als nur Positionsgrößenberechnung, es ist viel mehr. Erfolgreiche Händler analysieren Ihre getätigten Handelsaktivitäten und behalten Ihre Kennzahlen im Blick. Mit Hilfe von AccountMan können Sie dies ebenfalls ganz bequem tun, analysieren Sie Ihre getätigten Handelsaktivitäten zum Zweck des professionellen Money / Risikomanagement. Werten Sie Ihren Handel nach Handelsymbol aus, um zu sehen ob der Handel insgesamt Profitabel mit diesen ist. Sie haben
This indicator like small script only attach on any chart. It will export All symbol name and property to CSV file. Location at MQL5/File/Data/ Format CSV Pattern like ["Symbol","Category","Sector","Industry","Description"] Example : "USDX","","Indexes","Undefined"","US Dollar Index" "Coffee","","Commodities","Commodities - Agricultural"","Coffee Cash Contract" "Airbnb_Inc_(ABNB.O)","","Communication Services","Internet Content & Information"","Airbnb Inc" "Akamai_Technologies_(AKAM.O)","","Tech
Auto Hedge MT5
Edilson Domingos
Eröffnen Sie eine Richtung für den Trade, dem der Markt zu folgen beabsichtigt, und einen Trade, der bei Ihrem Trade stattgefunden hat. Beispiel: eine Kaufoperation mit einem Lot von 0,01 zu einem Preis von 0,03 Punkten, ein Kauf mit einem Lot von 0,01 zu einem Preis von 0,01.0930, dann wird eine Verkaufsstopporder von 0,03 entschieden. eine neue Kauf-Stopp-Order wird mit einem Lot von 0,06 zu einem Preis von 1,0930 platziert. Parameter: Lautstärke -> Lautstärke der ersten Operation. Tak
Full Automated Trading panel . it works on any trading instruments: Forex, Stocks, Futures, Indices, CFD, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies; interface minimization function; flexibility of use; Join my channel and check video of it  ===> https://t.me/Ash_TheTrader/4986 Features :  Auto SL and TP Auto Close partial  Auto Trailing  Session Time Alert Time of trading Alert  Profit and Percentage  and etc. 
Account Load Info
Makarii Gubaydullin
Potential loss on all active and pending trades:  if SL levels will be reached (or the current floating loss if the SL level is not set) My   #1 Utility:  65+ features, including this indicator  |   Contact me  for any questions  |  MT4 version In the input settings   you can adjust: Calculateion method : account currency / pips / points / % of the balance Position on the chart:   bottom left / bottom right / top left / top right corner Font:   color, size and style Optionally you can include t
Stack Manager
Dragos Mihai Ofrim
Stack Manager is a MT5 utility that is built to help traders: manage existing stacked trades (multiple trades opened on the same symbol) copy SL / TP levels to newly opened trades update SL / TP levels for all stacked trades, if one SL or TP level is modified calculate and show global SL / TP in currency and points (for all open trades in a stack) SL / TP autocomplete from phone (if left on a VPS, traders can place orders on a phone and SL / TP levels will be copied from the existing trades) Id
Trailing Stop toolbox MQL5, better and friendly. Trailing Stop tool box using Moving Average, Parabolic SAR, Ichimoku Kijun-sen, trailing stop normal, trailing stop by candle, trailing stop by targets and trailing stop by lowest, highest candle numbers.  Manage orders by currency pairs and comments, trailing one or many orders at same time. Mql4 versition: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68181 Workflow: Set your comment, profit, stoploss, lotsize, t imeframes and chose indicator for begi
Market watch pro
Makarii Gubaydullin
Monitor your favorite Symbols My   #1 Utility:  includes 65+ functions, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions This tool opens in a separate window: it can be moved (drag anywhere), and minimized [v]. You can adjust the Watchlist on the panel: Click [edit list] to add / remove the Symbols from the Watchlist. Calculated value: it may either be the last [closed bar], or the current [floating bar]. Select the [timeframe] for calculation. There are 2 types of the value sorti
Trade Dashboard MT5
Fatemeh Ameri
4.97 (66)
Tired of complex order placement and manual calculations? Trade Dashboard is your solution. With its user-friendly interface, placing orders becomes effortless, by a single click, you can open trades, set stop loss and take profit levels, manage trade lot size, and calculate risk to reward ratios, allowing you to only focus on your strategy. Say goodbye to manual calculations and streamline your trading experience with Trade Dashboard. Download  Demo Version  right now. You can find  Details of
5 EMA Scalping Strategy Multi Symbol Scanner This EA utility will scan all symbols which are selected in marketwatch and alert when such condition is formed in chart when Candle low is above EMA 5 for Sell alert and Candle high is lower from EMA5 so you can be ready before selling or buying for scalping purpose on 5min chart For more details watch attached video Logic : When a candle closes above 5 EMA in 5 mins chart, Wait for its low to break and Sell when low is broken by wick, Your SL shou
Iketut Sudiasa
This EA is designed to calculate and draw Pivot Point, Support and Resistance for your selected time frame on the chart. Works on all currency pair and on any time frames available on MT5. To make sure the EA works, you need to select the pivot time frame as well as the candle shift that you want to calculate the pivot. 0 = Current candle on chart 1 = Previous 1 candle on the chart
OnBoard stats MT5
Fabio Cavalloni
5 (4)
OnBoard stats is a panel that show in a single view a lot of usefull information about working orders and trading account. It has 4 different sub-panels (from left to right): Symbols order statistics : it can be found symbols for which there are orders (market or pendings). Symbol with pendings are colored with "Pendings color". Clicking on a specific symbol row, chart will be changed to that symbol. Current symbol statistics : informations about the "current" symbol, the one which is opened in
Jedes Mal, wenn der Trader einen Trade eröffnet, muss er den Gewinn und das Risiko des von ihm getätigten Trades kennen, damit er das Risiko und die Gewinnchance bestimmen kann, die er erhält. Die manuelle Bestimmung dieser Berechnung kann ziemlich mühsam sein, insbesondere wenn es um viele offene Trades geht. Das Trading Panel Katana ist ein Dienstprogramm, das Händlern wirklich hilft, diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Das Öffnen eines Marktes oder eines schwebenden Handels, das Bestimmen von
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The utility for manual trading to manage open positions.The built-in trailing stop has three modes and seven instruments: by pips, by bar extremes, by fractals, by volumes, by MA, by Parabolic SAR and by ATR. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the EA works in the strategy tester. Guide to UTrailingMiniMT5 can be found in the "Comments" section. Benefits 3 trailing stop modes: normal, total and mobile stop loss; 7 options: by points, by bar extremes, by fractals, b
Utility / EA to simplify the exit from the drawdown. Allows you to gradually exit the drawdown correctly, reducing the volume of losing trades. At the same time, profitable trades opened on the same symbol cover losing trades in whole or in part. The volume of partial closing of a losing trade is calculated automatically. Trades opened both in one direction and in the opposite direction are supported. Position Management Closing positions only for purchase, only for sale, only profitable, only
Trade Copier for MT5
Volodymyr Hrybachov
4.73 (15)
Das Programm ermöglicht Ihnen das einfache Kopieren von Transaktionen zwischen MetaTrader 4 (MT4) und MetaTrader 5 (MT5) in jede Richtung. Das Programm ist so konzipiert, dass es auf "Windows PC" und "Windows VPS" funktioniert. Jede Art von Kopie ist verfügbar MT4-MT4 MT5 - MT5 MT5-MT4 MT4-MT5 *The copier works only on forex and only with currency pairs *Für das Kopieren zwischen MT4- und MT5-Terminals sind zwei Versionen des Produkts Trade Copier for MT4 + Trade Copier for MT5 erforderlich. 
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT5   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT5. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
Deals printscreen
Aleksandr Seredin
Deals printscreen ist ein Skript, das entworfen wurde, um das Speichern von Bildern mit Transaktionen auf dem Konto zu automatisieren, um sie weiter zu analysieren. Das Panel ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Zeit für die technische Arbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Suche nach Transaktionen in der Geschichte und dem Speichern von Dateien im Bildformat mit der Anzeige und Darstellung aller Operationsparameter erheblich zu reduzieren. Welche Aufgaben löst dieses Skript: Sie müssen nicht nach dem gewünsch
T Manager for Price action Traders
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
4.38 (8)
T Manager, the ultimate trade management solution designed by traders for traders. If you are searching for a simple and efficient trade panel, trade manager, or trade assistant, you are at the right place.   The market contains a diverse number of those tools , but this one is designed by traders for traders . I designed this tool, and I am using it daily. Take my advice and stop buying tools blended with un-useful features that you will never use,   T Manager provides you with the essential y
TradePad MT5
Tariq B Wijnants
Whosa TradePad for MetaTrader 5 Do you trade in MetaTrader 5? Calculating Pips yourself and calculating your risk yourself is a thing of the past with our Tradepad. With this Tradepad you can place your trade in MetaTrader in no time. This Tradepad is fully equipped. Automatically calculates your risk which you can enter in percentages and amount of dollars. Check the video to see all the features! (The video is in Dutch, but you can see the features) This TradePad only works with a new password
Step trailing stop
Evgenii Zhivogliadov
5 (1)
Schritt für Schritt „Trailing Stop“ Mit dem Dienstprogramm können Sie den Schritt zum Verschieben des "Stop Loss" nach dem Preis festlegen, wenn Sie das Tool "Trailing Stop" verwenden. Im Gegensatz zum „normalen“ „Trailing Stop“, der im „MetaTrader“-Terminal verfügbar ist und mit dem Sie die „Stop Loss“-Bewegung in Schritten von 1 Pip einstellen können, ist dieser „Trailing Stop“ mit beliebigen Schritten konfiguriert. Mit dieser Einstellung können Sie vermeiden, Positionen während falscher Tren
Advanced Trade Simulator for MT5 It is an indicator you can attach to any chart and then buy and sell the given symbol virtually. No actual trading takes place.  You can attach it to multiple charts. Then you can buy multiple symbols. A more detailed description here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/750336 Features: - buy and sell immediately on the given time frame - market , limit and stop orders - generalized OCO, more than 2 orders can cancel each other. - OSO, one sends another.. - bu
Christian Opperskalski
TRAILINATOR  is a unique Solution to use different Trailing-Stop Variants and change your settings via Remotecontrol. You configure your Trailing-Stop for a specified Symbol only once. This setting will be used for all your Positions of the same Symbol. Currently we support these different Trailing-Stops: Standard : works like you use in Metatrader Terminal, starts trailing if your profit is greater than trailing stop Start after points : trailing stop will start after your defined points in p
Trailinator Pro
Christian Opperskalski
TRAILINATOR  is a unique Solution to use different Trailing-Stop Variants and change your Tradesetup via Remotecontrol. You configure your Tradesetup for a specified Symbol only once. This setting will be used for all your Positions of the same Symbol. Currently we support these Features: different Trailing-Stops: Standard: works like you use in Metatrader Terminal, starts trailing if your profit is greater than trailing stop Start after points: trailing stop will start after your defined poin
Yahoo Live Data Downloader
Giovanni Riccobene
5 (1)
Erhalte automatischen Zugriff auf Yahoo Finance-Daten und erstelle benutzerdefinierte Symbole in MetaTrader 5. Im Gegensatz zu Indikatoren oder Expert Advisors muss dieser Service nicht auf einem Chart ausgeführt werden. Er läuft im Hintergrund und aktualisiert ständig historische Daten von Märkten, die bei deinem Broker nicht verfügbar sind. Hauptmerkmale: Exklusive Marktdaten : Greife auf wichtige Instrumente wie VIX, DOLLARINDEX, T-Bond, SP500, NASDAQ100 und eine Vielzahl von ETFs wie Vanguar
Telegram Utility EA-Link zu jedem privaten/öffentlichen Bot und kann Ihnen dabei helfen: Schließen Sie alle Aufträge sofort per Befehl. Der Befehl ist mit Ihrem benutzerdefinierten Passwort verschlüsselt und nur Sie kennen es. Der Telegramm-Bot teilt Ihnen mit, wenn alle Aufträge geschlossen sind, und hält sogar alle anderen laufenden EAs in Ihrem MT5-Terminal an. Pausieren/Fortsetzen Sie alle anderen EAs, die im Terminal laufen, mit nur einem Klick! Exportieren Sie den Handelsbericht per Pips-
Dienstprogramm für automatisches Auftrags- und Risikomanagement. Ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Maximum aus den Gewinnen herauszuholen und Ihre Verluste zu begrenzen. Erstellt von einem praktizierenden Trader für Trader. Das Dienstprogramm ist einfach zu bedienen und funktioniert mit allen Marktaufträgen, die manuell von einem Händler oder mit Hilfe von Beratern eröffnet wurden. Kann Trades nach magischer Zahl filtern. Das Dienstprogramm kann mit einer beliebigen Anzahl von Aufträgen gleichzeitig arb
Danko DTC Panel
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Do not buy before seeing the Danko Trend Color product, as this panel is a way to view a summary of this indicator on various timeframes. The Danko DTC Panel utility allows you to look at the trend in up to 5 timeframes. When clicking on the timeframe texts, a new window will open with the indicator plotted on the screen so you can see the complete chart. The width of the panel, with the amount of candles you want to see, is customizable, see the images below. Ao clicar nos textos dos timeframe
Strangely enough, everyone seems to have their own idea of how you should measure support and resistance. Not every support and resistance zone is strong. The strongest support or resistance levels will more often than not be  with trend . What this means is, if we are in a bull trend, pullback levels to support will more often than not be ‘stronger‘ than resistance levels above. These expert advisors use several mathematical models and statistical models to determine the strongest support and r
With this script you can open or close multiple charts with just one click. Please follow the instructions below; Set your desired symbols in the market watch window. Open one chart. Attach the script to the chart In the input values just select the time frame of your chart. Set open chart value to true. Click ok. To close the charts follow step 3 and 7. In input values set open chart value to false and close chart value to true
Use this software to browse through all objects within the chart and look at them comfortably. Also, you can look at the list of global variables and search and delete them . The same you can do with charts and indicators. You can search in objects names and object descriptions to find the object you are interested in. This is definitely an improvement to what is available in Mt5. You type what you are interested in , then press Search button. You can move to next and previous search results. N
Ein einfaches Dienstprogramm zum Kopieren von Handelsvolumina von einem MT5- oder MT4-Konto auf ein anderes MT5-Konto. Sie können Positionen zwischen Netting- und Hedging-Konten in beliebiger Kombination kopieren. Standardmäßig werden Positionen kopiert, die von allen übereinstimmenden Symbolen mit demselben Volumen eröffnet wurden. Wenn die Symbolnamen unterschiedlich sind oder das Volumen der kopierten Positionen unterschiedlich sein soll oder nicht alle Positionen kopiert werden sollen, dann
Chart Watermark MT5 Premium
Henrique Freire Confessor
This utility tool shows the ticker symbol, timeframe, and description information as a watermark on the chart. Text resizes automatically according to chart size. It is useful to identify the correct chart when multiple charts are shown on the screen.  Premium version supports changing font name and color independently for symbol name and description,  and defining screen location for symbol placement.  See the demonstration video below! Symbol Name Inputs: Font Name: Specifies font used.  Needs
Close All and Change Take Profit and Stop Loss All Orders. Main Features     Ability to Close All Orders the Symbol you put this EA.     Ability to Change Take Profit to All Order.     Ability to Change Stop Loss to All Order.     Show Order count.     Show Average price with info and Horizontal Line.     Show lot open.     Show Price diff from average to price now     Show broken price with info and Horizontal Line.     Easy to use . How to use Close All (Symbol) PC : you can click on CloseAl
Size Calculator allow you to calculate the size you need for your position giving two parametres: the number of pips risked and the money risked, for example if you want to risk 20 USD on 200 pips, then you will need to input 200 in the case reserved for pips and 20 in the case reserved for risk, the size will appear in left top carner of the chart in your metatrader 4 platform,    Size Calculator  support the following symbols : EURUSD GBPUSD AUDUSD NZDUSD  GOLD WTI  EURJPY GBPJPY USDJPY AUDJP
Drawdown Limit EA Prop Firm trading MT5 If you found this EA, it's probably because you want to get a funded account with a prop firm, but you see a rule that most of traders fear : Maximum Daily Drawdown.  I've been through this problem myself as I'm a prop firm trader and I've made a bot to solve this rule, and you can get it to solve this problem too. How does it work ? When you first setup this EA, you need to input the initial deposit which corresponds to the size of your funded account.
Demo version of the Virtual SL TP Trailing product for testing all functions https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/75210 ВНИМАНИЕ: ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ДЕМО-СЧЕТОВ !!! Make Trailing Stop, Take Profit, Breakeven, Stop Loss levels invisible to the broker! HIDDEN MODE (STEALTH MODE)   Virtual Trailing Stop (Virtual Trailing Stop)   Virtual Take Profit (Virtual Take Profit)   Virtual Breakeven (Virtual Breakeven)   Virtual Stop Loss (Virtual Stop Loss)   Виртуальный 2-уровневый Трейлинг-стоп   Virtual Tr
Elan: Verbessern Sie Ihr Handelserlebnis auf MT5 und MT4 Möchten Sie Ihre Handelseffizienz steigern und Ihre Zeit auf MT5 oder MT4 optimal nutzen? Dann ist Elan genau das Richtige für Sie – ein leistungsstarker Handelsassistent, der darauf ausgelegt ist, Ihr Handelserlebnis zu optimieren und zu vereinfachen. Elan bietet ein umfassendes Set von Funktionen zur Unterstützung Ihrer Handelsbedürfnisse: Positionsmanagement : Verwalten Sie Ihre Positionen einfach mit visuellen Schließoptionen, die Ihn
Close by percentage MT5
Konstantin Kulikov
4.86 (7)
Hello friends. I wrote this utility specifically for use in my profile with a large number of Expert Advisors and sets ("Joint_profiles_from_grid_sets"   https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/747929 ). Now, in order to limit losses on the account, there is no need to change the "Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss" parameter on each chart. Just open   one   additional chart, attach this utility and set the desired percentage for closing all trades on the account. The utility has the following fu
The Scalp Master tool not only provides proper trade management but also helps a trader to build a proper psychology and discipline to gain consistent results in his trading. It offers  Max loss Limiter ( Risk per position ) and  RPT  limiter  (Risk per trade), Auto calculates Lot size,  CLOSE  multiple trades with single click.  Buy, Sell, Close with default Trend line and Horizontal line , Pips measuring tool, risk reward measuring tool and many other features. This tool offers to place quick
OneClick Screenshot MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Description : A utility to create and save screenshots automatically and send to a chat/group/channel on telegram. The saved/sent image file will include all objects that exist on the chart and also all indicators are displayed on the chart. Features: Save screenshot of chart including all objects, indicators, ... Send screenshots to a telegram chat/group/channel Wide range options to select when create screenshots Logo and text adding feature Inputs and How to setup the EA : Various option
Market Sessions Time
Juan Facundo Valdes
4.71 (17)
Zeigt die aktuelle Hauptmarktsitzung und die verbleibende Zeit bis zum Beginn der nächsten an. Märkte New York London Frankfurt Tokio Sidney 1 weitere Sitzung mit benutzerdefiniertem Namen, Öffnungs- und Schließzeit Uhrzeit GMT / UTC Lokal (vom Computer) Broker (Serverzeit) Die Standardzeit in den Einstellungen ist GMT. Nach dem Wechsel zur lokalen oder Broker-Zeit ist es erforderlich, die Öffnungs- und Schließzeiten jeder Sitzung basierend auf dem ausgewählten Zeittyp manuell anzupassen. Jede
Chart Watermark MT5
Henrique Freire Confessor
5 (4)
This utility tool shows the ticker symbol, timeframe, and description information as a watermark on the chart. Text resizes automatically according to chart size. It is useful to identify the correct chart when multiple charts are shown on the screen. Want more control over text apperance?  Check out our Chart Watermark MT5 Premium  utility. See the demonstration video below! Inputs: Font Size:  Initial font size for the ticker symbol and timeframe text (Default; 50).  Description text font size
LT Pointer Sync
Thiago Duarte
4.5 (6)
Pointer Sync is a pointer synchronizer between open charts. It makes the MT5 cross (activated by the middle mouse button) to be replicated on all open charts. In addition, it is possible to create horizontal lines (letter H) and vertical lines (letter V), very useful for studying. The appearance of the lines is customizable. Note: Synchronization is through the X and Y scale in pixels , not price and/or date. It is a simple and free utility. Enjoy! This is a free indicator, but it took hours to
Ivan Simonika
TDO is a free utility for optimizing the Trading Direction indicator. In addition to signals for trading, the indicator also has an information vector that fully provides all the statistical information on the operation of the indicator; this effect can be used to ensure that the indicator is automatically optimized. You just need to select the instrument and timeframe and specify the hourly interval in the utility settings and drop it on the chart chart. That's all, now we are waiting for the
Trailing Stop Prime
Nguyen Khac Diep
4.5 (2)
A trailing stop loss is   a type of day-trading order that lets you set a maximum value or percentage of loss you can incur on a trade . If the security price rises or falls in your favor, the stop price moves with it. If the security price rises or falls against you, the stop stays in place. With this version, you can run trailing stoploss with currencies (ex start when profit more 1$, trailing stop with 2$...)
Данный советник - это аналог TakeProfit и StopLoss, только невидимый брокеру и остальным участникам рынка. Удобная вещь для скальпирующих стратегий, использующих одинаковый StopLoss и  TakeProfit - один раз установил размер предполагаемых убытка и прибыли и далее остается только при соответствующем сигнале открыть позицию, а советник закроет ее сам при достижении установленных уровней.
This EA trails your stops based on percentage of current TP, for both manually and auto-opened trades.   You can edit the percentage value in the inputs. Trailing stop   is a more flexible variation of a normal exit order. T railing stop  is the practice of moving the stop-loss level closer to the current price when the price moves in your favor. Trailing the stop-loss allows traders to limit their losses and safeguard their positive trades. It is a very popular practice. This EA will manage you
AW Metatrader to Telegram MT5
AW Trading Software Limited
5 (1)
Ein automatisiertes System zum Senden von Benachrichtigungen, damit keiner Ihrer Abonnenten Ihre Handelsereignisse von Ihrem Handelsterminal verpasst. Ein Dienstprogramm, das Benachrichtigungen über alle Handelsvorgänge auf Ihrem Konto an den Telegramm-Messenger sendet. Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zum Verbinden des Dienstprogramms mit einem Kanal in Telegram ->   HIER   / MT4 ->   HIE Vorteile: Einfache Einrichtung und detaillierte Anweisungen, Möglichkeit anpassbare Screenshots zu senden, An
50% off. Original price: $375 Reward Multiplier is a semi-automatic trade manager based on pyramid trading that opens additional orders with the running profit of your trades to maximize return exponentially without increasing the risk. Unlike other similar EAs, this tool shows potential profit/loss and reward to risk ratio before even entering the first trade! Download Demo here  (starting lot is fixed at 0.01) Guide + tips here MT4 version   here You only open the first order. When your trade
Microlots Deriv
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
DERIV MICROLOTS Dieses Panel ersetzt das herkömmliche Panel, mit dem Sie Mikrolots eingeben können, wenn der Broker die Platzierung nicht zulässt, nur unter der Bedingung, dass der Broker den Volumenschritt weniger als das Mindestvolumen anbietet. Zum Beispiel: Wenn das Mindestvolumen 0,20 und der Schritt 0,01 beträgt und Sie 0,02 eingeben möchten, können Sie dies normalerweise nicht tun, aber dieses Tool kümmert sich um die Verwaltung des Versands der Order, sodass die offene Order beim ble
Signal Indicator to Expert MT5
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
Haben Sie einen Indikator, der Signale gibt, und Sie möchten ihn in Expert umwandeln? Mit diesem Experten können Sie es konvertieren, ohne Ihren Indikator neu programmieren oder anpassen zu müssen, Sie müssen nur die Schritte befolgen, um ihn richtig zu konfigurieren: 1) Der Indikator muss sich im Indikatorenordner befinden. 2) Sie müssen die vom Indikator bereitgestellten KAUF- und VERKAUFS-Puffer sorgfältig auswählen. 3) Wählen Sie aus, ob Sie alle Operationen übernehmen möchten oder nur
This Service, export the account Orders/History Orders/Deals/Position on each new change. It save at a common folder with path = <DATE>\\<Server Name>.<Login>.<DATE>.<filetype>.csv Each file type have an header You can use it to receive OMS changes and source SQL Servers outside metatrader with bash scripts or others tools, each time the file change you can read it and get new updates, it works using SharedRead option when opening/flock the file.
The AlgoKing Squawk Trendlines script will auto draw trendlines on your chart to use with trendline break and retest strategies. Simply drag the script onto your chart. Recommendation: Be sure all candle bars that you want to include in the trendline calculation are visible. Draw trend lines using multiple timeframes. Delete all lines that you do not want to use in your strategy. Benefits: Join the AlgoKing Lightning Bolt Expert Advisor support group:   https://www.mql5.com/en/messages/02E3BDCF
Mini Manager
Cassio Jose Da Silva Santos
The Mini Manager is an assistant for your day-to-day operations, focused on simplicity and practicality, it has the fundamental tools for a good day of operations in it you will find the following features: - Pre-set stop; -Automatic profit defined based on the risk-return ratio of your stop; - Three pre-configured batch sizes for faster operation; -Buy and sell buttons on the market; -Buy and sell stop buttons; -Button to cancel open orders; -Buttons for partial closing at 25%, 50% and total po
CalcLot MT5
Nikita Chernyshov
3 (1)
Version for MT5. Add to the 'Scripts' folder The script for calculating the lotage to comply with the pre-set risk. It can be used on any assets. Parameters: Risk - the amount of risk per transaction Execution mode : Limit (BuyLimit - Bid, SellLimit - Ask) - limit orders at the best prices Market (Buy - Ask, Sell - Bid) - market orders at the best prices. Magic - the individual number with which orders will be placed When the script is running on the chart, it is not recommended to switch time
Bionic Forex
Pablo Maruk Jaguanharo Carvalho Pinheiro
Bionic Forex - Humans and Robots for profit. Patience is the key. The strategies are based on: - Tendency - Momentum + High Volatility - Dawn Scalper + Support Resistence. Again, patience is the key. No bot is flawless, sometimes it will work seamlessly, sometimes it simply won't.  it's up to you manage its risk and make it a great friend to trade automatically with fantastic strategies. Best regards, Good luck., Pablo Maruk.
AKCAP Hotkey Tool
AK Capital Markets Limited
5 (2)
Special offer for the next 10 copies Are you tired of manually navigating through menus and inputting data every time you want to execute a trade or open an order on Meta Trader? Our hotkey tool is here to make your life easier and boost your trading efficiency. Our tool is natively coded for lightning-fast performance and comes loaded with all the features you could possibly want. From pending orders and OCO orders to trailing and multiple buckets, it has everything a scalper could need. And

Ist Ihnen bekannt, warum der MetaTrader Market die beste Plattform für den Verkauf von Handelsstrategien und technischer Indikatoren ist? Der Entwickler braucht sich nicht mit Werbung, Programmschutz und Abrechnung mit Kunden zu beschäftigen. Alles ist bereits erledigt.