Hello Traders! Version 3.0 of the script has been released!
What's new? Thanks to your suggestions I have inserted these changes to the tool: 1 - Data input are now date picker, it will be easier and faster to set the data export period; 2 - A message box will check that there is not a file with the same name in your folder; 3 - Error message to check that data insert are correct. If you like this product, take a look to the FULL INTERFACE! MT4 To Excel Interface
This script is a very usefu

Alert created to simplify trading by strategy, general trend, taking into account overbought and oversold zones. Indicators constantly monitor the trend, overbought and oversold zones, as well as volumes, and at the right time will give a signal to open positions. All that remains is just to wait for the alert and open a deal, wait for profit, and close the deal.

Convenient trading panel for quick trading. Suitable for any trading instrument.
Capabilities Data entry is possible both in the corresponding fields of the panel and in the properties of the utility; Implemented the ability to enable trailing stop (if 0 - it does not work); Buttons for quickly opening buy or sell trades; Buttons for closing buy and sell separately; Button to close all deals at the current price. Settings: Buy Lot - Trading lot for a buy deal; Sell Lot - Trading lot for a se

Expert Advisor to Automatically Trade Moving Averages price breakouts & retests . Complete trading solution with automated Entry , Take Profit , partial profit , Stoploss and also auto breakeven where SL is moved to Entry once tp1 / first target is reached ,
Moving averages are used to identify trends and confirm reversals , They are effective in all time frames . from 1 min scalping to 4hr or Daily charts swings , With MA Trade Panel EA we can automatically buy / sell when price breaks

WOLSELEY's Trading Panel - BASIC - - Feel free to contact me at instagram @walter_robos or whatsapp/telegram +5592981173937 View your history in a structured and detailed manner, with efficiency rate and profit rate separated by day, week, month and total, as well as asset details, server time and positions&orders in progress. This panel was created looking on HEDGE-type accounts, but it can be used on NETTING-type accounts without any problems. In the PREMIUM version of this Panel you have

Trade24 for MT4 Trade24 is arguably the most powerful expert advisor in manual trading. With our tool, open your orders in record time (50 times faster). This is why our users call it the "scalper tool". Key features of the panel
It works perfectly on all trading asset Trade24 calculate the exact lot size for your trade according to the stop loss size and your available account equity Trade24 has the ability to schedule your future trades with the "Scedulled" function Set Stop Loss

Telegram BrealOut Ichimoku Lite The Expert Advisor will help you forward all alert from MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel
Parameters Channel Name - Name of your channel Token - create bot on Telegram and get token. AlertonTelegram - true to activate AlertonMobile - true to activate AlertonEmail - true to activate Customize moku Setting (Pro Version) Customize Comment (Pro Version) Add Customizable Signal Name(Pro Version)
Important Note
- You must allow WebRequest and add the https://a

LIM_STOP_REPEATER Программа не открывает сделки сама. Она повторяет сделки открытые вручную. Программа повторяет закрытые по TP или SL ордера: Выставляет Limit ордер при закрытии по TP. Выставляет Stop ордер при закрытии по SL. Программа не имеет ограничений по количеству повторов сделок. В программе отсутствуют внешние параметры. Если сделку закрыть вручную, отменить отложенный ордер - программа не будет повторять эту сделку.

Technical confluence zones is a very popular tool for traders. This EA detects such zones by studying chart patterns, naked price levels, fib levels, SMA/EMA over multiple timeframes and more. The source data is loaded from Mytradingpet.com. To find out what are factored in when determining such zones, visit https://mytradingpet.com - a free service for all traders. The zones are color coded. Purple indicates the highest level of confluence.

Telegram BreakOut Ichimoku Telegram BrealOut Ichimoku PRO The Expert Advisor will help you forward all alert from MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel
Parameters Channel Name - Name of your channel Token - create bot on Telegram and get token. AlertonTelegram - true to activate AlertonMobile - true to activate AlertonEmail - true to activate Customize moku Setting (Pro Version) Customize Comment (Pro Version) Add Customizable Signal Name(Pro Version)

With this Expert Advisor you will never miss an indicator event, you will receive notifications on your mobile phone when the chart matches the conditions you have set.
Indicators in the Expert Advisor
Moving Average(MA) Bollinger Bands(Bands)
Stochastic Oscillator(Stochastic)
Relative Strength Index(RSI)
Before use the Expert Advisor
Install "MetaTrader 4" on your mobile phone. Enable Push Notifications in "MetaTrader 4" on your PC, go to menu bar Tools -> Options -> Notifica

CheatcodeFX Trade Manager
Your profit management companion. Especially perfect when you have a VPS or a dedicated machine setup. Apply it on the pairs that you care about and walk away. I personally applied it to the 28 main pairs that I often watch on a dedicated mini pc and do the trade execution on another device. With this supporting you in the background, trade with confidence know this will help move you to breakeven and take the best out of your trade. CheatcodeFX Trade Managers works on

跟单->方便快捷的界面交互,用户上手即用 ->>>> 推荐在windows电脑,或者VPS Windows上使用 特色功能: 多样化个性跟单设置: 1.对不同的信号源可以设置不同的手数模式 2.不同的信号源分别设置正向反向跟单 3.信号分别设置注释 4.是否根据合约手数校准手数 多样化个性跟单设置2: 1.对不同的品种可以设置不同的手数模式 2.不同的品种分别设置正向反向跟单 3.信号分别设置注释 4.是否根据合约手数校准手数
注释过滤,MAGIC过滤,信号手数过滤,本地品种过滤 净持仓模式(该模式下手数计算仅支持倍率) 工作时间设置 反向同步接收端的平仓 订单绑定功能:任意订单可以绑定到设置信号源订单上 (双击表格更改) 账户风险控制 基本功能: 跟单正常交互速度0.5s以下 自动检测信号源,并显示信号源账号列表 自动匹配品种,不同平台常用交易品种(后缀不同等特殊情况)95%自动匹配,基本无需手动设置,品种映射表可随意双击更改对应品种.(映射表具有快速搜索品种功能) 4种手数计算模式(1.倍率 2.固定手数 3.自适应资金风险 4.源账户资金比例风险) 特殊手数模式

MT5 版本 https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/56488
從 1 點設置虛擬追踪止損水平 設置真正的追踪止損水平 分別處理每個訂單(追踪止損水平分別放置在每個訂單上) 處理一籃子單向訂單(追踪止損水平對所有訂單設置通用,分別買入和賣出) 處理一籃子雙向訂單(追踪止損水平對所有訂單設置通用,一起買入和賣出) 對於測試和工作,您可以使用圖表上的按鈕。
TRAILING_STOP - 價格變動的點數; TRAILING_STEP - 每一步利潤增加的點數; BASKET - 一籃子訂單或每個訂單單獨; MULTIDIRECTIONAL - 雙向或單向訂單; 虛擬 - 真實或虛擬的止損和止盈; MAGIC_NUMBER - 訂單的幻數,如果 = -1,則它適用於所有訂單; ORDERS_COMME

Use this tool to plan your trades directly on your charts and get instant feedback on account risk, trade risk to reward and required position size. Plus, purchase LMBF Executor separately to easily convert planned trades into orders and manage them from your charts. Features include: Plan multiple trades for one or more symbols visually on your charts at one time, either on the same of different time frames. Use your mouse to drag levels to change entry, stop loss and take profit levels. See

**IMPORTANT** THIS TOOL REQUIRES YOU TO FIRST PURCHASE "Graphical Trade Planner" https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56702. Without it, this tool will do nothing of any use. -------------------------- Use "Graphical Trade Planner" to plan your trades directly on your charts and get instant feedback on account risk, trade risk to reward and required position size. Plus, purchase LMBF Executor separately to easily convert planned trades into orders and manage them from your charts. Features i

Every trader is watching over his account over and over.... trying to anlayse every system he or she has. With this tool you are able to export your complete history of every account
export withdrawls / deposits / rebates to a separate file
export account status with balance / equity / current drawdown
recalculate micro to standard lots / profits ...
export decimal by "." or ","
combine a series of Magic Numbers to one unique Magic Number
filter to ignore OrderComments.

Asa Manual Grid Buy Sell with UI is made for Grid trading when orders are placed above and below a set price, creating a grid of orders at incrementally increasing and decreasing prices.
Main Features Ability to set buy grid with 3 maximum orders. (200 in full version)
Ability to set sell grid with 3 maximum orders. (200 in full version)
Easy to use with simple interface. Have 2 mode of Take Profit and 1 for Stop Loss.
Real time information for the current open positions and calculate averag

Asa Manual Grid Buy Sell with UI is made for Grid trading when orders are placed above and below a set price, creating a grid of orders at incrementally increasing and decreasing prices.
Main Features Ability to set buy grid with 200 maximum orders. Ability to set sell grid with 200 maximum orders.
Easy to use with simple interface. Have 2 mode of Take Profit and 1 for Stop Loss.
Real time information for the current open positions and calculate average sum of order price. How to use

This Expert Advisor Give Us Notification on MT4 Mobile Aplication if CAndle break throught the kumo aka senkou span A/B You can put your ichimoku cloud setting at your desire How to Setup Notification please read this https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications
This is an Expert Advisor just put on Experts on your MT4

This Expert Advisor give you an alert to your Metatrader Mobile and on Metatrader Screen Chart You can put your Moving average setting You can freely add custom message to it. How to Setup Notification please read this https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications Input default on this Expert Advisor. You can change to it parameters. fastMAPeriode =3; slowMAPeriode =8; MAMethodType ="0=SMA 1=EMA 2=SMMA 3=LWMA"; fastMAMethod =1; slowMAMeth

Expert Advisor will manage all transactions you make using Expert Advisor, or manually from all platforms (Web Trade, MT4 Windows, MT4 Mac, MT4 Mobile phone) Multi Currency In one chart, the Tool will manage transactions of all currencies or according to the available list.
Currency Selection All Transactions of All Pairs Based on the Pairs List
Auto Manage, with setup parameters on one chart Auto Close Profit Average Auto Close Profit only Auto SL / TP Auto Trailing
Button Function to : Clos

For all those traders who trade multiple positions , both long and short, in the one (or many) financial instruments, including grid trading, cost averaging, hedging, martingale, etc , by dragging it on to any chart from the navigator, this free and easy to use interactive panel utility will offer you the following benefits:
1. Live up to date visual data:
a. Shows live up to date details of all positions, both long and short, you have open in the particular financial instrument of the chart

The Multiple Order Opener does Exactly what it says. It can open any number of orders of any type with just one click. (Sell, Buy, Sell Limit, Sell Stop, Buy Limit, Buy Stop). You only have to specify the number of orders you want to open, specify your lot size for the orders, take profit and stop loss pip points (optional), and just click once the button with the type of order/orders you want to open. It is simple as a click.
Note : Unfortunately the 'try demo' does not work fo

风险交易面板是为手动交易而设计的. 这是发送订单的另一种方式。
面板的第一个特点是使用控制线方便地下订单。 第二个特征是在存在止损线的情况下计算给定风险的交易量。
您不应该多次按下发送订单按钮。 一次就够了。 下单后,按钮将呈现"未按下"状态。
要发送带有风险计算的订单,需要设置止损线并在交易面板的"风险"字段中设置风险。 否则,订单将以当前交易工具的最低手数放置。
风险是从账户余额计算出来的. 由于经纪商对保证金交易细节的限制,不可能承担100%的风险。

MT5 版本 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56486
設置虛擬止損並從 1 點獲利 真正的止損和止盈 分別處理每個訂單(止損和止盈分別放置在每個訂單上) 處理一籃子單向訂單(止損和止盈對所有訂單設置通用,分別買入和賣出) 處理一籃子多向訂單(止損和止盈對所有訂單設置通用,一起買入和賣出) 對於測試和工作,您可以使用圖表上的按鈕。
STOPLOSS - 以點為單位的止損; TAKEPROFIT - 以點為單位的獲利; BASKET - 一籃子訂單或每個訂單單獨; MULTIDIRECTIONAL - 雙向或單向訂單; 虛擬 - 真實或虛擬的止損和止盈; MAGIC_NUMBER - 訂單的幻數,如果 = -1,則它適用於所有訂單; ORDERS_COMMENT - 對交易的評論;

腳本關閉獲利超過5點的所有頭寸。 檢查所有對的所有未平倉頭寸(您可以在任何圖表上運行它)。 終端必須啟用“算法交易”模式。
該腳本不會替換尾隨止損或顧問。 腳本在啟動時會檢查所有未完成的交易,並關閉符合條件的交易(利潤超過5個點)。

該腳本以1個止損和5個不同的獲利打開5個賣單。 並下達4個限價單(賣出)。 默認設置以下參數: 所有未結訂單的止損-120點 獲利1張(0.1手)-30點 獲利其他4個訂單(每手0.04)-50、90、140、200點。
限價單的止損價比當前價格(下訂單時)高135-140點。 每個限價單的距離為20點。 帶有微型mart的批次大小-0.04、0.05、0.06、0.08。
對於限價單,將在2天后設置自動刪除。 您可以使用該顧問來支持未平倉合約https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56277
您可以在啟動之前使用自己的參數或帶有用於設置參數的窗口來訂購腳本。 就個人而言,我發現在沒有參數確認窗口的情況下運行腳本很方便。

該腳本打開了5個定單(買入),其中有1個止損和5個不同的獲利。 並下達4個限價單(買入)。 默認設置以下參數: 所有未結訂單的止損-120點 獲利1張(0.1手)-30點 獲利其他4個訂單(每手0.04)-50、90、140、200點。
限價單的止損價比當前價格(下訂單時)高135-140點。 每個限價單的距離為20點。 帶有微型mart的批次大小-0.04、0.05、0.06、0.08。
對於限價單,將在2天后設置自動刪除。 您可以使用該顧問來支持未平倉合約https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56277
您可以在啟動之前使用自己的參數或帶有用於設置參數的窗口來訂購腳本。 就個人而言,我發現在沒有參數確認窗口的情況下運行腳本很方便。

Detailed statistics of your trading for the selected period My #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions | Contact me if you have any questions Statistics display modes: For the selected currency pair/trading instrument Statistics for all trades (" ALL ")
You can select the period for which you want to get statistics: 1 day 1 week 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years All trading history
Displayed information: Gross profit Gross loss Total profit/loss Number of trades

The EA monitors positions for selected pairs, sets a break-even level and moves a trailing stop. When the trade is "n" points of profit (parameter dist_BEP), the stop loss is moved to the break-even point (the level of the trade opening price) plus the specified distance in points (parameter BEP) The EA checks all available (or filtered) trades for break-even and moves stop-loss levels if necessary. The EA also checks all available (or filtered) trades for trailing stop conditions and, if neces

The script closes all positions for which the profit is more than 5 pips. Works only on an open pair (on an open chart).
The terminal must have the "Algo trading" mode enabled.
Effective if there are many open positions that need to be closed quickly.
The script does not replace trailing stop or advisor. The script checks all open deals and closes those that meet the condition (profit is more than 5 pips) once at the time of launch.
For the subsequent closing of new profitable positions, y

Market information and detailed statistics: analysis of volatility and price bars. My #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions | Contact me if you have any questions Specify any currency pair/trading instrument to get information: Market information:
Current spread; Swap for long positions (buys); Swap for short positions (sells);
Select a time frame and number of periods to analyze price changes: Average volatility; Maximum volatility; Minimum volatility; Maximum price; Minimum price; Number

For the trader, trading sessions represent a clear time frame for increasing market volatility. The Trend Session indicator of trading sessions is a tool that will undoubtedly be useful not only for novice traders, but also for experienced traders. If you're looking for a simple indicator of Forex trading sessions, you've come to the right place. This indicator draws vertical bars that indicate the start and end times of the main trading sessions.

MagicExcel will allow you to extrapolate, from your trades, reports split down by Expert Advisor. The generated reports allow you to quickly compare statistics of trades data from different Expert Advisors, different symbols and also the behavior of an Expert Advisor against different symbols. Additionally, if selected, a report will be created that shows the behavior of the Expert Advisor over time. This is a very useful tool for a trader who works with many Expert Advisors at the same time. R

This utility sends notification to trader’s MT4 (for MT5 version, checkout this link ) mobile app, to remind traders about their open positions. Super useful for part time traders to keep track and not forget any positions. To turn on notification, please visit this link (https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications) Features Keep track on open orders (pending orders, running orders) Customize time to send notification Customize notification interval (send ev

AW Workpad 是专为手动和半自动交易而设计的多功能交易控制面板。它允许您管理挂单、市场头寸,提供范围广泛的统计数据,以及一组经典指标的多周期分析。 该实用程序由五个选项卡表示: POSITIONS, PENDING, CLOSE, INDICATORS, INFO。每个选项卡都有自己的一组功能,用于处理订单或有关当前市场情况的信息。 MT5版本-> 这里 / 解决问题 -> 这里 特点或优点: 该实用程序适用于所有时间范围和任何符号(货币、指数、石油、金属、股票)。 每个面板的所有元素都有额外的标签,可以看到它只是悬停在任何元素上。 AW Workpad 交易面板具有灵活的设置和直观的面板界面。 您最需要的所有功能都在一个产品中。 交易面板选项卡: . 头寸 - 此选项卡允许您处理和维护市场订单。 打开买入和卖出订单,以及更改这些订单的数量。 为整个订单网络设置和更改止损和获利值。 更改图表上各个头寸的止损和获利值。 一键锁仓,为订单设置盈亏平衡。 尾随调整和改变尾随步骤,反转所有订单。 关闭买入或卖出订单或关闭所有订单。 有关余额、净值、自由资金、提款、点差等的

Universal trading advisor "WOz" with a built-in trading panel
The EA's capabilities can be easily tested in the strategy tester in visual mode.
The EA can simulate real trading with the ability to move the SL and TP levels.
The EA has 5 modes of operation:
1. AUTOTRADING automatic trading mode on a set signal
2. ONLY SIGNAL mode of tracking the set signal without auto trading
3. RANGE MODUS mode of automatic placement of equidistant orders on Bayi Sell at a specified time

Protect your EA from unauthorized use. With EA Locker you can generate individual licenses for your EA to your customers.
Product blog page You can download MT5 version here
Protection consists of three parts: 1. Your Unique EA identifier 2. User Identifier 3. Expiration date
Description of parts: 1. EA ID is your internal EA identifier. Itcan be the short name of the EA. (MyGridEA, TradeCopierEA...) 2. User identifier can be anything user specific data (Mt4 account number, Account number + U

PSI Close by Hedge script closes out balanced trades. It is much more easier and cost efficient to use hedges (limit order by the One Click Trading) to partially exit at better prices. As you get filled and control you break even price and net position with PSI Average Price the script will close the positions from oldest to newest. It also prints valuable information in the Expert tab about the overall position before and after the script. You can chose to cancel automatically any remaining

Recommended Broker and Utility Capabilities For optimal use of this utility, it is advisable to choose a broker like RoboForex or a similar one that offers fast order execution and low spreads. Utility Description: The purpose of this utility is to manage market orders, including opening new trades and optimizing losing positions using an internal algorithm. The utility incorporates trend filtering and various types of trailing stops and take profits, making it versatile for trading any instrum

PSI SL/TP script adds preset Stop Loss or Take Profit levels on all naked positions with just one click. It is easier then to modify and drag the levels with the One Click Trading. Additional settings and warnings especially if you put too tight Stop Loss in comparison to the spread. Check out also the Position Smart Indicator - a powerful Money Management tool (and much more) both useful for Price Action and Algo traders . NEW check the FULL Version Including the private ICT tools limited

PSI SL/TP script (defaulted to points and Print MSG) adds preset Stop Loss or Take Profit levels on all naked positions with just one click. It is easier then to modify and drag the levels with the One Click Trading. Additional settings and warnings especially if you put too tight Stop Loss in comparison to the spread. Check out also the Position Smart Indicator - a powerful Money Management tool (and much more) both useful for Price Action and Algo traders . NEW check the FULL Version Incl

PSI Cancel Pending script deletes pending positions. Check out also other free PSI scripts and indicators like adding Stop Loss , Take Profit Levels , closing Hedged Orders , Average Price , etc. Check out also the Position Smart Indicator - a powerful Money Management tool (and much more) both useful for Price Action and Algo traders . NEW check the FULL Version Including the private ICT tools limited so far until the release of the full 2016 Mentorship Core Content to the public. It has

This utility allows you to easily close positions.
You can close buy or sell positions by clicking each buttons. And also you can close whole positions by clicking one buttons.
This is advanced tool of "ClosePanelA". This panel would be placed left bottom corner of the chart. To get upgraded version, please visit https://github.com/johanfriso87/profile
Important: -Check allow live trading. -Enable Auto Trade trading.

This is an Ea to help trader to fix his objectif in a day before trade. The Idea behind this EA is: This ea is for the postion management The trader should provide the number of trade he would like to take in a day As soon as his take a trade , this number dicrement when taking a trade the ea use this number and the number of volume to calculate tp and sl and place it on the market When the number come to 0 , the ea provide a message to the trader to stop trade for this day

This utility allows you to easily close positions.
You can close buy or sell positions by clicking each buttons. And also you can close whole positions by clicking one buttons.
This panel would be placed left bottom corner of the chart.
If the users want to change the placement and functions contact me.
Important: -Check allow live trading. -Enable Auto Trade trading.

这是用户指南: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/730567
您可以在此处使用我的任何其他产品尝试此 EA: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/bermaui314/seller
重要功能 EA 具有止损机制,以保护交易资金免受意外结果的影响。
您可以交易任何 MT4 符号,例如 EURUSD - XAUUSD - 石油 - 比特币。
您可以交易任何 MT4 时间范围。
我建议从 VPS 运行 EA。
1) 资金管理设置
开始批量。 建议使用默认设置为每 500 美元 0.01,杠杆为 1:400 或更多。
批次指数。 下一个订单的乘法大小。例如,如果起始手数为 0.01,手数指数为 2,则网格的手数大小将如下所示:0.01 – 0.02 – 0.04 – 0.08...等。
以点数获利。 盈亏平衡后的利润距离以点为单

Time Closer 可以幫助您在指定的時間“每天”關閉所有未平倉單。
主要適用於不想持單過夜, 不想持單在 不同交易時段 , 不想持單在 特定時間內 。
用法 1. 下載並拖動 Time Closer 在圖表上 (圖表符號應與您希望平倉的圖表符號相同) 2. 選中“允許自動交易”為“開” 3. 設定參數
輸入參數 Turnon True - 啟動 Time Closer False - 關閉 Time Closer Close All Open Position Time (Server Time) - 設定指定時間 (交易商平台伺服器時間) , 在 指定時間把 所有未平倉單平倉
Time Closer can help you closing all the open position at the specified time "Everyday". Mainly for Day trader that don't want to hold position overnight, or over different sessi

With this tool you can easily draw lines on the chart and the trade is done easily. The steps are as follows: First: Draw the buy and sell lines on the chart. Second: Draw the profit and loss lines on the chart. Third: Specify the volume of the transaction you want to trade. Fourth: Activate the lines. Warning When moving lines, be careful not to make a wrong trade.
Expert easily trades you. This is a DEMO version and can only be used on EURUSD . You can check the final version below: https://w

With this tool you can easily draw lines on the chart and the trade is done easily. The steps are as follows: First: Draw the buy and sell lines on the chart. Second: Draw the profit and loss lines on the chart. Third: Specify the volume of the transaction you want to trade. Fourth: Activate the lines. Warning When moving lines, be careful not to make a wrong trade.
Expert easily trades you. You can check out the ٍِDEMO version below : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/55493

This utility allows you to easily close profit or loss positions.
You can close profit or loss positions by clicking each buttons. If profit or loss positions reaches or exceed value specified as pips, they would be closed.
This panel would be placed left bottom corner of the chart. If the users want to change the placement and functions contact me.
Important : -Check allow live trading. -Enable Auto Trade trading.

MultiStopOrder Tis Script will help us to put multiple stop order with single one click. This is a script not an EA Will place BUYSTOP and SELLSTOP with single click
Main Feature 1. Put Multiple Stop Order 2. Specify how much stop orders will make 3. Set distance from current price 4. Set distance for each stop order 5. Set Take Profit dan Stop Loss 6. Use it on MT4 7. Set lot size with minmum 0.01 lots 8. Use with single one clicks

The arkdc module derives its name from the Ark data collector statement. The main purpose of this module is to instantly save incoming tick data to a csv file. How does this csv file differ from any ready-made csv file found in metatrader or imported from other sites? The data obtained with this module is each tick data that comes to the metatrader program. A lot of tick data can come in per second.But does the module only record tick data raw? The arkdc module saves not only incoming tick data,

使用按键和通知进行绘图 该产品将对那些专业交易者感兴趣。更准确地说,他们在交易算法中使用干净的图表(没有指标或指标数量最少的图表)。 使用热键,可以在活动图表上创建具有不同绘图样式和不同颜色的图形对象。您可以更改图形的格式样式。 您可以选择默认的图形样式,或在顾问程序属性选择窗口中进行设置。转到图形,在创建图形对象时,会自动选择颜色,线条类型和线条粗细。图形对象的绘图样式将取决于执行绘图的当前时间范围。 请观看视频,我将尝试展示其基本功能。
键盘快捷键 键0-从所有对象上移开焦点 键1-创建一个“水平线”对象 键2-创建一个“矩形”对象 键3-创建一个“趋势线”对象 键\-从图表中删除各种对象 键]-删除“”类型的对象 键[-删除“矩形”类型的对象 键\-从图表中删除所有图形对象(仅绘制) 按键q-o-更改当前时间范围
创建水平线和趋势线 视频说明中提供了一个示例。 创建一个矩形 其他设置: -为将来自动扩展矩形; -当价格越过矩形的内部边界时,更改矩形的颜色; -选择的能力-是否用颜色填充矩形。 通知设置 通知类型: -Telegram-将通知发送到您先前在Telegram中创

Alerts to Telegram The utility sends Alerts of all your indicators or advisers to a telegram channel (group or personal message). Benefits:
1. There is no need to be at the terminal waiting for an alert from your indicator or advisor; 2. Simple setup.
Currently works with terminal languages:
1.Russian; 2.English. If it is necessary to add your language please let me know. The utility works together with the AlertToFile indicator (put the indicator in the Indicators folder) Indicator: Alert

Using hotkeys, you can create graphic objects of different drawing styles and different colors on the active chart. You can change the formatting styles for graphics. You can choose default drawing styles, or set them in the advisor properties selection window. Going to the graph, when creating graphic objects, the color, line type and line thickness are selected automatically. Drawing styles for graphical objects will depend on the current timeframe where drawing will be performed. Please watch

Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the Momentum indicator and its signals.
With this panel you can: watch the current signal from Momentum on all timeframes; watch the current signal from Momentum for different symbols; watch the current Momentum value; several types of signals for analytics.
Values in a table cell: value of Momentum
Signal type: Momentum crosses "100" line Momentum upper/lower "100" line Momentum direction
Work option: all

The Visual Order Tracking (VOT) indicator makes trade history and performance metrics visible on the chart in three ways: 1) Draw History of closed and open trades with arrows, lines and trade result numbers (pips, $ profit, % profit, % change); 2) Summary Trade Panel to show open and closed trade summaries by symbol, lots, pips, profit and advanced stats; and 3) Open Trades Panel to show open trades by Symbol Ticket, Type, Lots, Profit, pips, SL pips, StopLoss, TakeProfit, Spread, Magic, Comme

The Visual Order Tracking (VOT) EA makes trade history and performance metrics visible on the chart in four ways: 1) Draw History of closed and open trades with arrows, lines and trade result numbers (pips, $ profit, % profit, % change); 2) Trade Manager to show Open, SL and TP levels as vivid horizontal lines with dynamic specs and partial closing options; 3) Summary Trade Panel to show sortable table of open and closed trade summaries by symbol, lots, pips, profit and advanced stats; and 4)

This Expert Advisor is to assist you on Impulse's Titan method.
The expert : * Placement of SL/PE and TP in automatic mode * Automatic order taking * Automatic calculation of the Lots according to your Money management * Automatic calculation of Fibonacci levels * Tracking and closing of orders automatically * Detection of signal cancellations * Manual customisation of the PE is possible * Manual pause possible in case of event
To make the best use of the Expert you should : * follow the Impu

The script analyzes the size of the extreme closed candles of the selected timeframe (by default - W1).
If the candlestick size is higher than in the settings, the script opens the chart of this trading instrument.
In addition, the script calculates the average candle size for the number of candles specified in the settings.
An example of using the script: On Monday morning, activate the script on any trading instrument; Determine which instrument's weekly candle is above average; This week,

Hello Guys! I want to share with you a very useful tools. Anyone of us who has used MT4 for some time knows how impractical this platform can be for discretionary trading. That's why I created this graphical interface! Interface is very simple, all the info that you need are in the video and in the screenshot.
NB: Before to run the EA Interface, remember to copy the file in the comment in your MT4 folder "Controls". PATH: .../MQL4/INCLUDE/CONTROLS
NB: unfortunately the interface can't be test

Note: This is EA only panel for manage Orders ------------------------- EA input inclde
- EA_Comment
The panel include - Lot size input for BUY and SELL button
- Close ALL SELL orders (same symbol)
- Close ALL BUY orders (same symbol)
- Close ALL orders (same symbol)
You can use on any pair and any time frame

Open trades knowing what your risk will be. The calculator returns the lot size for the MT4 desktop terminal and the units for mobile terminals.
It works on every instrument that your broker offers (forex, gold, commodities, etc.)
It can also be used to open market and pending orders with just one click.
This system adds an improvement to MT4's user interface.

This experts helps you with increasing your signal volume. Everytime the signal opens a trade, the experts creats a specific amount of copies of this trade. Evertime the signal closes a trade, the expert closes all the copies of the singal trade.
Input parameters: - amount_of_copies: The amount of copies the expert should create - interval_in_seconds: How often the expert should look for new orders to copy or closed orders, to close copies - lot_size_of_copies: The lot size of the new copies

This utility sends you Telegram messages about: open a new position (can be disabled) change the current position (Stop Loss / Take Profit) (can be disabled) close current position (can be disabled)
Symbol: all Symbols current Symbol
Directions of deals: buy and sell only buy (long) only sell (short)
Magic number: all magic numbers only for a specific magic
Type deals/orders: market deals (buy / sell) limit orders (buy limit / sell limit) stop orders (buy stop / sell stop) stop limit orders

Obaforex TrendLine Trader is a tool developed to improve trading with trend lines. This tool is highly functional and yet extremely simple and safe to use. Simply draw trendlines and make them active for trading by renaming them based on what purpose you want them to serve. buy (to open a long trade based on the named line) sell (to open a short trade based on the named line) buytp (to close a buy trade at a price higher than current market price) buysl (to close a buy trade at a price lower t

Customizable Fibonacci Lines Up to 9 Fibonacci levels Customize line color, line style and line width for each Fibonacci line Easily adjustable Fibo object is created in background so you can use with indicators and EAs How to use: Load the indicator to the chart and press "f" on keyboard and click anywhere on the chart to start drawing You can customize each line after its drawn as well as input window of the indicator

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