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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的EA交易和指标 - 188

icon EA交易自动执行市场交易,而指标可使您更准确地分析报价并预测价格行为。 通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GOLD (XAUUSD) H1 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GOLD (XAUUSD) H1 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has bee
DMAX pro
Danny Teoh Kok Keong
Atr Mtf Trend
Jalitha K Johny
The Average True Range (ATR) is a tool to measure volatility. ATR MTF (Multi Time Frame) indicator provides all timeframe trends helps to identify in which kind of volatility environment the market .This indicator can be used with any Trading Systems for additional confirmation of trading entries or exits. It is a very helpful tool to calculate Targets and Stops according the current market conditions.
The S & D Zones Reminder - Never miss a Zone you identified! If you trade Supply and Demand Zones and don’t want to spend time setting multiple alerts manually, simply use the S & D Reminder Indicator, which will ensure you never miss a trade. Steps to use: 1. Manually identify the zones using below colors: a) DBD Supply Zone – Gold b) RBD Supply Zone - LightCoral c) RBR Demand Zone - StealBlue d) DBR Demand Zone - SeaGreen 2. Add the indicator to a chosen chart, decide if you need phone aler
半自动交易面板,一键点击成交直接设置好止损与止盈,自动计算单量或者修改订单。下好单后仍可继续手动调整订单。 1 。交易时点击红色按钮为做空绿色按钮为做多, “ /K ” 即以前几根 K 线的最高点或者最低点为止损点。 “Buy1 , Buy2 , Buy3 , Buy4” 下方输入框为每单最大允许亏损值,四舍五入计算,点击 BUY 或者 SELL 即下单。 2 。绿色 “B-pips” 为多单买入进场,下方输入框为允许的亏损值,四舍五入计算, “*spread” 为入场价距离止损价的点差倍数,如 3*spread ,即为以当前价位进程,止损价为 3 倍点差,红色 S-pips 为空单进程按钮。 3 。绿色 “B-Modify” 为修改多单按钮,下方输入框以前 N 根 K 线为止损 K 线修改,默认 3 ,即前 3 根 K 线的最低点为止损价修改订单;红色 “S-Modify” 则为空单修改按钮。 4 。绿色 “B-even” 为修改多单止损价为入场价,即不允许订单止损为负值,点击修改订单时仅当实时价格大于入场点时才会修改。红色 “S-even” 为空单修改按钮。 5 。绿色 “trai
强弱货币对筛选指标,以此为辅助指标可以大大节省筛选时间,将精力放在交易上 1. 指标运行在主图窗口,当筛选出的货币颜色为绿色,表示牛市,颜色为红色表示熊市,颜色为白色,即未被选中,图表背景颜色如果为白色,未被筛选出的货币不可见 。 2. 主图周期对筛选没有影响,筛选周期取决于输入参数中的变量 “chartperiod” ,如  “chartperiod” 赋值 “240” ,即在所有 H4 图表中筛选强弱可以交易的货币,对应更多周期赋值为  “chartperiod=0” 当前周期,  “chartperiod=1”1 分钟图表,  “chartperiod=5”5 分钟图表, “chartperiod=15”15 分钟图表,  “chartperiod=30”30 分钟图表,  “chartperiod=60”1 小时图表,  “chartperiod=240”H4 图表,  “chartperiod=1440” 日线图表,  “chartperiod=10080” 周线图表,  “chartperiod=43200” 月线图表。 3. 输入参数中的货币名称可以随意根据平台的货币对名
Dragon with wings , is a fully automatic short - term trading system, this strategy will be in the night relatively calm market billing. The policy uses RSI and ATR conditional filtering. Firm offer signal: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/773012 Usage: Cycle M1 Currency pair :EURUSD.USDCAD To enable News Stop Trading, tick the "Allow WebRequest" option and add "http://ec.forexprostools.com", "http://www.worldtimeserver.com" to the list of URLs for WebRequest. To do this, open Tools > Options > E
RSI Alarm Osw MT4
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
RSI警报(对于Metatrader 4) 该指标的工作方式与普通RSI一样,具有所有设置(周期性,颜色,水平等), 但是,此外,可以在上限和下限设置警报(示例70和30),并且可以通过移动指示器上的上下线来调整这些级别。 您还可以激活和停用其他功能,当达到预期的较高或较低的RSI时,会在图表上显示一个箭头。 RSI警报(对于Metatrader 4) 该指标的工作方式与普通RSI一样,具有所有设置(周期性,颜色,水平等), 但是,此外,可以在上限和下限设置警报(示例70和30),并且可以通过移动指示器上的上下线来调整这些级别。 您还可以激活和停用其他功能,当达到预期的较高或较低的RSI时,会在图表上显示一个箭头。
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
THE SORS COMPLEXES (For Metatrader 4) This indicator is designed to draw the SORS lines on the graph, these are the modern way of calculating market points that it usually respects, they are comprised of supports and resistance, but unlike the classics, these are calculated from volatility endogenous and standard deviation, In the configuration you can change the color of each level linear and hide the ones that are not needed. A = Annual. M = Monthly. W = Weekly D = Daily.
Evgeniy Zhdan
Plodder stand-alone trading strategy works on the basis of a unique system for detecting increased market volatility. During periods of high impulse movements, as well as after false breakouts and price rollbacks before a strong movement, the EA starts working. The Expert Advisor has been successfully tested with 99% quality quotes, floating spreads and random ping since 2010. Support:   https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter Optimization of the advisor is not required. In the process,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First free version of this product is here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/46855?source=Site+Profile+Seller -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This product is an EA that can be used either to practice to educate yourself on Tester
在分析金融时间序列时,研究人员通常会初步假设价格是根据正常(高斯)定律分配的。这种方法是由于以下事实:可以使用正态分布来模拟大量实际过程。而且,该分布的参数的计算没有很大困难。 但是,当应用于金融市场时,正态分布并不总是起作用。金融工具的收益通常具有不同于正常形式的形式。太频繁和/或大的排放导致使用所谓的“重尾巴”分布。 在构建此指标时,我们将假设价格水平受拉普拉斯分布的影响。这种分布之间的主要区别在于,它允许更大范围的值。因此,拉普拉斯分布使模拟价格走势成为可能。此外,拉普拉斯分布是复合的,因此可以在不同条件下出现低值和高值的情况下使用。分布本身外观上与正常情况有很大差异。图的形状和位置取决于两个参数-b和m。 等级设定 拉普拉斯分布的主要优点是参数值范围大。因此,当使用正态分布时,大多数值都介于-3到+3之间。使用Laplace分布时,范围会扩展到–5 ... + 5。因此,可以更准确地对价格变化进行分类并做出更平衡的交易决策。表中显示了价格将在指定限制内​​的大概概率。 Range Probability,% Subrange Probability,% – 1…+1  
Unlimited take profit
Mr Yuttana Noiprathum
The function of this ea is to open both buy and sell simultaneously, If next order with matingale lot size And there's a clear order when it's dragged to reduce collection time. It can be left open forever through server rentals, no fear of news, no temptation to set a minimum investment of 10% of the capital to be safe. Run at time frame 1m. Suitable for a pair of gbpusd,eurousd A proper investment should be put to the test for the safety of the capital.
Triangular EA MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
1 (1)
Note: MT4 Backtest cannot test EAs that trades with several symbols simultaneously. For backtest use MT5 versions download here . Important : This is Arbitrage EA and may not work on all accounts. It is recommended to follow the testing process described on product screenshots. If you are not familiar with arbitrage trading, It is recommended to use our other trading robots . Strategy : EA will place trades based on Triangular Arbitrage strategy. Triangular arbitrage (also referred to
Divergence Osw Metatrader 4
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
分散OSW(對於Metatrader 4) 該指標適用於差異,並具有以下功能: 發生差異時生成警報。 通過根據逆波的投影波計算止損和止盈來創建線。 創建一個箭頭,指示市場的可能方向。 蠟燭結束時會發出指示器發出的信號。 交易者必須評估每個差異以進行輸入。 設定值: 激活和停用警報。 警報間隔。 隱藏TP和SL線。 隱藏市場方向箭頭。 買賣信號色。 (如果線條看起來不太好,請轉到另一種臨時性並返回相同的臨時性) 分散OSW(對於Metatrader 4) 該指標適用於差異,並具有以下功能: 發生差異時生成警報。 通過根據逆波的投影波計算止損和止盈來創建線。 創建一個箭頭,指示市場的可能方向。 蠟燭結束時會發出指示器發出的信號。 交易者必須評估每個差異以進行輸入。 設定值: 激活和停用警報。 警報間隔。 隱藏TP和SL線。 隱藏市場方向箭頭。 買賣信號色。 (如果線條看起來不太好,請轉到另一種臨時性並返回相同的臨時性)
具有图形界面的无指示器机器人。自动、半自动和手动交易。数十种设置选项——从保守的长期交易到激进的网格鞅。直观的界面,易于定制。 在测试者的视觉模式下完全可控。 智能追踪止损的距离和水平具有单独的参数,用于第一笔(最有利可图的)和后续交易。追踪距离随着利润的增长而动态增加。但是,如果运动停止,跟踪水平将 SL 提升到最小距离,这不包括趋势反转期间的利润损失。 回撤控制: - 同时关闭“盈利的下一个”交易和全部或部分关闭亏损交易。 目标价是固定的和浮动的(来自平均价格)。 信息界面不断显示货币对和账户的基本信息。一个按钮打开的界面显示完整的信息。还有 MM 计算器和计算器“符号波动率/价差”。 当结合盈利和不盈利头寸的 SL 时,可能的利润损失计算器始终可见。通过移动 SL,您可以设置在价格反转的情况下可能的利润损失的确切值。 机器人在自动交易模式下有效,但在半自动设备中,您可以获得十倍的结果。当然,如果您知道如何交易并有时间进行交易。 需要解释的传入参数 距离 放置第一个买卖订单的距离。网格步骤。下订单的步骤(高于最低买入,低于最高卖出) DrawdownStep 回撤级别 =
This Indicator uses Center of Gravity (COG) Indicator to find you the best trades. It is a reversal based Swing Indicator which contains an  Arrows Indicator. That you can buy here from Metatrader Market. Check out this blog post for detailed How to Use Guide and links to free scanner: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/758262 Scanner needs this arrows indicator in same directory to run Copy scanner ex4 in same folder as your Arrows Indicator: MQL4/Indicators/Market/ All extra indicators
PRICE Direction Predictor Indicator  (LOW BUY PRICE 4 Limited time)   This Indicator provides Buy/Sell Signal based on calculations on Higher frame (main Trend) and Lower frame(Entry signals) * You should select the higher and lower frame for indicator calculations * You select the Trend line colors as you prefer * Enable or disable Alerts! Trend lines UP/Down are drawn when a trend is detected Wait for small arrows for entry : *Normally an UP arrow in an UP Trend is a BUY signal : ---you Close
Fabrizio Pierantoni
I'mOnRange EA. This Expert Advisor analyzes the current trend of the reference pair through the last 'n' bars. If the price is within this range, depending on the input received from moving average, the pair is bought / sold. Two recovery techniques are included, one based on Martinale and one on Hedging which are activated automatically when there is a change in trend. Just enter the desired $ amount for each trade and the system tries to get it. This Ea can be used for all currency pairs, w
Aleksei Krasov
The EA uses an advanced strategy that was found and optimized through forward testing. Trading takes place in the overnight market when price action becomes more predictable. Therefore, it shows good results on several currency pairs over a long period of time. Robot doesn`t use dangerous trading methods such as martingale, grid or HFT. Usually, trades are closed more than one hundred points before reaching the stop loss or take profit, which the robot sets for each position to ensure trading sa
N Rally or Decline Reversal Finder
Thomas Christopher Johnson
Listed in his faous book "Trading chart patterns like the pros", Suri Duddrella outlines the N-bar rally and decline reversal pattern, which simply states that when stocks make a new high or new low, momentum players will push this stock down or up until eventually they run out of steam. This indicator will look back a certain number of bars to find a continuous uninterrupted rally or decline.  Once found, the pattern will look forwards to find the first bar that closes, within a certain range,
1. Money Printing Robot为趋势交易专家,请放到expert文件夹下面。 2. 请放在H4图表中运行效果最佳,周期越短效果越差。 3. 输入参数中的允许最大亏损为百分比,计算方式为可用保证金乘以百分比,每次交易单量大小取决于止损点大小,按照不同止损点计算单量大小,因此固定每次亏损值。 4.请用高质量数据测试,数据质量决定测试结果的准确性。 5. 每单在进场时就设置好止损,非网格交易。趋势专家,适合有趋势的市场,不适合经常震荡的行情,具体请下载测试。 6. BuyStopLossPercentage和SellStopLossPercentage默认为0.02,即2%。可以按照自己的风险承受能力自行设定。
Pro Indicator Trader is a professional trading tool with which you can automate/create a trading strategy using the 31 classical Metatrader 4 indicators.  An elegant and intuitive interface allows you to customize your strategy down to the smallest detail and choose whenever the EA should open a buy or sell position. For each entry-trade rule, you can use up to 14 different indicators. The EA is designed for professional traders, therefore it has many advanced functions. The EA records the orde
Candle Breakout EA is a trading tool for traders using the high and low breakout strategy of a previous candle. The EA waits till the price is higher than the previous candle's maximum or below the previous candle's minimum, and later opens a certain order (you can choose which type of order to open when the extremes are broken). This type of trading is well suited for classic strategies such as day trading on daily charts, breaking the morning candle on Monday, impulse trading, etc. The Expert
Signal trend indicator. Detects the direction of the trend and is coloured accordingly.  Has built in audible and visual alerts when trends change. Can send notifications to your phone or email. Allows Trend and Counter-Trend trading. Works on all timeframes, all currency pairs, metals, indices and cryptocurrencies. Can be used with binary options. Distinctive features No re-drawing; Simple and clear settings; Four types of alerts; Works on all timeframes and all trading tools; Su
Gemilang Scalping Pro
Anthonius Soruh
1 (1)
GemilangScalping Pro version is EA Scalping that works at certain moments, uses a small Stop Loss and SL so that it has a small DD. Be equipped : 1. News Filter , 2. Auto Lot MM 3. Balance Protection (% from Max Balance). 4. Target Profit 5. Turbo Trade (wooowww) 6. Broker Recomended Low Spread and Low Slippage 7. TimeFrame M1 only 8. My Lots standart 0.01 for Balance $10/ 1 pair Live Trading, Signal, Hisrory find here  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/915884 GemilangScalping Pro works well
A huge overhaul and improvement on the highly successful Three Line Strike Finder https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/60396?source=Site+Profile+Seller This fantastic tool will scan your selected timeframes, and display new three line strike patterns as they appear.  No more having to flip through different timeframes to check if a new three line strike pattern has emerged. The supported timeframes are, the current timeframe, 15 minute, 30 minute, 1 hour, 4 hour and Daily, all of which can be
RSI Levels
Navdeep Singh
RSI Levels generates buy and sell arrows based on RSI analysis. Signals are based on extreme levels breakouts and can be further filtered by a volatility metric. Trader can use the mode which compliments his/her trading style.  Features:- Parameters for signal optimization and alerts. Usage:-   RSI Levels can be used as a stand alone indicator with context or even be added to strategies to make confirmations more strong. Volatility based stop loss, take profit & position sizing can be very helpf
Trading Sesions MT4
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
COMMERCIAL SESSIONS This indicator shows in the selected graph divided by tables each of the sessions ASIA, JAPAN, LONDON, NEW YORK: Allows you to configure: Session Color  ASIA, JAPON, LONDRES, NEW YORK Hide and show each session It works in the lowest timeframes on the market, among which H4, H1, M15, M5 and M1 are recommended. (Don't forget to check out our other indicators)
自动支持和抵抗Osw MT4 该指标在选定资产的可能支撑点和阻力点绘制线。 它可以在多个时间范围内工作。 允许您配置: 线条的颜色。 线宽。 线的类型。 当指示器开始操作时,它会针对其工作的暂时性分析较高水平的支撑和阻力。 自动支持和抵抗Osw MT4 该指标在选定资产的可能支撑点和阻力点绘制线。 它可以在多个时间范围内工作。 允许您配置: 线条的颜色。 线宽。 线的类型。 当指示器开始操作时,它会针对其工作的暂时性分析较高水平的支撑和阻力。 自动支持和抵抗Osw MT4 该指标在选定资产的可能支撑点和阻力点绘制线。 它可以在多个时间范围内工作。 允许您配置: 线条的颜色。 线宽。 线的类型。 当指示器开始操作时,它会针对其工作的暂时性分析较高水平的支撑和阻力。
Pip Rider
Brenden Caleb Luebeck
Tired of looking at indicator cluttered charts? Are you a trend trader? I have just the solution for you. Trend Boss. This indicator allows you to choose some of the most popular trend identifiers such as CCI(Supertrend) or Ichimoku and pair them with some of the most popular entries such as Kijun/Tenkan cross or MACD zero cross. You can now keep your charts clean by hiding all those oscillators and moving averages. Only arrows will be displayed depending on your entry criteria. Trend filt
Zero Hunter EA在亚洲交易时段的第一个小时进行交易,获胜率非常高。确保按照说明设置参数: 在页面上按照以下信息设置EA参数的H_offset: https://www.goodib.com/zero-hunter/ 当图表左侧信息板上显示 H = 0 时,EA将进行交易。 H_offset :大多数交易商的交易时间是从星期一的00:00到星期五的23:59。如果您的交易商是这样的,请将H_offset设置为0。如果星期一的开始时间不是00:00,例如是星期日的22:00开盘的,请将此参数设置为22。 Start_Lots :Risk_Control关闭时每笔交易的固定手数。Risk_Control开启时将忽略此设置。 Risk_Control :资金管理开关。True为开启,False为关闭 Risk_Percentage :每笔交易的最大亏损百分比。 Symbol_NameEX :如果品种名称带有后缀,请在此处填写后缀。例如,如果名称为EURUSDb,请在此处填写“ b” Max_Spread :允许开仓的最大点差,当点差超过该参数时不会开仓。保持默认设置时系统
指標的使用極為簡單,而且不含未來函數。 指標的使用分為以下簡單的幾個部分: 1. 指標呈現藍色(上漲趨勢) -> 只能做多單 2. 指標呈現粉色(下跌趨勢) -> 只能做空單 3. 指標呈現白色(盤整區間) -> 只能觀望不做單 4. 價格在指標上方 ->   只能做多單 5.  價格在指標下方 ->   只能做空單 總結: 1.  指標呈現藍色(上漲趨勢) +   價格在指標上方->做多單 2.  指標呈現粉色(下跌趨勢) +   價格在 指標 下方 -> 做空單 3. 指標呈現白色(盤整區間) -> 觀望不做單 4. 制定好出場策略 5.  搭配您自己個人的交易模組,並且找到跟我們指標共振的方法去做單,可以讓您的勝率提高到80%-90% 需要觀看更多的操作方法以及我們研發指標的不同搭配作法,請看我的個人資料。 或是到我們的另一個產品"Souline Honma Wave"了解能夠提高更高勝率的做法。 如果有需要更多的指標或是EA信號協助,請在個人聯絡資料裡面聯繫以及留下聯繫方式,我們會盡快聯繫您。
本指標需要搭配 Souline Honma Surf 指標來做使用  , 來達到更高的勝率。 指標的使用極為簡單,而且不含未來函數。 Souline honma wave 指標的使用分為以下簡單幾個部分: 1. 指標呈現藍色(上漲趨勢) -> 只能做多單 2. 指標呈現粉色(下跌趨勢) -> 只能做空單 Souline Honma Surf 指標 的使用分為以下的幾個部分: 1. 指標呈現藍色(上漲趨勢) -> 只能做多單 2. 指標呈現粉色(下跌趨勢) -> 只能做空單 3. 指標呈現白色(盤整 區間 ) -> 只能觀望不做單 4. 價格在指標上方   ->   只能做多單 5.  價格在 指標 下方   ->   只能做空單 總結: 1.Souline Honma Surf 指標呈現藍色(上漲趨勢) + 本 指標呈現藍色(上漲趨勢) +  價格在Souline Honma Surf 指標上方->做多單 2.Souline Honma Surf 指標呈現粉色(下跌趨勢) + 本 指標呈現粉色(下跌趨勢) +  價格在Souline Honma Surf 指標下方->做空單
Eurusd h1 victor EA
Victor Alejandro Garcia Rodriguez
Robot EURUSD H1 VICTOR 1 Este Robot abre ordenes con alta presicion, cada promedio unas dos semanas, son entradas pocas pero altamente precisas.  Con un respectivo Stop loss y Take Profit. Abre solo de a una por vez.  El lotaje del robot va aumentando por cada 1000 dolares el automáticamente incrementa el lotaje lo que lo hace aun mas exitoso.  Sirve para Eurodolar en H1.  Queda el vídeo en youtube por si desean observar el backtesting: https://youtu.be/oBoO5O8s1F0 Y lo descargan en demo para
Chefs Super Trend Plus
Emmanuel Chukwudi Offor
Chefs Super Trend Plus advisor trades using the famous xsuper trend indicator. Its a trend following Expert Advisor and it executes trade when the trend changes, when breakout occurs, when correction happens and when pullback occurs. It implements many useful features like customizable trading sessions, multi-timeframe filters, Optional trend indicator filters like the CCI, Alligator and MACD. The unique thing about the Chefs Super Trend Plus is that it only moves in the direction of the trend
AppChain Co., Ltd.
Ash is EA for MT4 using RSI and Heiken-Ashi. UPDATED ver 1.6 ( Aplil.9 )    Added the original trail system. Not a scalping EA. good result spread : 0 ~ 16 pips 测量时间:15分钟(M15)2019.09.18 00:00-2021.01.20 23:45(2019.09.18-2021.01.21) 利润系数:1.35 净利润总额:211%(约1年) 推荐 该符号是EURUSD 每10,000美元(1,000,000日元)乘以1.0。 15分钟 如您所见,我们建议经纪人的点差尽可能缩小。 即使您手动平仓,也不会发生任何故障。 下一个版本 使用AI集成动量信号 尽管我没有经验,但我会尽力用中文进行查询。 如果您有任何意见或要求,请留言。我将其用作版本升级的参考。我们正在等待您的回复。 Goto Support Message   from here.
Forex Kiss
Olufemi Ogunremi
FOREX KISS is an indicator that picks out reversal/turning points , it is a combination of levels , clusters and volumes , works on all time frame and all instruments. While doing the paper works which took me 5 years, my aim was to build something that will give me consistent profit all over again while keeping it simple and stupid. My hope that this indicator will bring you confidence and precision.
EA based on monitoring the momentary change of the price compared to MA-12 and in case of non-specific deviation from the normal in a given direction. All results are only from TESTER. Past performance is no guarantee for the future! Recommended Leverage is 1:100 and 1:500 is even better GBPUSD 1 minute frame only Trading with other currency pairs is not recommended because it carries an increased risk ! Default Settings Sensitivity - 3 StopLoss - 80 points TrailingStop - 40 points At
Envelopes System
Szymon Palczynski
5 (1)
The Simple Envelopes forex trading strategy combines the popular envelopes indicator and two others(ATR, Trend indicator) to look for trade entry  in the direction of the major trend. What are Moving Average Envelopes? A moving average envelope consists of a   moving average and two other lines . One line is above the moving average and the other line is below the moving average. Together, these two lines form an upper and lower envelope. Entry example:  Upper Envelope: 14-day SMA + (14-day S
回归模型通过将一条线拟合到观察到的数据来描述变量之间的关系。线性回归模型使用直线,而逻辑回归和非线性回归模型使用曲线。回归允许您估计因变量如何随着自变量的变化而变化。 简单线性回归用于估计两个定量变量之间的关系。 该指标计算两个不同回归计算的差异以及该差异在选定时期内的移动平均值。 因此,它试图确定自变量价格的未来估计。 在我的实验中,我看到不同的时间框架更有效,不同的输入可以用于不同的工具。 您可以将两条线的交点和与零点相交的线都作为信号。 退出策略由您决定。 在我的实验中,我看到不同的时间框架更有效,不同的输入可以用于不同的工具。 您可以将两条线的交点和与零点相交的线都作为信号。 退出策略由您决定。 您可以将两条线的交点和与零点相交的线都作为信号。 退出策略由您决定。
Legends never die
Mr Yuttana Noiprathum
This type of EA operation will be reverse-order, reverse-engineered, there'll be an investment alley, and there'll be the longest-range cutting-off function we've set in order to reduce the speed of closing profits, we can direct the investment ourselves to the management, start-up tips, and play only one pair to reduce the risk of this gold is not destined for use.  Prior to launch, test settings and run tests before using real money.
This is the one and only chart pattern indicator you need in your MT4 arsenal to for detection, showcasing and alerting for the following well-known chart patterns: Bullish Flag Bearish Flag Bullish Pennant Bearish Pennant Bullish Cup With Handle Bearish Cup With Handle Bullish Ascending Triangle Bearish Descending Triangle Bullish Symmetrical Triangle Bearish Symmetrical Triangle Bullish Measured Move Up Bearish Measured Move Down Bullish Ascending Scallop Bearish Descending Scallop Bullish 3
Trend formation channel is a set of lines. The two central lines of the indicator represent moving averages of the specified type and period, they also form a small channel. The large channel is formed - the central lines of the indicator plus / minus the standard deviation estimate, multiplied by the coefficient selected by the user. The basic rule for plotting is that about 5% of prices should be outside these lines, and 95% - inside. If the price crosses the upper or lower line too often, th
Niravkumar Maganbhai Patel
We are an analytics company that believe in solving complicated problems with simple solutions using data.   To minimize the complexities of trading, we have created a range of trading advisory products from the essence of our proprietary STAR System to enhance trading aptitude and to guide users into becoming  proficient traders.  Our innovative products capitalizes on 3 core functions – Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Technical Expertise and it is with this core, we reshape the world
Vik Multi Bee
Ivan Kopchuk
The Multicurrency fully automated trading system Vik Multi Bee. On average, the advisor trades once a day. Very simple installation with only two important settings: 1. Selection of the language for the information panel 2. Magic number No martingale, grids, stop loss (sl), and take profit (tp) are used, only virtual trade management. Candlestick analysis is used for trade entry. ATTENTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TEST THE ADVISOR ON A TESTER; IT WILL NOT WORK BECAUSE IT IS DESIGNED FOR MUL
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GBPUSD H1 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GBPUSD H1 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backteste
Профессиональная экспертная система Defender Deposit разработанная для анализа рынков   на основе  индикатора  Parabolic SAR. На "бычьем тренде" индикатор располагается ниже цен, на "медвежьем тренде" — выше. Если цена пересекает линии Parabolic SAR, то происходит разворот индикатора, а следующие его значения располагаются по другую сторону от цены. При этом "перевороте" индикатора точкой отсчета будет служить максимальная или минимальная цена за предыдущий период. Переворот индикатора — это сиг
Winshots ADX Trend
Pawel Michalowski
5 (1)
朝着强劲趋势方向交易可以降低风险并增加潜在利润。通常,平均方向指数(ADX)用于确定价格何时出现强劲趋势。在许多情况下,它是最终的趋势指标!毕竟,这种趋势可能是您的朋友,但这肯定有助于了解您的朋友是谁。 ADX用于量化趋势强度。 ADX的计算基于给定时间内价格范围扩展的移动平均值。尽管可以使用其他时间段,但是默认设置为14条。 ADX可用于任何交易工具,例如外汇对,股票,共同基金,交易所买卖基金,期货和加密货币。 ADX绘制为一条单线,其值的范围从零的低到100的高。无论价格是上涨还是下跌,它都会记录趋势强度。通常,将标准ADX指标与两个方向运动指标(DMI)线绘制在同一窗口中,从中可以得出ADX。 但是,当您使用标准的ADX指示器时,它可能会使所有直线曲折和交错。不仅如此,当您切换到不同的时间范围时,ADX线可能会在相反的方向交叉,从而使您更加困惑。 Winshots ADX趋势指示器可以解决此问题。在一个简单的视图中,您可以快速确定所有时间范围内的ADX趋势状态!是的,你没看错。无需再点击不同的时间框架,就可以看到像热意大利面条一样纵横交错的ADX线。除了准确显示
Fibonacci retracements can be used to draw support lines, identify resistance levels, place stop-loss orders and set target prices. The Advanced Automatic Fibonacci retracements draws automatically all the levels. You have a lot of options to choose. For exemple you can use the tracements of another time frame (MTF) in the current chart, you can also choose between the closest level or less close to draw the retracements. You can also add 2 levels of your choice. You can add levels extensions o
Tran Thanh Tuyen
Moss Scalper     University EA   is a fully automated trading expert advisor robot that has been designed explicitly for scalping during the period of weak market volatility.   EA contains self-adaptive market algorithms with reinforcement learning elements.   This EA uses an advanced algorithm to find bespoke entry points and several additional filters for entering and exiting the market with ease. The EA has been subjected to stress tests for a period of 10 years and passes every year with a
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
EA Smoke
Vitali Vasilenka
4.32 (81)
Anger conquers fear from Thomas Shelby IMPORTANT! Contact me immediately after purchase for installation instructions and a personal bonus !!! EA Smoke   is an advanced night scalper, fully automatic, no manual intervention required. This Expert Advisor uses smart entry / exit algorithms with filters to determine the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on long-term growth. The advisor itself determines the time interval for trading Recommendations for o
什么是枢轴? 支点是预先知道的重要价格水平,交易者认为这很重要,并可能在该水平附近做出交易决策。作为技术指标,支点价格类似于阻力位或支撑位。如果超出枢轴水平,则价格将继续朝该方向发展。否则价格可能会反转至或接近该水平。 枢轴告诉您什么? 有枢轴和枢轴点。这些术语对不同的人可能意味着不同的事情。 枢轴点是计算的级别。场内交易者最初使用枢轴点来确定重要的价格水平,现在,许多交易者将其用于盘中交易。在分析了该工具的历史价格中的数据之后,枢轴点被用作指导价格如何变化的指南。其他计算提供了围绕枢轴点的支撑和阻力水平。枢轴点可以基于各种时间范围进行计算,因此可以为日间交易,摆动交易者和投资者提供信息。 Winshots枢轴水平指示器为日间交易提供信息。 当价格高于枢轴点时,则被视为看涨;当价格低于枢轴点时,则被视为看跌。计算出高于枢轴点的水平,并称为R1,R2和R3,其中R代表阻力。计算出枢轴点以下的水平,并将其称为S1,S2和S3,其中S表示支撑。 如果价格跌至枢轴点以下,则价格可能会继续至S1。如果价格跌至S1以下,则可以继续至S2。如果价格跌至S2以下,则价格可以继
Expert Advisor The Onrex IV Premium uses intraday breakout with RSI levels to execute trade. Positions are opened in accordance with the chosen risk and capital management regime: lot size corresponding to account balance and fixed lot. It's a trading tool that be used to enhance your manual trading skill and Auto-Trading Expert Advisor also. Don't worry if your trades goes in the wrong direction, ONREX IV will take over and try to manage and control your risk management. ONREX IV offers a tr
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Aleksandr Yevsyukov
RiseEA - это полностью автоматизированный советник. Очень прост в использовании.   Главная особенность состоит в том, что советник работает в ДВУХ ОКНАХ , т.е. в одном окне only short, в другом - only long. Обязательно Magic Number должны быть разные. ТF - ТОЛЬКО М1 . Не открывайте и не закрывайте позиции в ручную.  Для качественной и непрерывной работы вам потребуется VPS с ping не более 10 ms. Настройки по умолчанию - это идеально подобранные параметры для валютной пары EUR-USD с деп
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Gold Dragon EA
Evgenii Filippov
A multi-currency Expert Advisor with its own indicator. The main principle of operation is averaging using martingale, the EA has a built-in function for opening deals with a spread limit. For safe trading, the account must have at least $ 100 on a cent account, or $ 10,000 on a classic one . Recommended broker for a classic account www.icmarkets.com or alpari.forex/ru for a cent account. Recommended pairs : EURUSD , AUDUSD , EURGBP, EURCHF, USDCHF, USDCAD on a 1-minute chart( M1 ), spread up to
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Tran Thanh Tuyen
Celebrimbor  is an expert advisor who uses a combination of trading strategies. Is built for trading on XAUUSD.  The EA strategy trades purely price action with no lagging indicators which has a highly developed trading algorithm programmed that has passed through extensive testing over many years.  Best used with Major Pairs   XAUUSD, XAUEUR   and is best used with reputable Low Spread ECN Brokers.  Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2011-2020 period. No dangerous methods of money managm
KT Candlestick Patterns MT4
KT Candlestick Patterns finds and marks the 24 most dependable Japanese candlestick patterns in real-time. Japanese traders have been using the candlestick patterns to predict the price direction since the 18th century. It's true that not every candlestick pattern can be equally trusted to predict the price direction reliably. However, when combined with other technical analysis methods like Support and Resistance, they provide an exact and unfolding market situation. KT Candlestick Patterns
Aleksey Ivanov
The StatZigZag  indicator looks like a regular ZigZag , but is built on the basis of completely different algorithms. The StatZigZag  indicator is a broken line built from segments of regression lines of different lengths, the beginning of each of which comes from the end of the previous segment. Each regression segment is built until the variance or spread of price around it begins to exceed a certain critical value, after which the construction of this segment ends and the constr
Трендовый стрелочный индикатор. Для анализа использует несколько скользящих средних на разных таймфреймах и соотносит их с важными уровнями цены. Не перерисовывает стрелку, т.к. использует для расчета фиксированное количество исторических данных. Пример работы индикатора приведен на скриншотах. Лучше работает на трендовых участках рынка и показывает подтвержденное изменение направления цены. Не требует оптимизации.

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