
MetaTrader 4のためのエキスパートアドバイザーとインディケータ - 188

icon 自動売買ロボットは市場取引を自動的に実行しますが、インジケータを使用すると、相場をより適切に分析し、価格行動を予測できます。 これらのアプリケーションを使用すると、より多くの機会を獲得しながら、より多くの情報に基づいた方法でMetaTrader4で取引を実行できるようになります。
Trend formation channel is a set of lines. The two central lines of the indicator represent moving averages of the specified type and period, they also form a small channel. The large channel is formed - the central lines of the indicator plus / minus the standard deviation estimate, multiplied by the coefficient selected by the user. The basic rule for plotting is that about 5% of prices should be outside these lines, and 95% - inside. If the price crosses the upper or lower line too often, th
Niravkumar Maganbhai Patel
We are an analytics company that believe in solving complicated problems with simple solutions using data.   To minimize the complexities of trading, we have created a range of trading advisory products from the essence of our proprietary STAR System to enhance trading aptitude and to guide users into becoming  proficient traders.  Our innovative products capitalizes on 3 core functions – Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Technical Expertise and it is with this core, we reshape the world o
The Multicurrency fully automated trading system Vik Multi Bee. On average, the advisor trades once a day. Very simple installation with only two important settings: 1. Selection of the language for the information panel 2. Magic number No martingale, grids, stop loss (sl), and take profit (tp) are used, only virtual trade management. Candlestick analysis is used for trade entry. ATTENTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TEST THE ADVISOR ON A TESTER; IT WILL NOT WORK BECAUSE IT IS DESIGNED FOR MULTICUR
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GBPUSD H1 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GBPUSD H1 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backtested
Профессиональная экспертная система Defender Deposit разработанная для анализа рынков   на основе  индикатора  Parabolic SAR. На "бычьем тренде" индикатор располагается ниже цен, на "медвежьем тренде" — выше. Если цена пересекает линии Parabolic SAR, то происходит разворот индикатора, а следующие его значения располагаются по другую сторону от цены. При этом "перевороте" индикатора точкой отсчета будет служить максимальная или минимальная цена за предыдущий период. Переворот индикатора — это сиг
強いトレンドの方向に取引することは、リスクを減らし、潜在的な利益を増やします。一般に、平均方向性指数(ADX)は、価格が強くトレンドになっている時期を判断するために使用されます。多くの場合、それは究極のトレンド指標です!結局のところ、トレンドはあなたの友達かもしれませんが、それはあなたの友達が誰であるかを知るのに確かに役立ちます。 ADXは、トレンドの強さを定量化するために使用されます。 ADXの計算は、特定の期間における価格範囲の拡大の移動平均に基づいています。デフォルト設定は14バーですが、他の期間を使用することもできます。 ADXは、外国為替ペア、株式、投資信託、上場投資信託、先物、暗号通貨など、あらゆる取引手段で使用できます。 ADXは、ゼロの最低値から100の最高値までの範囲の値を持つ単一の線としてプロットされます。ADXは無指向性です。価格が上昇傾向にあるか下降傾向にあるかにかかわらず、トレンドの強さを記録します。標準のADXインジケーターは通常、ADXの派生元である2つの方向移動インジケーター(DMI)ラインと同じウィンドウにプロットされます。 ただし、標準のAD
Fibonacci retracements can be used to draw support lines, identify resistance levels, place stop-loss orders and set target prices. The Advanced Automatic Fibonacci retracements draws automatically all the levels. You have a lot of options to choose. For exemple you can use the tracements of another time frame (MTF) in the current chart, you can also choose between the closest level or less close to draw the retracements. You can also add 2 levels of your choice. You can add levels extensions o
Moss Scalper     University EA   is a fully automated trading expert advisor robot that has been designed explicitly for scalping during the period of weak market volatility.   EA contains self-adaptive market algorithms with reinforcement learning elements.   This EA uses an advanced algorithm to find bespoke entry points and several additional filters for entering and exiting the market with ease. The EA has been subjected to stress tests for a period of 10 years and passes every year with a
I am glad to welcome you on the page of my product Step By Step EA   is a new generation Expert Advisor applying a well-established trend-following trading. The product is good both for scalping, as well as medium- and long-term trading. Step By Step  always sets take profit and stop loss to its deals. Step By Step trades on all symbols and timeframes. It features multi-currency trading. The indicator searches for suitable market entry points on an already formed trend. Benefits Automatic mar
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
ピボットとは何ですか? ピボットは、トレーダーが重要であると見なし、そのレベルの周りで取引決定を行う可能性がある、事前にわかっている重要な価格レベルです。テクニカル指標として、ピボット価格はレジスタンスまたはサポートレベルに似ています。ピボットレベルを超えた場合、価格はその方向に続くと予想されます。または、価格がそのレベルまたはその近くで逆転する可能性があります。 ピボットは何を教えてくれますか? ピボットとピボットポイントがあります。これらの用語は、人によって意味が異なる場合があります。 ピボットポイントは計算されたレベルです。フロアトレーダーは当初、重要な価格レベルを確立するためにピボットポイントを使用していましたが、現在では多くのトレーダーが日中の取引に使用しています。商品の過去の価格からのデータを分析した後、ピボットポイントは価格がどのように動くかについてのガイドとして使用されます。他の計算は、ピボットポイントの周りのサポートと抵抗レベルを提供します。ピボットポイントはさまざまな時間枠に基づいて計算できるため、デイトレード、スイングトレーダー、投資家に情報を提供します
Expert Advisor The Onrex IV Premium uses intraday breakout with RSI levels to execute trade. Positions are opened in accordance with the chosen risk and capital management regime: lot size corresponding to account balance and fixed lot. It's a trading tool that be used to enhance your manual trading skill and Auto-Trading Expert Advisor also. Don't worry if your trades goes in the wrong direction, ONREX IV will take over and try to manage and control your risk management. ONREX IV offers a tra
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Aleksandr Yevsyukov
RiseEA - это полностью автоматизированный советник. Очень прост в использовании.   Главная особенность состоит в том, что советник работает в ДВУХ ОКНАХ , т.е. в одном окне only short, в другом - only long. Обязательно Magic Number должны быть разные. ТF - ТОЛЬКО М1 . Не открывайте и не закрывайте позиции в ручную.  Для качественной и непрерывной работы вам потребуется VPS с ping не более 10 ms. Настройки по умолчанию - это идеально подобранные параметры для валютной пары EUR-USD с депозитом
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
A multi-currency Expert Advisor with its own indicator. The main principle of operation is averaging using martingale, the EA has a built-in function for opening deals with a spread limit. For safe trading, the account must have at least $ 100 on a cent account, or $ 10,000 on a classic one . Recommended broker for a classic account or for a cent account. Recommended pairs : EURUSD , AUDUSD , EURGBP, EURCHF, USDCHF, USDCAD on a 1-minute chart( M1 ), spread up to
Team Trading System     is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this wa
Celebrimbor  is an expert advisor who uses a combination of trading strategies. Is built for trading on XAUUSD.  The EA strategy trades purely price action with no lagging indicators which has a highly developed trading algorithm programmed that has passed through extensive testing over many years.  Best used with Major Pairs   XAUUSD, XAUEUR   and is best used with reputable Low Spread ECN Brokers.  Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2011-2020 period. No dangerous methods of money managm
KT Candlestick Patterns finds and marks the 24 most dependable Japanese candlestick patterns in real-time. Japanese traders have been using the candlestick patterns to predict the price direction since the 18th century. It's true that not every candlestick pattern can be equally trusted to predict the price direction reliably. However, when combined with other technical analysis methods like Support and Resistance, they provide an exact and unfolding market situation. KT Candlestick Patterns S
The StatZigZag  indicator looks like a regular ZigZag , but is built on the basis of completely different algorithms. The StatZigZag  indicator is a broken line built from segments of regression lines of different lengths, the beginning of each of which comes from the end of the previous segment. Each regression segment is built until the variance or spread of price around it begins to exceed a certain critical value, after which the construction of this segment ends and the constr
Трендовый стрелочный индикатор. Для анализа использует несколько скользящих средних на разных таймфреймах и соотносит их с важными уровнями цены. Не перерисовывает стрелку, т.к. использует для расчета фиксированное количество исторических данных. Пример работы индикатора приведен на скриншотах. Лучше работает на трендовых участках рынка и показывает подтвержденное изменение направления цены. Не требует оптимизации.
Reactor MT4 is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for   Intraday   Trading.  it is   based on  m any indicators . The Expert was tested on the whole available historical period on   EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, AUDUSD and USDJPY M15  currency pair with exceptional results. You can download the demo and test it yourself. My tests were performed with the real tick date with   99,90% accuracy , actual spread, and additional slippage. The basic strategy starts with Market order in counter trend and trend
The next Step is a trading system that detects pullback points and market exhaustion, to operate in trend and coverage. The next Step is a multi-level algorithm that adapts to market movements. This algorithm is different if the input is correct or wrong. From the inputs you can control the initial lot of the algorithm, if the trade goes against you the lotage is controled to the control power, but if it goes in your favor the lotage is increased to improve your profit. You can controled the i
LEFORT is a multi-currency, fully automatic, high-frequency trading robot. The robot works with any instruments in MT4 on any timeframe. The algorithm of the expert Advisor is as follows Single-scalping trades will. Using the analytical signals module, the robot analyzes the market dynamics, and then makes single trades in the direction of the dominant trend with a profit of several pips. A series of open orders. The robot makes a series of trades on a pullback in the direction of the dominant t
SoldiersV2 SoldiersV2 Expert Advisor expresses a result based on several years of forex trading research. It uses the best technical analysis based on the strategy of the three white soldiers and the three black ravens to optimizing the profit flow in the uptrend or downtrend. This ea uses two types of operations, one more conservative and one more aggressive based on the initial capital. With this ea we recommend a minimum capital of $ 1500, leverage 1: 1000 and an initial lot of 1. Write me f
The Panel does not work in the tester. You can test it live with demo version. Demo version link: Easy Order Panel is a easy panel that can help you to place your orders quickly and easily. Works on all currencies. Configure the Risk and automatically when you press Sell/Buy button an operation with the right lot will be opened. in this way you lose at most the percentage entered. - just double click on the
Scalp Price Action
Marcos Alfredo Guerrero Chavez
Robot de trading de scalping en Forex para realizar operaciones de forma automática en las que tiene la ventaja de una baja reducción Identifique y reaccione a las oportunidades rápidamente Vigilan el mercado las 24 horas del día No tiene que preocuparse si ha perdido algunas oportunidades comerciales, ya que el robot de forex hará un seguimiento por usted. el robot puede operar de día y de noche
Teamwork GBPUSD EA   is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this way,
IndicateMe MT4
Dani Cyril Bakkum
5 (2)
The IndicateMe indicator has been specially created to remove as much noise as possible from the signals it gives. The indicator has been combined with several other well-known indicators. Indicators  that have been used: "Moving average, stocastic indicator, relative strenght index, moving". All indicators that are used can be adjusted by yourself. The default settings are set to the values ​​I like to use. Easily set alerts to always stay informed of the indicator's signals. Important: this
Orbit Rage Final
5 (1)
Note : i only sell this EA on MQL5, any other sellers is fake. Orbit Rage  Final is base on the bull/bear candle strategy and divergence. To be specific it can make you what you want in your life. Just download and extract to experts advisors folders of your MT4. Orbit Rage Final is a risk-free trading strategy that allows retail forex traders to make a profit with no open currency exposure. The strategy involves acting on opportunities presented by pricing inefficiencies in the short window the
Big Player EA USDJPY is an EA that generates trading signals with custom strategies. The EA scans 5 months of history and generates signals and buys or sells on these signals. At least 5 months of data should be behind when testing the EA. Also, cross Takeprofit strategies are implemented in the EA. Single, double, triple and quad TP strategies are applied. Thanks to the cross Takeprofit strategies, the EA works easily even during high activity times. Big Player EA Family Single Symbols:   EUR
Big Player EA EURUSD is an EA that generates trading signals with custom strategies. The EA scans 5 months of history and generates signals and buys or sells on these signals. At least 5 months of data should be behind when testing the EA. Also, cross Takeprofit strategies are implemented in the EA. Single, double, triple and quad TP strategies are applied. Thanks to the cross Takeprofit strategies, the EA works easily even during high activity times.  Big Player EA Family Single Symbols:   EUR
強いトレンドの方向に取引することは、リスクを減らし、潜在的な利益を増やします。一般に、平均方向性指数(ADX)は、価格が強くトレンドになっている時期を判断するために使用されます。多くの場合、それは究極のトレンド指標です!結局のところ、トレンドはあなたの友達かもしれませんが、それはあなたの友達が誰であるかを知るのに確かに役立ちます。 ADXは、トレンドの強さを定量化するために使用されます。 ADXの計算は、特定の期間における価格範囲の拡大の移動平均に基づいています。デフォルト設定は14バーですが、他の期間を使用することもできます。 ADXは、外国為替ペア、株式、投資信託、上場投資信託、先物、暗号通貨など、あらゆる取引手段で使用できます。 ADXは、ゼロの最低値から100の最高値までの範囲の値を持つ単一の線としてプロットされます。ADXは無指向性です。価格が上昇傾向にあるか下降傾向にあるかにかかわらず、トレンドの強さを記録します。標準のADXインジケーターは通常、ADXの派生元である2つの方向移動インジケーター(DMI)ラインと同じウィンドウにプロットされます。 ただし、標準のAD
Harry Gunadi Permana
4 (8)
Kruger is a night scalper trading system for trade on EURUSD and GBPUSD. It is based on   Moving Average and Candlestick Pattern   to open trade. Every trade using stop loss and take profit. Kruger does not use any dangerous money management such as martingale, or grid so it can be used with minimum deposit as low as $100. The backtest result from 2015-January,2021 is showing a stable performance. Please see the screenshot below or please do backtest the EA. (Note : Past performance does not gua
Penny Collector Pro
5 (1)
MT5 Version: Some users are very comfort 2 able keeping their trades for ages, while other users are happy to get the least and leave :) If you cannot wait on your trades, then this expert will be the best for you! The expert tries to enter trades on a high probability of success, and in most cases it do catch the right wave. If not , don't worry because the expert will deal with the situation by itself and will take the trades to profits! (Tra
Hawk EA
Zakri Bin Othman
5 (2)
Leave a review for this product, and receive another "Free" product that you choose. You can see my other products here: Hawk EA grows your account with speed of a hawk! This EA uses 5 built-in strategies that makes it really powerful. "No" martingale, "No" hedge, "No" scalping, "No" grid, "No" arbitrage. It is designed for EURUSD H1 and opens enough trades that you don't need to use it on other charts. Being profitable for 20 years (since 2000 to 202
The utility for manual trading to manage open positions.The built-in trailing stop has three modes and seven instruments: by pips, by bar extremes, by fractals, by volumes, by MA, by Parabolic SAR and by ATR. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the EA works in the strategy tester. Guide to UTrailingMini can be found in the "Comments" section. Benefits 3 trailing stop modes: normal, total and mobile stop loss; 7 options: by points, by bar extremes, by fractals, by v
APIPS Expert Advisor puts a Take Profit on all positions at the total breakeven distance or at the distance of the specified take Profit value . If several orders are opened, the Expert Advisor puts a Take Profit on all positions at the total breakeven distance + the specified Take Profit value. You can specify to close all positions only on the excess without profit. If there are no open orders and you open a trade on the market, the APIPS Expert Advisor automatically sets the Take Profit by t
Hope   It is a trading system that uses a double algorithm to operate. Hope  detects an entry point, if the price goes in your favor initiates an aggressive trend following algorithm. If the price goes against the trend, use a hedging algorithm without increasing lotage, this algorithm manages to recover the loss without the need to increase the margin beyond what is reasonable. You can download the demo and test it yourself. Very stable growth curve as result of smart averaging techniques. "
The Trading Control Panel EA let you: - Calculated lot size based on the (% or $ risk) - Place multiple (Market/Limit/Stop) trades at same time - Manage all open trades (move SL to BE, take partial profit, close all trades) This is a handy tool for those who wont to open multiple orders without spending time on lot calculations. When opening multiple orders the first order has the first TP and all other orders get the second TP.
Tessiga Maxime Soro
VICTORY-FX 5 copy of 20 left at this price Next 10 copies $499, then $1299. THE VICTORY-FX  is a fully automatic Scalping Expert Advisor based on the banks servers data and  the market price action manipulation. 95% of investors often blame market manipulation as the primary reason for their lack of success, which is RIGHT. The main market players are the largest banks in the world, and they form the exclusive club in which most trading activities take place. This club is known as the   interb
The LordAdvancedPivot Indicator is an indicator for META TRADER 4, with the function of analyzing the main daily channels of the currency pair, known as RESISTANCE, SUPPORT and PIVOT (center), to determine the levels at which market sentiment can change from "bullish" "to" low ". Pivot points can be points that correspond to trend lines, Fibonacci levels, moving averages, previous highs / lows or closings and many more indicators, depending on the trader's philosophy. LordAdvancedPivot has 7
Lines Resource is an technical indicator that dysplay lines in the chart giving some notion of supports and resistance levels for the correct functionallity of Optimal Investor EA an multicurrency EA that gives an 52% return monthly.  Please install it, to run Optimal Investor EA correctly. Next to it, install Profitnator Resources Indicator FREE , to Run Optimal Investor EA.the second and last one resource.
PROMO ONLY THIS WEEK, SPECIAL OFFER OFF 50% Bintang aBOSS version is Reversal EA for Trade Multi Pair . No Martingle, No Grid and No Hedging Instan Open Order . Fixed Take Profit and Auto Stop Loss Auto Trailing Stop  News Filter Auto Lot and Fixed Lot Ruler Open Order same Indicator Bintang Binary R2 version with filter reversal Multi Pair Not For Backtest Work on All Time Frame Multi Pair. Live Statement >>> B
LordCandleSignal is an indicator for META TRADER 4, using by default ENVELOPES, STOCHASTIC, RSI techniques with Lord strategies in its source code. LordCandleSignal issues a new buy / sell signal through its strategy before the action, that is, the signal comes before it happens. Difficult to make mistakes, each signal sent, it is possible to close profitably even before the next signal, or using the Lord strategy, closing profitably every 20-50 pips in a comprehensive and safe way. LordCand
Candles Scalper is an indicator of scalping signals. Designed for use on flat and average price movements, showing price reversal directions. It works the same on long trends, but with fewer signals. Suitable for use on timeframes more than M15, the optimal timeframe is M15, M30, H1. Arrows serve as input signals, and dots serve to stop the signal. Sell signals are blue, stops are blue. Buy signals are brown, stops are red. There is 1 parameter in the "Signal index" settings - the index of the
The Pistol EA is a fully automated trading robot for the trading on Forex. The Pistol EA Lite trades using Stochastic Oscillator and Moving Average as an indicator to determine trading strategy. Suggestion: Symbol EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDCAD Timeframe H1 Deposit 2000 usd Settings Available: Slippage : Acceptable slippage when open a trade Open_New_Cycle: Allow to open a New Cycle trade Enable buy: Allow to open a  Buy order Enable Sell: Allow to open a  Sell order Stochastic TimeFrame: TimeFrame  us
このアプリケーションを使用すると、アカウントで選択した取引活動をテレグラム チャネルにブロードキャストできます。 選択: ブロードキャストする場所 (アカウントでロボットの複数のコピーを同時に実行することで、複数のチャネルに同時にブロードキャストできます) ロボットまたは人間、あるいはその両方による注文とポジション どの文字から (すべてまたはスペースを入れて入力 EURUSD.i EURGBP.i ...) 送信するアクションに関する情報 (アカウントに複数のロボットをインストールすることで、チャンネルやキャラクターごとに異なる放送条件を設定できます) メッセージに含まれる情報 追加のコントロール パネルを表示する 各取引日の終わりに利益レポートを提出する 設定の説明: 。 th>タイトル: 値: 説明: 主な設定: 主な設定: ボットトークン: ボット トークン Telegram ボットの作成時に生成されます。 シャネルID: チャンネル ID BOT_TOKEN /getUpdates 魔法のリスト -1 0 444 
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on EURUSD M30 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for EURUSD M30 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backtested The function of this ea is to open both buy and sell simultaneously, If next order with matingale lot size And there's a clear order when it's dragged to reduce collection time. It can be left open forever through server rentals, no fear of news, no temptation to set a minimum investment of 10% of the capital to be safe. Run at time frame 5m. Suitable for a pair of gbpusd,eurousd A proper investment should be put to the test for the safety of the cap
Signals are sent only to Buy The indicator is designed for binary options The signal is given when a new candle appears; signals for 1-2 minutes is recommended Use the expiration time and no more than one candle of the used timeframe and possibly more depending on the market and session It is recommended to trade during the American session During the testing period of the product, no redrawing was found if any, please contact us, a test version for 2 days is possible, because due to the specifi
Math Profit Diamond  is a Safe Scalper System for Trading on Forex. This is an automatic Expert Advisor designed for scalping during the period of low market volatility. The EA uses an advanced algorithm to find the entry points, as well as several additional filters for entering and exiting the market. The Ea does not require optimization or any additional configuration. TF M30 on GU! If you have ay question, please contact me!
The indicator shows entry points with Risk-Reward-Ratio 1 to 5. Main timeframe H1. Works on every pair. The main logic - is to find a reversal level, and then track the price reaction to this level. Doesn't need any settings. As a standard, it paint 5 levels of the same take-profit (red / blue for sellers and buys) and 1 stop-loss level - orange. ATTENTION! The full version of indicator. You can t est full work of indicator free only on the USDCAD pair here
Fobos 10 Bars Signal - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. Fobos 10 Bars Signal is a mixture of the  Mars 10 Bars Signal  indicator using the  GO IT  algorithm     Can used this EA whit 500$ in your account The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  Fobos 10 Bars Signal It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      It is a 100% au
the MAGIC Smooth Strength lines for Currencies couples  Each line represents the relative strength of two couples out of 5 user input symbols -> 10 indicator lines Your Strategy is based on selecting the weaker strength line and wait for a reversal sign OR   Your Strategy is based on selecting the stronger strength line and wait for a reversal sign When reversal occurs you will trade on the two symbols represented by this line  like the strength relative line for EURUSD and USDCAD when it is th
Vous pouvez   par exemple   surveiller le croisement MA en D1, pour la tendance de fond, les niveaux de surachat et de survente du RSI en H4 et du Stochastique en H4. Cet indicateur surveille: les croisement de moyennes mobiles le niveau de surachat / survente du RSI le niveau de surachat / survente du stochastique IL vous alerte quand les trois filtres correspondent à vos paramètres (push, pop, mail) Vous pouvez choisir de l’utiliser sur un graphique pour une seule unité ou suivre plusieurs p
Golden Magic
Tran Thanh Tuyen
3 (1)
Golden Magic is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading gold.  The Expert Advisor does not use aggressive and dangerous trading methods and therefore is as stable as possible when using certain settings. For safe and the most stable trading, you should always use SL. With its unique filtering algorithm for false market entry signals, Golden Magic recognizes the best possible entry point to generate potentially more profit.  Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2011-2020 period
Teamwork System EA   is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this way,
Teamwork EURUSD EA   is based on the logic of order strategies and profit-taking strategies working as a team.  In general, EA consists of two parts as strategies and take profits section. Strategies section are special strategies that we create for symbols. Strategies continue to open buy and sell orders independently.  Takeprofits closes orders that are opened by working as a team. Take Profits logic is that profitable orders go by closing lost orders. They never work selfishly. In this way,
This EA provides a steady return per year depending on the market with very little risk. If you are looking for something with higher risk and faster return, don't use this expert. Okay, this EA is an answer to my lovely clients where they requested for an EA that all they need to do is let it run and they don't need to worry (*Caution, at least the minimum balance) .   They don't want to care about risk and they would be able to casually place some orders (less than 5% margin please) based on
Scanner and Dashboard for Cycle Sniper ATR Fibo Channels Indicator As users know indicator draws Fibonacci Channels and arrows according to the user's settings. With CS ATR Fibo Channels Scanner, you will have the ability to watch the market. - Multi Timeframe - Multi Instrument Enter your parameters to watch (as explained in Cycle Sniper ATR Fibo Channels Indicator )  - If you cho0se "Arrows by ATR Levels" , you will receive the potential reversal arrrows. - If you choose "Arrows by Median
I am glad to welcome you on the page of my product.  Gold Eternals EA   is a fully automated EA designed to trade   GOLD . It is based on machine learning cluster analysis and genetic algorithms. EA contains self-adaptive market algorithm, which uses price action patterns and standard trading indicators.  Expert showed stable results on XAUUSD in 2011-2020 period. No dangerous methods of money managment used.  Suitable for any broker conditions.  If you do not have experience using EA, you can
WORLD FOREX ROBOT TRADER  World Forex Robot Trader   is the Forex Robot for the sophisticated and conservative busy investors and traders like you. It will enable you to start right away. You can trade as you learn and master more complex trading techniques. With this EA, your friends will be amazed of the quick 180-degree turn of your trading venture.  Be the one that you truly deserve and destined to be a high achiever.      G U I D E   E B O O K    Download it here for free:
Eugenio Polimeni
YieldX: This system uses a simple strategy that everyone can use, that is crossing the fast and slow moving averages. Setting the speed of the averages according to your preferences of operation. It can also be used as a simple indicator when the crossing is signaled with the word buy or sell. There is the possibility to choose the lot and the setting of the SL or TP filters. This ea is very intuitive and simple to use, it is great for day trading scalping and swing trading on all currency pair
Yes I Can - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. Yes I Can  Used    Mars 10 Bars Signal  indicator whit two way algorithm     The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  Yes I Can It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both the inputs and the batches, the operator just has to

