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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的技术指标 - 40

icon 下面列出的技术指标信号对MetaTrader 4平台的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。 指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测价格变化。
Cheng Cheng Tang
1 (1)
Realistic Trend
Yaser Sabbaghi
This indicator shows the realistic and precise trend. The plotted line as a trend indicator is the best secure place to set the stop-loss. In case that trend is bullish you will see the plotted line under the candles and in the case of the bearish market, the plotted line is on the upper side of candles. Buy paid version of this indicator which it is Statistical Support Resistance .
熊猫振荡器是一个新的作者的指标设计为倒卖. 一个指示器,根据一系列标准和专有工具的读数给出信号。 熊猫振荡器的主要特点: 分析函数 它可以在任何货币对和时间框架上使用; 指标不重绘; 这是其他指标的一个很好的补充; 图形功能 占据图表上最小数量的位置; 柔性酊剂; 简单易学;   熊猫振荡器组成。.. 蓝线是RSI指标; 橙色线是基于T3RSI的综合RSI指标; 虚线是布林带的边界;(见图)。 6) 蓝线是布林带的中线;  熊猫振荡器的主要特点 有一组用于过滤的指示器; 指标本身显示何时需要进入市场; 熊猫振荡器的基本设置: RSI周期-设置RSI的蓝线;  波段周期-虚线的调整;  MA周期-设置移动平均线;  波段偏差-波段偏差;  波段移位-波段移位; 熊猫振荡器在交易中的使用:      进入市场的信号是在建立在T3RSI上的综合RSI离开布林带时形成的。 可以使用T3RSI与布林带中线的交点。      进入位置是在相应颜色的直方图的第一条出现之后进行的:蓝色-进入买入,红色-进入卖出。     从该位置退出是在将直方图的条调零后进行的
Mikhail Bilan
Трендовый индикатор предназначенный для поиска так называемого  разворота цены.  Который точно показывает трейдеру момент разворота цены. Данный индикатор лучше всего подходит для выставления стоп ордеров, а также для установления движения тренда или настроения рынка.Лучше всего работает в момент установления на рынке сильных трендовых направлений движения , которые происходят приблизительно 40% времени.   مؤشر الاتجاه المصمم للبحث عن ما يسمى بالنقاط المحورية ، الذي يبين بدقة للتاجر لحظة الانعكا
Jerk Indicator
Safwan Rushdi Khalil Arekat
5 (1)
In physics, "Jerk" is the third time-derivative of position, with acceleration being the second derivative and velocity the first derivative. In technical analysis, the first derivative of price is the price momentum, with the second derivative,acceleration, being seldom used and the third derivative virtually unknown. The magnitude frequency response of a digital differentiator is a positive-slope straight line passing through zero frequency. Therefore, every instance of a digital signal differ
Abiroid MA Stack
Abir Pathak
4.5 (4)
Moving Average Rainbow Stack: Free: Single Currency & Single Timeframe MA Stack Very useful for finding current and higher timeframe trends. Best suited for long term trend based trading. Use fewer MAs for quick scalping. And not suitable during low volatility. Only use during high volatility and steady trending markets. Use this to enhance your existing Trend based strategies to find best trends. Read detailed description https://abiroid.com/product/abiroid-ma-stack Available MTF and Scanner v
CCI Moving Average
Devy Tanusukma
5 (2)
Commodity Channel Index and Moving Average [CCI MA] A combination of CCI and MA to create a crossover trading setup Input parameters: signal mode: set it to true if you want to plug it into   STAT (Signal Tester and Trader) arrow shift: distance between fast EMA line to arrow on chart price line filter CCI period CCI price method Moving average period Averaging method upper level lower level You can find the best setting for 4 hour EURUSD on  this video
RaysFX   EMA  Crossover Scopri i potenziali punti di inversione del mercato con l’indicatore di Crossover EMA di RaysFX. Questo indicatore utilizza una combinazione di due medie mobili esponenziali (EMA) - una più veloce e una più lenta - per identificare i possibili punti di ingresso e uscita. Caratteristiche principali : Due EMA : Utilizza una EMA più veloce e una più lenta per catturare i movimenti di mercato a breve e lungo termine. Segnali di crossover : Genera un segnale quando l’EMA più v
Stanislav Korotky
5 (2)
Future WPR - or backward WPR - is a special modification of WPR: it uses standard formula, but applies it in reverse direction. The indicator calculates WPR from right to left, that is from the future to the past. It 'knows' and uses the future price movements at any bar where the right-side history provides sufficient number of "forthcoming" bars, that is period bars or more. Conventional WPR is also shown for reference. Both WPR and backward WPR are normalized to the range [0..1] as a more con
MQLTA Instrument Details
MQL4 Trading Automation
5 (1)
MQLTA Instrument Details shows you in an easy to read in chart table the details about the instrument/Symbol, including: Label Trade Mode Default Contract Size Minimum Size Maximum Size Size Step Digits Used Tick Size Tick Value Stop Level Bid Ask Spread Parameters Indicator name to create the objects Default Window when opening the indicator Horizontal offset Vertical offset If you like this tool please take a minute to leave a review. If you have suggestions to improve it please send me a mes
Visual tester
Aleksandr Krokhalev
5 (3)
This indicator allows you to manipulate the visibility of the chart in real time. The right side is hidden from the user. The virtual timeline can be moved to any place on the chart. Also, the indicator works on a closed market. If you are using visual analysis for trading, then this indicator is a great tool to test your strategy. It will allow you not to peep into history and be honest with yourself in analysis. Good luck!
Binary Options Assistant (BOA) COLD Signals Indicator provides signals based on Amalia Trader Binary Options Strategy. Indicators: Keltner & Stochastic Stop missing trades, stop jumping from chart to chart looking for trade set-ups and get all the signals on 1 chart! U se any of the BOA Signals Indicator with the  Binary Options Assistant (BOA) Multi Currency Dashboard .   All BOA Signal Indicator settings are adjustable to give you more strategy combinations. The signals can be seen visuall
Use my recommended broker:   https://icmarkets.com/?camp=61478 You have most likely heard about the term "Less is more". I can tell you one thing that's also the case with the Monkey CCI on Bollinger indicator! One indicator will give you the best of both worlds, easy to determine trend, the strength of the trend and overbought and oversold levels. This indicator is very simple to follow: Green line uptrend Red line downtrend Above band overbought Below band oversold With this indicator you cou
Andrey Spiridonov
MultiFiboDynamicMT4 is a powerful, professional indicator for estimating the most important support and resistance levels. The main advantage is that it plots the Fibonacci levels at all timeframes simultaneously, which allows the trader to see the full picture of the possible price movement of the trading instrument! Advantages of the indicator The indicator is perfect for scalping and trading binary options. Suitable for beginners and experienced traders. Works on all timeframes. Works on any
RedeeCash 三角套利機會將可用的貨幣三元組和每個貨幣交易頭寸設置顯示為全局變量,格式為 AAA/BBB、CCC/AAA、CCC/BBB:AAA/BBB -1|0|1 AAA/BBB、CCC/AAA、CCC/BBB:CCC/AAA -1|0|1 AAA/BBB、CCC/AAA、CCC/BBB:CCC/BBB -1|0|1 其中值是 OP_BUY 或 OP_SELL 的交易方向。 如果交易方向指示 -1,則該貨幣對不應發生交易。 三角套利交易對於不再允許對沖的美國賬戶很有用。 實際上有更多的套利機會,該指標以交易設置的形式顯示所有這些機會。 您只需要讀取全局變量並決定交易哪個機會? 當您開倉時,您應該使用至少 200 PIPS 的止盈,否則交易可能會在沒有止盈值的情況下開倉。
RSI Robex
Robert Sadamon
The standard RSI indicator is very helpful in identifying overbought or oversold areas during a flat, but gives a lot of false signals when the market is trending. For example: during an uptrend, the standard indicator often enters the "oversold" zone and extremely rarely (most often, when the trend has already ended) enters the "overbought" zone. This indicator takes into account the trend movement and, with the selected settings, can enter the zone opposite to the trend direction, giving a sig
CCI Colored
Zaky Hamdoun
Introduction and Description The commodity channel index (CCI) is an oscillator originally introduced by Donald Lambert in 1980. Since its introduction, the indicator has grown in popularity and is now a very common tool for traders in identifying cyclical trends not only in commodities but also equities and currencies. The CCI can be adjusted to the timeframe of the market traded on by changing the averaging period.  CCI indicator with different colors at levels 0, 100 and -100. The cross is a
RVI Breakout SW
Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Hassan Alsherbiny
Probability emerges to record higher prices when RVi breaks out oscillator historical resistance level. It's strongly encouraged to confirm price breakout with oscillator breakout since they have comparable effects to price breaking support and resistance levels; surely, short trades will have the same perception. As advantage, a lot of times oscillator breakout precedes price breakout as early alert to upcoming event as illustrated by 6th screenshot. Furthermore, divergence is confirmed in case
Volume Cross Over is an indicator that measure positive and negative volume flow in a financial instrument, such as a stock, commodity, or index. It is base on the idea of On-Balance Volume developed by  Joseph Granville. However instead of trending lines, this indicator shows volume cross over.  When  the closing price of an asset is higher than the previous  closing price, then the Bull volume is greater  than zero and Bear volume is negative. It suggests that buying volume is dominating, an
Indicador de Bandas de Fibonacci para Metatrader 4 . Este indicador funciona de forma similar a las conocidas Bandas de Bollinger clásicas, pero en lugar de usar la desviación estándar para trazar las bandas usa números de Fibonacci y el ATR (Average True Range). Puede usarse para trazar niveles de soporte y resistencia que pueden emplearse en sistemas de scalping de corto plazo y swing trading.  Las bandas del indicador son calculadas de la siguiente forma: Línea central : Media móvil de n peri
This indicator is a perfect tool able to compare which brokers have the lower latency. It shows us immediately which brokers are slower or faster. When you see the dot icon on the line, it means this broker is the faster one and the red line (Broker_A) is the slower one. See the example on the screenshot. How It Works? This indicator shares the prices information to and from the "shared" common data folder. It compares all the prices. The price is based on average by (Ask + Bid) / 2. There are
Li Rong Tan
5 (1)
CandleLine:画烛线指标。按照指定的周期,在当前图表上画出该指定周期的烛线。并且,画出来的新烛线与当前图表的烛线一起叠加显示。 注意:当前图表的周期必须小于将要画出来的烛线周期。 自画烛线的具体效果,请观看下面的附件图片。 自画烛线的实体部份线宽,颜色可以设置,可以设置是否绘制烛线的上影线和下影线。 参数: 1.时间周期:指定烛线的时间周期 2.棒数;指定需要画出的烛线数量 3.阳蜡烛线颜色;指定阳烛线的颜色 4.阴蜡烛线颜色;指定阴烛线的颜色 5.柱体线条宽度;指定烛线柱体的线条宽度 6.上下影线条宽度;指定烛线上下影线的宽度 7.背景颜色;指定背景颜色 以上是主图表烛线图给制指标相关内容。欢迎下载试用,感谢!
Hidden Ichimoku
Christian Ricard
This indicator allows to hide Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (on all MT4 timeframes) from a date define by the user, with a vertical line (Alone) or a panel (with "Hidden Candles"). Indicator Inputs: Tenkan-sen Kijun-sen  Senkou Span B Information on "Ichimoku Kinko Hyo" indicator is available here:   https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/analytics/tech_indicators/ichimoku ************************************************************* Hey traders!!  Give me your feeds!  We are a community here
Bermaui Channel
Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (19)
这是一个价格通道,在图表上显示五个重要的价格水平。这些级别是: 1. 前 x 根柱线的最高价 (HH)。 2. 前 x 根柱线的最高低点 (HL)。 3. 中线。 4. 前 x 根柱线的最低最高价 (LH)。 5. 前 x 根柱线的最低价 (LL)。 如何Bermaui通道捕获 超买 区域 将 HH 和 HL 水平之间的距离视为超买区域。 当价格蜡烛或柱线穿过 HL 向上时,这表明价格正在进入其超买区域。 当价格蜡烛或柱线穿过 HL 向下时,这表明价格正在超出其超买区域。 当价格蜡烛穿过 HH 时,它会创造一个新的高点。这可能表明一个新的上升趋势的开始,该趋势将继续进行,直到价格再次反转下跌方向。 Bermaui Channels 如何捕捉 超卖 区域 将 LL 和 LH 之间的距离视为超卖区域。 当价格蜡烛或柱线穿过 LH 向下时,这表明价格正在进入超卖区域。 当价格蜡烛或柱线穿过 LH 向上时,这表明价格正在超出其超卖区域。 当价格蜡烛穿过 LL 时,它会创造一个新的低点。这可能表明新的下跌趋势的开始,该趋势将继续进行,直到价格反转其方向再次回到上行。 伯毛伊海峡特色 Berma
The Netsrac Correlation Trade Indicator (NCTI) was created to trade correlations between different assets. NCTI offers five different strategies to do this. Five different correlation trading strategies with two or three assets Fast access your assets with one click via asset buttons Your profit/loss at a glance Configurable alerts via screen or mobile You can use the indicator with every timeframe. Higher timeframes give fewer but better signals. If you have some questions or suggestions - plea
CCI Trend finder
Jose Ramon Miranda Ramos
CCI Trend Finder indicator with different colors at levels 0, 100 and -100. The cross is a signal for "123 Exit" as presented by MPlay and used in Woodies CCI system. This exit signal is effective especially in short-term breakout trades, because it prevents early exiting at small corrections.  This indicator is great for having it as an extra tool for your analysis.
Volatility Limit Trend
Safwan Rushdi Khalil Arekat
Volatility Limit Trend Indicator (VLT), an original indicator by this developer,  is a trend indicator based on setting a fixed volatility limit as a percentage of price. Volatile price is allowed to wander between two channel lines defining the fixed volatility about a central line. The price crossing one of the channel lines defines an exceeding of the allowed volatility, and ushering in one of two situation : either a continuation or a reversal of trend. The first buffer of the indicator (not
Daily Pivot Point
Diego Bonifacio
Questo indicatore per MT4 traccia automaticamente i punti di pivot giornalieri sul grafico, fornendo livelli chiave di supporto e resistenza basati sui prezzi di apertura, chiusura, massimo e minimo del giorno precedente. I punti pivot aiutano i trader a identificare potenziali aree di inversione e zone di prezzo critiche, migliorando la precisione nelle decisioni operative quotidiane."
The VMA is an exponential moving average that adjusts its smoothing constant on the basis of market volatility. Its sensitivity grows as long as the volatility of the data increases. Based on the Chande's Momentum Oscillator, the VMA can automatically adjust its smoothing period as market conditions change, helping you to detect trend reversals and retracements much quicker and more reliable when compared to traditional moving averages.
MalteseCross GBP
Maxim Kuznetsov
Maltese cross GBP   Универсальный инструмент для определения трендов, флетов и торговли по графическим паттернам. Объединяет техники Гана, Эллиота, Мюррея. Просто разместите его на графике и он покажет направление и скорость движения цены, выделит разворотные моменты. Maltese cross поможет точно определять узловые моменты в истории, планировать торговые действия и сопровождать открытые сделки.  Эта бесплатная демонстрационная версия MalteseCross ограничена GBPUSD и кроссами GBP. Никаких прочих о
IMA Finder MT4
Mubashir Mohamed Quraish Albarakat
This indicator is designed based on the Moving Origin indicator When the moving origin indicator breaks the price, this indicator gives a signal It is useful for better viewing of signals and analysis on them Attributes: Can be used in all symbols Can be used in all time frames Too many signals Simple and quick settings Easy way to work Settings: period: like moving average settings alarmShow: If you want to receive an alert in Metatrader after receiving the signal, enable this setting alarmS
Indicator of vertical lines on the timeframes М5 and М1. It draws the lines for the period of the current day and the previous day. This indicator visualizes visually shows the trader the beginning and end of the chart hour, as well as the past hourly periods, 30-minute and 5-minute chart intervals. The advantage provided by this indicator is that the trader using this indicator on a chart of a currency pair with the smaller timeframe will always be aware of when the new hour begins. On the con
Sergiy Podolyak
The FxSProWPR oscillator generates signals for trend confirmation, which can also nbe used to confirm the emergence of new trends. Indicator Parameters NumberBars - the number of bars to display the indicator. Too many bars may significantly slow down the operation of the trading terminal. SignalAlert - an Alert notifying of a trend. SignalSound - sound alert to notify of a trend. The sound will be played once the histogram exceeds the level of 15. Rules to confirm position entry Green histogr
Last month High and Low
Jorge Delgado Segura
5 (1)
Displays previous months Highs & Lows. You can set the number of months to display levels for, also the line style, color and width. This is very useful for traders using the BTMM and other methods like ICT. I'll be creating similar indicators for MT5 for the BTMM. Send me your suggestions to my Telegram: https://t.me/JDelgadoCR Take a look at my other products at: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/jdelgadocr/seller
TPSpro Screenshot is an indicator that screenshots the chart workspace and saves it to a folder you specify on your computer with a specified resolution and at a specified time interval. The following configurable parameters are available: Screenshot Width - Screenshot width Screenshot Height -Screenshot height The name of the folder for screenshots (by pressing "]") - The name of the folder for screenshots Rewritable File Name - Name of the file being rewritten Step in seconds for a photo - Ste
The   Retracement indicator   shows the current and historical high, low and mid values. Optionally, it can also display major retracement levels. All these levels together form the significant levels of support and resistance. Therefore, it is essential to know them for every kind of trader. Levels High Low Midpoint 76,4 % 61,8 % 38,2 % 23,6 % Main features The indicator shows the actual levels of High, Low, Mid and selected retracements. Four optional retracement levels. Alert notifications
Tipu Stochastic
Kaleem Haider
3.86 (7)
Tipu Stochastic is the modified version of the original Stochastic Oscillator published by MetaQuotes here . Features Choose three types of signals (Reversals, Main Signal Cross, and Overbought/Oversold Cross). Customizable Buy/Sell alerts, push alerts, email alerts, and visual on-screen alerts. Marked overbought and oversold levels. Add Tipu Panel (found here ) and unlock the following additional features: An easy to use Panel that shows the trend + signal of the selected time frames. Show Sto
R Ease Of Movement Metatrader 4 外汇指标是一个蓝色的 EMZ 交易振荡器。 它是一种振荡器类型的外汇指标,可生成看涨和看跌的交易区域。 高于零水平的值被认为是看涨的,而低于零水平的值被认为是看跌的。 R Ease Of Movement 震荡指标本身不会产生好的结果,它需要结合趋势跟踪技术指标进行交易。 好的外汇趋势指标包括:SMA、EMA、PSAR、布林带、包络线…… 基本交易信号 来自 R Ease Of Movement MT4 外汇指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买入信号:当指标从下方穿过并收于 0.00 线上方且总体趋势必须向上时,开启买入交易。 卖出信号:当指标从下方穿过并收于 0.00 线下方且总体趋势必须向下时,开启卖出交易。 交易退出:当出现相反信号时关闭未平仓的买入/卖出外汇头寸,或使用您自己的交易退出方法。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 自定义选项:可变(EMZ 周期、最小值、最大值)颜色、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、
My Notes
Wiktor Keller
My notes is a simple indicator that will help you put any notes on your price chart. W ith one click you get as many notes as you choose from the menu. All blanks for your entries are lined up in one column. You only need to move the records to the right place on the graph and click on the record. The menu consists of four items: My_sum_Note number of entries , default 5 ; MyMessage Font font name, default "Arial"; MyMessage FontSize font size, default 10; MyMessageColor is the font color, Black
Background color panel
Faran Ataeiraveshti
Hello again This is a free indicator that provides you with a panel at the corner of your chart to change your background. If you want to hide it, you should click on the minimize button above the buttons. Let me know what other free indicators you need! If those are easy I will make them for you ;) Many other tools are in the row. So wait and look! Hope to Enjoy it Sepehr (Faran)
Magic Macd Cross
Christophe Godart
This classic "old school" MAGIC MACD indicator gives you the cross of the parameters you set. Standart setting is (12,26,9) . The arrows give you a possible change of trend. Be careful and do not use this indicator as a single signal source. FREE version  Please feel free to check out our other REX indicator series. We do have other free indicators.     "OLD BUT GOLD"
Andrey Spiridonov
The LevelsPivotMT4 plots the pivot points and forms the support and resistance levels. The indicator does not repaint. Default colors Yellow - pivot point. Green - resistance levels R1, R2, R3. Red - support levels S1, S2, S3. Installed similar to any standard indicator. Analysis rules Trade the rebound from support or resistance lines. Accordingly, the target is the central line (the pivot point, yellow by default).
Georgi Gaydarov
Simplest indicator for bar shadows. Very useful for Kangaroo Tail strategy. "Shadows" - this is the distance from high and close of the bull bar and low and close of the bear bar. The purpose of the shadow is to show you if the bar is strong or not.  Whether it is internal to the trend or is external. It even helps determine if a trend is starting. Input arguments: How many prevoius bars to calculate Value that should be passed to trigger the alarm How many times to repeat the alarm (Put 0 if yo
Gravity Force
Salman A A A T Bakhash
Description: This indicator measures how far the price is away from Moving Average or multiple Moving Averages  (from Lowest MA Period to Highest MA Period). also you can apply  weighted factor that  increase / decrease from  lowest  MA to  highest  MA period. Inputs: Lowest MA Period Highest MA Period Weighted factor for Lowest MA Period Weighted factor for Highest MA Period MAs method MAs applied price ATR Period 1st band factor 2nd band factor 3rd band factor indicator Applied price
Abiroid Multi Slope indicator allows you to calculate a Slope Histogram for any line of any indicator . Histogram is for 1 slope line only, but slope values can be calculated for 3 lines total. To have multiple histograms, add as many Slope indicators for custom indicators as you like on chart. You just need to provide the Indicator name, buffer value, slope's period and max number of bars back. By default it has slope calculation for TDI_v4.ex4 indicator. There is no way to specify parameters f
With the SR Dashboard, you get a powerful tool to control some of the most important information in trading. Assemble a setup according to your strategy and get informed as soon as this setup is valid. Assign scores to defined conditions and let the Dashboard find them. Choose from Trend, Average Daily Range, RSI, Moving Averages, Pivot (Daily, Weekly, Monthly), Highs and Lows, Candlestick Patterns. Note: This indicator is the free version of the Netsrac SR Dashboard. This version only supports
Artem Kuzmin
4 (1)
A classic indicator with advanced features for more accurate display of the market situation. All settings of all moving averages are available, such as the moving average type and the priced used in its calculation. It is also possible to change the appearance of the indicator - line or histogram. Additional parameters provide the ability of fine tuning. Distinctive features Does not redraw. Additional parameters for fine tuning. Displayed as a line or as a histogram. Works on all timeframes a
Kourosh Hossein Davallou
This Indicator works based on several well-known Technical Indicators in different time frame Works. These Technical Indicators include: ·          Moving Averages(MA) ·          Average Directional Index (ADX) ·          Parabolic Stop and Reverse (SAR) ·          Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) ·          Commodity Channel Index (CCI) ·          Oscillator of a Moving Average (OsMA) ·          Momentum(MOM) ·          Relative Strength Index (RSI) ·          Williams' Percent Rang
Intraday Intensity Index
Amirhossein Ghasemi Moroodi
经过7年的时间,我决定免费发布一些我自己的指标和EA。 如果您觉得它们有用,请  通过五星评级表达支持!您的反馈将继续带来免费工具! 也查看我的其他免费工具 这里 _________________________________ 日内强度指数(III)——精准外汇交易分析工具 精心开发的 MQL4 日内强度指数是一个尖端工具,旨在增强外汇交易分析。该指标采用独特的方法分析基于日内价格变动的资金流动,为交易提供深入的买卖压力分析。 主要特点: 高级分析 : 采用公式 [(2 × 收盘价 - 最高价 - 最低价) / (最高价 - 最低价)] × 成交量,全面展示市场动态。 市场动能 : 准确衡量日内买卖动力,对理解短期市场运动至关重要。 趋势识别 : 帮助发现潜在的趋势反转和市场强度,对及时决策至关重要。 以量衡量的洞察 ️: 整合成交量数据,提供比仅基于价格的指标更细致的视角。 使用和信号解读: 设置 ️: 轻松将 III 指标集成到您的 MetaTrader 4 平台中。根据您的具体交易策略调整设置。 日内分析 : 持续监控
Arrow indicator utilizing variable Parabolic SAR and EMA for trending markets . Will show trend being established and trend continuation , allowing you to ride long trends or scalp. Designed for: Scalping Intraday trading Long-term trading Effective for: Currency Pairs Indices Oil Silver Gold Crypto Recommended timeframes: H1 H4 Daily Weekly Monthly For shorter timeframes, please adjust fully customizable settings. Test to find the optimum settings to suit your trading style. Function Arrow is
Binary Options Assistant (BOA) ICE Signals Indicator provides signals based on gkNextLevel Binary Options Strategy.  Indicators: 2 Bollinger Bands & Stochastic Stop missing trades, stop jumping from chart to chart looking for trade set-ups and get all the signals on 1 chart! U se any of the BOA Signals Indicator with the  Binary Options Assistant (BOA) Multi Currency Dashboard .   All BOA Signal Indicator settings are adjustable to give you more strategy combinations. The signals can be seen
Yun Jiang Su
3 (2)
指标功能:完成十字光标跟随,多个窗口鼠标位置的同步显示。 功能 开启 :点击"H"标签,标签变成"S",开启十字光标,通过鼠标点击,完成第二个以上窗口的位置同步。                   可以大周期同步小周期 (注意:在大周期同步小周期时,要注意小周期中的数据是否足够多) ,                    也可以小周期同步大周期。 功能关闭:点击 "S"标签,会变成"H"。或者通过键盘的"ESC"键,关闭。 指标可以多个窗口加载,也可以单窗口加载。 参数设置: LabWindow:标签显示的窗口 LabConer :标签显示的角落位置 LabX  :标签位置横坐标 LabY :标签位置竖坐标 LabShowBackup :标签背景显示于背景 LabFontName :标签的字体名称 LabFontSize  :标签的字体大小
Velvet MACD
Kevin Peter Abate
Velvet MACD is intended for use with the Velvet advanced ordering layer.  It is a modified version of the MACD indicator provided by Metaquotes and all of the data it displays is accurate and verified, when it is detected by the ordering layer.  In order to place orders with the Velvet MACD indicator, the ordering layer must be installed and running.  Ordering from the Velvet MACD indicator requires that "Velvet Ordering Layer" ( found here ), version 2.0 or higher, be installed and running. Whe
O Afastamento da Média Móvel, é uma poderosa ferramenta de análise técnica projetada para fornecer uma representação visual do afastamento entre o preço atual e uma média móvel específica. Este indicador, desenvolvido para o MetaTrader, oferece aos traders uma perspectiva clara das mudanças na dinâmica de preço em relação à tendência de médio prazo. Versão MT5:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/111704
Modern Donchi MT4
Prafull Manohar Nikam
The indicator is based on the concept of price channels, which are formed by plotting the highest high and lowest low prices over a specified period of time. The Donchian Channel Indicator consists of three lines: an upper channel line, a lower channel line, and a middle channel line. The upper channel line represents the highest high over a specified period, while the lower channel line represents the lowest low. The middle channel line is the average of the two and can be used as a reference f
Logarithmic weighted oscillator
Francesco Del Vecchio
5 (1)
The LWO is a tool that effectively indicates the end of trends. Being an oscillator, it has values between 0 and 100, defining the areas of hyper-sold and those of hyper-bought. Its effectiveness is due to the weighing of prices at the end of individual periods on a logarithmic scale; this allows you to have a perception of the will of the market. The parameters The indicator has only 2 settable values, period and smooth factor. The period indicates how many bars the weighing is performed, whi
我在学习 Rob Smith 的 TheStrat 时创建了这个简单的指标,发现它非常有用,我想与您分享。如果您觉得它有用,请查看我在 MQL5 上发布的其他指标。 该指标只是在图表上绘制一条线,显示您从较高时间范围内选择的价格水平。 使用设置,您可以完全控制它显示的时间范围,但默认 情况下,它会自己计算更高的时间范围,只是将刻度向上移动一级。例如,如果您打开 H1 图表,它将显示 H4 图表中的数据。 设置 跟踪时间表 选择绘制价格水平的时间范围。如果您将其保留为当前的默认设置,它将为您选择合适的时间范围。如果您正在查看图表并在时间范围之间进行更改,这将非常有用,因为该线将始终向上调整。 跟踪值 您可以从以下标准价格值中选择一个。默认为开盘价。 PRICE_CLOSE 收盘价 PRICE_OPEN 开盘价 PRICE_HIGH 期间最高价 价格_低 期间最低价 PRICE_MEDIAN 中位数价格,(高 + 低)/2 PRICE_TYPICAL 典型价格,(最高价+最低价+收盘价)/3 PRICE_WEIGHTED 加权收盘价,(最高价+最低价+收盘价+收盘价)/4
YY Mono Waves
Yuryi Yatsenko
The Mono Waves indicator is designed to display the wave behavior of the market on a chart. Its appearance is presented on slide 1.   This indicator uses the PPPC (Point-Percent Price Channel) indicator, which can be downloaded for free from the Market .             When the market moves up, the upper border of the price channel is built on High candlestick prices (for more details, see the description of the PPPC indicator at the link given above). The higher the High prices rise, t
Индикатор сглаженных Bollinger Bands (xBB) Входные параметры: xBB Period - период усреднения xBB Price - используемая цена ( 0 - CLOSE | 1 - OPEN | 2 - HIGH | 3 - LOW | 4 - MEDIAN | 5 - TYPICAL | 6 - WEIGHTED) xBB Deviation - отклонение xBBColor - цвет индикаторных линий xBB Width - толщина индикаторных линиц Принцип работы Индикатор перерассчитывает стандартный технический индикатор Bollinger Bands (дважды усредняет получаемые значения iBands). Период усреднения индикатора соответствует двой
Hidden Zig Zag
Christian Ricard
This indicator allows to hide ZigZag indicator (on all MT4 timeframes) from a date define by the user with the panel ("Hidden Candles"). This indicator can be use with other "Hidden Indicators". Indicator Inputs: Depth Deviation Backstep Information on "ZigZag" indicator is available here:   https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/1537 ************************************************************* Hey traders!!  Give me your feeds!  We are a community here and we have the same objective.... make some mo
Cross Trend Lines
Harun Celik
2 (1)
Cross  Trend Lines  indicator trend indicator of find. This indicator, an array of works by using a series of indicator and algorithm. Uses two lines to find trends. The intersection of this line means that the start of the trend. These lines are green, tend to rise. Red lines indicate the downward trend. Use of this indicator is easy to understand. This indicator on its own or you can use other indicators that are appropriate for the strategy. Suggestions and Features Starts a new trend at the
Currency Outlook DM30
Kriengsak Peitaisong
5 (1)
Currency Outlook   is an indicator that can help us "Trade the right pair in the right direction and at the right time". This indicator analyzes prices of all cross currency pairs of the selected currency and report the result to us in form of double colours histogram diagram.   The maximum height of the histogram diagram of the indicator is 100.   The indicator is exclusively programming for AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD and USD. A feature for calculating trade lot size has been added to th
Turtle ATR
Yupeng Xiao
根据海龟交易法则对MT4自带的ATR指标进行了修改。ATR指标可以作为设置止损或止盈距离的参考,判断当日的波动情况(同理也可应用于其他周期)。 计算方法 当前K线的真实波动幅度 TR = MAX(H-L, H-PDC, PDC-L) 其中: H=当前K线最高价 L=当前K线最低价 PDC=前一根K线收盘价 海龟交易法则中ATR的计算公式如下: ATR = ((period-1)*PDN+TR)/period 其中: PDN=前一根K线的ATR值 TR=当前K线的真实波动幅度 由于公式中需要前一根K线的ATR值,因此,在首次计算ATR的时候不能用这个公式,只能计算真实波动幅度的简单平均值。 参数 ATR Period - 设置指标的计算周期,默认周期为14。
AC Arrow
Pavel Shutovskiy
4 (2)
The indicator displays zero level Accelerator Oscillator (AC) crossover in the form of dots on the chart. In indicator settings one can specify number of bars in the history to display signals, as well as shift of dots with respect to a bar. Parameters Bars — number of bars in the history to display indicator's signals; Shift — shift of dots with respect to bars.
Nikolaos Pantzos
iSTOCH in iMA is an indicator which applies the stochastic changes to the iMA. Changes are reflected by altering the moving average colors. It is a useful tool to see easily the upsides or downsides of the stochastic. You can to get source code from here . Parameters MA_Periods - iMA period. MA_Method - iMA method. K_Period - K line period. D_Period - D line period. Slowind - slowing. STOCH_MA_METHOD - averaging method for MA. PriceField - price (Low/High or Close/Close). STOCH_LevelUp - uptre
Hidden Fractals
Christian Ricard
This indicator allows to hide Bill Williams Fractals (on all MT4 timeframes) from a date define by the user with a vertical line (Alone) or a panel (with "Hidden Candles"). Indicator Inputs: Indicator Color Indicator Width Information on "Fractals" indicator is available here:   https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/analytics/tech_indicators/fractals ************************************************************* Hey traders!!  Give me your feeds!  We are a community here and we hav
SDX Chart
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
4.5 (2)
The SDX Chart is a free additional indicator which can be used in combination with SDX Dashboard . Features Ability to review the history of each symbol and time frame. Ability to change symbols and time frames with one click. Works perfectly in combination with SDX Dashboard and helps you to understand the system better. Settings MA Period - number of periods for the calculation of the moving average and the standard deviation. Number of Bars - how far back to draw the indicator. Buttons Size
Highly configurable Momentum indicator. Features: Highly customizable alert functions (at levels, crosses, direction changes via email, push, sound, popup) Multi timeframe ability Color customization (at levels, crosses, direction changes) Linear interpolation and histogram mode options Works on strategy tester in multi timeframe mode (at weekend without ticks also) Adjustable Levels Parameters: Momentum Timeframe:  You can set the lower/higher timeframes for Momentum. Momentum     Bar Shift:
The Slope
Naim El Hajj
4 (3)
The Slope  is an MT4 indicator that calculates the slope of the price, and draws a histogram so you could see when it's positive, negative, or ranging. Key Features: Calculates Slope of the Line Chart Shows the numbers as a Histogram below the chart Choose Different Periods for calculating the slope. Sends  Alerts and Push Notifications when slope changes direction Settings: CalculationPeriod:  The number of bars used to calculated the slope ( for example, if CalculationPeriod = 10, The Slope w
Channel Builder
Aleksey Ivanov
4.67 (3)
The Channel Builder (CB) or Ivanov Bands indicator is a broad generalization of the Bollinger Bands indicator. First, in CB, the mean line <X> is calculated using various averaging algorithms. Secondly, the mean deviations calculated by Kolmogorov averaging are plotted on both sides of the middle line <X>.                The middle line <X>, besides the standard SMA, EMA, SMMA and LWMA averaging algorithms, can be Median = (Max + Min) / 2 sliding median (which is the default). In

