适用于MetaTrader 4的技术指标 - 115

Are you tired of the constant ups and downs? Do not become a victim of unstable market movements, it's time to get rid of it somehow! Already now you can use The Trend Setter solutions to balance the price movement analysis and get a clearer picture of the price action.
The Trend Setter is a trend indicator for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. If you don't have your own trading strategy yet, you can use our ready-made trading strategy. The indicator will help in finding entry points when ana

Polynomial Trend - A tool that allows you to determine the direction and strength of a trend. Unlike most indicators, Polynomial Trend finds longer-term trends and gives fewer false signals. This indicator allows you to find the most likely trend reversal points b allows you to identify the current market phase (uptrend, downtrend).
This indicator displays arrows of different colors depending on the current state of the market and thus signals the user about a change in trend. It is easy to us

Shift Trend is a forex trend arrow indicator for identifying potential entry points. Determining the market trend is an important task for traders. The Shift Trend indicator implements an advanced algorithm for visualizing the market trend. Shows the opening points of transactions for sale or purchase, and also indicates the direction of the trend on: short-term and long-term periods. Suitable for trading on low timeframes because it ignores sudden price spikes or corrections in price action by

What are "pivot points"? Pivot point analysis is often used in conjunction with the calculation of support and resistance levels, as is the case with trend line analysis. Pivot point analysis calculates the first support and resistance levels using the trading range width between the pivot point and the previous day's high or low price. The second support and resistance levels are calculated using the entire width between the previous day's high and low prices.
Looking for a quality pivot poin

A useful dashboard that shows the CCI values for multiple symbols and Time-frames.
It can be easily hidden/displayed with a simple click on the X top left of the dashboard.
You can input upper and lower CCI values and the colours can be set to show when above/below these values. The default values are 100 and 30-100 There are also input colours for when the CCI is positive or negative (but not exceeding the upper/lower levels
Symbols and time-frames are input separated by commas.

This indicator is very usefull to TRADE Trading Ranges and helps identify the following TREND. Every Trader knows that any market stay 80% of the time in trading ranges and only 20% of the time in TREND; this indicator has been built to help traders trade trading ranges. Now instead of waiting for the next TREND, You can SWING TRADE on trading ranges with this simple yet very effective indicator.
The CONGESTIONI Indicator identify a new trading range and ale

AverageDirectionalIndex - 改進的指標公式。這個版本的 ADX 更準確地確定了價格反轉點和當前趨勢的方向。此外,使用此指標,您可以確定趨勢的強度。當綠線自下而上穿過紅線時,這意味著趨勢正在向上或正在形成暫時的回調。當紅線自上而下與綠線交叉時,表示趨勢正在轉向向下或正在形成暫時的回調。
如何使用 AverageDirectionalIndex 指標進行交易: 購買交易。將 AverageDirectionalIndex 指標添加到圖表中 + 添加標準移動指標。當價格高於移動平均線時,我們等待綠線自下而上穿過紅線的那一刻,並建立買入交易。 交易出售。將 AverageDirectionalIndex 指標添加到圖表中 + 添加標準移動指標。當價格低於移動平均線時,我們等待紅線從上到下穿過綠線的那一刻,並建立賣出交易。
AverageDirectionalIndex 指標的優點: 改進的 ADX 公式 超過標準版 很好地顯示了價格反轉點 您可以在所有貨幣對和時間範圍內進行交易 適合使用剝頭皮策略進行交易
AverageDirectionalIndex 指標的設

Divergence is one best ways to trade the financial market as it is a leading indicator of price action that detect high probability reversal and continuation setups. The AlgoKing Divergence Detector is an RSI and Stochastics Indicator with Divergence Detection. Features Hidden Divergence for trend continuation. Standard or Normal Divergence for trend reversal. Screen Alerts. MetaQuotes Notifications. Email Notifications. RSI Indicator built in. Stochastics Indicator built in. Types of Divergen

價格反轉 Pro - 價格將以 95% 的概率反轉的點。這些信息將幫助每個交易者有效地進行交易。圖表上的指標繪製了價格將反轉的位置和方向的箭頭。您需要等待指標畫出箭頭並在指示方向開單,這是最簡單的交易策略。該指標不會重新繪製箭頭並顯示中長距離的價格反轉。這意味著在箭頭出現後,價格將朝著指示的方向發展許多點。
指標的好處: 給出所有貨幣對的信號 用箭頭顯示價格反轉點 信號准確度高達 95% 不重繪信號 適用於所有時間範圍
交易建議: 任何貨幣對 任何時間範圍 任何經紀人 適合剝頭皮和長期交易
如何使用指標進行交易: 當出現紅色箭頭時,打開賣單。 當一個藍色箭頭出現時,打開一個買單。 止損設置在距離箭頭最多 30 點的位置。 止盈設置在 10 到 50 點的距離(取決於時間範圍)。
指標設置: period_one - 用於確定反轉點的短波計算週期。 period_two - 用於確定反轉點的長波計算週期。 period_rsi - 使用 rsi 過濾虛假信號的周期。 .type - 價格類型(開盤,收盤); 信號 - 向手機發送信號。 arrow_size - 箭頭大小。

Introduction to Chart Pattern MT Chart Pattern MT is a chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Chart Pattern MT uses highly sophisticated chart pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use with intuitive user interface. Chart Pattern MT will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection an

This indicator provides several drawing tools to assist in various methods of chart analysis.
The drawings will keep their proportions (according to their handle trendline) across different chart scales, update in real time, and multiple drawings are supported.
Drawing Option
1 Grid box draggable boxed grid, user defines rows x colums, diagonal ray option 2 Grid partial or fullscreen grid, sized by handle line 3 Grid flex a diagonal grid, sized and sloped by handle line
4 Cyc

This indicator helps you to build position and profit when market turns in your favor. You will build your full position by trading many small position. Once blue arrow appear on the chart, you could add long position. Once red arrow appear on the chart, you could add short position. I personally spread my full size position in to 5-10 small position. I use small target of 2-5 pips on eurusd pair.

The CHAOS INDICATOR has been developed to be used for the TRADING STRATEGY OF CHAOS, as described in the book. The book is in italian language only and can be obtained only on my website indicated below.
The CHAOS INDICATOR apply easily to any graph and any asset, and it is a TRADING FACILITATOR, as it identify immediately the following items on any graph: - The GP (= RIGHT PRICE) i.e. the price to which the asset should be attracted within 24 ho

This indicator is designed for those people who want to trade and earn on any instruments and timeframes.The indicator gives out very good points to enter the market,it is very easy to trade,the arrows will show when to open trades,set and trade without thinking about anything,stop loss and take profit, set each one yourself,it all depends on your trading style,someone scalps and someone holds trades on a few days.In the strategy tester, the indicator simply cannot physically show accurate resu

https://c.mql5.com/31/761/best-trend-indicator-logo-200x200-8493.png 该指标用一条红绿相见的实线来反映市场价格的万千变化。 绿线表明市场价格处于上 升期间 , 红线表明市场价格处于下跌期间。
实线颜色 的改变预示着市场已经发生变化行情极有可能会出现逆转! 建议您在日K线图上使用该指标。该指标不适合您做超短线交易! 众所周知,趋势线是技术分析家们用来绘制的某一证券 (股票) 或商品期货过去价格走势的线。目的是用来预测未来的价格变化。这条 趋势 线是通过联结某一特定时期内证券或商品期货上升或 下跌 的最高或最低价格点而形成的。它可以预测该证券或商品期货是处于上升的趋势还是处于下跌的趋势。但是,您一定要认识到每一个指标都有是有缺陷的,这个世界上没有任何一个指标可 以精准的预测到市场未来的发展方向。因此,我建议您在使用这个指标的时候能够结合其他的技术分指标,以此获得更好 的 效果 。

趨勢指標確定趨勢的方向。該指標掃描市場尋找急劇的價格反轉並向交易者顯示看跌或看漲趨勢開始的位置。當市場橫盤整理時,指標停止繪製信號線。由於該指標,每個交易者都能夠快速確定市場方向並在價格變動方向上開出正確的訂單。您還可以分析不同時間幀的市場,使用較大時間幀的信號確認較小時間幀的信號。這種策略可以高精度地確定趨勢的方向. 該指標準確地確定了中高時間範圍內的價格反轉點。 使用該指標進行交易時,最好將其與任何振盪器結合以確定精確的樞軸點。
指標的好處 : 不重繪信號 顯示趨勢的方向 提供有關當前市場趨勢及其發展方向的信息 易於設置的指標 適用於所有貨幣對和時間範圍 指標設置: period - 計算週期。 filter——信號濾波器。

Night Ghost - Arrow indicator for binary options.
This is a reliable assistant to you in the future!
- No redrawing on the chart -Works great on EUR/USD currency pairs! -Indicator accuracy up to 90% (Especially at night)
-No long setup required (Perfectly set up for Binary Options)
- Not late signals
- The appearance of a signal on the current candle
-Perfect for M1 period (No More!)
- Eye-friendly candle color (Red and Blue)
-Installed Alert
Working with it:
- Blue arrow shows signa

Forex Gump Trend 是一種通用指標,用於高效確定趨勢方向。如果您正確識別趨勢,這就是 95% 的交易成功,因為您將能夠在價格變動的方向上開倉並從中受益。 Forex Gump Trend 指標幫助交易者以高度的效率確定當前趨勢方向,以及趨勢反轉點。趨勢的方向在圖表上用彩色線表示,趨勢反轉點用箭頭表示。該指標有許多設置,允許您在幾乎所有時間框架和所有貨幣對上使用它。
如何與外匯阿甘趨勢交易? 交易策略取決於交易者的交易風格和他所使用的貨幣對。但在全球範圍內,使用該指標的交易策略始終基於趨勢方向的開單。該指標用彩色線條顯示趨勢。因此,當指標畫出藍線時,我們建立買入交易,當指標畫出紅線時,我們建立賣出交易。考慮到大多數交易者使用剝頭皮策略進行交易的事實,我們建議將 TakeProfit 放置在最小距離。大約15-25分。這是由於剝頭皮。在剝頭皮交易中,我們的目標是在短距離內打開許多訂單。止損設置在指標信號線的上方或下方或趨勢發生變化時。我們總是以小批量交易,這使我們能夠減少交易餘額的負擔。我們嘗試每天進行大量交易以平均結果。因此,如果我們開立大量短距離交易,我們會增加盈

随机RSI(StochRSI)是技术分析中使用的一个指标,其范围在0和1之间(或在某些图表平台上为0和100),是通过将随机振荡器公式应用于一组相对强度指数(RSI)值而不是标准价格数据来创建的。这个版本包括提醒,不要错过真正的好机会。当你想接收买入信号或卖出信号时,你可以设置参数。为了接收任何信号,你必须通过MetaQuotes ID连接你的桌面版和Metatrader应用程序。MetaQuotes ID在你的MT4/5应用程序的设置>>聊天和信息中找到。在桌面上是在工具>>选项>>通知。你把ID放在桌面版上,激活通知,就可以开始了。
试试MT5版本, 这里
我知道每次都要点击属性来改变蜡烛的颜色、背景是浅色还是深色,以及放置或删除网格是多么令人厌烦。这里有一个一键式的解决方案。 三个可定制的按钮可以选择交易者想要的蜡烛样式。 一个按钮可以在白天和夜晚模式之间切换。 一个按钮可以在图表上显示或隐藏网格。 ***** 在设置中,你可以选择按钮在屏幕上的显示位置*****。
另外,请考虑查看我的其他产品 https://www.mql5

I decided to add parallel function with DeMarker to free version of my indicator with RSI MTF. it is good for scalping or for weekly trading and looks as universal fx-toy. In menu you can turn on daily percentage gain info, it is good for crypto as for me, weekly and monthly gains also included as informers. Short ATR helps to determine when price was stopped and entry for pulse pump/dump. The filter of numbers of RSI can be tuned for overbought/oversold values with colors you needed. Examp

Currently switched to the 4 hour chart - but use other time frames for confirmation. :-) I change my main time frame based on the market movement at the time. The Hurricane Forex Indicator is a multi time frame indicator that includes such things as Trade Notifications, Trade Calculator, Momentum Indicator, risk reward and much more. We have a free Trade room for our users as well. Please check out the video for full details of how this indicator works as it has over 15 years worth of developme

CONGESTION BREAKOUT INDICATOR: When you see a sideways price movement in a meaningless market, what goes through your mind? Is it a danger, an opportunity or completely a vacuum? Let's see if we can avoid the latter and focus on using it to our advantage. The ability to read price action through the display of rectangles on the chart could be the boost you need to achieve your trading goals. What is congestion? Congestion is a market situation where the price is trading around a particular leve

BSA indicator is a ZigZag based indicator. This indicator is used to find the reversal level of the price. You can use the existing risk ratio and calculation timeframe in the entries by optimizing them according to your usage preference. In lower time frames, the indicator can repaint. For healthier results, you can detect the least repainting by observing for a while according to the graphic you will apply.

Simple Dark Holder Tool
Arrow indicator for Forex and binary options
Already tuned for the best signals
Multicurrency and multitimeframe
Works on all currency pairs as well as raw materials, etc.
Works on the author's strategy and combines 3 indicators that show good results
Does not draw or redraw
The signal appears clearly at the opening of the candle
blue up
Red down
Alert is also built into it for your convenience.
Test and watch a video on how it works

Weddell Pro is a good trading tool that is suitable for both a beginner and an experienced trader.
It can be used both separately and combined with other strategies and indicators
Configured for currency pairs was tested several times on cryptocurrency but did not show a high result
Currency pairs USD/EUR AUD/CAD GBP/USD Showed itself very well here
The percentage of correct transactions is above 68%, which does not make it perfect and bad
Doesn't draw or disappear
The red arrow shows a t

Welcome to Upside Down !
Upside Down is a powerful indicator that gives the perfect trading opportunities and a clear indication of the market. Upside Down has been created to be as simple as possible. Arrows are calculated based on ASC Trend and customs indicators . Signals appear without delay at the end of a candle, if it has tested the level. The signals do not overdraw.
Easily to enter in buy position/sell position Intuitive directional arrows by colors

The Forex Trend Dashboard is a truly exceptional tool for analyzing and operating the choice of which exchange to try to trade. The analysis of currency baskets allows you to better understand the real situation of the market and better evaluate your own operational ideas. The dashboard analyzes the trend over different time horizons such as: daily, weekly and monthly. The resulting considerations are very simple, the session opening price and its strength condition are analyzed by recognizing t

Support And Resistance Screener is in one level indicator for MetaTrader that provide multiple tools inside one indicator. The available tools are : 1. Market Structure Screener. 2. Bullish Pullback Zone. 3. Bearish Pullback Zone. 4. Daily Pivots Points 5. weekly Pivots Points 6. monthly Pivots Points 7. Strong Support and Resistance based on Harmonic Pattern and volume. 8. Bank Level Zones.
Key Features All in one level indicator.
All types of alerts ( Pop-up alert, puss notification alerts.

This tool provides a freehand drawing method, to treat the chart space as a blackboard and draw by-hand. Drawings can be made to stick to the CHART (moves with chart scroll), or to stick to the WINDOW (does not move with chart scroll).
Features: all drawings are individually styled, color, width
show/hide each drawing type
delete last drawing drawings, on chart and on window, remain through TF changes and terminal re-starts, until the indicator is removed
Panel: stylable colors scalable in size

动态振荡器 - 是一种高级自定义 Crypto_Forex 指标 - 适用于 MT4 的高效交易工具! .................................................................................................... - 新一代振荡器 - 查看图片以了解如何使用它。 - 动态振荡器具有自适应超卖/超买区域。 - 振荡器是一种辅助工具,用于从超卖/超买区域找到准确的切入点。 - 超卖值:低于绿线;超买值:高于红线。 - 它比标准振荡器准确得多。 - 具有 PC 和移动警报。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

My indicator is a great helper in the forex market. It shows possible market reversals with absolute accuracy. My indicator does not redraw and does not change values when switching timeframes. It works perfectly on all timeframes and can become a key indicator in your strategy. I would like to note that flexible indicator settings allow you to adapt the indicator to your strategy and can make a big contribution to your profitable strategy, although everything is already laid down in this indica

Cheap Rate limited COPIES HURRY UP! 5 LEFT COPIES Very precise patterns to detect High Accurate Order Blocks: It Draw zone after market Structure Breakout with a high Accuracy, institutional orders with the potential to change the price’s direction and keep moving towards it, have been placed. Features Auto Order Blocks Draw MTF Order Blocks Double Signal One Alert Signal Second Long Wick Rejection Signal Market Structure BOS LINE This Indicator is limited features if you want full Feature

ADX Pro Indicator This Indicator Are Advanced Pro ADX Indicator Multi Time Frame Are Same Window Multi Currency Are Same Windows All Time Frame And All Currency ADX Strenght Are Same Window Monitring You Will Add Manully All Currency Pairs , And Metel , And Also Crypto Currency Pairs : EURUSD , GBPUSD, USDJPY .... Etc , Metel : XAUUSD , XAGUSD ... Etc , Crypto : BTCUSD, ETHUSD... Etc

Hello; The product offers high quality trend tracking. Thanks to the arrows on the graph, you can easily follow the entry and exit signals. It provides ease of use thanks to a single input parameter. You can easily follow the signals thanks to the alarm options. Moreover, trend color lines provide convenience in determining the trend direction. Input parameter setting: Periodic: Indicates the number of bars that need to be calculated.

Several indicators are summarized in one display conclusion. Highly recommended indicator for all traders even beginners. You only need to make transactions according to the recommendations displayed by the indicator. It's obvious for trading news with big effects though. Trading is all about money, so love your money and make a profit with our tools. Trading recommendations on news on major currencies

Master Trend Signal Indicator
TimeFrame - 15 Mins & More
Pairs - All Forex Currency Pairs , Gold , Silver , Crypto, Stock
Once Trend Is UP Cross The Yellow Line, It's Show Colour For Green
Once Trend Is Down Cross The Yellow Line, It's Show Colour For Red Easy TO Identify Trend Strength ON Trading For Scalping, Intraday Trading 5 Purchases left & The Price Increases

В основе индикатора EasyBands лежит тот же принцип, что и при построении Bollinger Band. Однако, данная модификация индикатора использует вместо стандартного отклонения средний торговый диапазон (Average True Range). Соответственно, с данным индикатором абсолютно аналогично можно использовать все стратегии, которые применяются с Bollinger Band. В данной версии индикатора используется двенадцать уровней и средняя линия (белый цвет). Индикация тренда выполнена в виде окраски свечей в зависимости

Golden Scalping & Day Trading Signal Indicator You Can Enable Or Disable Scalping Signal Option Once Enable For Scalping More Order Signals Option Or Disable For Scalping Option Intraday Signal Option Pairs : XAUUSD, XAGUSD - EURUSD, GBPUSD,USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCAD, BTCUSD , USDCHF, GBPJPY Time Frame : 15 Mins, 30 Mins , 1 Hour 5 Purchases left & The Price Increases

Market Reversal Catcher Dashboard indicator looks for market reversal points or major pullback. To do this, it analyzes previous price movements and using a flexible algorithm for estimating the probability of a reversal, also gives recommendations on entry points and sets recommended profit targets for positions opened on a signal. The dashboard is designed to sit on a chart on it's own and work in the background to send you alerts on your chosen pairs and timeframes. Dashboard does not requi

UR Momenter 完美地計算了與以震盪指標表示的價格走勢耗盡相關的價格動量。 因此,這為我們提供了潛在逆轉或回撤的真正早期信號。 這個公式是在 2018 年市場泡沫破裂後發現的。
使用 UR Momenter 的優勢:
無參數 您有 2 條線描述價格走勢 - 白線是與價格移動平均偏差相關的價格動量,表示為振盪器(藍線) 直方圖是價格動量背景下最大偏差的可視化 該界面展示了兩個極端(上部紅色區域和下部綠色區域)的任一條線的耗盡 最大優勢:簡單且可適應所有資產。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求!
為什麼選擇 UR Momenter?
該指標可用作獨立的進入或退出指標。 由於它對價格的依賴 - 它可以應用於每個圖表,其偏差計算算法基於多年的經驗和觀察。
如何使用 UR Momenter?
設置 沒有任何 展示
價格平均主線(白色):價格的動量 價格震盪指標(藍色):價格與其移動平均線的偏差。 直方圖:顯示動量的偏差。 極端區域:價格將耗盡並可能反轉的區域。

其中一个数字序列称为“森林火灾序列”。它被公认为最美丽的新序列之一。它的主要特点是该序列避免了线性趋势,即使是最短的趋势。正是这一属性构成了该指标的基础。 在分析金融时间序列时,该指标试图拒绝所有可能的趋势选项。只有当他失败时,他才会认识到趋势的存在并给出适当的信号。这种方法可以让人们正确地确定新趋势开始的时刻。然而,误报也是可能的。为了减少它们的数量,该指标添加了一个额外的过滤器。当新柱打开时会生成信号。在任何情况下都不会发生重绘。 指标参数: Applied Price - 应用价格常数; Period Main - 指标的主要周期,其有效值在 5 - 60 之间; Period Additional - 附加周期,此参数的有效值为 5 - 40; Signal Filter - 附加信号滤波器,有效值 0 - 99; Alerts - 启用后,指示器会在出现新信号时提醒您; Send Mail - 允许指标向电子邮件发送消息; Push - 允许您发送 Push 消息。

Gold Scalping Pro Signal Indicator Pairs : XAUUSD, XAGUSD, Crude OIL , BTCUSD, ETHUSD, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, GBPJPY Setting : Once Market Are Up And Down Side , The Indicator Are Provide Buy And Sell Order Push Notification Time Frame - 5 Mins, 15 Mins, 1 Hour, 4 Hour Additional : You Have Also Trade Manual , Once Trend Power Is Up , Enter Buy Or Trend Power is Down, Enter Sell

A Good , Easy , Readable and handy indicator for experienced and professional traders. It gives bounded signals between zero and one. Easy for investors to comprehend. It gives near and longer trading outlook to investors and helps them to find good opportunities. Indicator gives zero signal on price downturns and signal value equals to one on price upturns. Once again a new type of indicator and rangebound between zero and one .

A very Simple Indicator for experienced and professional traders. It indicates direction of trade and provides signals of best deals. Signal is referred here a point on chart where indicator line turns its direction or converges. This indicator finds underlaying trading asset trade direction and indicates best scenarios of trade as described in screenshots. Where it has run for a period of time and converges to best deal scenarios.
Have a Look!

A value indicator. It is helping tool to indicate the direction of value gain. A best helping tool to trade value. This indicator is equipped with a colored line and a digital tool to indicate value numerically .
This indicator also helps to indicate value during trends. A study based on this indicator shows value of trade significantly changes during trends best tool to chase the trends.

A basic tool for experienced and professional traders to trade percentile of the value. It indicates both values in the form of digits appeared on the left corner of the screen.
Instructions Manual : First choose your desired symbol and then select this tool. Please be remined that this tool is just a helping tool. its upon trader what he chooses. The function of this tool is just to provide a help in trading.

A technical Indicator Providing Price Convergence Signals along with value for experienced and professional traders. Easy to comprehend, Easy to understand.
This is a helping tool provides best signals. This indicator is designed based on the fundamentals of trade. A very good indicator you can customized its color. A best tool to find trade direction.
An adaptive indicator. It constantly adapts to the trade.

NOTE: T he indicator in demo version will not work as it requires the specific preset and if in future you don't see recent numbers drawn on your chart then please contact us for recent calculated preset file
This is smart money levels , just see the pictures how the pair reacts to our calculated numbers
The indicator can be used with any timeframe but to match the institutional traders we recommend H4 or D1 charts
Allow DLL imports must be turned on, as the indicator requires to be connect

Tron黄牛的主要特点: 分析函数
它可以在任何货币对和时间框架上使用; 指标不重绘; 这是其他指标的一个很好的补充; 图形功能
占据图表上最小数量的位置; 柔性酊剂; 简单易学; Tron黄牛由...
蓝线是RSI指标; 橙色线是基于T3RSI的综合RSI指标; 虚线-布林带的边界; 蓝线是布林带的中线; Tron黄牛的主要特点:
有一组用于过滤的指示器; 指标本身显示何时需要进入市场;
Tron黄牛的基本设置: RSI周期-设置RSI的蓝线;
进入市场的信号是在建立在T3RSI上的综合RSI离开布林带时形成的。 可以使用T3RSI与布林带中线的交点。

Dear traders once again I am very glad to introduce to you my another trading tool called "Trend Hunter Indicator". This indicator is designed to help traders capture the trend from the beginning or the end of it. It is one of the indicator that if used wisely may help you improve in your trading decisions.
The indicator is for all timeframes
The Indicator is for all pairs.

HEIKEN PLUS is the only indicator you really need to be a successful trader , without in depth knowledge of the forex trading or any tools. Also there is automatically trading MT5 EA available now: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/89517? with superb SL/TP management! and sky high profit targets ! MT5 ONLY !
For Metatrader5 version visit: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/83761?source=Site
Very suitable tool for new traders or advanced traders too.
HEIKEN+ is a combin

DESCRIPTION Investing indicator help you get signal like Technical Analysis Summary of Investing.com When have signal strong ( Strong buy or Strong sell) at Time Frame M5, M15, H1, The Alert will announce to you HOW TO USE When have signal , you can entry Order and set TP & SL appropriately Recommend : This indicator also Technical Analysis Summary of Investing.com is suitable for medium and long term trading

UR FrontEndBackEnd 是我最喜歡的公式,用於找到最準確的支撐和阻力水平。 我還將它們分成不同的類別(虛線、實線和區域)以標記它們的強度。 所有這些都存儲在緩衝區中,因此它們很容易在其他工具中訪問和實施。
添加:該工具可能需要根據它所應用的資產進行調整 - 資產在影響該工具的價格方面的 digis nr 方面有所不同。 設置中提供了所需的參數。
使用 UR FrontEndBackEnd 的優勢:
只需 2 個參數即可設置計算的密度和距離 支撐和阻力存儲在緩衝區內,從給定資產的價格開始上升/下降 3 種線條,用於快速視覺反饋支撐/阻力線的強度 -> DASHED、SOLID 和 AREA 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求!
為什麼選擇 UR FrondEndBackEnd?
它是最容易使用和設置的支撐/阻力指標 - 也可以在其他工具中實施 - 所有數據都易於讀取並存儲在 4 個緩衝區中。
如何使用 UR FrondEndBackEnd ?

The Cycle Identifier MT4 indicator is a great choice of custom indicator for both short-term and long-term traders. The Cycle Identifier MT4 generates filtered price action signals to assist traders to identify when the conditions are right to open buy and sell positions. How it works The Cycle Identifier MT4 indicator displays on a separate indicator chart below the main chart where it draws an oscillating gray line. This gray line is characterized by upward and downward spikes that are accompa

This indicator is used to show the PERFECT TREND . All Time Frame charts are available. The trend is determined based on the Cycle, Price and Volatility. This Trend Indicator will give 5 output values: Cycle Period: 48 is default
Graph Place: 0 Means Main Windows - 1 means Sub Windows (you can use in your indicator)
NumBars: you can decide how many older Bar use
Short Trend Color : You can decide which color to use for Short Trend
Long Trend Color : You can decide which color to use for Long T

Awesome Oscillator by Bill Williams with the ability to fine-tune and replace the averaging algorithms of the indicator, which significantly expands the possibilities of using this oscillator in algorithmic trading and brings it closer in its properties to such an indicator as the MACD. To reduce price noise, the final indicator is processed with an additional Smooth averaging. The indicator has the ability to give alerts, send mail messages and push signals when the direction of movement of th

What is 2 Line MACD Indicator MT4? The 2 Line MACD Indicator, in short, is a technical indicator that assists in identifying the trend as well as its strength, and the possibility of the trend reversal. It is a widespread forex technical indicator that is made of three essential components, i.e. 1. MACD histogram
2. MACD: 12-period exponential moving average (12 EMA) – 26 period EMA
3. MACD Signal Line: the 9-period EMA of the MACD. This Indicator is one that ensures a trader stays profitable o

3C JRSX H Indicator represents a trend-following forex trading oscillator that signals for both market trends and its possible swing areas. Besides, it supports all sorts of timeframe charts available within the forex MT4 platform. Therefore, it can serve all kinds of financial traders providing supports for both scalping and day trading activities. This Indicator can be applied to all kinds of forex currency pairs available in the market. Moreover, its simplicity of use and easy chart demons

The Market Profile Indicator for MT4 displays the price levels and zones where increased trading activity happens. These zones with substantial forex trading activity provide the forex traders with the best entry levels, support, and resistance levels. Moreover, price levels indicate the best reversal zones. As a result, forex traders can identify BULLISH and BEARISH market trends and BUY and SELL entry points as well as the best reversal points. The indicator works well in all intraday timefram

Signal lines are used in technical indicators, especially oscillators , to generate buy and sell signals or suggest a change in a trend. They are called signal lines because when another indicator or line crosses them it is a signal to trade or that something potentially important is happening with the price of an asset. It could be that the price was trending, pulled back , and is now starting to trend or again, or it could signal that a new uptrend or downtrend is starting.

About Scanner:
It will show you the Higher/Lower Highs and Lows of zigzag price. Use it to keep track of best ongoing trends and price ranges.
Detailed blog post:
HH: Higher Highs HL: Higher Lows When price makes higher and higher Highs or higher Lows:
It will count Zigzag in reverse and find total number of last "Higher Highs" and "Higher Lows" or "Lower Lows" and "Lower Highs". LL: Lower Lows LH: Lower Highs
How to Use:
Suppose price is

Accelerator Oscillator by Bill Williams with the ability to fine-tune and replace the averaging algorithms of the indicator, which significantly expands the possibilities of using this oscillator in algorithmic trading and brings it closer in its properties to such an indicator as MACD.
To reduce price noise, the final indicator is processed with an additional Smooth averaging. The indicator has the ability to give alerts, send mail messages and push signals when the direction of movement of

Take Your Trading Experience To the Next Level ! and get the Magic Bollinger Bands Diamond Indicator MagicBB Diamond Indicator is MT4 Indicator which can suggest signals for you while on MT4. The indicator is created with Non Lag Bollinger Bands strategy for the best entries. This is a system to target 10 to 20 pips per trade. The indicator will give alerts on the pair where signal was originated including timeframe. If signal sent, you then enter your trade and set the recommended pips target

SupportResistancePeaks Indicator indicator - is the combination of dynamic support/resitance and price action pattern. As a rule support/resistance indicators uses already calculated, history levels. The most disadvantage of this method - new(incomming) levels always are not the same as were on history, in other words accuracy is not so high as expected. My indicator is looking for dynamic/live levels that are forming right now after trend lost it's power and choppy market starts. As a rule exac

如何使用該指標進行交易: 當一個紅色箭頭出現時,我們打開一個賣出交易。 當一個藍色箭頭出現時,我們打開一個買入交易。 止盈設置在 15-25 點。止損由您自行決定,具體取決於市場的波動性和您交易的貨幣對。
指標的好處: 不重繪其值 顯示價格反轉點 顯示趨勢變化點 顯示價格回滾點 非常容易使用 具有易於使用的最少設置
指標設置: period - 指定指標計算週期。 為了演示使用該指標進行交易的有效性,我將開始我自己的信號,我將在其中演示使用該指標進行手動交易。這將是完全手動交易,我將僅使用該指標的信號進行交易。您可以在鏈接 https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1670778 上查看交易結果

MACD Scanner provides the multi symbols and multi-timeframes of MACD signals. It is useful for trader to find the trading idea quickly and easily. User-friendly, visually clean, colorful, and readable. Dynamic dashboard display that can be adjusted thru the external input settings. Total Timeframes and Total symbols as well as the desired total rows/panel, so it can maximize the efficiency of using the chart space. The Highlight Stars on the certain matrix boxes line based on the selected Scan M

В основу алгоритма этого осциллятора положен анализ веера сигнальных линий технического индикатора RSI . Алгоритм вычисления сигнальных линий выглядит следующим образом. В качестве исходных данных имеем входные параметры индикатора: StartLength - минимальное стартовое значение первой сигнальной линии; Step - шаг изменения периода; StepsTotal - количество изменений периода. Любое значение периода из множества сигнальных линий вычисляется по формуле арифметической прогрессии: SignalPeriod(Numbe

This indicator takes input from the RSI from multiple time frames (M/W/D/H4/H1), and presents the output on the main chart. Great for scalping. Features alerts for the current chart's TrendLine above or below price. TrendLine period setting. Multi RSI period settings. How to use: Simply attach to M5 (Scalping - zoom chart out completely on M5) or use on higher time frames' charts. Zoom chart out completely to get a better view of the chart. Hover over the lines to see the time frame applicable.

Wink IND is an indicator that tell you: -when MACD is saying buy or sell -when RSI is saying buy or sell -work on multi timeframes MT5 Version
by Wink IND: you don't need to have Knowledge about MACD or RSI don't need to check and compare MACD and RSI respectly don't need to check all of timeframes and compare the resaults don't lose time, save more time for your decisions in trading
Wink IND: multi timeframe indicator multi currency indicator show the positions by graphic shapes, arrows and

В основу алгоритма этого трендового индикатора положен анализ веера сигнальных линий универсального мувинга . Алгоритм вычисления сигнальных линий выглядит следующим образом. В качестве исходных данных имеем входные параметры индикатора: StartLength - минимальное стартовое значение первой сигнальной линии; Step - шаг изменения периода; StepsTotal - количество изменений периода. Любое значение периода из множества сигнальных линий вычисляется по формуле арифметической прогрессии: SignalPeriod(Nu

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