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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的新技术指标 - 41

icon 下面列出的技术指标信号对MetaTrader 4平台的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。 指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测价格变化。
Channel Scanner
Reza Aghajanpour
5 (4)
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me  to send you instruction and add you in "Channel Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: The Channel pattern is described as the area located between two trend lines. This area is used for a measure of a trading range. In this case, the upper trend line connects price highs while the lower trend line connects price lows. Also when it comes to breakout points, it helps t
MA Revolution
Davit Beridze
5 (1)
MA Revolution is upgraded version of standard Moving   A verage. With the current upgrade moving average line got more sensitive with different market conditions. It gets more flexible by decreasing default period step by step while market is sharp and incrasing period back to default period step by step while market is normal again. testing of the ide a shows th at this upgr aded version gives much more acur acy for detecting m arket direction, ch anges in direction are shown much e arly th an
MP Demark Pivot Levels
Pierre Ksachikian
4.5 (2)
This indicator is stand alone version from  MP Pivot Levels  (All in one) containing Demark's Pivots. Calculations:     PP = X / 4     R1 = X / 2 - LOWprev     S1 = X / 2 - HIGHprev Uses: When the pair currency price may change the direction of movement. Possible constraints of support and resistance that creates plateaus for the currency pair prices. Tendency identification by comparing the present prices according to current day's pivot point and also the prior day's pivot points. ___________
This indicator is stand alone version from  MP Pivot Levels  (All in one) containing Woodie Pivots. Woodie’s pivot points are made up of multiple key levels, calculated from past price points, in order to frame trades in a simplistic manner. The key levels include the ‘pivot’ itself, and multiple support and resistance levels (usually up to three each). Traders use these levels as a guide for future price movements when setting up trades. The pivot : (Previous high + previous low + 2 x previou
XRX Master
Mati Maello
This indicator XRX Master indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator helps to buy and sell. Features FiltPer- displays indicator period. deviation - displaus indicator deviation. deviation2 - displaus indicator deviation 2. HL_period - displaus indicator Highest and Lowest period. HL_period2 - displaus indicator Highest 2 and Lowest 2 period. How to understand the status: If the trend color arrow is green, trend is up. I f the trend color arrow is red, trend is down. //////
Mhd Amran Bin Lop
DepthTrendView is an indicator that is used to see the direction of the market very clearly compared to the indicators that are commonly used by many people. What is interesting about this indicator is that you can see the direction of the trend and also know that the market is at the end or that the market wants to start a new trend. How to Use: 1- To see the earliest BUY direction you need to see previous candle below Aqua Line before green arrow appear. 2- To see the earliest SELL dire
Market Structure
Reza Aghajanpour
4.85 (27)
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me  to send you instruction and add you in "Market Structure group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Market structure is important for both new and professional traders since it can influence the liquidity and price action of a market (Breakout and Retest). It’s also one of the most commonly used techniques to understand trends, identify potential reversal points, and get a feel f
Apollo Volume Profile 是一种使用交易量分析确定市场走势方向的指标。该指标非常易于使用。该指标清楚地显示了市场上买卖双方的比例,具体取决于所使用的时间范围。该指标可用作任何交易系统的基础。该指标不会重新绘制其信号。 该指标可用于交易任何金融工具,例如货币、金属、指数、股票、加密货币。无论您喜欢哪种交易方式,该指标在任何情况下都会对您有用。如果您是剥头皮交易者或习惯于在更高的时间范围内进行交易,该指标将对您有用。 该指标可用作独立交易系统或用作其他指标的高精度趋势过滤器。一切顺利! 祝您交易愉快、获利丰厚!愿市场永远站在你这边! 购买后,一定要写信给我!我将与您分享我的交易建议和丰厚的奖金!
在一个窗口中分析货币对的多个时间范围可能会让您感到困惑。 要分析多个时间范围,您需要可靠的指标。 其中之一是使用 9TF STOCH RSI。 我夜以继日地工作,以创建简单但可靠的代码,并在一个指标中涵盖所有九个时间范围。 让我们看一下该指标的一些优点: 彩色直方图。 每个时间范围内的曲线颜色各不相同。 指示 STOCHASTIC 主线和信号线交叉的箭头。 (注意:忽略出现的最后一个箭头!) OBOS水平线。 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器。 9TF 仪表板监视器计算非常准确,即使您从一个时间范围更改为另一个时间范围也是如此。 监控哪条曲线高于超买水平,哪条曲线低于超卖水平。 监测主 STOCH 是否高于信号 STOCH 的曲线,反之亦然。 监控主 STOCH 和信号 STOCH 之间是否有交叉的曲线。 监视当前信号与先前信号的移动。 在上升或下降的过程中。 (注意:这是剥头皮非常重要的功能!) 监测 RSI 线的运动。 一个非常重要的趋势栏功能,用于发现长期趋势。 改变颜色的能力。 能够选择要显示的曲线。 能够选择要显示的直方图。 能够选择显示哪个箭头。 能够将 9
在一个窗口中分析货币对的多个时间范围可能会让您感到困惑。 要分析多个时间范围,您需要可靠的指标。 其中之一是使用 9TF MACD 曲线。 我夜以继日地工作,以创建简单但可靠的代码,并在一个指标中涵盖所有九个时间范围。 让我们看一下该指标的一些优点: 彩色直方图。 每个时间范围内的曲线颜色各不相同。 指示 MACD 主线和信号线交叉的箭头。 (注意:忽略出现的最后一个箭头!) 临界水平线。 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器。 9TF 仪表板监视器计算非常准确,即使您从一个时间范围更改为另一个时间范围也是如此。 监控哪条曲线高于临界水平,哪条曲线低于临界水平。 监控曲线是否主要 MACD 高于信号 MACD,反之亦然。 监控曲线是否有主 MACD 和信号 MACD 之间的交叉。 监视当前信号与先前信号的移动。 在上升或下降的过程中。 (注意:这是剥头皮非常重要的功能!) 一个非常重要的趋势栏功能,用于发现长期趋势。 改变颜色的能力。 能够选择要显示的曲线。 能够选择要显示的直方图。 能够选择显示哪个箭头。 能够将 9TF 仪表板显示器放置在您想要的位置。 只需单击一下按钮
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The indicator shows 7 patterns of the Price Action trading system, as well as the maximum and minimum price lines for the day. Timeframe: H1, H4, D1. Pin bar Outside Vertical Bar (OVB) Pivot Point Reversal (PPR) Closing Price Reversal (CPR) Double Extremums ( DMax/DMin ) Wide Range Bar (WRB) Inside Bar (IB) Settings PRICE ACTION PATTERNS Show Pin Bar   Color Pin Bar - pointer arrow color.                                        Show Outside Vertical Bar (OVB)  Color Outside Vertical Bar   - poin
Volume Champion 是一种分析市场交易量并以直方图形式显示数据的指标。您无需深入研究市场分析理论。您可以简单地跟随指标读数。指标柱根据对市场交易量结构的分析显示价格变动的潜在方向。该指标设计用于更高的时间范围,例如 H4、D1、W1。信号不呈现! 从技术上讲,该指标可以根据交易者的需要与其他时间范围一起使用。此外,该指标可用于任何货币对,但该指标最适用于某些货币对,例如 USDJPY、EURJPY、EURUSD、GBPUSD 和其他一些货币对。购买后,我将提供该指标的最佳货币对的完整列表。 购买后请联系我。我将为您提供支持的货币对列表以及出色的赠金指标,以帮助您在交易中获得更多利润! 感谢您的关注!
Break Out Signal Osw
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
中断信号 OSW (元交易者 4) 您想打破高潮和低谷吗? 这是从这些类型的条目中获取信号的完美指标。 一旦指标启动,它不会向您显示任何信号,但随着价格上涨,它会读取市场,直到找到完美的突破形态。 读取高点和低点的指标具有 Zig Zag 的特殊配置,允许只采用最合适的。 与任何指标一样,它不会给出完美的条目,但它给出的许多结果都是赢家,并且伴随着良好的技术分析,它们给出了非常好的结果。 看涨条目为蓝色,看跌条目为红色,每个条目都有一个建议的止损和止盈,缓冲区完美设置为可读取,并且能够打开和关闭信号警报。 中断信号 OSW (元交易者 4) 您想打破高潮和低谷吗? 这是从这些类型的条目中获取信号的完美指标。 一旦指标启动,它不会向您显示任何信号,但随着价格上涨,它会读取市场,直到找到完美的突破形态。 读取高点和低点的指标具有 Zig Zag 的特殊配置,允许只采用最合适的。 与任何指标一样,它不会给出完美的条目,但它给出的许多结果都是赢家,并且伴随着良好的技术分析,它们给出了非常好的结果。 看涨条目为蓝色,看跌条目为红色,每个条目都有一
Andrey Kozak
Nepsetms45 是一種外匯剝頭皮指標,向交易者顯示價格反轉點和當前趨勢方向。指標信號的準確度平均為 87%。這表明,如果指標在圖表上繪製一個箭頭,那麼價格在不久的將來將以 87% 的概率朝箭頭的方向移動至少 20 點或更多。該指標還使用圖表上的線條顯示趨勢方向和運動強度。 Nepsetms45 是一個現成的交易系統,用於 M5、M15 甚至 H1 時間幀的日內剝頭皮交易。與他交易非常容易。當指標畫出藍色箭頭時,我們打開一個買單。獲利+20 點。止損設置在藍色箭頭下方一點。當紅色箭頭出現時,我們做同樣的事情。僅在這種情況下,我們打開一個賣單,將獲利設置為 -20 點,並將止損設置在紅色箭頭正上方。交易系統非常簡單且經過驗證。您自己選擇手數,但我們建議使用不超過存款的 10% 來開立每筆交易。 使用 Nepsetms45 進行交易的建議: 貨幣對:GBPUSD、EURUSD、XAUUSD、USDJPY、EURJPY。 時間範圍:M5、M15、H1 經紀商的最低點差。 Nepsetms45 指標的優勢: 沒有重新繪製 顯示價格反轉點 顯示當前趨勢方向 專為日內剝頭皮而設計
Trend TD mt4
Andriy Sydoruk
Trend     TD is a trend indicator. Thanks to the algorithm of this indicator, the signal will never go against the trend. Thanks to the two lines forming a narrow channel, the algorithm for analyzing entry points, the algorithm controls the reversal moments at the moment when the upper line of the channel has reversed and it is possible to visually draw a line crossing the upper line with itself in the past, while crossing the lower line at one point. If this rule is fixed, then the signal will
Pivot Points Daily MT4
Davide Zunino
5 (1)
The Indicator show Daily Pivot Points. It is possible to specify the number of days to display. For forex it doesn't consider the sunday session data. It is possibile to modify the color, style and  width for every level.It is better to use this indicator with timeframe not higher than Н1. 4 Levels of support and resistance with also Intermediate Levels that is possible to hide.
Thanks to this indicator, you will be able to analyze the trading of all your advisors from one account. You don't have to have a separate terminal for each Expert Advisor to evaluate its work specifically. The indicator is able to analyze the account history by magic numbers and you will be able to see which setting with the magic number assigned to it gave what results. moreover, you will be able to analyze transactions on Buy and Sell separately, this is an underestimated moment for many t
The indicator represents the session boxes for the Asian, European and American sessions. It is possible to change the time of each session, such as color. It is also possible to disable the display of each session. You will find in input parameters variables to modify time sessions  in format hh:mm and  the color of boxes of each sessions. If you need some implementations please contact me.
The indicator is based on the Stochastic indicator. I also recommend to see my EA   Night Zen Strategy: It contains a strategy for crossing the K and D lines in the overbought (for sales) and oversold (for purchases) zones. The indicator gives a signal at the second intersection. The signals are not rewritten, they appear after confirming the intersection of the K and D lines. Settings: Stochastic Indicator Settings Indicator period Notification and Alert Settings
The indicator is built on a non-standard Zig Zag, it draws accumulations after which if the price leaves this zone and a test of this zone occurs, then a sound signal is given and an arrow appears - after the test candle closes.The indicator does not redraw its signals, it is very easy to use, there are only three settings 1- this is the zig zag parameter 2- this is the minimum price exit from the zone 3- this is the maximum price exit from the zone. The lower the parameter for Zig Zag, the more
Gartley Hunter Multi MT4
Siarhei Vashchylka
4.67 (3)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all classic timeframes: (m1, m5, m15, m30, H1, H4, D1, Wk, Mn). Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT5 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all classic timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. Fr
轴心点指标(Poivt) 经典模式指标计算公式(ClassicMode):         pp=(High+Low+Close)/3.0         s1=2*pp-High         s2=pp-(High-Low)         s3=Low-2*(High-pp)         r1=2*pp-Low         r2=pp+(High-Low)         r3=High+2*(pp-Low) 伍迪模式指标计算公式(WoodieMode):         pp=(High+Low+2*Close)/4.0         s1=2*pp-High         s2=pp-(High-Low)         s3=Low-2*(High-pp)         r1=2*pp-Low                 r2=pp+(High-Low)         r3=High+2*(pp-Low) 斐波那契模式指标计算公式(FibonacciMode):         pp=(High+
Kangaroo Tailz
Brenden Caleb Luebeck
Looking for an indicator that identifies high-probability price action patterns? Love counter-trend trading? The Kangaroo Tailz indicator might be just for you. This indicator is meant to be used as a reversal detector. I personally would rather enter a position at the beginning of a trend rather than catch the last couple of moves. This indicator does a good job of alerting when price may reverse by identifying price action patterns that occur frequently in markets. Even though this indicator i
This indicator calculates gann support and resistance prices with use gann pyramid formulation and draw them on the chart. And If you want, Indicator can alert you when the current price arrive these pivot levels. Alert Options: Send Mobil Message, Send E-mail, Show Message and Sound Alert Levels: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Inputs:  GannInputPrice: Input price for gann pyramid formulation. GannInputDigit: How many digit do you want to use for calculation formula. (The number and the
MP Pivot Levels
Pierre Ksachikian
This indicator contains Pivot Levels of: Traditional Fibonacci Woodie Classic Demark Camarilla Calculation periods can be set to auto / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly. Number of Levels are editable. Options to hide level labels and price labels. Pivots Points are price levels chartists can use to determine intraday support and resistance levels. Pivot Points use the previous days Open, High, and Low to calculate a Pivot Point for the current day. Using this Pivot Point as the base, three resi
To download MT5 version please click here . - This is vortex indicator. - It is used to detect trend strength and direction. - It consists of two line(buffers). ==> VIM and VIP - There are three types of signals related to this indicator: 1. crossing VIM and VIP 2. threshold on distance between VIP and VIM 3. VIP above VIM vice versa. - This is a non-repaint indicator with light processing.
- This is the exact conversion from TradingView: " 200-EMA Moving Average Ribbon" By "Dale_Ansel". - This indicator plots a series of moving averages to create a "ribbon" that offers a great visual structure to price action. - This indicator lets you read buffers. For information on buffers please contact via message. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator
'Zoro PRO' is a reversal strategy based MT4 indicator with advance pre-alert system. Its an 100% non repaint indicator with an average accuracy of about 70-95% in any kind of market. (EXCEPT BAD MARKET AND NEWS TIME) MT5 version:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90934  (MT5 version not recommended)  Recommended Broker: Alpari, Amarkets, tickmill. Recommended pairs for M1: EURUSD AUDJPY GBPUSD EURJPY NZDJPY CADJPY EURGBP  USDCAD GBPCHF GBPCAD EURNZD AUDNZD ---------
Supertrend Non Repaint
The SuperTrend Non Repaint Indicator is particularly stable and has a few advantages. 1.Magnified Market Price added for instant check of current market price 2.It uses a moving (statistical) median of the arithmetic mean (High + Low)/2 of the bars instead of a moving average. The (statistical) median is known to be more robust than any average. 3.It calculates both the Median and the ATR (average true range) 1 bar ago, whereas the original SuperTrend indicator takes the ATR and moving aver
To download the MT5 version of Donchian Trend Ribbon please click here . You may also check this link . This is a conversion from TradingView: "Donchian Trend Ribbon" By "LonesomeTheBlue". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
CCI Moving Average MT4
Tomasz Mateusz Bulinski
It's a very simple indicator. This is simply the CCI moving average. The CCI Moving Average Indicator allows us to reduce false signals and optimize our trading. The required indicator inputs are: CCI Period, CCI Applied Price, Period of CCI Moving Average and Method of CCI Moving Average. The chart displays the original CCI and its moving average. This is my first indicator that I publish. I hope the indicator will benefit you. The author of this indicator is Tomasz Buliński.
The indicator will provide a breakout line or price stop guide, we recommend M5 or H1 timeframes. Trade signal: Buy Signal:  if the closed price (according to the timeframe) breaks the blue line and is already   above it or if the lowest price stops above the red line. Sell Signal : if the closing price (according to  the timeframe) breaks the red line and is already below it or if the highest price stops below the blue line. Feature: You will get time (hours) and price values ​​for the lines
在圖表上顯示價格反轉點。工作時間為 1 分鐘。紅色箭頭表示價格現在會下跌,藍色箭頭表示價格現在會上漲。信號的準確性高達 93%,具體取決於貨幣對。適用於所有貨幣對,包括金屬黃金和白銀。該指標分析當前價格相對於過去某個時期的價格範圍的位置。該指標使用數學模塊優化其數據,並使用圖形箭頭將其解釋為信號。該指標非常易於使用,在交易剝頭皮策略時非常有用。 該指標的好處: 顯示價格反轉點 顯示最小 1 分鐘週期的信號 適用於所有貨幣對 安裝在 Metatrader4 終端上 如何下載和測試? 為此,請使用鏈接 https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/498 中的說明 交易建議: 使用時間 1 分鐘 (M1) 任何貨幣對 指標設置: period - 指標計算週期。 lower - 價格變動範圍的下限,以 % 表示 upper - 價格變動範圍的上限,以 % 表示 size_arrow - 圖表上箭頭的大小
To download MT5 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Linear Regression Candles" By "ugurvu". - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. This is a sample EA code that operates based on bullish and bearish linear regression candles . #property strict input string EA_Setting= "" ; input int magic_number= 1234 ; input string     Risk_Management= "" ; input double fixed_lot_size=
To download MT5 version please click  here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "WaveTrend [LazyBear]" By "zeusuk3". One of the coolest indicators out there to detect overbought and oversold zones. It can be used as a part of more complicated strategy and for confirming a potential trade setup. There are buffers to use in EAs also. The indicator is loaded light and non-repaint. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading 
这是一款基于算法波动统计的MT4指标,主要包括两部分内容,一个是显示波动区域,另一个是如果有信号产生会同时显示信号。 其主要原理是基于指定极值波动半径进行数据统计,并绘制出波动区域,如果突破区域则会显示同方向信号。 优势: 适用于所有品种。 适用于所有周期。 仅有一个可调节参数,简单易用。 输入参数: Fluctuation Extreme Radiu: 波动极值半径,统计极值所使用的周期数。 注意: 该指标仅提供波动区域及突破信号,用户可以结合自己的分析结果和信号方向来参考下单。 大家有任何问题都可以联系我,我会及时回复大家,谢谢。 MQL5联系方式:   https://www.mql5.com/zh/users/zhihui_dianjin telegram联系方式: https://t.me/ai_trade_best
KFX Dashboard
Peter Kariuki Thande
5 (2)
KFX Dashboard monitors Price Action using Candle Direction + Moving Average on Multiple currency pairs (selectable by you) and on Multiple Timeframes (selectable by you). The dashboard also reveals Currency Strength of pairs based on your Moving Average selection. FEATURES - Price Action: Candle Direction + Moving Averages(3x shown on chart). - Multiple Symbols and Multiple Timeframes. - Currency Strength Analysis. - Monitors Open Trades: Currency Amount + Pips. - Symbol button(click) chang
KFX Symbol Changer
Peter Kariuki Thande
4 (1)
KFX SMA: Symbol Changer + Moving Average (3x) + ATR + RSI + Candle Timer. This indicator allows you to create a Symbol list and change between symbols of the current chart or Timeframe by selecting the appropriate button. On Chart there are three(3) multi timeframe Moving Averages shown (selected by you), ATR Value MTF ( selected by you -  helps with setting SL and TP), RSI Value MTF (selected by you) and a Candle Timer.   Features: - Symbol Changer : Change Symbol and Timeframe of Chart.   (
QV2 Histogram
Joao Marcilio
The Qv² Histogram - Indicator developed for traders with advanced experience. This indicator has two purposes: 1-) Identify price normality patterns (green color) 2-) Identify abnormal price patterns “outliers” (red color) ====================================================================================================================================== Interpretation for trades in start trend: Histogram (Green color) crossing the zero line upside - uptrend. Histogram (Green color) crossing th
Emini Signal Bar Price - Promotion: $100 - Normal Price: $200 Symbol Recommended - S&P 500 Index / US500 Timeframe - 5 minutes Buffer Information - Buy Trade Buffer = 2 - Sell Trade Buffer = 3 Main features - Show Buy Signal Bar and Sell Signal Bar on Live Chart. - Get Alert from signal bar. - The precision of the Alert is superior to dots. (Alert is active at that time) - Dots will be recalculated after reset the properties. After the Alert is displayed, kindly make your decisions to tra
Moving Average Trend Alert is a triple MA indicator that helps traders to identify potential market trends based on 3 MAs alignment and crossover. Moving Average Trend Alert features: Customizable short-term, medium-term, and long-term MAs. Option to filter signals based on a minimum distance between moving averages to avoid premature MAs alignment. Optional Filter of signals with RSI indicator overbought/oversold levels. Optional Filter of signals with ADX indicator. Popup, email, and phone n
To download MT5 version please click  here . The Volume Oscillator measures volume by analyzing the relationship between two Moving Averages. The Volume Oscillator indicator subtracts a fast MA from slow MA. The fast and slow MA periods are configurable via input tab. Volume indicators are an ingredient of trading systems to avoid entry in thin liquidity markets. Having set a threshold on Volume Oscillator you can avoid entering chop. Buffers are available to access via EA.
Cloud GMMA
Tetsuya Tamaoki
GMMA indicator that looks like a cloud. The GMMA indicator is easy to read, but to make it even more visually pleasing, we made it look like an Ichimoku Chart cloud. Colors have been changed where short-term and long-term overlap. My other products https://www.mql5.com/ja/users/studiotam/seller Please reduce the character limit a bit. I have nothing more to write.
Trend Gap Indicator
Roberto Alexander Quan
A Gap often occurs when the price moves with "strength" in a given direction (either up or down).  This Gap is formed when, in looking at 3 consecutive candles, the wicks of the 1st and 3rd candles do not overlap.  When this happens, the indicator creates a rectangle where the Gap is located. It identifies a zone where the price could potentially go back to (mitigation).   The Gap/rectangle is mitigated when the price returns and completely covers the rectangle. Note that the indicator also show
Vladimir Pokora
This indicator draws a trend line and a trend tunnel on the chart. You can choose several calculation methods, alerts, notifications, and other settings. It can also draw trendlines from another TimeFrame. You can also use this indicator for your ExpertAdvisor. The current values of the lines are stored in the memory buffer from where the EA can load them. You can trade the price bounce from the upper and lower lines .   Settings TimeFrame – trend timeframe Description – show description of line
To download MT5 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "QQE mod" By "Mihkel00". - It can be used to detect trend direction and trend strength. - Gray bars represent weak trends. You can set thresholds to achieve better accuracy in detecting trend strength. - There is buffer index 15,16,17 to use in EA for optimization purposes. - The indicator is loaded light and non-repaint.  - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
The Hurricane Cave Indicator shows different trade areas based on price action. It looks in the past and works out patterns that can enforce support and resistance as targets. When price breaks out of a trade area you can target just inside the next trade area. If you can't see the target just go to a slower time frame, it means the price hasn't been there for a long time. The Hurricane Cave Indicator is designed to be an add on to The Hurricane Forex Indicator also available in the Meta Trader
TDST Support
Alexandru Craciun
A simple and precise Indicator to identify potential supply and demand zones for price reversals. It was first described in Jason Pearl's Book, " Demark Indicators", published in 2008. It can be used both as Support and Resistance, and can be traded as a Breakout or as a Fakeout, depending on your trading style, and depending on how the candle was closed in proximity to TDST. 
RSI volatility
Roberto Alexander Quan
This indicator is an oscillator that shows the RSI (Relative Strength Index) in red and its inverse graph in a light green.  Together this shows the volatility of the market (in its default setting). You can also change it to show only the RSI graph. It also gives you the possibility to change its Period.  The oscillators zones (80,70,50,30,20) are marked by Strong Sell, Sell Zone, Range, Buy Zone, and Strong Buy respectively.
Scalper Vault
Oleg Rodin
5 (27)
Scalper Vault 是一个专业的剥头皮系统,为您提供成功剥头皮所需的一切。该指标是一个完整的交易系统,可供外汇和二元期权交易者使用。推荐的时间范围是 M5。 该系统为您提供趋势方向的准确箭头信号。它还为您提供顶部和底部信号以及江恩市场水平。无论您拥有何种交易经验,该系统都易于使用。您只需要遵循简单的规则并每天重复该过程。 建议将此系统用于主要货币对。感谢您的关注! 请注意,该指标在策略测试器中可能无法正常工作。因此,我建议仅在模拟或真实账户的真实交易条件下使用该系统。 指示器提供所有类型的警报,包括推送通知。 购买指标后请与我联系。我将免费与您分享我的个人交易建议和出色的奖励指标! 祝您交易愉快,盈利!
Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.34 (35)
MT5版本  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   是一個完整的交易系統,包含   Bill Williams   的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels   交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag   表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在
Fair Value Gap Sniper MT4
Zhi Wen Software Development
MetaTrader 4 的 Fair Value Gap 指标。 Fair Value Gap  是由著名的价格趋势交易者 ICT 提出的。 当价格移动过快时,会在K线图上留下缺口。 它是K线身体的部分,不与左蜡烛和旁边的右蜡烛的尾巴重叠。 当价格在图表上留下缺口时,我们可以记住两件事。 第一,价格朝那个方向发展的势头非常强劲,第二,价格通常会在朝那个方向发展之前回撤以填补缺口。 Fair Value Gap 最常用于价格趋势交易者,被定义为价格传递中效率低下或不平衡的情况。 这种低效率可能会成为未来价格的磁铁,以重新平衡这种价格失衡,因为有许多之前没有完成的剩余订单。 交易者可以使用此信息来确定 Fair Value Gap,或寻找潜在的多头/空头入场点,使其成为良好的 POI。 功能 在图表上清楚地标记所有的Fair Value Gap,所有颜色都是可定制的。 显示已经重新平衡的区域。 当价格进入Fair Value Gap 时发出提醒。
ICT Template MT4
David Perk
4.79 (47)
ICT Template Indicator visualizes and automatically updates all important ICT elements for Scalpers, Day and Swing traders. It allows you too keep your chart clean and bring any elements by just one click to the side buttons. Thanks to mobile notifications on external liquidity levels, you will not miss any opportunity and you don't have to sit behind the screens whole day. Each element has fully customizable colours, width, line types, max timeframe to be shown etc... so you can really tweak y
RedeeCash Rate of Change
Patrick Odonnell Ingle
變化率 根據公式, ROC = (Close[n] - Close[n-lookback]) / Close[n-lookback] * 100 繪製一個貨幣對價格行為在回顧期內的變化率,並提供兩個全局變量,SYMBOL_ROC 和 SYMBOL_ROC_LOOKBACK,分別代表最新的變化率值和上一個回顧期的變化率。 使用 iCustom 函數調用指標, iCustom ( "Market/RedeeCash_Rate_of_Change.ex4" , Symbol (), 5 , 0 , 0 ); 然後檢索全局變量, double roc = GlobalVariableGet ( StringConcatenate ( Symbol (), "_ROC" )); double roc_lookback = GlobalVariableGet ( StringConcatenate (Synbol(), "_ROC_LOOKBACK" )); 並執行測試以驗證趨勢, if (roc > roc_lookback && roc > 0 ) trend= "UP" ; if (r
M1 TickTok
Andrey Kozak
5 (1)
剝頭皮指標二合一。購買此指標,贈送自動機器人一個!用於搜索價格反轉點的自動系統。貨幣對圖表上帶點的指標顯示價格走勢的可能反轉點。紅點表示向下運動的逆轉,藍點表示價格向上運動的逆轉。該指標非常適合使用剝頭皮策略的日內交易。與通道指示器完美結合。當通道指標顯示下降趨勢且 M1 TickTok 繪製紅點時,賣出。當通道指標顯示上升趨勢且 M1 TickTok 指標繪製藍點時,我們買入。 該指標的好處: 不會在 OPEN 模式下重繪其值。 如果您打開 CLOSE 模式,您需要等待蠟燭關閉。 該指標適用於任何貨幣對的交易。 該指標適用於所有時間範圍,包括 M1 建議: 與任何通道指示器串聯使用 設置: mode_pric - 分析市場的價格模式。 Bb_period_short - Bb 指標短波的周期。 Bb_period_long - Bb 指標的長波週期。 arrow - 信號點的大小。
Thunder Scalper Pr
Mr Fares Mohammad Alabdali
Buy and Sell Targets Indicator You can see the buying and selling goals in the box and they are inevitably achieved. It consists of three lines: the first green color sets buying targets, the second red color sets selling targets, and the third blue color is the average price. Trading Method For Buy Trade: The entry point will be where the wavy blue line  (representing the average price) is 'broken' by the ascending 'Buy' candle from beneath Please wait until the next candle appears to enter int
Average Price Bars (APB) are modified Heikin-Ashi type candlesticks. Heikin-Ashi is a Japanese term translated as 'Average Bar'; therefore, the name, Average Price Bars.  Average Price Bars provide a better depiction of current market by eliminating or reducing fluctuations in nominal price action often referred to as “choppiness” of current High, Low, and Close price action.
SATT strategy
Frank A Nkya
SAT strategy (Systematic Approach Trading Technique) This is a revolutionary new way of trading the financial market. This is the top indicator system that provides the most accurate trading signals for both entries and exits. This system indicator algorithm provides the most accurate and precise signal only during the highly impulsive phase of the market. This system indicator performs well during a high volume period, which is only the first three hours of a specific session, whethe
ICT Core Content Concepts turned into indicator plus all previous tools known from the  Position Smart Indicator . This makes it the Full PSI Private Version ( read more ) restricted up to now but available only after the Mentorship Core Content was made public on   YouTube. You will find many price action study tools like: Central Bank Dealing Range - CBDR Asian Range FLOUT Profiles and SD targets on the CBRD, Asian Range and Flout both on the   wicks   and on the   bodies Seek & Destroy Profil
实时止损狩猎 Stop Hunting 背景 什么是止损狩猎?我参考了 Investopedia 对 Stop Hunting 的定义, Stop Hunting 是一种试图通过将资产价格推高到许多个人选择设置止损单的水平来迫使一些市场参与者退出头寸的策略。一次触发多个止损通常会产生高波动性,并且可以为寻求在这种环境中进行交易的投资者提供独特的机会。 设置止损单是为了保护账户资金。然而,当市场与开仓单有一段距离时,仅足以触发止损单并迅速回调,这是非常令人沮丧的。 我们提供了一个简单有效的实时止损指标,让您了解市场情况。它给出了一些市场参与者的平均止损单范围,这很容易被止损。 主要特点 这是一个基于统计模型的实时止损图表,用于参与者设置止损订单。蓝条是那些卖家的止损单,即买单。而粉色条是那些买家的止损单,即卖出单。 在任何情况下,市场上总是有卖单和买单执行,因此这些止损单是对称分布的多头市场。灰色条显示止损订单的历史范围,该止损订单在达到目标利润后被触发或移除。 市场可以向任一方向移动,但是根据现有止损单的分布,您可以确定市场将在哪里停止,因为止损单已经用完,如果市场要进一步移动,则需要
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz
ZigZagSpeed indicator measures the rate of formation of zig and zag over time calculated by the known zig zag indicator. The calculation system is simply calculated by dividing the difference in pips by the number of bars elapsed in the selected time frame. The speed measurements that occurred in the past period will also be displayed on the graph together with the date of occurrence. Velocity numbers are located above or below each zig and zag formation in white. The number shown in yellow rep
This indicator is developed based on the multiple session trading to aid in analysis for all the day traders. The indicator supports all currency pairs as well as other trading instruments like indicies, commodities, metals ,etc. The way the indicator work is by making analysis on your behalf. During asian session that's when the indicator does the calculations and provided trading plans in form of areas on the chart for the current day. And this process happens everyday which allows for hands f
The XR Gartley Pattern MT4 is an indicator which displays and alerts Gartley pattern detected on the candlestick chart. It also displays potential trade with calculated Take Profit and Stop Loss, Timeframe H1. After purchasing XR Gartley Pattern, you can immediately download this indicator from the MT4-MT5 Market and start using it because all features are set to default, is not necessary to change any parameter. In addition, we have created a  private group  for customers who have purchased one
Pivot MultiScanner
Edgar Enrique Retontali
5 (1)
Multi-Asset Forex Scanner This indicator allows you to scan multiple assets at once, sending you configurable alerts when any asset touches daily pivot levels 1, 2 or 3. The original code was just modified to send alerts to MT4 Desktop, MT4 Mobile or Email. (Credits for the original code go to Carlos Oliveira) In order to receive mobile or Email alerts you must configure Notifications and Email sections in the MT4 platform. In addition to pivots, this indicator also shows ATR, Volume,
MultiPairs Average Daily Range
This indicator is intended to help traders to see today's daily range compared to the average daily range. You can change the number of days for the average daily range otherwise you can  use 20 as the default. The % Reach will give info about the progress today's range toward the average daily range. Breakout traders, or pullback traders normally will look at base area, in which they might want to know the average daily range as comparison. The indicator has color code green and red, where th
Bull and Bear Zone MT4
Tran Nhat Minh
5 (1)
A supply and demand indicator designed with a minimalist trading strategy based on the nature of the market. The Bull zone is a strong support area, and the Bear zone is a strong resistance area. When a Bull zone was breakout, it becomes the "base" of the Bears and vice versa. When the price meets these areas, there is a high probability that the price will turn around, so we call them Obstacles. It is a suitable indicator for traders interested in manual price action and algorithmic trading up
To download MT5 version please click here . Metatrader users are limited to few moving average types. Therefor I decided to create a package consisting of all MAs I knew. This package suggests 12 different types: { SMA, EMA, DEMA, TEMA, WMA, VWMA, SMMA(RMA), HullMA, LSMA, ALMA, SSMA, TMA } You can configure them via input tab. This is a non-repaint indicator with light load. To implement them I referred to   standard  libraries of pine script.
Rait Patterns
Tatiana Zvereva
Современный индикатор паттернов PPR по торговой стратегии RAIT. Работает по тренду и без него. Имеет настройки таймфрейма для отображения. Можно настроить количество баров для отображения индикатора на графике. Используется несколько паттернов PPR. Индикатор предпочтительно использовать на часовом таймфрейме и выше, но работает и ниже . Паттерны:  PPR, PinPPR, OutPPR. Отображаются одной стрелкой.
Hi! Between the given time range. Adds profit and lot. This can be written on the charter in English and Hungarian. The name of the symbol must be entered exactly. Good used for it. :) Szia! A meg adott idősáv között Összeadja a profitot és lot-ot. Ezt ki írathatjuk Angolul és Magyarul a chartra. Pontosan kell beírni a szimbólum nevét. Jó használatott hozzá. :)
Best Solution for any Newbie or Expert Trader! Forex Support Resistance  is a unique, high quality and affordable trading tool because we have incorporated a number of proprietary features. it calculate highest high and lowest low of Previous X bars with possibility to select timeframe as desired . also it display the values of highest high and lowest low of Previous bar as a comment at the main chart . Imagine how your trading will improve because you are able to pinpoint the exact trigger po

