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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的新自动交易

icon EA交易能够使用特殊的外汇策略分析交易品种的报价。 免费测试以及付费EA交易,使您的交易自动化并获得更多盈利。
The Matrix Mind AI MT4
Pool Quintal Carlos Alejandro
The Matrix Mind AI: 外汇交易的新标准 The Matrix Mind AI 是一款创新的交易顾问,旨在拓展外汇交易的可能性。基于矩阵分解模型,它对市场数据进行深入分析,发现隐藏的模式,并提供独特的策略开发机会。 真实信号: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2277247 价格优惠: 前7份副本:   $399 后续价格:   $499 The Matrix Mind AI 的关键特点 以矩阵分解为核心 采用高级算法(如奇异值分解 SVD 和主成分分析 PCA),将大量数据分解,以发现货币对、时间序列和市场趋势之间的关键关联。 优于文本和图形 AI 的独特优势 与仅限于文本分析和数据可视化的平台不同,The Matrix Mind AI 专为真实市场条件设计。其算法考虑多个因素,以提供更准确和相关的洞察。 聚焦信号质量 降噪技术使顾问能够过滤无关波动和市场噪声,仅突出最有价值的信号。 动态适应 顾问采用适应性策略,根据当前市场状况进行调整,确保决策的灵活性和相关性。 风险优化 矩阵模型帮助在盈利和风险之间找到平衡,使策略
Reverse Grid MT4
Connor Michael Woodson
Reverse Grid 以与普通网格相反的方向开仓,在趋势方向上指数级增加仓位大小,直至达到较大的止盈点。 重要!购买后请联系我获取说明和奖金! Reverse Grid 实时信号即将推出!当前价格将上涨。限时价格 50 USD 智能止盈系统,EA 会在价格反转前预测何时退出 与普通网格相比,潜在回撤较低 推荐 图表:EURUSD、GBPUSD 或 USDCAD 时间框架:H1 参数 手数计算方法 - 选择自动手数或固定手数 固定手数 - 固定手数大小 自动手数 - 每此账户金额的 0.01 手 最大点差 - 设置允许开仓的最大点差 启用 NFP 过滤器 - 如果启用,EA 将在 NFP 新闻期间不交易 自动 GMT 检测 - 自动计算您的经纪商 GMT 偏移量 最大浮动回撤 - 适用于 Prop 公司最大浮动回撤 最大日回撤 - 适用于 Prop 公司最大日回撤 智能 TP - 智能退出系统 魔术编号 - 每个订单的魔术编号 评论 - 订单评论
Forex Phoenix MT4
Mohammadmahdi Sanei
介绍: 介绍Forex Phoenix,专为交易者和PropFirm aspirants设计。该自动化交易系统采用了一种避免使用MARTINGALE和GRID技术的策略,而是依赖精心设计的专有技术和基本面指标。这些方法经过超过一年的严格测试和改进。 Forex Phoenix策略包括四个关键步骤: 供需分析: 系统计算供需水平,精确识别市场进入和退出点。 流动性吸收: 使用先进的算法评估交易对的流动性吸收,优化交易执行并减少滑点。 每日绩效评估: 该策略包括对交易对的相对表现进行详细的每日分析,确保能够适应变化的市场条件。 实时新闻影响分析: 动态评估与交易对相关的突发新闻,使交易策略能够快速响应并适应市场变化。 该系统的分析基于经过一年以上手动回测和前向测试开发的定制指标,并结合了五年EA创建经验。 重要信息: 购买后,请私信获取完整详情。有关更多交易策略和成功的FTMO挑战的见解,请查看 [博客文章]。 EA的主要特点: 适用于PropFirm 低回撤策略 不使用Grid或Martingale技术 标准TP/SL比率 资本风险管理 默认优化设置 全面的外汇自动交易框架 How do
EA ProTwentyT
Mikita Kurnevich
Only 3 copies for the price of 199 USD. Next price 299 USD  TwentyT - live signal ( conservative)   TwentyT -   live signal (maximum risk) TwentyT - is a brand new trading algorithm that is rapidly gaining the trust of traders due to its profitability and reliability. This Expert Advisor is based on a unique approach that utilizes the dynamics of volatility changes at the border of the Forex trading session crossroads.   The main principles of the strategy are: 1. Trading sessions are in the cen
Trade Pulse M4
Shazdeh Taghi Mahmoudi
Trade Pulse 当前价格为幸运的首次购买者提供特别的30%折扣,仅限时间。 欢迎来到外汇市场,一个轻松获得优良利润的新世界。 我们的优势是: 非常适合通过资金管理公司( Prop Firm Challenges )。 最新版本的EA。覆盖 EUR symbols 。 适合任何资本,甚至是 小资本 账户。 没有网格,没有马丁格尔。 完全自动化 的专家。 时间框架 : M30 为最佳表现自动交易以下符号 :EUR symbols you only need to run it once on EURCAD and on M30 chart you can read more about it here and discounts here . 我们的策略涉及使用我们团队开发的专有指标分析价格模式,以及专业的支撑和阻力水平。 独家发行:我们的产品仅在MQL5网站上提供,以确保真实性和支持。 我们认识到交易者面临的挑战,特别是在满足 资金管理公司挑战 的严格标准方面。我们的机器人旨在提供竞争优势,就像您身边有一位经验丰富的交易者。它提供 战略见解 和操
DynamicEdge MT4
Katarzyna Zofia Czaban
[Channel for news and updates]  ,   [Guide on how to run EA] 该EA使用先进的人工智能和机器学习,实时不断适应市场条件。凭借历史数据分析和实时执行,Dynamic Edge 确保您领先市场,并在最佳机会出现时抓住它们。 对于希望确保获利的交易者,Dynamic Edge 包含一个可选的 恢复区功能 。该设置增加了交易的激进性,但要有效使用它,最低存款要求为2000美元。恢复模式可以根据您的风险承受能力开启或关闭。 凭借严格的风险管理工具,如止损、止盈和回撤控制,Dynamic Edge 为交易者提供了安心。其内置风险管理工具使其成为 prop 公司挑战的理想选择,确保您在严格的回撤限制内,同时追求稳定增长。 安装非常简单。将 Dynamic Edge 附加到一个图表上( NZDJPY )(H1),调整您的偏好,您就可以开始了。 没有启用恢复区的最低存款为200美元。 该EA已针对包含 AUDCAD,AUDJPY,EURAUD,EURCHF,EURNZD,GBPCAD,GBPCHF,GBPNZD,NZDUSD
Red Dragons EA
Irina Cherkashina
Universal expert RED DRAGONS carries out deep market analysis using our proprietary indicator, which increases the accuracy of entering and exiting positions, and several existing profitable strategies based on the Locking and Martingale methods, optimized within one strategy, including for fully automatic conservative trading, both with one and several trading instruments at the same time. Red Dragons's ability to work simultaneously on several trading instruments within one trading account en
Goldfish PRT
Irina Cherkashina
This universal expert advisor is based on our own Algorithm, which is an incredibly effective tool due to the simultaneous autonomous operation of two of our own trading strategies, proven over the years, based on several of our own indicators, developed for each expert advisor individually, taking into account the features of their application in the trading strategies used. The advisor's algorithm is based on a deep understanding of technical analysis and personal experience in exchange tradin
Monarch PRT
Irina Cherkashina
This universal expert advisor is based on our own Algorithm, which is an incredibly effective tool due to the simultaneous autonomous operation of two of our own trading strategies, proven over the years, based on several of our own indicators, developed for each expert advisor individually, taking into account the features of their application in the trading strategies used. The advisor's algorithm is based on a deep understanding of technical analysis and personal experience in exchange tradin
Wonder woman
Evgeny Belyaev
在现代货币市场交易世界中,每个交易者都努力寻找能够带来稳定利润并最大程度降低风险的完美顾问。 然而,市场上许多交易专家都存在严重缺陷,可能导致重大损失。 我们很高兴向您介绍 Wonder Woman 顾问,该顾问的开发考虑到了其他机器人的缺点,旨在在 M30 时间范围内交易 EURUSD 货币对。 通过订阅我们的频道获取有关顾问、指标和交易其他方面的更多信息: h ttps:// www.mql5.com/en/channels/indicatoracademy 您好!我叫 Evgeniy Belyaev,我是一名专业交易员和程序员,也是 Wonder woman 的创建者。 我为它的开发准备了很长时间,通过了很多测试,现在我的顾问已经准备好了! 现在您有机会在交易中使用 Wonder woman 交易机器人。 我研究了许多免费和付费的自动交易程序,并确定了许多模式 : 它们使用对长期历史的调整(过度优化),因此它们在历史的另一部分交易不佳。 忽略全球趋势并逆势交易 不要使用交易工具的模式。 使用移动平均线等平均指标,而且总是迟到。在趋势结束时发出买入信号,此时已经是卖出
Bitcoin Rider EA MT4
Christophe Pa Trouillas
使用专为比特币牛市设计的EA,实现巨额回报,提供强大的回测和持续支持。 BitcoinRIDER 的概念是捕捉这些抛物线走势,并利用牛市中定义的波动性和趋势获利。 [ 表现 | 设置指南 | 支持群组 | 版本 MT5 - MT4 ] 剩余10份 ,售价 $99 ,然后调整为 $149 。购买后, 请发送私信 以获取第二组文件。 策略介绍 BitcoinRIDER使用 趋势动量策略 ,结合以下概念: RSI 在15分钟短时间框架内的超卖确认 , 趋势过滤器 , 以及 基于波动性的触发器 我们提供2组文件,以最大化交易价值: 持有文件 ,给价格更多空间,专注长期交易;交易周期可能长达数天, 日内文件 ,采用更短期方法,频繁锁定利润。 手动确定牛市结束 该EA的“独特性”在于我们手动设置了牛市结束,大约在 四月 。 为什么? 因为作为经验丰富的算法交易员,我们深知,没有什么指标比我们的人类观察力更能识别出抛物线顶点。 此日期可能会有所变化,请随时关注! 为什么选择BitcoinRIDER? 专注于牛市 - 稳健策略,抓住抛物线走势 - 低回撤 < 21% 高回报 - $
TradeCraft 4
Najlaa Alsalih
Trade Craft - 交易的未来 单图表EA: Trade Craft 应该仅在一个图表上运行 ( GBPUSD ) M15  并自动在所有符号上交易。 Extra details on set-up: (link) - 购买后请联系我们获取实时信号链接。 Limited Time Offer! Buy now at the discounted price before it increases. Future price might rise up to $2000! Secure your spot today! Kindly join our MQL5 channel : (link) Link to live signal: (link) 风险管理: 强大的内置止损和获利功能确保您的交易始终受到保护。 简单设置: 不需要复杂的设置。只需将EA加载到您的图表上,它就可以使用了! 策略: 利用“时间循环分析”技术,根据历史价格周期预测反转和趋势延续。 Trade Craft? 先进的算法实现更快的决策。 针对如 GBPUSD 的波动市场进行优化。 支持低点差的各种
TradeFocus MT4
Kia Alipour Moradi
Trade Focus 识别快速和慢速移动平均交叉,确保您能够利用趋势反转和市场方向变化。通过最少的输入,它帮助您高效地捕捉早期趋势变化。 Trade Focus 专为旨在实现特定交易目标的交易者设计,特别是在像 自营公司 这样的挑战环境中。它提供诸如 每日利润和亏损目标 和 高级风险管理 设置,以帮助您保持在公司施加的限制内。 对于寻求激进恢复策略的交易者,Trade Focus 包含一个可定制的 战略性亏损恢复模式 。该模式要求至少 $2000 的更大存款,但它增强了 EA 从回撤中更快恢复的能力,使您在回撤期间拥有优势。 简单设置: 将 Trade Focus 附加到 单一 图表 USDCAD M15 ,配置设置,然后让 EA 管理一切。 After purchasing, contact us to join the Telegram channel for updates, set files, and the latest trading news. Our mql5 channel: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/kiabot
```html Price Flow EA - 具有内置新闻保护的自适应交易 Price Flow EA - 轻松掌握波动性 Access the expert details here . Please join our channel here . 利用Price Flow EA的尖端技术! 该EA经过优化,可适应波动市场,提供交易者控制风险并最大化表现所需的工具。无论您是刚刚起步,还是希望使用高级功能的专业交易者,Price Flow EA都可以支持您获得持续利润的旅程。 如何开始使用Price Flow EA: 首先从最佳交易符号中选择,如GBPAUD,AUDCAD。 将Price Flow EA应用于单个 Any Symbol 图表,使用推荐的时间框架: M5 。 在开始时使用 默认输入 以熟悉EA,并根据自己的喜好调整风险设置。  Price Flow EA? 单图表解决方案 Price Flow EA旨在用于单个图表,简化您的设置并最大化性能。 Any Symbol M5 高级移动止损 通过自动移动止损高效锁定收益,确保在市场向有利方向移动时保护利润。 风
Opti Trade
Musthaq Ahamed Badurdeen
Opti Trade - 终极专家顾问 介绍Opti Trade 重要提示: 购买后,请发送私人消息以接收完整的安装手册和设置说明。 体验前沿的交易科技与 Opti Trade ,这一专家顾问重新定义了自动交易世界中的成功。这款EA确保了交易执行的 精准性 和 一致性 。 Opti Trade 的价格在每10次购买后增加 $100 。现在就行动,以锁定您的价格,避免价格达到最终值 $1200 。 创新策略 与传统EA不同, Opti Trade 采用 多层次交易策略 ,能够适应动态的市场条件。 这种 独特的方法 提供了卓越的表现,使 Opti Trade 成为希望优化收益的交易者的可靠选择。 关键推荐 为获得 最佳效果 ,确保满足以下条件: 交易符号: XAUUSD 时间框架: M15 最低存款: $200(推荐:$500) 账户类型: ECN或原始点差账户 经纪商: 选择具有 低点差 的经纪商以获得最佳结果。 杠杆: 1:100或更高(推荐1:200以获得最佳表现)。 规格与设置 Opti Trade 易于设置 ,只需最少的配置。主要特点包括: 自动 合约规模
Precision FX MT4
Miss Chahana Ibrahim
实时结果: 限时优惠: 在价格上涨之前获取最佳交易! 最终价格:990$ 认识改变游戏规则的产品: Precision FX 想象一个不仅仅是下单的EA——它战略性地管理每一笔订单以更好地控制风险。 Precision FX 旨在应对波动市场,可以快速适应价格变化。它具有独特的方法,将每个头寸分割成多个较小的订单,每个订单都有定制的止盈水平,从而实现精准管理利润和风险。 它有什么特别之处? 可定制的分割系统: 控制订单的分割方式,以量身定制的风险管理。每个部分可以根据不同的市场状况进行调整。 趋势敏感的入场: 使用专有指标跟踪市场方向并抓住强劲趋势。 动态调整: 根据市场波动自动调整交易规模,旨在在平静和活跃时期优化结果。 它是如何工作的? Precision FX 旨在利用趋势追踪逻辑和专有振荡器分析市场动量。当发起交易时,EA将订单分为更小的部分。这种方法允许在每个部分达到目标时更顺利地退出,降低突发市场反转的影响。它非常适合那些希望平衡增长与风险控制的交易者。 经过验证的结果 回测数据显示了一致的表现,专注于稳定的账户增长。用户报告通过定制订单分割功能改善了结果,使他们能够
Chart Sense MT4
Aleksandra Anna Rosinska
解锁Chart Sense EA的力量 Chart Sense EA不仅仅是另一个交易工具——它是一个复杂的解决方案,旨在应对金融市场的复杂性。通过将先进的交易逻辑与强大的订单管理相结合,它为交易提供了更聪明的方式。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的交易者,这个EA都能适应您的风格,提供控制和灵活性。 核心特征: 先进的AI驱动策略:使用尖端的AI模型分析市场行为,实时调整以优化交易入场。 可调整的风险管理:基于市场条件的动态交易规模确保您的资金始终得到最佳配置。 无缝整合:与所有主要经纪商和自营交易平台兼容,开箱即用。 设置即忘的简单性:只需少量的输入,在一张图表上设置它并让其运行——无需不断调整。 独家首发优惠: 不要错过初始定价!在最终价格为1,250$之前的限时优惠。 奖励: 购买后与我们联系以接收礼物和更多说明的电报链接。 Instruction blog:   MQL5 channel:   https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/tradewithaleksa 如何开始: 设置Chart Sense EA快速且无烦恼。只需将其附加到AU
Gene X AI MT4
Priyanka Seth
尖端人工智能带来无与伦比的交易表现 Gene X AI EA 是一种先进的交易系统,旨在优化 AUDCAD、XAUUSD 和 GBPUSD 的表现。其创新方法结合了精确性、适应性和安全性,可在动荡的市场条件下提供一致的结果。与采用网格或马丁格尔等风险方法的传统系统不同,Revolution EA 集成了由机器学习和深度 AI 分析支持的复杂趋势跟踪策略。 Revolution EA 通过利用先进的 AI 算法实现实时洞察和模式识别,确保无缝的交易体验,最大限度地抓住机会,同时优先考虑资本保全。 加入我们的 MQL5 社区, 与其他交易者建立联系 MT5 版本 功能和设置指南 为什么选择 Revolution EA? 人工智能驱动的精度:Revolution EA 使用先进的神经网络和市场分析来精确识别和执行高质量交易。 专有 AI 算法:凭借多年研究和最新 AI 框架的支持,该 EA 可以动态适应不断变化的市场条件。 强大的风险管理:Revolution EA 采用智能风险控制,包括动态止损、获利和头寸调整来保护您的账户。 先进的策略执行:结合价格行为、趋势动态和成交量分析,抓住盈利机
“用精准和简洁革新您的交易方式” 移动平均线交叉搭配RSI指标EA 是一款强大且易于使用的自动交易工具,旨在为您的交易决策扫清迷雾。该智能交易系统结合了移动平均线交叉的精准性和相对强弱指数(RSI)的确认功能,确保每笔交易都能以自信和准确的方式执行。 主要功能: 动态移动平均线交叉: 使用可定制的快线和慢线(SMA, EMA, SMMA, LWMA)检测趋势变化。 RSI确认以提升准确性: 仅当RSI低于50时执行卖单,确认市场下跌动能。 仅当RSI高于50时执行买单,确认市场上涨动能。 灵活的风险管理选项: 基于ATR的止损和止盈: 动态计算,适应市场波动,确保交易与市场条件一致。 无固定止损/止盈的交易: 选择在移动平均线发生反向交叉时自动平仓,从而捕捉趋势反转。 全面的自定义功能: 根据您的交易风格和市场偏好,微调移动平均线参数、RSI周期、ATR倍数、滑点等多项设置。 无缝自动化: 轻松实现24/5全天候交易,支持多个交易品种和时间周期,几乎无需人工干预。 工作原理: EA会在以下情况下识别买入或卖出信号: 交叉条件: 快速移动平均线从慢速移动平均线上方或下方交叉。 RSI确认
Indra Maulana
This expert is under construction and is not yet completed The development of this expert will be completed in 2 years at most. Our goal in publishing this expert is to attract capital to develop our best expert. This expert will definitely be the best expert of our team. To participate in this project, you can buy this expert at the lowest possible price. This expert will definitely be the most expensive expert of our team in the future. This expert will be built with the latest methods
False Breakout Strategy - USDJPY This fully automated strategy is designed to identify buying opportunities in the USDJPY pair, combining advanced technical analysis with risk management to achieve consistent profitability in the long term. Key Features: False breakout trading logic: The strategy identifies ranges formed during previous sessions before New York and London. During these key sessions, it monitors downward breakouts and confirms a false breakout with the formation of a bullish engu
Bollinger Ultimate
Augusto Martins Lopes
用终极布林带专家顾问改变您的交易方式! 您是否厌倦了无法提供稳定结果的交易策略?介绍   终极布林带专家顾问   – 为希望最大化利润和最小化风险的交易者提供的终极工具。 主要特点: 准确信号:   利用著名的布林带策略识别高概率交易机会。 智能风险管理:   通过先进的风险管理技术保护您的资本。 可优化设置:   轻松调整参数以适应您的交易风格。 额外过滤器:   与RSI和MACD等指标结合,提供额外的信号确认。 完全自动化:   让专家顾问24/7全天候运作,把握所有市场机会,让您可以专注于其他事务。 优势: 增加您的利润:   利用经过测试和优化的策略最大化您的回报。 减少回撤:   风险管理技术帮助您控制回撤。 易于使用:   用户友好的界面和直观的设置,适合各级交易者。 经过回测和验证:   强大的回测结果证明了专家顾问在不同市场条件下的有效性。 特别启动价格: 限时仅需 $199.99! 独家奖励: 技术支持:   提供专业的技术支持,帮助您设置和优化专家顾问。 免费更新:   接收免费更新,确保您的专家顾问与最新市场趋势保持一致。 立即确保您的名额! 不要错过这个改变您
Burak Can Kislak
As a  New Year's gift and the release of the “GoldMinerRobot”, the first 5 people who buy or rent this robot will be given free MQL5 - VPS, proportional to the period of their purchase. If you rent this robot for 1 month, you will receive   1 month  of  "FREE  MQL5 VPS"  as a GIFT from us . If you rent this robot for 3 month, you will receive   3 months of  "FREE  MQL5 VPS"  as a   GIFT from us . If you rent this robot for 6 month, you will receive   6 months of  "FREE  MQL5 VPS"  as a   GIFT
Old EURUSD Grid Strategy is an advanced and reliable Expert Advisor (EA) designed to fully exploit the potential of the EURUSD pair. Developed using our exclusive Grid Strategy Creator , this trading robot combines a methodical approach with a proven grid strategy, ensuring stability and precision in the markets. Why Choose Old EURUSD Grid Strategy? This EA operates on the H1 timeframe , executing trades at the opening of each candle to capture market opportunities with a reversal-based system.
King Snake Scalper
Dmitriq Evgenoeviz Ko
The King Snake Scalper Advisor is designed to effectively trade gold, minimizing risks and maximizing profit potential. It analyzes market conditions, taking into account factors such as support and resistance levels, volatility and trading volume. Thanks to this, traders are able to open and close orders at the optimal time, taking advantage of short-term price fluctuations. The Advisor does not use artificial intelligence or other fictitious elements, the signals are based on complex algori
Golden Genie
Dmitriq Evgenoeviz Ko
The Golden Genie advisor is designed for effective trading of gold and any currency assets, minimizing risks and maximizing profit potential. It analyzes volatility and volume of trading operations. Thanks to this, traders get the opportunity to open and close orders at the optimal time, taking advantage of short-term price fluctuations. The advisor does not use artificial intelligence or other fictitious elements, the signals are based on complex algorithmic formulas based on technical analy
Golden AI
Dmitriq Evgenoeviz Ko
The Gold AI EA for gold trading in the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform is an automated trading system specifically designed for gold (XAU/USD) trading. Such advisors typically use algorithms to execute trades based on technical analysis and other market data. Its ability to interact contagiously with market volatility gives confidence to even the most cautious traders, opening up new horizons for them to achieve success. Regardless of the level of experience, this tool, capable of quickly adap
FXPro Neuron MT4
Geethika Rasnayake Mudiyanselage
Introducing FXPro Neuron:  Choose FXPro Neuron EA for success. Achieve high trading efficiency with a system built for resilience and excellence. Flexible and robust. FXPro Neuron thrives in a variety of market scenarios, ensuring reliable performance and unwavering results no matter the conditions. The special price of $199 is available for the first 10 buyers only. After the first 10 sales, the price will increase by $100. The final price for FXPro Neuron EA will be $999. Why Choose  FXPro
Serhii Sharlai
StellarTrader   uses a combined grid trading strategy for automating forex market trading. It is optimized for the EURUSD currency pair but can work effectively with almost all currency pairs. The expert opens positions at various price levels, forming a grid of orders that allows for flexible responses to market changes. It adjusts lot sizes for each new order, helping to balance trading during market fluctuations. Its settings can be easily customized to suit different trading styles and inst
Golden Turtle EA
Huynh Van Cong Luan
Golden Turtle EA   is a fully automated trading expert advisor robot that has been designed explicitly for scalping during the period of weak market volatility.   EA contains self-adaptive market algorithms with reinforcement learning elements.   This EA uses an advanced algorithm to find bespoke entry points and several additional filters for entering and exiting the market with ease. The EA has been subjected to stress tests for a period of 10 years and passes every year with a very advantageo
Monster AI
Sibongakonke Mongezi Mafunda
It combines adaptive, intelligent strategies with advanced features like multi-timeframe analysis, automatic trading adjustments, and precise risk management. Capable of responding to fast market changes while ensuring the long-term protection of your capital. This Expert Advisor, powered by the GPT-4o platform and utilizing machine learning techniques like random forest regression, xgboost regression, and finance neural networks, offers advanced capabilities for time series analysis. It can ex
-   Real price is 1000$   - Limited Discount (It is now 299$) Gold Expert Signal:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2273546 Welcome, Gold Trade Expert opens   automatically   trade with Highly profit, Fixed Stop loss. After purchase, You can receive  Bitcoin Expert  for  Free ! Contact me for this  BONUS ! No Martingale, No Grid, No Scam Gold price is widely followed in financial markets around the world. Gold was the basis of economic capitalism for hundreds of years until the repeal of the Gol
Flux EA MT4
Sigit Hariyono
Flux EA  is a fully automatic trading advisor which contains several trading systems mainly based on Stochastic, Moving Averages, Standard Deviation, Momentum, Envelopes, Bollinger Bands, Awesome Oscillator, Accelerator Oscillator, CCI, ATR, ADX, OSMA, MACD, RSI, WPR, Bulls Power, Bears Power,  Support Resistance, and Candlestick Formations. Each trading system has it own entry with fixed stop loss and take profit. This forex robot can be used for all pairs and all time frames, but it is especi
Gold Strange Trading
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Unlock the power of automation in the Gold market (XAUUSD) with EA Gold Strange Trading , an advanced Expert Advisor designed to deliver precision and performance. Built on cutting-edge algorithms, this EA leverages price momentum and movement patterns to generate highly reliable trading signals. Gold Strange Trading prioritizes simplicity and effectiveness by employing only Stop Loss and Take Profit mechanisms for position management, with optimized default settings tailored for maximum effici
Ichimoku Trader Pro 3  ====================================== This is not a standard Ichimoku Robot. ️Please test it and you will be surprised how good the robot is. ️The Robot is based on 3 Indicators to make sure the entry is as accurate as possible. ================================================== This Robot is fully automated and has been created for everyone. The Robot works also on cent accounts. ==================================================================================
Rebates Scalper
MT5 Version Here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/128834 If you are looking for an EA to maximize your commission on the broker you use while not losing the account you manage. This EA is the right one for you. This EA trades directly a hedge order with the minimum lotsize of 0.01 although you can put any lotsize you want based on your needs. If the EA close the buy or sell order on loss it will double the size on the next order. Its like a martingale but it will close the first entry n
Trading Forex, one of the most volatile markets out there, demands precision, in-depth analysis, and strong risk management. Quantum OBOS (overbought/oversold) Mastery integrates these elements into a system designed for optimal currency trading. Quantum OBOS Mastery's advanced strategy and technology are geared to help both seasoned traders and newcomers navigate the unique challenges and opportunities that the Forex market presents. With OBOS, you have a reliable solution tailored to the Fore
GoldTrend Scalper GoldTrend Scalper is a sophisticated trading robot designed for scalping in the Forex market, specifically optimized for trading the XAU/USD (Gold) pair. This EA utilizes a combination of technical indicators, including Exponential Moving Averages (EMA), Average True Range (ATR), and the Average Directional Index (ADX), to identify high-probability trading opportunities. Key Features: Unique Magic Number : Each order is identified by a unique magic number, allowing for precise
Gold Scalper PROP
Alla Kutnogorskaya
Нет фейкового AI. Нет сладких обещаний. Нет обмана. Представляем Gold Scalper PROP, сложного торгового робота для золота на платформе Meta Trader, разработанного для помощи трейдерам в расширенном анализе рынка. Мониторинг советника -  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2272573 Робот   Gold Scalper PROP , это активный робот скальпер для золота. Робот в автоматическом режиме анализирует рынок, определяет точки   поддержки/сопротивления   цены, оценивает текущее положение актива и направление д
TradeLogic Pro – The Advanced MT4 EA for Long Term Investing TradeLogic Pro   is an advanced   MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisor (EA)   designed to harness the power of price imbalances in the forex trading markets. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional trader,   TradeLogic Pro   uses sophisticated market analysis to identify high-potential entry points, allowing you to trade smarter and more efficiently. How Does TradeLogic Pro Work? At the core of   TradeLogic Pro   is its ability to   detect
ANSEA is a AUDNZD scalping strategy allows you to get the maximum profit on flat currency pairs. Author's indicators are used to accurately enter the market! *Back tested in Dukascopy historical data Best case: Minimum Balance:   $500 Leverage:   1:100 Maximal Drawdown:  27 % Spread:   5 pips Net Profit:  15 % per year Low risk:   $200 Balance per 0.01 lot size High risk:   $500 Balance per 0.07 lot size The EA is installed on only one chart and trades   AUDNZD   exclusively. If the broker
ESSEA is a EURSGD scalping strategy allows you to get the maximum profit on flat currency pairs. Author's indicators are used to accurately enter the market! *Back tested in Dukascopy historical data Best case: Minimum Balance:   $500 Leverage:   1:100 Maximal Drawdown:   32% Spread:   5 pips Net Profit:   23% per year Low risk:   $400 Balance per 0.01 lot size High risk:   $500 Balance per 0.03 lot size The EA is installed on only one chart and trades   EURSGD   exclusively. If the broker
Genetic AI
Murat Yazici
Genetic AI! My name is Murat Yazici. I am a PhD candidate in Statistics. I have several papers, two books, book chapters, and conference presentations about modeling around the world. First of all, the price of Genetic AI will never change. You can use the EA for 4 pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, and USDJPY, together. The EA has 5 input parameters as below.  I have some suggestions about the input parameters of Genetic AI.   Take Profit (Pips): 3.2 start Time           : 8   finish Time     
Quantum Swift
Quantum Swift utilizes a strategy rooted in precise mathematical calculations, It is a fully automated pullback trading system, which is especially effective in trading on popular pullback currency pairs: AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD. The system uses the main patterns of the Forex market in trading – the return of the price after a sharp movement in any direction. Timeframe: M15 Base currency pairs: AUDNZD, NZDCAD, AUDCAD Additional currency pairs:  EURGBP, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, GBPCAD, EURCAD. LIVE
AI MapeX MT4
Aleksandr Makarov
The mean absolute percentage error     (   MAPE   ), also known as     mean absolute percentage deviation     (   MAPD   ), is a measure of prediction accuracy of a forecasting method in     statistics .It usually expresses the accuracy as a ratio defined by the formula: MAPE = 100 1 n ∑ t = 1 n | A t − F t A t | where     A   t     is the actual value and     F   t     is the forecast value.     Their difference is divided by the actual value     A   t   .     The absolute value of this ratio
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
5 (1)
CyNeron: 精准交易与人工智能创新的结合 信号 :   CyNeron 操作手册和设置文件 : 购买后请与我联系以获取操作手册和设置文件 价格 : 价格会根据售出副本的数量逐步提高 可用副本 : 5 AI驱动的快照分析:市场首创 CyNeron是市场上首个将先进人工智能整合到革命性交易方法中的EA, 通过捕获和处理详细的市场状况快照, 利用最先进的AI神经网络评估价格数据和技术指标, 提供高度准确的市场走势预测,从而实现精准且具有战略性的交易决策。 这一AI驱动技术使CyNeron与众不同,能够实时动态适应不断变化的市场动态, 为交易者提供此前无法获得的洞察力。 交易品种 XAUUSD (黄金) 时间周期 M15 或 M30   最低资金 最低 $100 经纪商 任何经纪商 账户类型 任何账户类型,优先低点差 杠杆 最低 1:20 VPS 推荐使用,但不是必须,也支持MQL VPS CyNeron的核心力量 AI驱动的快照分析 CyNeron通过捕获和处理市场状况快照, 利用先进的神经网络评估价格和指标, 从而实现准确的市场走势预测, 并支持精准的交
ONLY 3 COPIES OUT OF 10 LEFT AT $299! After that, the price will be raised to $399. - REAL SIGNAL: Default Setting:  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276213 Gold Scalping AI is an EA that uses artificial intelligence technology to analyze data of many indicators. From there, EA will have the best option to enter orders. The biggest difference of Gold Scalping   AI is that the EA can control the Risk:Reward ratio much better than other EAs.That is possible thanks to a set of tools to control e
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
5 (1)
Aura Neuron 是一款独特的 EA 交易系统,延续了 Aura 系列交易系统。通过利用先进的神经网络和尖端的经典交易策略,Aura Neuron 提供了一种具有出色潜在性能的创新方法。这款 EA 交易系统完全自动化,旨在交易 EURUSD 和 XAUUSD (GOLD) 等货币对。从 1999 年到 2023 年,它在这些货币对中表现出了一致的稳定性。该系统避免了危险的资金管理技术,例如马丁格尔、网格或剥头皮,使其适用于任何经纪商条件。Aura Neuron 由多层感知器 (MLP) 神经网络驱动,利用它来预测市场趋势和走势。MLP 是一种前馈人工神经网络 (ANN),通常被称为“原始”神经网络,尤其是当它们由单个隐藏层组成时。MLP 包括三个基本层:输入层、隐藏层和输出层。除输入节点外,每个神经元都使用非线性激活函数。该网络使用称为反向传播的监督学习技术进行训练。 MLP 的多层结构和非线性激活使其有别于线性感知器,使其能够识别数据中非线性可分的模式。通过其复杂的 NN 智能,Aura Neuron 能够识别模式并适应不断变化的市场条件,例如汇率或交易者行为的变化。其处理复杂
Vortex Gold MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
Vortex - 您对未来的投资 Vortex Gold EA 专家顾问专门用于在 Metatrader 平台上交易黄金(XAU/USD)。该 EA 使用专有指标和作者的秘密算法构建,采用全面的交易策略,旨在捕捉黄金市场中的盈利走势。其策略的关键组成部分包括 CCI 和抛物线指标等经典指标,这些指标共同作用,准确地发出理想的进入和退出点信号。Vortex Gold EA 的核心是先进的神经网络和机器学习技术。这些算法持续分析历史和实时数据,使 EA 能够更准确地适应和应对不断变化的市场趋势。通过利用深度学习,Vortex Gold EA 可以识别模式,自动调整指标参数,并随着时间的推移不断提高性能。Vortex Gold EA 是专有指标、机器学习和适应性交易算法的强大组合。使用 Vortex Gold EA 为您的未来投资。 售价 495 美元(还剩 7/10),下一个价格 675 美元 实时信号(策略 2) https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2269077 Instruction(Manual) 规格: 工作符号: XAUUSD(GOLD)
Golden Age MT4
Marek Stanislaw Zygala
黄金交易需要对市场动态有深刻的理解,这种理解远远超越了标准的技术分析。在多年开发算法交易系统之后,我开发了Golden Age EA——一个专为XAUUSD市场设计的解决方案。黄金的价格受到一系列复杂因素的影响:经济数据、地缘政治事件、风险情绪和技术位。与主要和次要货币对主要受经济差异驱动不同,黄金的价格行动反映了全球不确定性、通胀预期和央行政策。这使得黄金交易既具有挑战性又充满回报。通过广泛的研究和测试,我开发了一套系统,用于监控机构订单流和市场微观结构。Golden Age EA能够识别大型交易者通常进出市场的关键价格区域。通过跟踪这些动态,我们可以与聪明资金站在一起,同时严格控制风险参数。与其试图预测价格方向,Golden Age通过确认的市场走势作出反应,确保我们抓住趋势的核心部分,同时避免虚假的突破。 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2276471 黄金交易需要极高的纪律性。该系统根据近期的市场波动性和您的账户余额实施动态头寸调整。这确保在波动性增加的时期,您的风险保持不变,而不是扩大。通过一个复杂的多层人工智能保护系统,最大回撤得
Emporium MT4
Lavinia Alina Pruteanu
我开发了Emporium EA,这是一款经过多年交易和测试后专注于当今市场上实际有效的产品。这款专家顾问专注于NZDCHF M15的剥头皮交易,通过精准的进出场点和强大的风险管理,持续提供良好的交易结果。同时,它还可以交易以下货币对:AUDCHF、AUDJPY、CADCHF、CHFJPY、EURAUD、EURJPY、GBPCAD、GBPJPY、NZDJPY。但您必须只在 一个图表:NZDCHF M15 上运行它。 核心功能 我设计Emporium的目的是在最佳市场条件下捕捉小而可靠的价格波动。这一策略在欧洲和亚洲交易时段表现尤为出色,因为交易的货币对通常会表现出最具预测性的行为。这一方法的独特之处在于它结合了趋势跟随和回调剥头皮策略,实质上为您提供了两个强大的策略于一体的解决方案。 系统的优势在于能够适应不断变化的市场条件,同时保持严格的风险参数。我花费了无数时间优化算法,以过滤噪音并专注于高概率的交易机会。 其亮点包括: 动态手数调整,根据账户余额适应 资本保全的最大回撤限制 基于ATR的移动止损以优化退出点 支持最低150美元的账户 高级波动性过滤,避免危险的市场条件 多时间框架分
AIXAUUSD specifically designed to scalp gold exclusively H1 chart. EA is using DCA approach so it will average positions gradually using the multiplier value. This EA operates in an aggressive, turbo mode requiring a minimum capital investment of $ 3 , 000 and the use of a 0.01 lot size with a leverage of 1 : 500 + alongside a low-spread ECN broker + good VPS. This EA is ideal for traders seeking an aggressive approach to gold scalping. It comes fully integrated with all necessary trading param
AI Perceptron
Luca Cerquatelli
5 (2)
LIVE SIGNAL ON REAL ACCOUNT  (a  bot that shows a real-time signal is far more reliable than any backtest!) Limited time offer! The price will increase by $30 every 5 copies sold, reaching the final price of $999!  AI Perceptron: The Intelligent Expert Advisor for MT4 Take your MT4 trading to the next level with AI Perceptron, the innovative EA that combines artificial intelligence and advanced strategies for optimal results. Powered by a single-layer perceptron neural network , this EA analyz
MT4 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/127793 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/127794 实时信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2277262 Gold Breakout 是一款高级专家顾问 (EA),专门设计用于利用特定价格和时间范围内的突破策略来利用黄金价格走势。 结合先进的切换风险管理,此 EA 为寻求可靠且一致工具的交易者提供自动化解决方案。 主要特点: 1. 高精度突破策略 根据特定时间范围识别关键价格水平。 当价格突破支撑位或阻力位时自动进入市场。 2.切换风险管理 如果初始头寸亏损,EA 将自动开立新头寸并进行方向调整,以最大限度地提高恢复机会。 自适应风险管理可确保对亏损进行最佳控制。 3. 专为 XAU/USD 开发 针对 M15 至 H1 时间范围内的黄金对 (XAU/USD) 进行了优化。 在波动市场中表现最佳。 4.基于波动性和动量的入场信号 EA 利用波动性指标
JesUsdjpy MT4
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
JesUsdJpy 智能交易系统 (EA) 的全面文档 概述 最佳使用方法 : 主要策略 (Main Strategy) :将 Main Strategy 设置为 true ,然后使用默认设置。 策略 2 (Strategy2) :除非你偏好使用该策略,否则请将其设置为 false 。 此智能交易系统 (EA) 专为外汇交易者设计,重点优化 USD/JPY 货币对在 M5 时间框架上的表现。它具备先进的交易策略、动态风险管理工具以及可自定义参数,能够适应不同的交易风格。 虽然默认设置针对 USD/JPY 在 M5 上进行了优化,但经验丰富的交易者也可以尝试其他日元相关货币对及时间框架。如果希望获得最佳效果,请使用主要策略并将 Strategy2 设置为 false 。您可以启用“Jeslyn”模式以获取更高风险的交易结果,或者按照默认设置进行交易。如果您是经验丰富的交易者并想尝试其他设置,请谨慎操作,风险自负。 核心功能 动态手数调整 (Dynamic Lot Sizing) :根据账户余额和市场波动调整手数,实现优化表现。 风险管理 (Risk Management) :包括止损、止
Golden Santa Claus
Felipe Jose Costa Pereira
为什么选择Golden Santa Claus EA? 以安全为核心: 通过高级风险管理,该EA优先保护您的资金安全。 高度可定制化: 无论您是新手还是资深交易者,Golden Santa Claus都能根据您的交易风格进行调整。每一个细节都可根据您的需求进行个性化设置。 强大的指标支持: 它使用 SMA 、**随机振荡指标(Stochastic Oscillator) 和 布林带(Bollinger Bands)**的强大组合,为交易提供精准的入场信号。 多功能性: 虽然针对 GBP/USD 进行了优化,但EA可以配置用于任何货币对的交易,为您带来更多选择。 独家礼物献给您 购买 Golden Santa Claus EA 时,您将收到开发者赠送的 神秘礼物 ,以表达对您的感谢!这将进一步提升您在金融市场中的交易体验。 Golden Santa Claus EA – 立即购买,改变您的交易体验!
目标货币对:XAUUSD 时间框架:1小时 此EA可在小额资金下运行,最低可从50美元开始交易。 通过利用复利功能( 参数"UseMoneyManagement": true ),该EA旨在高效扩大盈利, 即使从少量资金也能追求更高的利润。 无马丁策略、无网格交易。无剥头皮。 所有头寸均设有止损。 在检测到突破时进场。 拥有优秀的风险回报比,尽可能减小亏损并追求高额利润。 单次亏损不会使账户余额归零。 通过复利功能设计,即使从小额入金也可追求高额利润。 手数参数设置 "Use Money Management" 参数: 设置为true时,EA会根据账户余额自动调整手数。若设置为   false ,则以 "mmLotsIfNoMM" 中指定的固定手数进行交易。 "mmRisk Percent" 参数:   当 "UseMoneyManagement"   为true时,此参数按百分比调整风险。建议值为0.5至2.0左右。 "mmDecimal" 参数:   当   "UseMoneyManagement": true   时,此参数定义手数调整
Power Sniper mq
POWER SNIPER EA 是适用于 MT4 平台的强大剥头皮交易系统。 高赢率约为 85-90%!系统实施复利风险管理! 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。 使用本网页“评论”部分的设置文件来使用/测试 EA。 - 无隔夜利息交易。 - 无需周末交易。 - 不受展期影响。 - 系统不使用任何危险方法,如网格或马丁格尔。每个订单都有自己的 SL 来保护账户。 - 订单开仓传感器用于设置入场灵敏度。 - EA 根据市场波动自动设置动态 SL。 - 机器人具有可调追踪止损功能。 - 精确的操作时间过滤器,精度为 1 分钟。 - 账户杠杆:1:30 至 1:500。 - 主要使用的货币对是 GBPCAD、GBPAUD;辅助货币对为 GBPCHF、EURCHF、EURCAD、EURAUD、AUDCAD、USDCHF。 - EA 开箱即用 - 相应的 Set_files 可在“评论”部分找到。 - 内置 SPREAD 显示。 - 操作时间:EA 根据设置中的时间过滤器在亚洲时段开始时寻找入场信号。如果系统在操作时间内未打开订单 - 这意味着图表上没有可用的入场信号 -
此交易机器人旨在自动化一种结合两个流行技术指标的策略:相对强弱指数(RSI)和威廉指标(Williams %R)。机器人通过分析市场条件,根据所选的指标阈值识别潜在的高低价格水平。用户可以根据自己的偏好启用或禁用每个指标。 机器人的主要功能包括: 交易自动化: 根据指标条件自动开仓和平仓,可选择固定的止盈和止损水平,或动态管理交易。 可定制设置: 用户可调整手数、指标参数、交易时间和交易日期,以适应他们的策略。 风险管理工具: 包括基于账户余额和风险百分比的手数计算功能。 新闻过滤: 提供在中高影响力新闻事件期间暂停交易的选项,以帮助降低市场波动风险。 合规性: 确保交易量符合经纪商要求,在下单前检查手数的正确性和保证金是否充足。 此机器人适合希望自动化其策略的交易者,同时保留对关键交易参数的控制。机器人无法保证利润或预测市场走势,建议用户在模拟环境中测试策略,并确保策略符合您的交易目标和风险承受能力。
Raptor X MT4
Evgeniy Zhdan
Raptor X: A Next-Generation Professional Trading Expert No fake AI. No sweet promises. No deception. Scientific approach to trading is the key to stable trading! MT5-version:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/128166 About Development: 3 years of intensive research; Team of quantum analysts; Advanced mathematical modeling methods. Technical Features of Raptor X: Intelligent Analysis: Multi-factor correlation calculation; Econometric modeling; Stochastic market dynamics assessment. ***B
Expert Advisor for GBP/JPY – Trend-Based Strategy for Key Sessions This expert advisor is specifically designed to trade the GBP/JPY pair, leveraging trend movements and strategic breakouts during the New York and London sessions. Its robust methodology and advanced filters make it an ideal tool for both individual traders and those aiming to meet the strict requirements of prop trading firms. Key Features: Trend-Based Strategy: Utilizes a moving average to identify market context (bullish or be
Reversal Strategy Audjpy MT4
Norman Andres Martinez Bravo
Mean Reversion Strategy - AUDJPY Designed to identify buying opportunities in the AUDJPY pair, this fully automated strategy focuses on capturing strong price movements away from the moving average, ensuring precise and controlled entries. Key Features: Reversion-based trading: The system identifies when the price deviates significantly from the moving average, utilizing Bollinger Bands to detect extreme movements and optimal entry points. Entry confirmation: Buy signals are validated only when
Nagara N4
Tatiana Savkevych
I present you the settings and parameters of the   Nagara   bot, an ultramodern tool for working in the Forex market. This bot uses advanced capital management technologies and market analysis to determine the trends and make reasonable trading decisions. In addition, it is equipped with a flexible control and protection system for each position. Currency pairs for trading: Eurusd, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDSHF, NZDUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, EURGBP, AUDJPY, EURAUD, EURCHF, AUDNZD, NZDJPY,
Navigator FX4
Tatiana Savkevych
Navigator FX: Your reliable guide to the Forex market Navigator FX is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. The price for the first user will be low, and it will increase in the future. Advantages of Navigator FX: Reliability and Stability: Navigator FX is designed to the highest standards of reliability and stability. Intelligent Risk Management: Built-i
Mr Martin Q4
Vitalii Zakharuk
Mr Martin   is trend trading. The expert system goes through the entire history for most currency pairs with simple settings. The bot has a very developed internal architecture. Works with pending orders. Able to work with trailing stop for pending orders. With trailing stop for real orders. For deferred and real ones, you can set stop loss and take profit separately. The bot can also work with virtual top loss and take profit. The advisor can be run on any hourly period, any currency pair an
Doctor Winsto n Bot Description General Features: Name:   Doctor Winston Type: State-of-the-art Forex trading bot Tools: Supports most currency pairs and trading instruments Timeframe: Can work on any timeframe Bot Settings: Money Management: MMOn: Enable/disable money management (true/false) DefaultVolume: Default trade volume (0.01) MMCalc: Basic amount for money management (1000) Indicators: ALength, BLength, CLength, DLength, ELength: Parameters for different indicators by length ADimen
Rubi L4
Nadiya Mirosh
The   Rubicon   robot is a professional Forex expert that uses Elliott Wave Theory to analyze the market and make trading decisions. Elliott wave theory allows you to interpret processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The basis of the Rubicon bot is a complex transaction control algorithm. The program is fully automated, which allows traders to free themselves from the need to constantly monitor the market. The user has the ability to configure t
Iri 4
Oleksii Ferbei
Inion   is a modern multi-currency Forex trading bot designed for maximum automation and efficiency. This expert advisor uses the latest algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades, delivering stable profits with minimal risk. Inion provides users with flexible settings, allowing it to adapt its work to different trading strategies. The user can configure strategy parameters, stop loss and take profit levels, lot sizes and other parameters. This makes the bot a universal tool,
Jade Jaguar Basic uses a sophisticated market analysis combining Moving Averages and RSI to pinpoint overbought or oversold conditions for precise trade entries. It incorporates an averaging strategy to enhance trade management and uses profit and loss control to close positions based on accumulated pips, equipped with spread and time filters for added precision. Optimized Trading Recommendations: The robot is tailored for EUR/USD and GBP/USD pairs, offering optimal performance. With fine-tuned
Masashi Shida
MAT Bull   ( MA cd &   AT r FX/CFD   Bull ish Market Expert Advisor) is an MT5/MT4 automated trading system specialized for upward trends. It opens a position based on uniquely calibrated MACD trend capture. The system features three position closing methods: deadcross detection, automatic closure before risk hours, and ATR trailing stop. Operations are conducted with single buy positions only, without using martingale or grid order strategies. MAT Bull is your reliable trading companion, design

