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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的新自动交易

icon EA交易能够使用特殊的外汇策略分析交易品种的报价。 免费测试以及付费EA交易,使您的交易自动化并获得更多盈利。
发售促销: 当前价格仅剩少量副本! 最终价格:1,700美元 购买后联系我可获得1个EA免费(针对2个交易账户) Instruction Blog Link to Channel 欢迎来到ZenFlow! ZenFlow是一款先进的EA,旨在精确快速地适应不断变化的市场趋势。它经过优化,专门用于交易XAUUSD( or GOLD)符号,并且只应在一个图表上运行。该EA使用复杂的趋势跟随策略,结合基于动量的指标来识别最佳入场点,同时过滤掉虚假信号。移动止损功能有助于在有效管理风险的同时保障利润。 使用尖端技术构建,这款EA在趋势市场中特别高效,确保交易执行的高准确性。其内置的风险管理系统包括动态手数、止损、止盈和移动止损,旨在最大化每笔交易的潜力,同时保护您的资金。 特点: 快速简便的设置:将EA附加到XAUUSD( or GOLD)的单个图表上 无网格,无马丁格尔,无高风险策略 与所有经纪商和自营交易公司兼容 自动适应市场条件以实现最佳性能 移动止损和止盈功能以保障收益 回测: 在XAUUSD( or GOLD)上使用默认设置运行EA,或根据您喜欢的回撤水平自定义风险管理参数。回测
Gold Scalping EA mz
GOLD SCALPING EA   - 是 XAUUSD(黄金)对的全自动交易系统 - 非常安全且增长稳定。 这是目前市场上最稳定的黄金 EA 之一 - 每月在 XAUUSD 对上进行大约 20-40 次交易。 GOLD SCALPING EA 也适用于 Prop_firm 交易和 FTMO 挑战。 使用“评论”部分的 Set_file 来使用/测试 EA。 EA 功能: - 系统安全,不使用任何危险方法,如网格或马丁格尔。每个订单都有自己的 Fixed_SL 来保护账户。 - 这款 EA 非常用户友好,可供交易专业人士和新手使用。 - 机器人自动完成所有操作 - 您只需将其安装到 MT4,应用相应的 Set_file 并让 PC 运行(或仅使用 VPS)。 - EA 具有精确的操作时间过滤器,精度为 1 分钟。 - 不包括掉期。 - 无需周末交易。 - 剥头皮技术。 - 实施复利头寸规模管理方法。 - 运行机器人所需的最低账户余额仅为 50 美元。 -   时间范围:仅 M5 。 - 交易对:仅 XAUUSD(黄金)。 - 操作时间:EA 在亚洲时段开始时寻找入场信号。
Scalper EA m1
Roman Lomaev
该顾问是一个专为M1时间框架设计的剥头皮交易系统。剥头皮是一种在短时间内开仓和平仓的策略,通常旨在从小幅价格波动中获利。 使用建议: 经纪商:   选择订单执行速度快的经纪商。这对剥头皮至关重要。 测试:   在实盘账户使用前,请在模拟账户或MetaTrader的策略测试器中测试该顾问。确保其在您选择的货币对和设置下稳定运行。 低延迟服务器:   为了达到最佳效果,建议使用与经纪商服务器延迟低的VPS(虚拟专用服务器)。这可以最小化订单执行延迟,对剥头皮尤为重要。 时间框架:   M1。 货币对:   建议使用低点差和低佣金货币对以获得最佳表现。 顾问参数说明: Lot_Type:   手数类型(Fixed_lot — 固定手数,Auto_lot — 自动手数)。 Lot_Risk:   自动手数的风险百分比(基于余额)。 FixedLotSize:   固定手数大小。 MinLots / MaxLots:   最小和最大手数大小。 Commission:   每笔交易的佣金。 Slippage:   最大滑点(点数)。 AddPriceGap:   额外的价格间隔。 MinimumU
Gold Fighter MT4
Thi Ngoc Tram Le
实盘信号 - 仅限 Gold Fighter 交易账户 限时优惠:仅剩 2 个名额,价格为 $49。之后价格将上涨至 $99。 购买后,如需安装指南或技术支持,请随时提问。 产品介绍: Gold Fighter MT4 是一款专为黄金交易(XAU/USD)设计的智能交易系统,具备趋势过滤功能,优化交易进场点。 专注于稳定性设计,该 EA 避免高风险策略,提供稳健实用的黄金市场交易方案。 适合各类交易者使用,无论是新手还是有经验的交易员。 核心功能: 专注黄金交易:针对 XAU/USD 优化,充分利用黄金市场波动。 低风险设计:不重绘、不对冲、无网格、无马丁策略。 可调风险选项: 风险等级可在 1 到 10 之间调整,灵活匹配您的交易需求。 风险递增模式:可根据市场情况逐步增加风险。 低风险模式:适合保守型交易者或 prop 公司账户。 基本信息: 交易要求:交易品种为 XAUUSD / GOLD 最低入金:$300 美元 账户类型:ECN/Raw Spread,支持对冲功能 交易周期:M1 时区兼容性:适用于 GMT+2 时区的经纪商 推荐经纪商:为了最佳表现,建议使用 IC Ma
MT4 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/122732 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/122733 Correlation Master – 负相关专家顾问和自动对冲 说明 Correlation Master 是一种自动化专家顾问 (EA),它利用货币对之间的负相关策略。此 EA 自动对一对货币开立买入仓位,对负相关货币对开立卖出仓位,以优化利润,同时将风险降至最低。凭借灵活的资金管理系统,此 EA 适用于各种市场条件。 主要特点 负相关 – 对具有负相关的货币对开立相反仓位,例如 EURUSD 买入和 USDCHF 卖出。 多对支持 – 支持最多 13 种具有自定义参数的货币对。 最大价差过滤器 – 当价差过高时避免执行,以保持交易成本效率。 动态资金管理 – ​​全局、每组或每层的利润目标选项,以及指数(马丁格尔)或固定手数设置。 时间控制 – 可以设置为仅在一天中的特定时段进行交易。 交易日过滤器 – 允许用户选择特定的交易日(周一
MT4 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/133949 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/133950 “华尔街纳斯达克”——US100 指数专业专家顾问 (EA) 描述: “华尔街纳斯达克”是一款专门为交易 US100 指数 (NASDAQ 100) 而设计的专家顾问 (EA),采用一次性交易策略。此 EA 使用严格的风险管理方法,每个仓位始终配备止盈 (TP) 和止损 (SL),以优化利润并最大限度地降低风险。 主要特点: 一次性交易策略——每个仓位都以高精度执行,无需同时开立多个订单。 最佳风险管理——使用固定止损和止盈,避免过度浮动。 针对纳斯达克 100 (US100) 进行了优化 – 专为技术指数的高波动性而设计。 快速高效执行 – 先进的算法以最佳速度开仓和平仓。 无马丁格尔或网格 – 避免可能耗尽资本的高风险策略。 灵活的设置 – 用户可以根据自己的风险偏好调整 TP、SL 和手数。 适用于所有市场条件 – 能够适应看涨和
Ai Panel Genius X4
Tjia Elisabeth Jasmine Canadi
最受欢迎的突破性产品‘Ai Panel Genius X4’就在这里,证明这一点! 主要特点: 1. 专家分析助手 – 您的私人交易教练 -     实时信号报告 :获取数十种先进算法的实时预测。 -     综合指标 :数十种流行指标组合成一张图表,以便进行全面分析。 -     每日枢轴点、支撑点和阻力点 :自动生成每日水平,以便做出精确的决策。 -     逆转和趋势代码 :简化的指导工具可帮助您轻松识别逆转和趋势。 -       8 个影子符号 :同时分析多个符号以获得更广泛的市场视角。 - [专业版]:自动旋转     8 符号     &     时间范围 。 - [专业版]:自动交付   撤销代码 到您的   电报机器人 。 2. 专家交易员小组助理 – 大师级交易技能 -     拖放交易 :轻松在图表上直接执行交易。 -     自动限价和止损订单 :自动下达和管理订单。 -     多仓位管理 :只需单击几下即可同时打开和更新多个仓位。 3. 自动交易助手 – 由枢轴点、支撑和阻力算法提供支持 -     限价单 :自动设置高位委托和低位止盈。 -     止损
Pips Hunter M1 – Скальперский Советник Валютная пара: EUR/USD, EURJPY, GBPUSD Таймфрейм: M1 Время работы: 24/7 Требования к брокеру: Минимальный спред – для максимальной эффективности Быстрое исполнение ордеров – без задержек и реквот Низкая комиссия – для снижения издержек Наличие VPS – стабильная работа без перебоев Разработан для активного скальпинга и максимального профита!
Skynet MT4
Salavat Yulamanov
交易機器人:每筆交易都精準且有紀律 顧問採用突破趨勢水平和順應趨勢的策略,分析更高的時間範圍以實現最大準確度。 訊號 https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2294644?source=Site +Profile+Seller 優點: 固定停損 — 每筆交易嚴格控制風險。 追蹤停損-當趨勢對您有利時自動鎖定利潤。 按總利潤平倉 —— 以存款單位實現目標利潤。 安全性-無需馬丁格爾、訂單網格或風險策略。 簡單、可靠且穩定是您自信交易的關鍵 時間範圍:M30 交易對 XAUUSD 設定 手數 - 0.01; 手數 風險 - 10; 風險 SL - 2000; 停損 TP -5000; 獲利 無虧損 -360; 損益平衡 尾隨 -1400; 尾隨 Delta -10; 積分
限量优惠:仅剩 10 份 - 还剩 10 份! 当前价格:199 美元 | 下一价格:299 美元 | 最终价格:1999 美元 实时信号 : 点击查看真实账户表现! Gold Important Sniper Level MT4 “精准狙击黄金市场关键点位,助力稳定盈利!” 为什么选择 Gold Important Sniper Level MT4? 您是否感到手动分析繁琐、错过交易机会、或者遭遇不理想的交易结果?您是否因使用加仓程序在剧烈波动下产生巨大浮亏而 炸毁账户 ? Gold Important Sniper Level MT4 是专为黄金交易(XAUUSD)设计的智能EA,通过 精准算法和多重分析 ,帮助您抓住每一个盈利机会并规避交易风险。 核心功能亮点 多指标智能策略 整合 20+领先指标 : Heiken Ashi(平滑趋势) Ichimoku(趋势与支撑/阻力分析) TEMA(三重指数均线) ATR、ADX、布林带、肯特纳通道等 全面覆盖 趋势、波动率、支撑阻力和动量分析 ,确保每一笔交易都基于多维数据支持。 精准狙击关键点位 EA
在充满变化与规律交织的交易世界中,Prime Breakout Convergence 如同一把可靠的指南针,引导您在每一次交易决策中充满信心,并在市场中保持稳定。这不仅仅是一个交易机器人;它是一个智能分析助手,能够解读深层次的市场趋势,将复杂的指标数据转化为清晰且可操作的交易决策。 为什么选择 Prime Breakout Convergence? 适应性:通过利用先进的波动性分析方法,系统动态调整以适应市场条件,确保在不同时间框架下表现一致。 最佳入场点:关键指标的组合作为有效过滤器,最大限度地减少错误信号,仅在成功概率最高的时期启动交易。 多时段分析:Prime Breakout Convergence 跟踪亚洲、欧洲和美国交易时段的开盘,识别关键的关联性和分歧,使其成为交易 EURUSD、GBPUSD 和 USDCAD 的特别有价值的工具。 多功能性:涵盖四个时间框架(M30、H1、H4),系统既适合活跃的日内交易者,也适合专注于较长交易周期的交易者。 风险管理:集成的风险评估机制优先考虑安全性和谨慎性,尽可能保护您的资本免受意外市场波动的影响。 Prime Breakout
在交易世界中,每一个跳动都可能是一个新故事的开始,拥有一个可靠的盟友至关重要。TrendVarianceSpectrum 不仅仅是一个交易机器人;它是您在波动市场中的向导。凭借多年的经验构建,并在超过 25 年的数据上进行训练,它结合了数学的优雅与现代技术的力量。 TrendVarianceSpectrum 的主要优势: 极低回撤 :TrendVarianceSpectrum 以极低的回撤运行,使其成为最稳定的解决方案之一,适合重视可靠性的交易者。 适应波动性 :该系统在 EURUSD、XAUUSD 和 EURJPY 等具有挑战性的工具上表现出色,即使在高市场波动期间也能展现韧性。 跨时间框架的多样性 :无论是 M30、H1 还是 H4,TrendVarianceSpectrum 都能轻松适应您的交易风格。 尖端技术 :其核心结合了短期开盘方差分析与长期波动指标,能够精确识别市场入场点。 数据驱动的可靠性 :基于广泛的历史数据训练,该系统能够有效应对各种市场情景。 TrendVarianceSpectrum 不仅仅是一个工具;它是您的交易伙伴。它结合了精确性、稳定性和优雅性,让您在市场
AI Fractal Enigma MT4
Pool Quintal Carlos Alejandro
Fractal Enigma EA:外汇交易的新纪元 Fractal Enigma EA 是一款创新的交易顾问,旨在重新定义外汇交易标准。它利用先进的分形分析算法和人工智能,深入挖掘市场隐藏规律,为交易者提供独特的交易机会。 真实信号: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2294472 价格优惠: 前 3 份拷贝:$499 下一阶段价格:$599 Fractal Enigma EA 的核心功能 分形智能分析 EA 采用分形几何和混沌理论,识别价格图表中的重复结构,从而精准预测趋势和入场点。 神经网络数据处理 与传统指标不同,Fractal Enigma EA 集成了自学习神经网络,持续分析历史数据和实时市场信息,不断优化交易策略,提高交易精度。 高效信号筛选 EA 过滤市场噪音,仅保留最相关的交易信号,减少错误入场,提高交易效率。 动态适应市场 通过智能市场分析,Fractal Enigma EA 根据当前市场状况调整策略,确保交易灵活性和稳定性。 优化风险管理 分形模型帮助平衡收益和风险,使交易更具可持续性,确保长期稳定增长。 交易推荐 交易品种:XAU
BTC Breezy MT4
Miss Chahana Ibrahim
First Ever Truly   Crypto   Trader 限时优惠: 在价格上涨之前获取最优惠的交易! 最终价格:990美元 迎接游戏改变者: Breezy 想象一下,一个不仅仅是下单的EA——它还专门管理每个订单以更好地控制风险。 Breezy 旨在在波动市场中表现出色,快速适应价格变动。它具有独特的方法,将每个头寸拆分为多个较小的订单,每个订单都有自定义的止盈水平,从而允许精确管理利润和风险。 它有哪些特别之处? 可定制的拆分系统: 控制订单如何拆分以实现量身定制的风险管理。每个部分可以根据不同的市场条件进行调整。 支撑和阻力入场: 利用仔细识别的支撑和阻力水平找到精准的入场点,在关键价格区间最大化机会。 自适应交易: 根据市场条件调整交易规模,从而帮助在不同市场阶段优化结果。 它是如何工作的? Breezy 旨在分析支撑和阻力水平周围的价格行为。当在这些关键区域附近触发交易时,EA会将订单分为更小的部分。这种方法可以在每个部分达到目标时实现更平滑的退出,有助于锁定利润并减少突然市场逆转带来的风险。它非常适合希望在重要价格点进行精确进出场的交易者。 经过验证的结果
Winged Golden Dragon – 专为XAUUSD设计的高级剥头皮EA,适用于基金公司和实盘账户 通过Winged Golden Dragon解锁亚洲精准交易的威力,这是一款专为XAUUSD(黄金)15分钟时间框架设计的先进专家顾问。该EA结合了创新的假突破检测和健康的风险管理,旨在为基金公司挑战和实盘交易环境提供最佳表现。 主要特点: 独特的假突破策略: 在亚洲时段检测假突破(fakeouts),并在关键水平放置精确的挂单。 仅当价格回到预定义范围内时确认交易。 触发止损后,智能反转仓位并采用安全的资金管理。 基金公司挑战模式: 专为基金公司交易者设计。 设置您的资金目标,EA将在达到目标后自动关闭交易并终止,确保以最小风险通过挑战。 高级风险管理: 选择固定风险(初始余额的2%)或相对风险(当前余额的2%)。 内置止损(2.2点)和止盈(4.4点)水平,触发止损后智能反转仓位。 经过验证的表现: 回测显示稳定的盈利能力和低回撤。 在通过基金公司挑战和实现实盘账户方面取得了实际成功。 用户友好的定制: 通过输入选项卡轻松配置设置,包括风险模式、挑战模式和资金
New Dawn EA
Victor Chukwuebuka Okeke
EA名称:New Dawn EA 描述: New Dawn EA 是一款功能强大且高效的剥头皮型专家顾问,旨在充分利用短期市场波动。专注于精准和速度,该EA非常适合希望充分利用市场快速波动的交易者。 主要特点: 剥头皮策略: New Dawn EA 专为剥头皮而设计,旨在捕捉市场上的小波动。 低初始资本: 该EA非常适合小账户,使资金有限的交易者能够参与到剥头皮的动态世界中。 先进算法: 基于复杂算法,New Dawn EA 做出智能交易决策,以优化利润潜力。 用户友好界面: 易于设置和配置,使其既适用于新手交易者又适用于经验丰富的交易者。 风险管理: New Dawn EA 结合了强大的风险管理功能,以保护您的账户免受过度回撤。通过仔细考虑手数和交易参数,它旨在有效平衡风险和回报。 兼容性: New Dawn EA 与各种账户规模和经纪商类型兼容,为有不同偏好的交易者提供了灵活性。 技术要求: MetaTrader 4 平台 可靠的互联网连接 建议在低点差、高流动性的货币对上使用 注意: 交易涉及风险,过去的表现并不预示未来的结果。在将EA部署到真实账户之前,建议在模拟账户上进行充
Augusto Martins Lopes
ZARA:让您的外汇利润飙升的EA! 您是厌倦了猜测和希望的外汇交易者吗?您是否梦想着持续盈利,而无需将所有时间都粘在图表上?隆重推出 ZARA ,这款革命性的智能交易 (EA),旨在改变您的交易体验。 ZARA 的制胜法宝:简单、强大、适应性 双重策略优势 :* 区间突破 :精确征服横盘市场,抓住突破机会,实现利润最大化。 趋势跟踪 :乘趋势市场的浪潮而行,利用动能获得爆炸性的盈利潜力。 智能风险管理 :* 动态手数规模 :根据您独特的交易历史,通过自动调整头寸来优化您的风险和回报。 坚如磐石的止损 :使用固定的止损单保护您的资金,确保安心无忧和可控风险。 精确过滤 :* 移动平均线精通 :利用移动平均线的力量识别真实的市场方向并消除虚假信号。 自适应波动率控制 :通过我们先进的波动率过滤器,避免动荡的市场条件并保护您的资金。 轻松使用 :* 直观界面 :轻松自定义 ZARA 的设置,无需复杂的编码。 高性能引擎 :通过我们优化的代码体验闪电般的执行速度和最低的资源消耗。 为什么 ZARA 在众多 EA 中脱颖而出? 实战检验的性能 :ZARA 已经在各种市场条件下进行了严格的测试,
Ultima Trader   is a multi-currency advisor that can effectively operate on different time frames and in a variety of market scenarios thanks to its advanced non-geometric progression averaging system. This feature allows him to build trading grids and determine the moments of entry into the market with high accuracy. Main characteristics of Ultima Trader: Security systems: The advisor is equipped with special filters, spread control and trading time limits to ensure safety and reliability. Ac
Trinitron Bot : A Multifunctional and Multi-Currency Trading Advisor Trinitron Bot is a sophisticated and versatile trading advisor designed to operate seamlessly across various timeframes and market conditions. Key Features: Averaging System with Non-Geometric Progression: Trinitron Bot utilizes an advanced averaging system that constructs a trading grid based on non-geometric progression, enhancing its adaptability and efficiency. Built-in Protection Systems: The advisor includes specialize
Exotic B4
Ivan Simonika
Exotic Bot   is a multi -cream multifunctional adviser working on any time frame and in any market conditions. The robot’s work is taken as a system of averaging with the non -geometric progression of the construction of a trading grid. Built -in protection systems: special filters, spreading, internal restriction of trading time. Building a trading grid, taking into account important internal levels. The ability to configure trading aggressiveness. Work postponed orders with trailing orders. T
Correct Approach   is a multi-currency multi-functional Expert Advisor that works on any time frame and in any market conditions. The robot is based on an averaging system with a non-geometric progression of building a trading grid. Built-in protection systems: special filters, spread control, internal trading time limit. Building a trading grid taking into account important internal levels. Possibility to adjust trading aggressiveness. The Expert Advisor comes with proven templates for variou
Administrator Forex   is an expert advisor designed for trend trading in the Forex market. Features and Capabilities Administrator Forex   features an advanced architecture and works with pending orders, ensuring flexibility and precision in trade management. The bot supports: Trailing Stop   for both pending and real orders, Separate configuration of stop-loss and take-profit for different order types, Virtual stop-loss and take-profit options, minimizing the impact of market volatility. The ad
Mr Martin MM4
Vitalii Zakharuk
Mr. Martin   is a trend-following trading system. The expert system processes historical data for most currency pairs with simple settings. The bot features a highly developed internal architecture and operates with pending orders. It is capable of using   trailing stops   for both pending and real orders. For both types of orders, you can set   stop-loss   and   take-profit   levels separately. Additionally, the bot supports virtual   stop-losses   and   take-profits . The advisor can be run o
" Nibelung " is an advanced trading bot created for modern Forex traders. This innovative tool is a reliable assistant for anyone seeking efficient and automated trading. The bot uses pending orders as one of the main elements of its algorithm. Pending orders are placed at a certain distance from the current price and are triggered only when the price reaches a specified level. In addition, when the price moves, trailing pending orders is activated. Once the order becomes market, the bot autom
Niberia N4
Nadiya Mirosh
"Niberia"   is a modern and highly efficient trading bot designed for Forex market traders. It is a powerful tool for trading automation, ensuring precise and timely execution of strategies with minimal human intervention. Key Features of "Niberia": Use of Pending Orders: The bot operates with pending orders that activate only when the price reaches a specific level. During price movement, the system automatically adjusts pending orders using trailing techniques. Stop-Loss and Take-Profit: Onc
Doctor Winsto n Bot Description General Features: Name:   Doctor Winston Type: State-of-the-art Forex trading bot Tools: Supports most currency pairs and trading instruments Timeframe: Can work on any timeframe Bot Settings: Money Management: MMOn: Enable/disable money management (true/false) DefaultVolume: Default trade volume (0.01) MMCalc: Basic amount for money management (1000) Indicators: ALength, BLength, CLength, DLength, ELength: Parameters for different indicators by length ADimensi
Rubiconn RUBI4
Nadiya Mirosh
The   Rubicon   robot is a professional Forex expert that uses Elliott Wave Theory to analyze the market and make trading decisions. Elliott wave theory allows you to interpret processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The basis of the Rubicon bot is a complex transaction control algorithm. The program is fully automated, which allows traders to free themselves from the need to constantly monitor the market. The user has the ability to configure t
Silicon Ex4
Nadiya Mirosh
" Silicon Ex ": Your Reliable Assistant in the World of Forex Silicon Ex is a modern trading bot, specially created for traders in the Forex market. This innovative tool serves as a reliable partner for those who strive for efficient and automated trading. Key Features of "Silicon Ex": Reliability and Stability: Created using advanced technologies that ensure stable and reliable operation in the market. Intelligent Risk Management: Built-in money management system (Money Management) allows you
Stern Bot B4
Nadiya Mirosh
" Stern " is a cutting-edge Forex trading bot designed for advanced traders. This high-tech tool is an indispensable assistant for anyone who wants to automate their trading processes as much as possible. The bot's algorithm is based on pending orders, which are placed at a certain distance from the current price and are triggered only when the price reaches a specified level. The bot also uses trailing pending orders, which is activated when the price moves. As soon as the order becomes a mark
Navigators FX N4
Tatiana Savkevych
Navigator FX: Your reliable guide to the Forex market Navigator FX is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. The price for the first user will be low, and it will increase in the future. Advantages of Navigator FX: Reliability and Stability: Navigator FX is designed to the highest standards of reliability and stability. Intelligent Risk Management: Built-in we
Nagara NG4
Tatiana Savkevych
I present you the settings and parameters of the   Nagara   bot, an ultramodern tool for working in the Forex market. This bot uses advanced capital management technologies and market analysis to determine the trends and make reasonable trading decisions. In addition, it is equipped with a flexible control and protection system for each position. Currency pairs for trading: Eurusd, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDSHF, NZDUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, EURGBP, AUDJPY, EURAUD, EURCHF, AUDNZD, NZDJPY, G
Golden Harvest EA. Indicator-Based Strategy: It uses proven indicators like PSAR, EMA, and ATR to identify potential trades. It filters trades based on a higher timeframe EMA 200, to provide a trend bias. Risk Management: It calculates lot sizes based on a percentage of your account balance, helping to control risk. It uses ATR to calculate stop loss and take profit levels. It uses a risk reward ratio, so that take profit is a multiple of the stop loss. It can trail stop losses, to try and lock
ForexFortune-Navigator: Your reliable guide to the Forex market ForexFortune-Navigator is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features and capabilities that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. The price for the first users is reduced; in the future the price will be increased. Advantages of ForexFortune-Navigator: Reliability and Stability : ForexFortune-Navigator is designed to meet high standards of relia
Series Control Up4
Tatiana Savkevych
I present to you the parameters and settings of the Series Control bot, which is an ultra-modern bot for working in the Forex market. This bot uses the latest money management and market analysis technologies to identify trends and make trading decisions. It also has a flexible control and protection system for each position. Currency pairs for trading: EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, NZDUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, EURGBP, AUDJPY, EURAUD, EURCHF, AUDNZD, NZDJPY, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, EURNZ
Nirio Y4
Tatiana Savkevych
Nirio : Your reliable conductor in the Forex market Nirio is a high-tech trading bot, designed specifically for forex traders. This innovative tool is equipped with many functions that allow traders to effectively manage their transactions and strategies. The price for the first users will be reduced, and over time will increase. Advantages Nirio: Reliability and stability: Nirio is developed in accordance with the highest reliability and stability standards, which provides confident and saf
Профессиональный эксперт форекс   Associate Manager   (для пар EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF) ализирующий рынок при помощи индекса волн эллиота. Волновая теория Эллиотта — интерпретация процессов на финансовых рынках через систему визуальных моделей (волн) на ценовых графиках.  Автор теории Ральф Эллиотт выделил восемь вариантов чередующихся волн (из них пять по тренду и три против тренда). Движение цен на рынках принимает форму пяти волн. Три из них (1, 3, 5) вызывают направленное дв
Genotype Gen4
Tatiana Savkevych
Genotype : Your reliable guide in the world of Forex Genotype is an advanced Forex trading bot specifically designed for traders seeking efficient and automated trading. This innovative tool offers a wide range of features and capabilities to enable traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. Special offer for early adopters: price reduced, but will be increased in the future. Tools for work: EURUSD, AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDSGD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, GBPSEK, GBPSGD
Formula Result R4
Vitalii Zakharuk
Formula Result   is an intelligent trading bot designed for trend trading in the Forex market, optimized for high-volatility conditions. Features of Formula Result Formula Result   boasts an advanced internal architecture and operates using pending orders, relying on   Trailing Stop   mechanisms to manage entry and exit positions. The bot leverages dynamic stop-loss and take-profit settings, which can be configured separately for both real and pending orders. Additionally, the bot supports virtu
Blac Ultra BU4
Vitalii Zakharuk
The   Black Ultra   bot is recommended for use on highly volatile currency pairs or during periods of increased volatility. This is a   trend-following trading algorithm   with an advanced architecture, operating with   pending orders . The bot’s mechanics are based on   Trailing Stop   orders, which it uses to enter and exit positions. Once you understand how these orders work,   Black Ultra   will become an easy-to-use tool for you. The bot supports using   trailing stops   for both real and
Gyroscopes G4
Nadiya Mirosh
Gyroscope        professional forex expert   (for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF, AUDJPY, CADJPY pairs)   alyzing the market using the Elliot Wave Index. Elliott wave theory is the interpretation of processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The author of the theory, Ralph Elliott, identified eight variants of alternating waves (of which five are in the trend and three are against the trend). The mov
Milioron MI4
Nadiya Mirosh
The   Milioron   robot, developed for the Forex market, has significant flexibility and offers many mechanisms for maintaining a series of orders. It allows traders to automate and optimize their trading using built-in strategies and risk management approaches. Some of the main features and capabilities of the Milioron robot include: 1. **Flexibility of settings**: The robot provides traders with a wide range of parameters and settings that can be adapted to specific trading strategies and tr
Final Chaos C4
Nadiya Mirosh
The   Final Chaos   trading bot, designed for the Forex market, offers high adaptability and provides a wide range of tools for managing order series. This enables traders to automate trading processes and customize risk management according to their preferences. Key Features and Capabilities of Final Chaos: Customizability: Offers a broad set of parameters that can be tailored to various trading strategies and approaches. Risk Management Tools: Includes stop-loss, take-profit, trailing stop,
Herodotus H4
Nadiya Mirosh
Forex market expert Herodotus applies Elliott Wave theory to analyze the following currency pairs: EURUSD GBPUSD USDJPY AUDUSD USDCHF EURGBP EURJPY NZDUSD USDCAD EURCHF AUDJPY CADJPY Elliott Wave Theory Elliott Wave Theory is a price movement analysis method that represents market trends through repeating wave structures. Ralph Nelson Elliott identified eight types of waves: Five waves (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) form the primary trend movement. Waves 1, 3, and 5 are impulse waves that move with the trend.
Case Automated A4
Tatiana Savkevych
Case Automated :   Your reliable guide in the Forex World Case Automated is an advanced trade bot for the Forex market, specially designed for traders, striving for effective and automated trade. This innovative tool offers a wide range of functions and capabilities, allowing traders to effectively manage their deals and strategies. A special offer for the first users: the price is reduced, but in the future it will be increased. Work tools: EURUSD, AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDSGD, AUDUS
Basic Fire BF4
Vitalii Zakharuk
Basic Fire   is an innovative and highly efficient automated assistant for traders, designed specifically for trend trading in the Forex market. Forex trading requires significant time, effort, and expertise. With trading bots, traders can automate their strategies, leverage market trends, and avoid spending countless hours on analysis.   Basic Fire   is your reliable tool for trading highly volatile currency pairs, particularly during periods of intense market activity. What is Basic Fire? Basi
Canadian Bollinger Trend
Leonardo Garcia Ferrer
Buscador de tendencia usando las bandas de Bollinger, acumuladores y distribuidores. El R:R se mantiene constante sin uso de martingala. 0.01 lot cada 200 unidades de balance El robot se testeo usando los servidores de TMGM en modo EDGE, Vantage usando ECN, VT Market usando ECN y Axi usando modo PRO. Se recomienda el uso de cuentas ECN y altamente recomendada los brokers mencionados
Quang Nguyen Dien
The EA is designed based on the MACD indicator. This is a " RAW " EA, meaning: The EA has only completed basic tasks such as algorithm design and backtesting with tick data over 10 years. The EA has not been optimized and tested on a real account. The minimum price for the optimized version will be $99 . If it succeeds on a real account for at least one year , the maximum price will be $5,000 . Thank you for your interest and for downloading. More high-quality " RAW " EAs will be available in th
Prop Master EA
Tibor Hartmut Sturm
Prop Master EA – The Ultimate Prop Firm Trading Solution! Pass FTMO, The Funded Trader, FXIFY  and all the other Challenges with Confidence! Are you struggling to pass proprietary trading firm challenges? Prop Master EA is a fully automated trading solution designed to help traders meet the strict rules of FTMO, The Funded Trader, FXIFY, and other prop firms . With intelligent risk management, dynamic lot sizing, built-in news filtering, and smart trading algorithms , this EA ensures th
FTC Hedge
Aliaksandr Ausiyevich
The FTC Hedge Advisor works by placing a strictly limited grid of orders in a certain range with a built-in hedging algorithm, which makes it possible to fully control the risks of the trading account balance. Up and down from the average price line (daily time frame), the space is divided into separate ranges of equal value as a percentage of the average line. In each individual range, the Expert Advisor opens and closes positions independently of other ranges. A grid of orders operating in r
TREND FOLLOWING PRO EA 1. OVERVIEW The Trend-Following EA is an automated trading system designed to capitalize on market trends using moving averages. By analyzing price momentum, this EA identifies optimal trade entries and exits, ensuring effective trend-based trading. It is suitable for traders who prefer a systematic approach to following market movements without manual intervention. 2. Trading Strategy The EA identifies trend direction based on the crossover of Fast and Slow Moving Averag
PARABOLIC SAR PRO EA 1. OVERVIEW  The Parabolic SAR EA is a fully automated trading system designed to capitalize on trend-following strategies using the Parabolic Stop and Reverse (SAR) indicator. It dynamically adjusts Stop-Loss (SL) and Take-Profit (TP) levels using the ATR (Average True Range) to adapt to market volatility. Additionally, it incorporates a Moving Average filter to enhance trend accuracy and prevent false signals. This EA is optimized for traders looking for low-risk, high-re
RENKO CHART ROBOT (EA) 1. OVERVIEW  The Renko Chart EA is a trend-following automated trading system that utilizes Renko bricks and Heiken Ashi confirmation to enter and exit trades efficiently. This EA is designed to eliminate market noise, capture strong trends, and provide better trade accuracy by filtering weak price movements. With the ATR-based dynamic Stop-Loss and Take-Profit, it adapts to market volatility, ensuring optimal risk management and high reward potential. 2. Unique Features  
Grid Based Recovery Zone (EA)  1. OVERVIEW  The Recovery Zone EA is a smart loss recovery trading system that uses trend-confirmed grid-based entries to recover trades efficiently. Unlike traditional Martingale or grid strategies, this EA ensures that new trades align with the market trend, reducing risk and improving recovery efficiency. It gradually adjusts trade sizes and profit targets to neutralize drawdowns while keeping risk exposure low. The use of ATR-based stop-loss and take-profit ens
Momentum Scalping Robot EA 1. OVERVIEW Momentum Scalper EA is a high-performance forex trading algorithm. It utilizes a momentum-based scalping strategy with ATR-based stop-loss and take-profit levels, ensuring effective risk management and maximizing short-term trading opportunities. 2. Trading Strategy Momentum-based Scalping Strategy: Uses Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and RSI indicators. ATR-based Stop Loss & Take Profit: Automatically adjusts SL and TP based on market volatility. Overt
MasterUJ EA
Quang Nguyen Dien
If you are looking for an EA with real trading signals, check out my EA signal   If you want an EA with a stable algorithm structure and minimal changes, my EA was designed and perfected three years ago and has been delivering consistent results ever since. If you want an EA with both backtest results and real data for comparison, why not take real data from my signal and backtest the EA over the same period to compare the results? You will be surprised to see that the real data performs even be
Goldmarie EA
Tibor Hartmut Sturm
Goldmarie EA Goldmarie EA is an automated scalping Expert Advisor designed for XAU/USD (Gold) trading on M15 timeframe. It uses a combination of RSI, Bollinger Bands, and dynamic lot sizing to identify high-probability trade setups. The EA also features an advanced risk management system, preventing overtrading and margin issues. This guide explains Goldmarie EA's features, including the built-in dashboard and how to configure the EA. Technical Analysis-Based Trading Strategy Uses RSI (Rela
Breakout Lookback Bars EA 1. OVERVIEW Breakout Lookback Bars EA is a specialized trading algorithm designed to identify and trade price breakouts based on historical high and low levels over a defined period (LookbackBars). The EA ensures systematic trade entries using a FloatingPips mechanism, which helps optimize trade placement and risk management. 2. Trading Strategy The EA detects breakout levels by analyzing the highest and lowest price over a defined period (LookbackBars). A Buy trade is
Gold Trading Bot Description:  MSTrade Xauusd Scalping Overview: MSTrade Xauusd Scalping  is a non-Martingale Expert Advisor (EA) designed for XAU/USD (Gold) trading. It focuses on capital preservation, strict risk management, and low drawdowns by executing one trade at a time. The bot uses technical analysis, volatility filters, and adaptive risk controls for consistent performance in all market conditions. Key Features: Non-Martingale Strategy Single-Trade Focus: Opens one position per direc
架构设计 多层级风控体系:包含7级熔断机制(净值保护、滑点过滤、流动性检测、波动率限制、时段控制、相关性监控、高频熔断) 量子状态引擎:采用5维特征空间(Hurst指数+ADX+信息熵+波动率比+订单失衡)驱动3态量子系统(趋势/震荡/过渡) 自适应模块化策略:包含3个独立策略内核(趋势追踪/均值回归/高频脉冲)和2个对冲引擎(统计套利/跨市场压迫) 配置参数 scale= 1 scale,F= 0 scale, 1 = 0 scale, 2 = 1 scale, 3 = 1 changeratios= 10000.00000000 changeratios,F= 0 changeratios, 1 = 10000.00000000 changeratios, 2 = 0.00000000 changeratios, 3 = 0.00000000 tpshutdown= 0 tpshutdown,F= 0 tpshutdown, 1 = 0 tpshutdown, 2 = 1 tpshutdown, 3 = 1 tpshutdownratios= 1.00300000 tpshu
The Gold Edge
Viktoriia Liubchak
Name:  The Gold Edge Description: This trading robot is specifically designed for automated trading on the XAU/USD (gold/dollar) currency pair. The algorithm is optimized for low-spread accounts and utilizes a small stop-loss, allowing for minimized potential losses and effective risk control. The program is ideal for traders who prefer an aggressive yet secure trading strategy, where each trade is carefully calculated. With built-in risk management algorithms, the robot analyzes market conditio
Raphael Schwietering
Dominate the Markets with Super AI Bot Proven Success! Tested on EURUSD H1 with 5 years of backtesting , Super AI Bot delivers unmatched precision, profitability, and stability. The Future of Automated Trading is Here – Super AI Bot Welcome to the next level of intelligent trading. Super AI Bot is an advanced, fully automated Expert Advisor (EA) designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Powered by cutting-edge AI and machine learning algorithms, this EA adapts to marke
该EA具有以下显著特点,体现了其在算法交易领域的先进性和复杂性: 量子计算启发式架构 采用量子神经网络(QNN)进行市场状态分类(趋势/震荡/过渡) 量子态叠加机制处理多维市场数据 量子纠缠因子增强信号合成 量子激活函数实现非线性特征处理 多模态策略融合系统 三状态自适应策略(趋势跟踪/均值回归/反转捕捉) 遗传算法优化参数组合(种群规模30,迭代100次) LSTM神经网络集成波动率预测 VWAP增强的流动性感知系统 先进风险管理体系 四层熔断机制(回撤1%预警/3%降仓/5%熔断) 动态杠杆系统(XAUUSD 200x,GBPUSD 400x) 流动性自适应头寸限制(正常/受限/极端三级) 基于香农熵的风险价值(VaR)计算 高频微观结构处理 纳秒级订单流解析 5维度市场特征矩阵(赫斯特指数/ADX/熵值/波动率/订单失衡) 自适应滑点模型(VWAP引导+订单簿深度补偿) 闪崩检测协议(3σ异常波动响应<500ms) 时空复合策略 伦敦/纽约关键时段流动性图谱 多周期自适应切换(H1/M15智能切换) 波动率期限结构分析(7/30周期ATR矩阵) 分形市场理论应用(Hurst指数+
PITBULL EXPERT ADVISOR Professional Trading Robot for Multiple Timeframes (M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4) It is based on the Pitbull JR Limited indicator algorithm which is shown in screenshots. Introduction Pitbull Expert Advisor is a cutting-edge, trend-following and reversal trading system designed for forex and commodity markets. Developed for professional traders, this EA integrates multiple technical indicators to identify high-probability entry points while incorporating robust risk managemen
Majed Mohammed S Albader
KrakzBot MT4 is a fully automated trading system that doesn't require any special skills from you. Just fire up this EA and rest. You don't need to set up anything, EA will do everything for you. EA is adapted to work on small deposits from $100.  Timeframe: M15 Currency pairs: AUDCAD  REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUR ACCOUNT Leverage >= 1:500 Balance >= $100 (or equivalent in your currency)
- REAL SIGNAL (Exness standard acc.): LIVE SIGNAL IF YOU WANT upto   50% DISCOUNT   THEN MESSAGE HERE   EA Overview: This EA is designed specifically for trading the US30 index , leveraging its long-term bullish potential. Unlike short-term strategies, this EA is not optimized for quick gains within 1-2 months. Instead, it requires a minimum of 1-2 years of backtesting and live trading to showcase its full potential. It is a conservative and slow-paced EA that operates on the H1 timeframe , en
Xalpha Scalps
Stephen Robert Powell
Introducing our  X-ALPHA SCALPS -  My  Elite Quantum Trading Expert Advisor —the ultimate solution engineered for high-frequency, precision trading across forex, cryptocurrency, and commodities. Designed with cutting-edge technology and refined by advanced mathematical models,  this EA transforms your trading strategy into a dynamic, high-performance engine. Why X-ALPHA SCALPS? Hybrid Algorithmic Mastery: Multi-Strategy Integration: Seamlessly blends high-frequency trading, statistical arbitrage
Fibo Eagle EA
Almaquio Ferreira De Souza Junior
Fibo Eagle EA for MT4 - Fibonacci-Based Grid Trading Expert Advisor Overview FiboEagleEA is a sophisticated Expert Advisor (EA) designed for traders who want an automated trading system powered by the Fibonacci sequence. This EA integrates grid trading principles with advanced money management tools, delivering a blend of precision, adaptability, and profitability potential. Whether you're new to trading or a seasoned professional, FiboEagleEA adjusts to various market conditions, making it a ve
ICT Phantom Trader
Mazhar Ul Hassan Noorul Hassan Noor Ul Hassan
ICT Phantom Trader is a professional-grade trading algorithm that leverages Inner Circle Trader (ICT) Engulfing Patterns and institutional trading strategies. It is designed for traders who follow Smart Money Concepts (SMC), focusing on liquidity, order blocks, and price action confirmation. Previously priced at $100 per month , all my bots are now available for a limited-time promotion at just $49 per month. Features & Functionalities: ICT Engulfing Pattern Detection – Identifies high-probabi
Bitcoin Smart EA
Vasiliy Strukov
5 (2)
比特币智能 EA 与独特的 MAFilling 趋势指标配合使用。这是一个非常简单但有效的策略,独特而灵活的设置使此 EA 用途极其广泛,并将帮助您为交易创造最佳结果。 在 m15 或 m30 时间范围内,非常适合加密货币以及任何货币和黄金 可以在此处查看实时结果 。 购买后立即联系我以获得个人奖金! 设置和说明书在这里   设置 Open new series –  开/关新系列订单的开始   Start lots –  初始起始批次 Trade Buy –  允许顾问购买 Trade Sell –  允许顾问出售 Support manual orders –  支持手动下单 Use hedge - 允许顾问进行买入和卖出双向交易。如果只允许一个交易方向。 Max Orders - 允许的最大订单数 Order Comment - 订单评论名称 Start lots - 初始起始批次 Use Money Management - 使用资金管理进行自动手数计算 Autolot - 每 0.01 手开仓的可用保证金金额 Lot multiplier - 以下订单的手数乘数 Max
AlphaFlow EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
Alpha Flow EA:将您的交易提升到新高度 介绍   Alpha Flow EA   —— 一款先进的交易顾问,通过战略精准性、适应性和深度市场分析,彻底改变您的交易体验。 Alpha Flow EA   基于专有交易算法和深度市场洞察,能够在各种交易环境中表现出色,帮助您始终保持领先市场趋势的优势。 Alpha Flow EA 实时交易信号 XAUUSD 信号:   查看实时信号 EURUSD 信号:   查看实时信号 US 500 信号:   查看实时信号 Alpha Flow EA 的独特之处 先进的市场分析 Alpha Flow EA   采用多层次的分析方法,将传统的技术分析与现代的量化策略相结合。它的高级模式识别算法能够发现新兴趋势,提供具有战略意义和时效性的交易机会。 多样化的交易策略 此顾问具备多种预设策略,能够自动适应当前的市场状况。与依赖固定规则的系统不同, Alpha Flow EA   动态选择最佳策略,在不同的市场情景中提升表现。 超高速交易执行 借助高频交易 (HFT) 技术, Alpha Flow EA   以惊人的速度执行交易。这不仅能将滑点降至

