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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的新自动交易 - 70

icon EA交易能够使用特殊的外汇策略分析交易品种的报价。 免费测试以及付费EA交易,使您的交易自动化并获得更多盈利。
Red Dollar EA
Red Dollar EA is a non-standard Expert Advisor, which can't be attributed to any particular type. It adjusts to the current market situation. The EA uses time and price information, trades using pending orders. The number of trades can differ from a few deals per month, up to dozens a week, it all depends on the current market conditions, settings, and the number of financial instruments traded. VPS is required for stable operation, minimum deposit is 1,000$ of the base currency. Timeframe does
Prime Algo_Random Auto Trade Pro Coded by Prime Capital Vietnam  Strategy:  Crayzy strategy - Random trade - Random Buy - Random Sell - Random profit - Random Take profit - Random Stoploss [Important]: - Backtest carefully before rent - Try setting from: 0.01 LOT with 10k balance ------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact Us before rent Support: Whatsapp +84879118113 Email: admin@primecapitalvn. com
This EA is using 3 Mas with different periods. A Buy Signal occurs when Green on the top, yellow in the middle, red at the bottom.  A Sell Signal occurs when Red on the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom. When this happens, means a trend has just been established. A Close Signal occurs when the setup of the Mas is broken.  You may customize the periods, and method of the MAs. The default values for 5M time frame are: MAGreen = 180 MAYellow = 720 MaRed = 2880 The default values for
US30 Chainsaw EA
Mazen Ismail Darwish Aladgham
Designed to survive any market crashes including the covid  pandemic 36% crash that happened  in March 2020 These markets are born to be bullish in nature. Hence, what you will see in the next section is a buy only expert advisor. You can stop the expert advisor from trading for a while when you feel like the market is start crashing so badly and then reattach it when needed. However, the expert advisor will survive both ways.
My personal profitable forex expert advisor is a robot that uses different trading strategies to execute a BUY or a SELL trade. This expert advisor, with the right settings is able to give you the best profitable results. The biggest lead of my profitable Forex Robot is that it can trade the 6 major pairs in a nutshell, it is multicurrency. It can trade EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD, USDJPY and USDCHF. It runs on 1 hour Time Frame. My expert advisor is 100% automatic and it runs 24 hours a d
The strategy is an intelligent trading system developed based on the analysis of big data and the statistics of the characteristics of the EurUSD currency pair.EA is used in the 15M cycle and determined to be able to make steady profits through the historical backtesting of the past decades. EA uses MACD to open positions. It can use fund management, and it can also control the number of positions according to the risk it can bear. In addition,EA uses the news avoidance function to automaticall
Chukwudi Joshua Obiekwe
5 (2)
BuySellSeriesEA is very sophisticated robust forex EA with an outstanding performance with absolute security of your trading capital with inbuilt setting to adjust to any market conditions... Note: if you need to know the real performance of this EA; keep back test aside, try real forward testing or trading , then you will know how sophisticated BuySellSeriesEA with its great performance       BuySellSeriesEA Live signals          BuySellSeriesEA recommended pair, add EURJPY,GBPUSD, however
AW Swing Trading EA
AW Trading Software Limited
5 (1)
一种高级工具,用于根据修正价格变动进行波段交易。它适用于其延续方向的趋势回滚,所需修正的大小由工具的当前波动率或交易者手动确定。在检测到沿当前趋势的修正后,EA 等待信号完成修正并继续趋势,然后开仓。 关于顾问如何工作的说明 ->   HERE   / MT5 version ->  HERE 好处: 内置自动驾驶仪 自定义开仓信号 全自动交易系统,能够添加手动订单 趋势过滤 篮筐的动态间距 不同类型的订单动画 内置重叠 所有类型的通知 基于波动率的动态回撤大小。 输入设置: 主要设置 第一个订单的大小 - 开立第一个订单的交易量 启用自动分配计算 - 启用自动分配 Autolot 每 0.01 手存款 - 使用 autolot 时每 0.01 手的存款量 SIGNAL - 设置操作信号 Minimal StepLevel for entry - 矩形的最小尺寸(以磅为单位)。可能等于“0”,那么如果变量“Use ATR for StepLevel”选项“True”被选中,那么矩形只会根据ATR改变。 对 StepLevel 使用 ATR - 使用 ATP 定义矩形的大小。 - Tr
Elf Stability
Alexey Kapkov
精灵稳定性 它可以在4货币对在同一时间工作。 自动多货币交易顾问能够调整到任何货币对和时间间隔。 它既可以用于快速平衡提高,也可以用于安全安静的交易。 Ea交易基于一个通用指标,可以过滤掉市场噪音,在趋势和非趋势市场条件下工作。 这个指标是完美的头皮交易与固定或利润的百分比。 专家顾问不追逐价格,只有当支持水平交叉时价格反转时才打开头寸。  为了减少回撤,Ea使用仓位套期保值。  默认参数-为GBPUSD-30分钟货币对选择 所有货币对的行为都不同,因此您需要为每个货币对和时间间隔选择自己的设置。  为了方便(视觉)配置,我建议使用Elf TrendLine PRO指标 谁买了精灵黄牛临指标免费-购买后与我联系。 使用该指标的专家顾问显示稳定和良好的结果 : https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/36410 碌莽禄掳:: 能够为任何货币对和时间间隔选择成功交易的设置; 为任何经纪商和任何点差选择参数的能力; 通用指标算法检测趋势,过滤掉市场噪声,并生成输入信号。; 当重要消息发布时,无需禁用Ea交易; 利润取决于您选择的策略
This robot enters the market follow the main trend during the pullback. The Trading system is Multi-currency and is able to trade:  GBPUSD,GBPNZD,GBPJPY,GBPCHF TimeFrame: M15 You can also try it with other currency pair.    It is simple to use. EA use the open price of the bar, so you can backtest with the data Model: "Open prices only". Every trade is protected by Stop-Loss.  Features: No dangerous money management are used Easy to setup Every trade is protected by stop-loss Recommendations:
Ninja Wolf Robot GMT
Mohammed Mahajna
3.7 (20)
------------------------------so important : please adjust the (shift hour inputs ) based on you broker gmt time ---------------- https://t.me/NinjaWolfRobot  Telegram channel  4 copies left for 449$  next price 549$ FINAL PRICE : 3499$  checkout the new two robots from IROBOT TEAM here :  SHARK and INFERNO Robots  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68110 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68914 the Robot has passed all stress-testes in tough conditions. it's in   a real account fo
Mikhail Voropaev
1 (1)
- 超级促销:100 美元 10 份!!! (还剩 6 份) - 下一个价格:150 美元 智能交易系统仅适用于 USDJPY 货币对! 使用 SET1 参数监控顾问账户,风险 5% 使用 SET2 参数监控智能交易系统的账户,风险 10% 带有 USDJPY 参数的文件: 设置1 设置2 您可以为 EURUSD 和 GBPUSD 选择参数。 EA 交易不使用额外的指标进入交易。交易基于重要水平的突破(使用每日和每周蜡烛)。 在此版本的顾问程序中,可以更改参数。 安装后,“EA 交易”可立即开始工作,但为了获得最佳结果,您需要从文件加载参数。 有经验的用户可以尝试自行选择初始参数。 对于那些不想了解和实验参数的人,我推荐轻量版:EastStar EA。 Expert Advisor 适用于 1 年以上的长期投资。与任何投资一样,都有回撤期。要有耐心! EA 安装在 M15 周期的 USDJPY 图表上。为了稳定运行,必须打开带有 H1 和 Daily 周期的空 USDJPY 图表! 不使用马丁格尔! 格子没用! Auto_Risk 交易建议: - 以固定手数交易 - 0% - 超保
This EA has been developed, tested and traded live on DOW JONES (US30) M15 TF. Everything is ready for immediate use on real account. Very SIMPLE STRATEGY with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Strategy is based on FIBO BREAKOUT .   It enters if volatility raise after some time of consolidation .  It uses  STOP   pending orders with FIXED STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFIT.   To catch more profits there is a  TRAILING PROFIT  function in the strategy.  EA has been backtested on more than 10-year long tick data with
Trail SL
Yu Ming Yan
4.5 (2)
简介: 此法则很简单,当一个交易单的浮动盈利大于某个数值时,会自动设置止损价到开仓价位。 设置说明: Enter your order ID - 第一列的订单号 When Open Profit is over ($)_ , reset SL - 比如设置为100,意为当此交易单的未结利润达到$100时,自动设置止损价到此单的开仓价 注意事项及建议:     1. 请将此EA应用于活动订单,而不是待定订单。     2. 未结利润不应定得太小。 风险提示: 外汇/股票/大宗商品交易,尤其是杠杆交易有风险,交易请务必谨慎。 本法则的任何业绩结果均代表过去的业绩,并不是对未来业绩的保证。 本法则仅供学习交流使用,对于本法则造成的任何获利或者损失,本人不具有权力和义务。
简介: 很多交易者会面临这样的窘境(至少我经历过),需要给自己想手动进入的订单设置一个MagicNumber,但修改订单程序又比较费时费力。 于是,我想创建一个简单的工具,只要输入一些参数,就可以下单,并且设置好MagicNumber,以便日后可以对此订单做后续操作。 这个工具就是为了实现这样一个简单的功能:下订单的时候设置它的MagicNumber。 使用方法: 把这个EA应用到您想要做单的货币对或者商品的图表中,可以是任意的时间图(30M,1H,4H,1D...),设置好参数,就可以带着MagicNumber挂单或者直接进场到相应的货币对或者商品。 设置说明: Set your Magic Number: 设置Magic Number,必须是整数。 Set your Lot: 设置交易手数。 Order Type: 设置立刻买入(Buy at once),立刻卖出(Sell at once),或者挂单交易,也可以什么也不做(No Action)。 Set your Entry for Pending order: (no use for immediate order) 如
Andrey Kolmogorov
5 (2)
There is always movement and price return in the market. Usually, the price return occurs after an abnormally large candlestick size. The main goal of the Berserker is to make money on this. In his work, Berserker uses 3 modes of opening orders: 1.   Multi - a mode in which 2 opposite orders are opened simultaneously; 2. Reverse   - a mode in which, immediately after closing an order by Stop Loss, a new order is opened in the opposite direction; 3.   Support   - Mode of operation of support orde
Mykhailo Hrynkiv
Fxinvest EA- is an automatic advisor for major currency pairs, using a price action system and a combination of indicators to calculate the entry. The Expert Advisor is recommended to be used on the 15M timeframe, with the following currency pairs: EURUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY, AUDUSD, GBPUSD with the default setting. Each trade has a set take profit and stop loss. The EA uses martingale. Minimum balance $ 300 - lot 0.01. One currency pair. Recommended -1000 $ for 4 currency pairs Input paramete
简介: 这个交易法则来自于最近我对于GBP/JPY的观察和交易总结。在日内交易中,我发现GBP/JPY的走势有一定规律,并且概率相对比较大,可以生成一定的法则,并且也有不错的盈亏比例。 这个交易法则十分简单,即便是初学者也能轻松理解。 在1个交易日内,获取日内前4个小时的价格最高点和最低点。在当天余下的时间里,如果价格上破最高点或者下破最低点,则根据趋势顺势做多或者做空。 下单的时间会有所控制,在日内,如果超过某个时间点,等待的交易就会被移除,已经进入的交易将不会受影响。 关于止损,您需要手动设置一下止损的点位,也可以使用本法则默认的值。 关于获利,根据之前计算出的最高和最低点的差距,就是您获利的点数: 比如某天前4小时,最高点是143.40,最低点是143.00,那对于做多的交易,获利价格就是143.80,对于做空交易获利则为142.60。 关于关闭交易,在当天的最后时段,如果交易还未止损或者获利,本法则会自动以当前价格关闭交易。 设置说明: Lot - 交易手数 Set Static Stop Loss (pips) - 设置自定义止损 Magic Number for Buy
This PRICE ACTION  trading EA is best for low risk steady growth. The EA has ability to smartly increase and decrease risk percent per trade  to maximize the gain. No INDICATORS are used of any kind. There is NO HEDGING or MARTINGALE. This Ea is fully set and forget based, but if you want you can also manually move your stop and profit target and can also close the trades whenever you want, it will not affect the EA algorithm. If You are new to robot trading, run with default settings. NOTE:
EASTER SALE OFF!!! PAY ATTENTION FOR SETS TO EACH ASSET (YOU WILL FIND IT ON TELEGRAM CHANEL) The Expert Advisor has the ability to trade simultaneously in Buy and Sell, regardless of where the price goes, fully automatically. When calculating simple indicators, depending on the ATR, you can adjust to any instrument. Instruments: VIX, Nasdaq, XAGUSD (Silver),   FX and  others (the settings for each instrument are different and are located in the Telegram channel   https://t.me/oxbearpro ) F
Paul Reymkhe
3.31 (13)
ATTENTION :  Since 30.11.2022 the strategy has been revised from scratch - therefore a completely new  strategy . It took us over a year to finally come up with a reasonable strategy, since the old one didn't work. We apologize for this long delay. MT5 Version : IPRO Zar MT5 Live Signals:   IPRO Zar 150 multi IPRO Zar 200 IPRO Zar default The main idea was to make as much profit as possible with the EA over a not too long period and to withdraw it again and again - but in the end the EA can d
EA follows trend using Bollinger Bands with specified period and deviation. Recommended markets are GOLD, DE30 and US indices (strong moves, low costs) !!! PARAMETERS EA_timeframe  - download M1 data history and select desired timeframe (higher TF more stable results) StartHour         - EA trades from specified hour (default from London open session - UTC2 brokers time) EndHour           - EA trade till  specified hour  (default till NewYork close session - UTC brokers time) CloseTime        -
Time Box
Milan Diko
EA trades candle box breakouts with specified breakout time and range. Recommended markets are GOLD, DE30 and US indices (strong moves, low costs) !!! PARAMETERS EA_timeframe     - download M1 data history and select desired timeframe (higher TF more stable results) StartHour            - EA trades from specified hour (default from London open session - UTC2 brokers time) EndHour              - EA trade till  specified hour  (default till NewYork close session - UTC brokers time) CloseTime     
EA trades trend based on multi-timeframe LWMA crossover. Recommended markets are GOLD, DE30 and US indices (strong moves, low costs) !!! PARAMETERS StartHour         - EA trades from specified hour (default from London open session - UTC2 brokers time) EndHour           - EA trade till  specified hour  (default till NewYork close session - UTC brokers time) CloseTime        - closes trade at specified time in seconds (only if UseTimeExit = True) Lots                 - number of Lots per trade Lo
Easy Backtest
Jacek Pawel Bialek
Easy Backtest Backtesting your trading strategy is the most important thing which every successful trader knows very well. Easy Backtest is the perfect solution to test your new strategy in Strategy Tester in your MT4 , using all available historical data. You can place orders: BUY , SELL , pending orders with Stop Loss and Take Profit , and you can modify them at any time. You can close orders individually or all at once, and also  breakeven the same like you do it in live trading. The play b
SUIT FOREX EA ROBOT PREMIUM  Suit Forex EA Robot   is the breakthrough Forex Robot that can help you achieve your realistic profit goal faster than you could ever imagine. It's for the sophisticated and conservative busy investors and traders like you. It will enable you to start right away. You can trade as you learn and master more complex trading techniques. With this EA, your friends will be amazed of the quick 180-degree turn of your trading venture.  Be the one that you trul
Fox Wise
Cutting Edge Forex LLC
1 (1)
Built to handle trending, volatile,quiet, and range bound markets. Fox Wise can handle it all in stride. With a fleet of strategies  using standard indicators with repeating price patterns unique to USDJPY. No longer are you tied to 1 strategy prone to long periods of drawdown and stagnation!  Fox Wise operates on the USDJPY1 hour chart.   Backt-test from 2003-Today to see the amazing results! Plenty of activations (15). Good News USA Traders! We have FIFO settings! No grid, no martingale, no
Cutting Edge Forex LLC
3.1 (10)
Why limit yourself to 1 single strategy that is at the whim of the market, prone to long periods of drawdown and loss? Now you can release an army of strategies that can handle any market situation. Trending, volatile, range bound, it doesn't matter. Using standard indicators with price patterns Unique to EURUSD Luminary dominates in all conditions.  Luminary operates on the EURUSD 1 hour chart.   Backt-test from 2003-Today to see the amazing results! Plenty of activations (15). Good News USA
Alfa MT4
Nebal S I Saloul
Hello This EA is depending on Guaranty strategy , it open same position by wide pips every time then will close in profit. it can make a continues profit (maybe little but continues)  you can change all settings but don't be impetuous. you can download it and make Back Test before buy it good luck السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يعتمد هذا الاكسبيرت على إستراتيجية مضمونة ، فهو يفتح نفس المركز في كل مرة   لكن على فترات متباعدة ثم سيغلق في الربح. يمكن أن تحقق ربحًا مستمرًا (ربما قليلًا ولكنه مس
Welcome to the Candle Calculator Robot This Robot functions fully automated. Can trades All Pairs Can trade All Time Frames The Robot is very simple and has the following trading options +Lot Sizes +TP +SL +Trailing +Trading Hours You can use the robot straight away. But you need to test which Pair, time frame and settings do you prefer. (If you decrease the Candle Size settings then you will get more trades) Please be careful by using the robot and set the lot size sensible. I wish everyone the
Sunset EA
Trevor Schuil
The Sunset EA is a fully automatic strategy for scalping near the end of each trading day. The strategy is based on the standard envelopes indicator. The strategy is able to maintain a high win rate while keeping a low draw down. T here are no complications to the strategy. One trade at a time. It simply opens and closes the trade, no pending order, no trailing stop and the profit and stop levels are dynamically mapped based on the current market conditions. The expert advisor will place the st
Mohammed Ziyadh Abdool Karim
BeanStoch is an advanced, fully automated Expert developed to trade with EURUSD. Experts uses the Stochastic indicator as well as two Exponential Moving AVerages only for EURUSD on the 15M timeframe Experts showed stable results on EURUSD in the 2018-2021period. No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid or hedge. Suitable for any broker conditions. Working symbol EURUSD Working Timeframe: M15 Min deposit:  $ 100  Features: No martingale, grid, hedge or other dangerou
Adeleke Awojobi
This is an EA based on price action and Volatility using a tested algorithm. This EA ONLY works best with GBP-USD on 1 min TF The EA will open trades only when a signal is found. Please do note that this EA does not necessarily open Trades on a daily basis. Also note that this EA has not been optimised either. Advise - 1 min TimeFrame - to run EA with a broker that has very tight spreads with a maximum spread of 10 points(1 pip) - only on GBP/USD - VPS strongly advised for uninterrupted signals 
Adeleke Awojobi
This is an EA based on price action and Volatility using a tested algorithm. This EA ONLY works best with gold-dollar  XAU-USD on 1 min TF The EA will open trades only when a signal is found. Please do note that this EA does not necessarily open Trades on a daily basis. Also note that this EA has not been optimised either. Advise - 1 min TimeFrame - to run EA with a broker that has very tight spreads with a maximum spread of 20 points(2 pips) - only on XAU/USD - VPS strongly advised for uninterr
Smart GOLD
INNO Smart Solutions
MT4   EA -   Smart   GOLD It is a fully automated   MT4 EA specially designed for XAUUSD (SPOT GOLD). The   EA applied   2   Layer Trading System ( MLT2) and the   TP/SL for every position is in equity amount   instead of   in   pips. General Strategy Definition Currency   pair:   XAUUSD   only Chart setting: The robot works   well on   the   M30   timeframe   ONLY User friendly:     Basic input parameters required, then set and forget Usage of this EA: Good for generating Passive Income Low MD
Mr Jack Joseph Wilson
3.81 (37)
zScalp zScalp is an Expert Advisor that scalps any pair and performs phenomenally with Gold (XAUUSD). The system utilises two unique entry methods to find and execute the perfect trade. zScalp also uses a combination of Trailing Stop-loss and custom exit strategy's to ensure maximum Profits and Drawdown reduction. This EA has been in development for many months now and used personally by me. After maki
Smart Elf
Alexey Kapkov
聪明的精灵 自动多货币交易顾问能够调整到任何货币对和时间间隔。 它既可以用于快速平衡提高,也可以用于安全安静的交易。 专家顾问是基于过滤掉市场噪音的通用指标,无论是在趋势和非趋势的市场条件下工作. 这个指标是完美的头皮交易与固定或利润的百分比。 专家顾问不追逐价格,只有当支持水平交叉时价格反转时才打开头寸。 Ea交易在不同时间间隔工作的示例: https://youtu.be/nb_oClJRdXo 默认参数-为GBPUSD-30分钟货币对选择 https://youtu.be/eq3kvrntkbs 所有货币对的行为都不同,因此您需要为每个货币对和时间间隔选择自己的设置。 为了方便(视觉)配置,我建议使用Elf TrendLine PRO指标 谁买了精灵黄牛临指标免费-购买后与我联系。 使用该指标的专家顾问显示稳定和良好的结果 : https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/36410 碌莽禄掳:: 能够为任何货币对和时间间隔选择成功交易的设置; 为任何经纪商和任何点差选择参数的能力; 通用指标算法检测趋势,过滤掉市场噪声,并生
Golden Beard
Aleksandr Khitrov
GOLDEN BEARD Golden Beard is an Expert Advisor specifically developed for gold trading. The basis of its work is the opening of orders on a unique algorithm that controls the amount of risk and does not allow the robot to get a drawdown above the target value. Thus the Expert Advisor works on a trend+contrend strategy, but with control of the risk. Golden Beard is one of the few Expert Advisors that easily passes the backtest on 99% of the history using every tick. This is a very important resul
Magic EA MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
3 (1)
Magic EA is an Expert Advisor based on Scalping, Elliot Waves and with filters such as RSI, Stochastic and 3 other strategies managed and decided with the robot smartly. Large number of inputs and settings are tested and optimized and embedded in the program thus inputs are limited and very simple. Using EA doesn't need any professional information or Forex Trading Knowledge. EA can trade on all symbols and all time frames, using special and unique strategies developed by the author. The EA wo
Perseverance MT4
Marta Gonzalez
Perseverance. It is an Ea that seeks the best window of opportunity to enter the market. If the entry is wrong, the system exits by stop lost. If the entry is correct, once the point of no return is exceeded, an aggressive follow-up system begins. Can used this EA whit 500$ in your account Perseverance    IS IDEAL FOR SMALL ACCOUNTS Perseverance  IS ONLY AN OPEN OPERATION. Perseverance   IS VERY LOW RISK OF MARGIN CALL You can download the demo and test it yourself. Very stable growth cur
Zarhards Gold
Mr Jack Joseph Wilson
3.4 (5)
Zarhards Gold EA This EA utilises several leading indicators to create a system that chooses quality over quantity. The system uses complex algorithms to select the perfect Entry and Exit's on trades. It has a custom Entry Algorithm and 3 Dynamic Exit strategies. If you're looking for an EA for long-term, stable profits this is the one for you.  This system is the result of countless hours of research. Due
The EA is based on a   scalping breakout strategy , uses advanced exit algorithms and has built-in filters to filter out bad signals. Fully automatic trading with entry calculation based on the high / low breakout system. For trading, the advisor uses 4 currency pairs and the M30 timeframe. To create a strategy, we used historical data with a history quality of 99.9%, over the past 20 years. The EA has the following features: Uses a smart false signal filtering system. Uses a system for recogniz
The open tool of the most popular strategy on MQL5 'Breakout of High/Low' points. Developed by professional traders with overall 12 years of experience! Classic Fractal Scalper   is an EA tool based on the popular strategy of breakout of custom fractals. The user can set the range of a fractal, the number traded fractals and the offset points from the fractal points. The EA trades with stop-orders and then they are activated the EA manages them. The EA has a rich set of tools. It writes statis
C O N S I S T E N T   F O R E X   B O T   P R E M I U M  Consistent Forex Bot   is the breakthrough Forex Robot that can help you achieve your realistic profit goal faster than you could ever imagine. It's for the sophisticated and conservative busy investors and traders like you. It will enable you to start right away. You can trade as you learn and master more complex trading techniques. With this EA, your friends will be amazed of the quick 180-degree turn of your trading ventu
Nasdaq Expansion M15
Marek Kupka
3.5 (2)
This EA has been developed, tested and traded live on NASDAQ M15 TF. Everything is ready for immediate use on real account. Very SIMPLE STRATEGY with only FEW PARAMETERS. Strategy is based on EXPANSION ON THE DAILY CHART. It enters if volatility raise after some time of consolidation. It uses STOP pending orders with ATR STOP LOSS. To catch the profits is a TRAILING PROFIT function in the strategy.  EA has been backtested on more than 10-year long tick data with 99% quality of modeling and verif
Blue Diamond
Mahdi Nejatianghasemieh
Blue Diamond is a fully automatic Expert Advisor created by Dream Deals Co for Intraday trading on EURUSD. Follow us on Telegram:   https://t.me/DreamDealsCompany To receive a FREE Live Demo version of EA, contact us via: dreamdeals.forex@gmail.com   AVE Profitability of Blue Diamond is between 10% to 20% per month with a reliably low DD% (less than 20%). Furthermore, if no withdrawal is made from the account, annual profitability can enormously increase.  Blue Diamond is about press/ news re
Chefs Arbitrage
Emmanuel Chukwudi Offor
Chefs Arbitrage is the Professional EA that uses Bollinger band RSI and stochastic to determine price Action. I have implemented a lot of features and systems in this EA in order to improve its overall performance. MACD as optional filter to boost the  3 additional trading strategies in the Chefs Arbitrage which increase the total profit. The EA has optional features like Advanced Time Management system, Notification System, Friday Exit System, Advanced News Filter and i have added additional p
FlyByX MT4
Milan Diko
EA trades breakouts of strong S/R levels for most active periods of the market. Recommended markets are GOLD, DE30 and US indices (strong moves, low costs) !!! PARAMETERS EA_timeframe   - download M1 data history and select desired timeframe (higher TF more stable results) StartHour          - EA trades from specified hour (default from London open session - UTC2 brokers time) EndHour            - EA trade till  specified hour  (default till NewYork close session - UTC brokers time) CloseTime  
EA trades unique price action related to fractals. Recommended markets are GOLD, DE30 and US indices (strong moves, low costs) !!! PARAMETERS EA_timeframe  - download M1 data history and select desired timeframe (higher TF more stable results) StartHour         - EA trades from specified hour (default from London open session - UTC2 brokers time) EndHour           - EA trade till  specified hour  (default till NewYork close session - UTC brokers time) CloseTime        - closes trade at specified
This is fully automatic expert advisor. The strategy is scalping movements in the direction of trend on EUR/CHF pair. Entry is based on catching pullbacks and scanning trend direction. For   exit is used stop loss by pips or dynamic take profit at support/resistance . The advisor always use reasonable stop loss and does not use grid, hedge or martingale. However it can add positions on same signal. Remember, the logic is to use it only for EURCHF on M15 time frame. The EA is optimized and ready
Ikes Stoinside EA is a multi-pair EA that works only on 1 time frame, EA takes a SELL position if the price FAILS BREAKOUT and reverses. equipped with features: 1. Filter News 2. Auto Lot 3. Auto Stop Loss and Take Profit 4. Daily Target 5. Loss Protection 6. Time management 7. Lock Break Event 8. Patial Close 9. Trailling STop Promo Price , , . . . . .  . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . 
The 9 Ichimoku Dragon
Ellan Dirgantara Tholkhah
This EA covers all the advanced and mostly used Ichimoku entry known to man. It is very flexible with filters that you can set yourselves.  The following are the 9 entry of the Ichimoku that you can set up with this EA, (using a long trade as an example) 1. Tenkan-sen/Kijun-sen cross The EA trades if Tenkan-sen comes from below and Kijun-sen, and lines become are equal. 2. Tenkan-sen/Kijun-sen cross The EA trades the Tenkan-sen and Kijun-sen if the Tenkan-sen is cross above the Kijun-sen from
KT Candlestick Patterns Robot MT4
KT Candlestick Patterns Robot is a 100% automated expert advisor based on the KT Candlestick Patterns indicator . After fetching the candlestick patterns and signals directly from the indicator, it performs some pre-checks and assessments to execute the trading positions efficiently. Entries: On the emergence of new candlestick patterns. Exits: The opposite pattern, Neutral pattern, Stop-loss, or Take-Profit. All the dependencies are embedded in the expert advisor. It's not imperative to buy th
The Unreal Engine
Rodolphe Ahmad
4.25 (4)
The Unreal Engine Official MQL5 Channel  https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/theunrealengine contribution  of  profitable patterns by you are welcome ,You will find the discussion group in the channel. Please Read The Robot description carefully. It's not the usual yada yada! What is The Unreal Engine? The Unreal Engine is  a revolutionary EA  designed to trade static patterns. The difference between other neural networks robots and the Unreal Engine is that the user can set his own p
Live signal https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/911119 Mscalping is expert advisor based on price movement. It has 2 algorithms in one. You can download demo and test it by yourself.(Sure this EA do not  read history) EA working on any pair and any TF but recommend EURUSD(default) and GBPUSD on H1. Experts showed stable results on EURUSD in the 2006-2020 period. Recommendations Working best symbol EURUSD Working best Timeframe: H1 Min deposit: $1000 recommend deposit: $3000 (or cent account) Par
ONLY FOR EURCHF This strategy is using Bollinger Bands on the EURCHF timeframe M15. Simple things always work. The most important are the settings behind this strategy and that's my secret :D. I do NOT recommend changes on the default settings because those are the best I could find by testing and backtesting. If you really want to lose time trying different setting, go ahead, no problem, backtesting the strategy is free. This EA is tested and backtested in the most recent trading environment, p
Hippo Trader Pro
Michela Russo
4.25 (55)
1 pieces left to price increase (399 -> 599) Hippo Trader Pro is a trading robot  for the trading on forex. This is a Trend Following system that trades mainly during Asian and European Session. The EA has been subjected to  stress tests  for a period of  17 years  and  passes every year  with a very advantageous profit/drawdown ratio. Important Information Revealed By  purchasing  this Expert Advisor you are entitled  to receive a free copy  of  Another EA ! (All future updates included) -> T
EA Spectr
Fanur Galamov
4.9 (20)
Only 3 copies left for $149. Next price --> $199 EA Spectr is an automated professional multi-currency expert advisor that designed for long-term profitable trading. The EA continuously controls price movements and makes accurate trades based on market patterns, trend and technical indicators. The Ea contains a flexible news filter, high spread protection, separate time and days trading filters and allows to work with automatic and fixed trading lots. Each Ea trade is covered by stop loss and t
Doctor Strange
Yury Emeliyanov
This Expert Advisor is primarily designed to disperse small deposits. For example, in testing for 4 years from   100 $ , the Expert Advisor increased the balance by   1 049 018 $.  Default testing parameters Initial balance = 100$ Net profit =   1 049 018 $.  Profitable trades = 79% Maximum Drawdown = 6% By default, the Expert Advisor parameters allow you to trade on the EUR/JPY M30 pair. The test was conducted for 4 years with 100$ 1 049 018$. (if you want, you can perform the test for a longer
Sphere EA
Sergei Ozerov
Sphere是 基于突破渠道策略 的 交易系统。信号是由一个模型生成的,该模型经过训练可以建立价格通道,并根据指标的行为确定价格突破和回调。它由许多简单功能组成,并具有许多参数,可让您记住各种市场情况并正确解释它们。 EA在某个方向开了一笔交易,并设置了 止损 和 获利 。   该模型的信号基于以下指标:           MACD           相对强弱指数           ATR           CCI           随机 EA不使用定单网格和求平均。大量的连续交易获利使得有可能对先前的损失使用赔偿制度。   Sphere EA 可以同时处理 4种 货币对:           欧元兑美元           美元加元           澳元兑美元           英镑/美元 安装: 在 M30时间范围内 打开上述所有货币对,然后将顾问简单地拖到每个货币对中-顾问将设置所需的幻数并设置最佳的获利     和     止损。您无需配置其他任何内容,但是可以尝试调整设置。   为了使EA能够在所有货币对上运行,需要超过1
The gps pips
Abdellatif El Alama
THE GPS PIPS 2021 When all the market movement makes you have lost, This ea makes a good profit with a little profit with many orders in a short time Just on a Candle. When ex: H4 time frame a candle moves fast as I need it or have a good change in price about over the 200 points this is a good choice to enter the market with a thiny order. Recommendations: 4 HOURS Timeframe / GBPUSD WITH BETTER RESULTS YOU DON'T NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING .
ADX Channel EA
Alexander Nikolaev
This Expert Advisor draws a channel based on the readings of the ADX indicator (Average Directional Movement Index), and trades from the boundaries of this channel when the price reversals. A sell trade is executed when the price touches and bounces off the upper channel line, a buy - from the lower one. At the same time, it can filter trade entries depending on the readings of other indicators: Stochastic, ATR and RSI. The channel drawn by this indicator turns out to be a bit similar to Envelop
Range Out
Sergej Batz
It is an outbreak EA. He trades the breakout of the range. The times of the range can be set manually. The Take Profit and Stop Los are given with 100% but can also be used here adjust the values ​​manually. The EA also has a trailing stop, the steps can also be set manually here. The EA also draws the range live, so it also provides an optical effect. You can trade everything there is with the EA.
Yes I Can MT4
Marta Gonzalez
Yes I Can - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. Yes I Can  Used    Mars 10 Bars Signal  indicator whit two way algorithm     The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  Yes I Can It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both the inputs and the batches, the operator just has to
This PORTFOLIO of 5 strategies has been developed, tested and traded live on GBPJPY M30 TF.  Multiple EAs traded together will lead to a bigger profits and smoother equity curve. 5 not correlated EAs logics for GBPJPY M30 merged to a single strategy. Very SIMPLE STRATEGIES with only FEW PARAMETERS.  Every trade has his own logic for STOP LOSS. To catch the profits every strategy uses different approach - some has TAKE PROFIT, some uses TIME BASED EXITS or PROFIT TRAILING. EA has been backtested
简介: 这个交易法则的灵感来自于柯蒂斯.费思编著的《海龟交易法则》。当然,可能您会觉得这个理论是不是有些过时了。但您不得不承认,这个理论对于现在的交易者来说,依然是一个经典的理论,并且多多少少体现在他们的实际交易操作中。 这个交易法则十分简单,对于初学者也绝对容易理解。在决定做多任何商品(或者外汇)之前,等待它的价格超越(大于)一段时间周期之内的价格最大值,跟随上升趋势交易做多。做空的情况也类似, 等待它的价格跌破(小于)一段时间周期之内的价格最小值,跟随趋势做空。 关于如何关闭交易,和入场交易的过程类似。如果您持有做多交易,当价格小于近期一段周期内的最小值时,就可以平仓。做空的交易情况也相同,观察后发现价格如果高于某段时间内的最大值时,就平仓。您也可以自行选择获利的点数。 另外,当浮动获利大于一定数值时,本算法会自动设置止损到开仓价格。 设置说明: TimeFrame - 时间周期,可选1天(Daily)、4小时(4 Hours)、1小时(1 Hour),以此周期的k线图为参照基准,决定最高和最低价格。 TradeType - 多空都做: Both Sides Order
EA is based on monitoring the current change of the price, as well as the sharp increase of the Moment and in the presence of a non-specific deviation from the normal in a given direction, EA places the respective orders. EA is designed so that with a spread greater than the set maximum - does not place orders to buy or sell. In real trading, you will be able to apply the optimal value for Slippage so that you get the most favorable result. All results are only from TESTER. Recommended: leverage
NAS100 index EA
dong sun
2.33 (3)
纳斯达克100指数EA 演示账户地址: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/1076290 这是一款称得上是提款机EA,请仔细阅读以下说明,不要错过赚钱的机会。目前出售价格很低,以后会涨价的哦。 加载到一分钟图表上,这是超短线EA,很小的止损,获胜率很高,可以实现无风险暴利收益。短线+趋势+神经网络。 请注意:必须按照屏幕截图修改参数。 点差成本越低盈利就会越大。一般点差成本在1个pips就可以,不要有挂单距离限制,比如FXCM ThinkMarkets FXTM 等平台都能取得很好的盈利。 lots 1.0      此参数为固定开单手数,指数合约每个平台合约大小不一样,比如FXCM平台NAS100开单1lots实际上等于外汇货币对的0.01lots use MM       此参数是资金管理,按百分比,100就是100%仓位,按照1000美元本金开单1手作为100%开仓。 Risk   资金管理参数,100就是100%仓位,按照1000美元本金开单1手作为100%开仓。 gi-104  价格两位小数参数设置2000,价格一位小数报价参数设置200
Welcome to the Simple Stochastic Hedge Robot The Robot works on all Pairs and all Time Frames. With Stats on Screen + Timer +Spread Filter ===== -Balance -Equity -Spread -P7L -Buy Orders -Buy Lots -Buy Profit -Sell Orders - Sell Lots - Sell Profit This Robot is very easy to use . You can basically just download it and start trading. There is a easy Hedge Strategy built in to keep the risk as low as possible. I wish everyone the most possible success with the robot. But still trade carefully a
貴 広 井 上
EURGBPを使用した両建てスキャルピングを行います。 相場の波にしっかり合わせて、ナンピンを行いコツコツ、たまにドカンと利益を重ねていきます。 M1、M5で使える完全放置型EAです。 LongOnlyやSellOnlyに設定していただくことも可能ですのでスキャルピングなのに、融通の利くEAと言えます。 また、比較的ボラティリティの高いユーロポンドのこれまでの相場で幾度もシミュレーションを重ねてますので適確な注文タイミングになっておりますのでボラティリティで攻めたい方にもぴったりです 途中でナンピンを止めたいと思ったときは自動売買をオフにしていただき、 相場がもどったときにオンしていただければいいところで決済もしてくれます。 【パラメータ】 ロット数:1ポジション目のロット数です。ナンピンするほどに自動で増加していきます。 (0.01⇒0.01⇒0.02⇒0.03・・・) ロスカット:損切りの有効無効を切り替えます ロスカットpips:各ポジションの損切りpipsを指定します。ロスカットがオンの場合に有効です。

