The EA’s unique algorithm calculates the average price (reflected in the form of a trend line on the chart), which is the center of price attraction in the framework of the traded timeframe.
At times of increasing volatility, the adviser begins work with the goal of fixing profit in the region of the center of attraction of the price.
Advisor does not use dangerous trading methods.
It is recommended to install a trading expert on a remote server (VPS). Recommended Trading Instruments (TF
Multi-currency expert. Mission Impossible is a fully automated trading system on all major currency pairs. Very focused on small gains with minimizing the risk of loss (see Entering/ Ellipse/Ellipse Size). Advantage thanks to technique. Not for complete amateurs taking too much risk !!! Forex is a risky business on itself - remember.
- Partial closing. - Run. - Open bar/ Every Tick.
- VPS or Remote Desktop (e.g Chrome Remote Desktop)
Input Parameters
Start Dep
Lucky Price Action Lucky Price Action – fully automated Expert Advisor that trades volatility breakouts ( Price Action ). Lucky Price Action (LPA) Expert Advisor has a number of filters that significantly decrease the market entries at false breakouts. Lucky Price Action supports the following currency pairs: EURUSD, EURAUD, GBPUSD; YOU NEED TO PLACE LPA EA only on 1 chart (EURUSD M5 timeframe). Lucky Price Action has high expectance (in pips, as per the backtests) and therefore is not ve
Universal scalper with averaged algorithm to exit the drawdown. The Protected Article advisor uses an author's scalping strategy. More than a year of work on a demo and on real accounts. The adviser will be a good assistant when scalping, trading on the news, as well as when opening many transactions on different currency pairs. It must be run on the chart of each pair that you want to trade. The parameters of the adviser are clear and easy to configure.
Advisor Goal Scalping results in small
Diamond EA ver 3.0 Hi All Trader on MQL Market This EA using only TimeFrame M30 ,the Indicator Ichimoku Kinko Hyo and compact some anorther indicator , example : MA and SAR to confirm point of the Order. In the setup and starting the EA, The settings should be left as default as the image describes Recommed Initial Deposit : 50 USD with starting 0.01 lots. 500 USD with starting 0.1 lots and " Enable Autolots " can make up to more than 4000 USD profit in 3 years. Pairs : EUR/USD , USD/JP
PROFIT TAKEN Полностью автоматический советник при необходимости применяется усреднение. Советник может торговать на любых парах. Усовершенствована стратегия Мартингейла - появилась возможность выбора коэффициента что увеличивает шансы приумножить депозит и выйти быстрее из просадки, а так же выбор торговли не по фиксированному лоту а по проценту от депозита . Робот ориентирован на круглосуточную торговлю. Советник открывает ордера на определенных уровнях при определенной комбинации баров
Zone Recovery Hedging Strategy What to do when the market goes against you? No matter how good you are at taking the entry points, no matter how good you are at predicting the market, it is a matter of time before the market goes against your trade. What do you do when the market goes against you? Do you just take the loss and try to recover the loss later from other trades? Or, do you just sit there and watch in dismay as this one bad trade eats up your hard earned profit and the money you inv
在购买EA时,请注意以下风险: 1)过去的表现并不能保证未来的盈利能力(EA也可能造成亏损)。 2)对于高点差和高滑点平台,大批量交易可能会很糟糕。 OWL Scalper能够为刚开始交易的人们以及希望分散投资风险的更高级的交易者提供一种现成的交易解决方案。该EA在一天中安静的时间段执行交易操作。交易是根据特殊算法开仓和平仓的。该EA不需要太多时间来了解设置,因为EA提供了最少的输入,这些输入适用于大部分货币对。 推荐:USDCHF、EURAUD、GBPUSD、AUDCHF、AUDNZD、EURCHF、NZDCHF、GBPJPY 时间范围:M5
参量 MAGIC :唯一的EA魔术号 StopLoss :最大允许损失值 TakeProfit :最大利润值 CompoundMode: 是否使用复利模式 Risk: 每次使用多少资金进行交易(0.1==10%),并自动计算手术(如果 CompoundMode =true) Lot: 固定手数(如果 CompoundMode =false) BarOutSL: 在上一个订单s/l关闭后,在几根K线内暂停同方向交易 StartTime: 交
Предлагаю ознакомиться с первым моим советником.
Много писать не буду. Советник простой.
Скриншот тестирования есть под описанием.
Работает на паре EURUSD
Таймфрейм - М1.
Торговый терминал - MetaTrader4.
Минимальный рекомендованный депозит - $10000 для лота 0.01.
Минимальное рекомендованное кредитное плечо торгового счёта - 1:500.
Параметры - по умолчанию.
Но при желании можно экспериментировать на демо-счёте.
The strategy is simple but effective. With adequate money management, the probability of stable earnings is very high. Works on short-term trend changes. Trading is carried out at the borders by opening positions with a fixed lot size. The EA is designed to trade on any currency pair, on the H1 timeframe. Not martingale, not arbitrage. Recommended settings are the default. Recommended broker - any. The recommended minimum deposit is $ 300 for a cent account (30,000 cents) and 0.1 lot. Leverage
Автоматический торговый советник - скальпер, использующий для торговли период низкой волатильности рынка. Советник использует продвинутый алгоритм для поиска точек входа, а так же несколько дополнительных фильтров на вход и выход из сделки. Советник не нуждается в оптимизации или какой-либо дополнительной настройке. Мониторинг работы советника:
Особенности Не использует мартингейл, усреднение, пересиживание убыточных сделок. На всех ордерах ис
BOOSTER FOR MT4 是外匯市場日常工作的專業黃牛顧問。在交易中,隨著經驗的積累,交易者通常會了解到止損單的累積水平、價格和時間在市場中起著重要作用。這個策略在這個 FOREX Expert Advisor 中實施,我希望您不僅會喜歡使用這個產品,而且會參與它的開發 - 在此處留下您的反饋和您的願望市場 / 產品 / 45915 #! 標籤 = 評論
MT5 版本:
PRICE - 在分配的時間段內需要遍歷的價格距離; TIME - 以秒為單位的分配時間; HL_PERIOD - 確定級別的柱數; HL_TIMEFRAME - 確定水平的時間範圍; BREAKTHROUGH_LEVEL - 突破水平後打開訂單?; MAGIC_NUMBER - 交易的幻數; ORDERS_COMMENT - 訂單中的顧問評論; MAX_SLIPPAGE - 開倉時的最大滑點; MAX_SPREAD - 開啟交易時的最大點差;
船GoodLine专家顾问的工作原理是平均两个随机指标与可选择和可配置的参数,限制噪声和轻微的"假"运动使用Lim参数。 EA很容易针对选择所有设置参数进行优化。
机器人计算趋势,并在它的方向进行交易。 EA有两种结束交易的模式。
Normal mode( Net=false )以获利或止损专家顾问结束交易。
所有交易无一例外都有StopLoss和获利,这是由STTP管理器为整个平均网络构建的。 在一个SL和一个TP的方向上的所有交易。 在与经纪人失去沟通的情况下,所有交易都受到保护。
MAGICB-长方向的神奇数字; 魔术-短方向的魔法数字;
"__工作时间__GMT__"; Hours_to_GMT_Offset-以代理终端时间的GMT时间小时为单位。
小时-在一个时间间隔或全天候启用/禁用工作; Begin_hour-EA开始在GMT上工作的时间; End_hour-当EA停止自动放置初始交易的时间。 与此同
EA交易演示 :请登陆VPS IP: 登陆帐户:Taolishen 密码:Qq2356692354 IP: 登陆帐户:Taolishen 密码:qq2356692354 关于作者 没有EA参与的交易,都存在着巨大的风险。因为恐惧或贪婪,会让我们失去最佳的交易位置。但是,假如EA没有判断能力,这个EA将可能会让我们面临着更大的风险。 我们需要一个拥有判断能力的EA来配合我们的交易。 关于EA Taolishen 是一个拥有多种交易策略的EA,同时也是资深的交易员的忠实交易伴侣。 1 EA拥有一系列的交易策略和思路,完全可以满足无人工参与的全部交易。 2 EA具备一系列的交易参数设定,我们通过修改,就可以实现自定义的交易策略和思路,所有的交易策略和方式方法我们都可以清楚明白了。 3 EA的可变性:EA在交易过程中,我们可以随时通过修改参数数值,改变EA的交易方式方法,使由EA改变成为交易伴侣。 制定策略 1 可以自定义策略:如趋势,网格,趋势马丁,趋势网格等
The "Treasure" expert Advisor trades on the signals of the "CandlestickPatternsRecognition" indicator. It is based on candlestick reversal formations. The trading volume used to open a position depends on the results of previous trades. It is possible to enable the Autolot function or trade a fixed lot, there is also a trailing and breakeven function. It is possible to limit the maximum amount of risk (in % of the Deposit). Conduct trade on a pair GBPUSD TF: H4. Minimum Deposit: $ 10 on cent acc
The EA uses a strategy based on the use of two custom indicators and trading is carried out on 4 timeframes. The expert uses an adaptive impulse system for determining market entries that performs numerous calculations using two custom indicators on M5, M15, M30, H1, H4. A multi-currency adviser trades in 26 currency pairs. Use multicurrency testing for 26 currency pairs in MetaTrader 5. Instructions for launching multicurrency testing are shown in the video. The EA does not use Martingale and A
Greetings to all my friends! This advisor is made for you. Provides fully automated trading on all instruments. It includes two modes of opening orders, both single-sided and transaction lacquering mode. You can use open position tracking according to your settings. The dynamic operation algorithm takes into account the open interest of buyers and sellers at the same time based on the current price. It works softly and reliably. For a complete understanding of the work, we recommend installation
LCF_GAMMA uses two types of Stochastic Oscillator. The LONGSHOT type, which defines the main direction and leads one position (buffer) and the PEAK2PEAK type, which acts as the main profit maker.
It is good at commodities such as OIL, GOLD, SUGAR and currency pairs such like USDJPY (all M15), but occasionally needs to calibrate settings, so long-term tests in the same settings will not quite reflect its usefulness. In the screenshots, I present test results based on the 5-month period, but ke
Hallo, ihr könnt von M5 bis Woche die Zeit einstellen. Gute Testergebnisse sind M15 bis H1 Alle Settings gibt es zu jedem Paar auf anfrage. Ich habe noch nicht alle zusammen und werde diese dann auch hier hochladen. Support gibt es auch im Kanal unter Fragen beantworte ich gerne hier oder unter Diesen EA gibt es auch für MT5, bitte schreibt mir. AUDCAD AUDCHF AUDNZD AUDJPY AUDUSD CADJPY CHFJPY EURCAD EURJPY EURNZD EURUSD NZDCAD NZDUSD NZDJ
mql5 equivalent:!tab=overview
TrixEA is an EA using the triple exponential strategy, using crossover of 15 exponential moving agerage, 25 exponential moving average, and 50 exponential moving average.
Recommended configuration:
take profit: 390 stop loss: 455 trailing value: 295 short ema: 15 medium ema: 25 long ema: 50 Period: M30
For USCrude, taking into consideration a spread of 10, which is a worst case scenario for tier-2 brokers, the EA
The work of the Stable Pulse bot is displayed in the form of several key mmoments, which can be seen in the screenshots. This development is a scalping system. You can download and test the bot for free this way by yourself making sure of its capabilities. The bot can be tested on different currency pairs and different periods. The main thing is to set the tester settings as shown in the screenshot, for correct testing. You need to trade on timeframes M1-M15. Expert Advisor is designed to trade
Rob Feller is a fully automated forex trading system. The robot itself analyzes the market, determines the points where to open orders, automatically calculates the size of StopLoss and TakeProfit, automatically calculates the volume of opened orders and their number in the section. The robot opens orders in sections. That is, the robot analyzes the market, determines the direction of the trend, and in this direction opens one or more deals. The number of deals in a section is specified in the
Cheap Robot is a fully automated EA for the Metatrader4 platform. You do not need to configure it. Just upload the robot to the Metatrader4 platform, open the GBP1D currency pair H1 timeframe and start trading the robot. You don’t have to do anything else. The robot itself will analyze the market, open / close transactions, manage finances and risks. This is a complete automated trading system.
How to start trading using Cheap Robot: If you do not have a Metatrader4 terminal yet, you need to
The Magic Grabber EA Recommend pair EURUSD on H1 time frame with default settings (can be changed only risk settings). Recommend deposit from 100 EUR/USD/GBP. Recommend broker with leverage from 1:100 to 1:500. Does the EA have stop level? YES :)
TimeFilter Trading by time, True/False. StartHour Starting trading from x hours. StopHour Stop trading at x hours. TradingLot Trading lot size.(If lot size set to 0.00,then EA starts op
Это наш самый серьёзный проект экстра-класса ориентированный на максимальный успех и дальнейшее улучшение. Успейте купить торгового робота всего за 60 $. В дальнейшем будет однозначное увеличение стоимости. Мы вам предлагаем: Стоимость эксперта 60 $. Онлайн поддержку и последующее улучшение проекта. Стабильнейший алгоритм исключающий критические ошибки.
Технические аспекты робота.
Раскрывать всё мы не хотим и не будем. Однозначно можем сказать что принцип работы основывается на сеточной торг
Ea is a fully automatic trading system. The system is based on indicators and additional filters for signals. Orders are closed by profit or stop loss.It is possible to trade both one order and the inclusion of additional orders.This can affect the level of drawdown. When trading one order, your drawdown remains at a minimum position, which significantly reduces the load on the deposit.The adviser is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.The indicator data is processed by the tri
The EA works with pending orders.Recommended Currency Pair GPBUSD H1.With good market valontility gives a good profit.Advisor is fully automated for working in the market.It is also possible to use auto-management.It is possible to use the swap size, ideal for strong volatility or at night.When trading, two pending orders are placed, when one works, the second is deleted. Trading is not intermittent.
This Expert Advisor is very sensitive to Spread, please if you are not using a Zero Spread Account or You Working with Account Above Spread = 15, Then you may not need this EA, You Can try testing other EA from me. if you are Use a Zero Spread Account, Please Set This SETTINGS Point For orderEntry = ==2 Trailing Distance ====== 1 MaxSpread=========== 15 TakePofit============ 500 StopLoss============= 300 Volatility Size========= 150 Trailing Stop========== True Money Managemen
The expert who works with many strategies in one expert among them and works with times of news and also works without news with the Zone Recovery strategy and works also with wasting a single contract and also works without complications according to the user setting and earns profits with a percentage of the value of the account and carries with the property of the mobile contract Where if the size of the account is increasing, it increases the size of the contract with the size of the account
Рекомендуемая пара AUDCAD
Рекомендуемый минимальный баланс 1000$ Платформа МТ4
Советник открывает ордера на определенных уровнях при определенной комбинации баров.
Рабочий ТФ M5 рекомендуемая пара AUDCAD.
Данный советник использует усреднение позиций без увлечение лота для выхода из посадки, так же хеджирование сделок. Оптимизация и настройка произведена по историческим данным с 01.2019 - 12.2019 по котировкам Dukascopy M1:
ТР - Устанавливаем тейк профит в пипсах Лот
PRADO 是一个安全的专家顾问 ,可以交易挂单,立即设置止损和获利,多功能追踪止损。 从版本 7.0 开始,EA 有 4 种交易策略。由于 4 种策略同时工作,任何市场行为都可以获得更平滑的盈利能力图。 PRADO 不使用:网格、平均、增加订单量和其他危险技巧。 最低存款 500 美元 。 趋势水平的 盘中交易 。 该工具 仅为 USDJPY 。您无需配置任何东西 - 使用默认设置。使用点差为 0-3 的账户,这将增加您的利润。 用于测试和交易: 所有分时、 H1 期间、1 个图表。 自 2010 年以来 ,设置已针对历史进行了优化。 PRADO 可供初学者和经验丰富的交易者使用。 设置的描述可以在评论,第 9 页,帖子 #432 中找到。 监控: Prado broker ICMarkets Global,账户类型:raw spreed,点差0-3,佣金7.0美元。这个监控从advisor第一个版本就开始工作了,所以从advisor上次更新之日起检查测试结果! PRADO 只适合长期使用!在此处链接到交易系统测试结果: #485 。 The price w
EA交易演示 :VPS IP: 登陆帐户:Taolishen 密码:Qq2356692354 IP: 登陆帐户:Taolishen 密码:qq2356692354 关于作者 没有EA参与的交易,都存在着巨大的风险。因为恐惧或贪婪,会让我们失去最佳的交易位置。但是,假如EA没有判断能力,这个EA将可能会让我们面临着更大的风险。 我们需要一个拥有判断能力的EA来配合我们的交易。 关于EA Taolishen 是一个拥有多种交易策略的EA,同时也是资深的交易员的忠实交易伴侣。 1 EA拥有一系列的交易策略和思路,完全可以满足无人工参与的全部交易。 2 EA具备一系列的交易参数设定,我们通过修改,就可以实现自定义的交易策略和思路,所有的交易策略和方式方法我们都可以清楚明白了。 3 EA的可变性:EA在交易过程中,我们可以随时通过修改参数数值,改变EA的交易方式方法,使由EA改变成为交易伴侣。 制定策略 1 可以自定义策略:如趋势,网格,趋势马丁,趋势网格等等。
The Next Generation Scalper is a new generation fully automatic scalping Expert Adviser. In addition to the classic trailing stops visible to brokers, the adviser uses several more smart trailing stops that are hidden for the broker. In the expert information table, it is possible to track low-quality brokers with the help of slippage analysis, using these tools you can get the best trading results. Each market entry point is analyzed by an advanced selection algorithm. After determining the op
New features, flexible settings, quick optimization and only important functions. And also the time filter makes it possible to use the robot for scalping on any time frames. Optimize for your trading style. If you put the robot on different pairs and on several time frames, you get an excellent trading portfolio, but most importantly, do not forget to change the magician (Magic).
Important: before using the adviser, download and install the set files that I post in the "Discussions". Each pa
Let´s do it -it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices.
Can used this EA whit 100$ in your account
The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions
Let´s do it It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor. It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both the inputs and the batches, the operator just has to place the robot on the g
Continuation of the Vik Standard advisor, all the same but without martin and with additional functions: time filter, safe, no loss and trawl, + additional separate strategies.
This version has a huge number of trading options.
1. Your strategy builder.
2. Large selection of standard indicators.
5. Supports four and five characters.
6. Restoring balance after loss.
7. Safe.
8. No loss.
9. Time filter
10. Additional individual strategies.
Sets in
The "MA Cross Plus" EA is based on Moving Average crossovers as its name says. But what is special about this Expert Advisor is that it uses not one, but two algorithms to filter bad trades to the maximum. As all traders know, moving averages are a trend follow. And there is a saying "The trend is your friend". So, why go against the trend when you can ride the trend and profit from it, while avoiding the fake trend at the same time. The default settings of the EA are basic, and have been tested
Trailing Complex is a Stop Loss trailing system that includes 9 components: Setting SL on the level based on the specified loss percentage of the deposit. Moving SL to breakeven. Standard trailing. PriceChennel based trailing. Fractals based trailing. The ATR indicator based trailing. MA based trailing Parabolic SAR based trailing Trailing based on a user drawn trend line. Any of the components can work alone or in combination with others. System settings allow to work with one symbol and scan a
The "Triple Candle" EA is based on the trend following indicator; the moving average. Even though indicators are lagging, but the algorithm behind the EA confirms the trend before riding it.
The best timeframe for the EA is H1, and it works best with the EURUSD currency pair.
EA Inputs : - MA period : The moving average to determine the trend direction. Default has been set to 34 periods. - MA method : The moving average calculation method. Default is Simple (SMA). - Lot : The lot used for t
Take it and Run: multi-Currency scalping expert Advisor!
The algorithm embedded in the EA reacts to the frequency of price fluctuations and instantly reacts to an unexpected decline or rise.Does not use martingale, averaging, or other dangerous strategies.Like all scalping expert advisors, I do not recommend setting the maximum spread greater than 15.Checked for GBPUSD and EURUSD.
Works only with pending orders.Trailing for both pending and open orders.
Advisor settings:
StartHour: th
Классический советник скальпирующего типа, работает при спокойном рынке. Имеются настраиваемые фильтры спреда , трейлинг Стоп и вообще достаточно гибок и настраиваем под ваши условия торговли. Работает на парах USDCHF , EURGBP M15 ( Настройки будут в обсуждениях)
Не использует агрессивные \ опасные методы торговли (мартингейл, сетка...).
ВАЖНО : Прибыль, полученная Вами при тестировании - не гарантирует получения прибыли в будущем.
Lot - Объем фиксированного лота. UseMM - Включить
Trender EA - автоматическая система, в основе которой заложен принцип торговли по тренду. Сначала система идентифицирует направление тренда и после этого ищет точки для входа в сделку. Уровень стоплосс определяется автоматически, а тейкпрофит на основе рассчитанного стоплосса. Советник оснащён системой сопровождения сделки "От цели к цели" - системы способной брать несколько целей с частичным прикрытием сделки. Настройки: Параметр Описание ID EA Идентификатор ордеров советника Mode trade Режи
The DYJ Hedging is based on the following idea:crossing of two Moving Average lines (Fast and slow ) is used as a signal for opening positions. We will now apply game theory strategy on the future of per currency instead of a price chart of history. This is one level higher. Dynamic Market game theory is a special feature of Advanced Currency Health Bars indicator and you cannot find in any other Currency Meter! This is a very unique function. Dynamic Market game theory strategy Health Bars ar
The Easter Egg (EE) is developed and fully completed in 3 years. Transaction pairs performed by this EA are experienced backtest process ( with 99% accurate data )successfully at least 5 years, GOLD pair is 10 years. The robot is also tested on real accounts for more than 1 year, the rest results have a winning rate of over 90% and correct with the backtest results. EA designing is not based on indicators to limit errors caused by the tools themselves. It also do not use tactics which can cause
Expert adviser candle_EA1_DZ1 The pending order strategy has gained high popularity among Forex traders. This situation was caused by the high efficiency of such a work tactic, which allows to reduce the psychological pressure on the market participant and to open profitable positions in the situation of the sharp price changing. EA Settings: Use default settings Symbol : Recommended EURUSD. Time Frame: 15-30 - Recommended 1h Deposit Recommended : $1000 USD for lout 0.10 Use a brok
Welcome to the Gap Trading Robot wich is based on certain Gaps in the Market. =================================
The Ea has the following settings Recommended Time Frame EURO/USD 4Hours but works on all Pairs. On the lower Frames there are too many small trades but its up to yourself. I would recommend to test it on a Cent Account if you are not sure. The Ea has been created by myself and i use it as well for my private trading. The EA has more settings It can be used a
Bond14 在没有指标交易机器人的情况下,它使用对已打开订单的分析来做出交易决策。使用具有灵活设置和限制的订单网格。智能交易系统始终在市场中。 设置说明 Lot - 订单量,如果 value = 0,则订单量自动确定, Choice_method - 从账户余额或自由资金中计算订单量, 风险 - 自动确定订单量的百分比水平, Drawdown_Percentage - 以百分比表示的回撤限制,负数, Lot_Multiplier - 网格订单数量的乘数, Grid_Step - 网格订单之间的距离, Delta_Step - 增加网格订单之间的距离, Take_Profit - 盈利水平,计算值,取决于订单总量, MagicNumber - 顾问的订单标识符, New_Cycle - 启用/禁用新周期的自动启动, MaxOrders - 网格订单的最大数量, 滑点 - 滑点, Profit_Plus - 利润随着订单量的增加而增加, 金字塔 - 使用最大总手数, clrp - 颜色, _x - 沿 X 轴的坐标, _y - 沿 Y 轴的坐标, CommentsCount - 评论
Moss use mean reversion trade. Orders are opening and closing by indicators, and not important it's profit or loss. it's using martingalse in it strategy. You can set limit of equity drawdown, and Moss be close opened orders, if equity drawdown more then this parameter. Moss trade better, if it's works at non trended pair (for example AUDCAD). But it's can be optimised for different pairs. You can cofig it for use same strategy with two different parameter sets. Moss trade only at candle open, s
The "New Candle" is an Expert Advisor that has an algorithm running beneath it that looks at price action. The EA is a market scalper, which means that trades run for a short period of time and the Take Profit is small, which is the definition of scalping. To the contrary of indicators which are lagging, price action is always running with the price.
Best settings for the Expert Advisor : - Lot : It depends on the Account Balance. Default for the EA is 0.01 lot (micro lot). - TP : Take profit
This expert is very simple and basic, it is based on the crossover of 2 Moving Average of the choice of the user. The indicator settings can be customized to your need and way of trading.
Expert Advisor Inputs: - Fast MA : The fast moving average. Default is set to 10. - Slow MA : The slow moving average. Default is set to 20. - Lot : The trading order lot. Default has been set to 0.01 lot (micro lot). - TP : The take profit. Default has been set to 10 pips. - SL : The stop loss. Default has b
Martingale trend strategy.
Robot opens default order according to the Parabolic trend indicator. If the robot is mistaken in the trend direction, it closes the wrong order and opens a new one in the opposite direction with a larger lot.
If the direction chosen by the robot is right, it opens another order in this direction using a standard lot.
Input parameters LotStart - default lot (manual). TakeProfit - Takeprofit, pips. StopLoss - Stoploss, pips. Multiplier - multiplier for lot cal
Smart EA based on Trend and Support Resistance Levels with SL results given on EURUSD H1 for last 10 months IF AUTOLOT enabled: **if LotRisk =1- 3 ---- Profit up to 50% DD up to 17% **if LotRisk > 5 /10 /20 --- HIGH RISK --- HIGH Profit up to 1600 % or More but High DD up to 40% tested also on other symbols GBPUSD with positive results *** used parameters on H1 timeframe bars 25 shift 4 ma index 0.85 for lower time frames Inputs will me doubled or tripled ... for higher time frames inputs
This expert uses suport and resistance in combination with ATR to place pending orders at those levels . For closing it uses Doji candle pattern or the closing at the end of the day . It is mainly built for the EUR/USD pair , M 15 Timeframe . Every position has Stop Loss and Take Profit , does not use grid , martingale or other dangerous trading methods . The expert also has Trail Stop and Breakeven functions for users who want to use them . Recommended on : EUR/USD only - M 15 Timeframe .
Algorithm EA,or double hedge EA is your tool by using a double hedging mechanism. The EA open a trade in a trending market - no matter which direction.You can set also Tp and SL, but it is not needed,because of basket profit and amounth of opened position,which you can preselect and fit to your deposit.Min deposit is about 1000 $,0.01 Lot recomended.
This EA uses a hedging technology In case the market moves in the unfavorable direction, the EA starts hedging your trade by placing an opposite
Автоматический эксперт TwoWayScalper работает одновременно в Long и Short. Эксперт может работать по одной из трех стратегий,включение и отключение которых осуществляется в настройках советника. Не использует индикаторы и работает на всех временных периодах. Используемая стратегия - скальпинг. В зависимости от выбранной стратегии и настроек советника, торговля ведется с использованием мартингейла и без. Используемый лот двух видов: фиксированный и риск от баланса.
DCC Trader Welcome to the DCC Trader ================================= Please see attached the screenshot from the Backtest. It is only a 2 year history but it shows that this EA can generate good growth. The Ea has the following settings Recommended Time Frame EURO/GBP Day On the lower Frames there are too many small trades but its up to yourself. I would recommend to test it on a Cent Account if you are not sure. The Ea has been created by myself and i use it
Welcome to the Swiss Trader ================================= Please see attached the screenshot from the Backtest. It is only a 5 year history but it shows that this EA can generate good longterm growth. The Ea has the following settings Recommended Time Frame EUro / CHF Day On the lower Frames there are too many small trades but its up to yourself. I would recommend to test it on a Cent Account if you are not sure. The Ea has been created by myself and i use it as well for my private trading
Fully automatic trading system .This robot implements 3 strategies:morning flat breakout, channel breakout at a specified interval, and night scalper .Supported GBPUSD H1 pair .All trades have a visible stop loss and take profit .The EA has flexible settings and you can perform optimization yourself, including on other financial instruments.The robot has been successfully tested over a 10-year history with 99.9% simulation quality.Each of the strategies can be excluded if necessary . Important!
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT4 是一款完全自动化的 Expert Advisor,具有 8 种内置策略,基于众所周知的 Japanese Candlestick Patterns。 它具有独特的设置数量,使其在所有市场条件下都非常灵活。 此 EA 附带许多符号/工具的新设置文件,特别针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 账户(纽约 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。 此外,在每个月底,我都会评估所有提供的设置文件的性能,并根据过去 2-3 个月表现最佳的符号提供
移动平均线 EA MT4 是一款全自动智能交易系统,可将移动平均线交易提升到一个全新的水平。 移动平均线 EA MT4 可以在 MA 向上(蓝色 MA)时打开一个买入交易,或者在 MA 向下(红色 MA)时打开一个卖出交易,或者可以在每个新蜡烛上打开一个新的相同方向的交易,只要斜率 移动平均线的方向保持不变。 一系列独特的设置使这款 EA 用途极为广泛。 此 EA 附带为许多符号提供的设置文件,专门针对 ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets 帐户(基于纽约的 GMT+3 时区服务器)进行了优化。 可以使用其他经纪人或账户类型,但您可能需要进行任何必要的时间调整以适合您的经纪人/账户。 建议: 我的 EA 都不是能够预测市场的神奇产品。 相反,他们是诚实的、编码良好的专家顾问,旨在赢得更多而不是失去。 他们不采用鞅或网格策略,这意味着他们的结果不会始终显示出向上的利润曲线; 可能会有起伏。 他们的成功需要耐心和纪律。 我的一般建议是在策略测试器中测试所有提供的设置文件。 如果您发现任何有趣的结果,请考虑购买。 我定期优化所有 EA 并每年发布两次新的设置文件。 此外,在每个月
我想提请你注意一个独特的,独一无二的顾问。 您可以从指标,形态,烛台形态,回归方向(趋势)和各种自定义功能(网格,尾随,重复移动等)创建自己的策略。)。
1. 能够启用买/卖/buy_sell方向之一
2. 固定手数或存款的百分比
3. TR-在点数或波浪指标
4. SL-输入点数或波动指标
5. SL支持:
6. 盈亏平衡-当N数通过时,EA会将订单移动到开行
7. 头寸反转-掉期买/卖方向
8. 海象级别是资金管理设置,即当达到此值时,EA停止打开新订单
9. 损失百分比或存款损失水平-当所有未平仓的存款头寸达到此损失百分比时,EA关闭所有交易
10. 以分钟为单位的订单延迟-在指定的分钟数(启用此功能时)后打开订单)
11. Intaymframe-默认值是当前值,即如果EA在当前图
// ---------可配置參數---------- //
4. LEVEL-交易水平-默認設置1-推薦從10到59
// ----------二進制指標---------- // BOOL_F&BEAR_F-默認設置0-兩種力的推薦設置0-可以採用-20至+20的值
To maximize profit this EA can open 3 trades per signal using different strategies on each.
Trade 1 is from signal to next signal. Also use Trailing stop based on Fibonacci. Trade 2 Set take profit at Fibonacci level. Trade 3 Set take profit at Fibonacci level. Also use Trailing stop based on Fibonacci. Settings Activate Buy 1 //--------To enable long trades for operation 1 Activate Sell 1 //--------To enable short trades for operation 1 Activate Buy 2 //--------To enable long trades
The trading robot uses a unique system for determining critical price levels. In these areas, the adviser determines the most likely price movement and begins its work.
An advanced system of profit and loss control allows the amount of profit to prevail over the amount of loss.
Each advisor order has a stop loss.
Hazardous trading methods are not used. The default settings are suitable for (5M timeframe): EURGBP, USDCAD, EURUSD, AUDUSD, USDJPY, EURJPY. No additional set files a
Inside the Black Hole It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.
Inside the black hole. It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both the inputs and the batches, the operator just has to place the robot on the graph and let it act It is an ideal system for people who do not want complications or strange configurations. The system is self-sufficient, performing all the work. Is a revolution in the customization of the trading. You can down
NitroFX is a fully automated Expert Advisor. NitroFX is a systematic trading system that involves planning, trading strategies, conducting multiple back tests, and collecting statistics, which will help the system to be more accurate and increase profitability. NitroFX uses effective risk management tools, Trailing stop and Breakeven point . A trailing stop is a stop that automatically adjusts to market movement. This means it will follow your position when the market moves in your favor, and
Ilan EA
Ilan EA is an analog of the expert Advisor, with the addition of many additional logic and trading options, with the left settings of the expert Advisor . The EA trades using the martingale system with an increase in subsequent lots in a series of orders in order to average them. The robot places the first order based on the signals of the built-in indicator. or signals from the user's own indicator (it is possible to embed it in the expert Advisor). The EA also has the ability to s
An expert of a new type Formulas has been created - it works using sharp tick movements. The uniqueness of the expert is that it can be launched on any hour period, any currency pair, and on the server of any broker. What makes the expert attractive enough to use for trading. It is recommended to work on liquid forex pairs with a low spread. The lower the commission and spread, the greater the profit. You can start using it with $ 100 and a lot of 0.01. A small initial deposit also contributes
Bamboo expert 4 is based on the custom indicator Bamboo 4 . Entry points are determined using Bamboo 4 values. Positions are closed when reaching specified profit and loss levels or when opposite signal appears if Stop Loss and Take Profit values are zero. Input Parameters Period - Period parameter of the indicator Bamboo 4; Mode - operation mode of the Expert Advisor (0-7); Stop Loss - loss fixing level in points; Take Profit - profit fixing levels in points; Lot - lot size; Magic Number - "mag
Demidov is a fully automatic scalping robot in the forex markets. The default settings are for the GBPUSD currency pair. The robot automatically determines the direction of the trend and the most effective points for opening deals. After opening deals, the robot begins to accompany them to get the maximum effect. In the robot settings there is a Risk parameter, with which a trader can adjust the initial trading volume. In this robot, the volume is defined as% of the deposit. Accordingly, when y
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