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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的新自动交易 - 86

icon EA交易能够使用特殊的外汇策略分析交易品种的报价。 免费测试以及付费EA交易,使您的交易自动化并获得更多盈利。
Level Pro
Elena Sokolova
5 (1)
This system has been developed over the last 6 years, a huge amount of work and tests has been done. The Expert Advisor trades on most currency pairs on the m15 timeframe. To choose the most suitable currency pairs for yourself, conduct a test. eurusd currency pair is not supported. Please take a look at my other products:       https://www.mql5.com/en/users/algo_trade/seller#products The Expert Advisor is a night scalper, it trades on a quiet night market. For each currency pair, its own
Analyst Bot
Ivan Simonika
Analyst Bot - the adviser uses many moving average indicators to search for signals to enter. Works in fully automatic mode! You do not need any settings, you can use the default settings. The bot passes the historical gap for the 19-year period from 2000 to 2019. Unlike alternative developments, this bot can simultaneously trade both on buy and on sell. That is, it has two independent systems of analysis. This is a significant advantage in real life because it gives the opportunity to achieve
FX Multi Recovery
Keisuke Tsutsui
5 (1)
This is Special Intelligent Recovery system for Any Multi Pairs in a one accounts by Standards Martingale for Same "MAGIC Numbers :Manual Orders =0  ", attached only one charts, Also possible only attached pair by "Single Mode", This is only recovery EA, not trading EA. Backtest is only recovery sample. defaluts is for M5 timeframe set up. You should set Same Target EA's Magic Numbers  to This EA Magic Numbers, if Manual Trade, you should set Magic=0. Also we recommend for good recovery ,please
Echo one tradeConfirm
Phongkrit Phattanawijak
4 (1)
Echo One: The provided robot is a result of several Test of trading many many strategies,various indicators of forecasting, To make the best decision for making profits in markets. By combining several strategies and algorithms in this robot, at changing each tick price, with the utmost precision and speed  Real account has been opened where it will be possible to analyze the entire history, as well as constantly, in real time, monitor all current results: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/71523
One click Trading Pad
Phongkrit Phattanawijak
One Click Trading Panel   One Click Trading Pad Panel is a control panel for managing basic orders in МT4, such as buy, sell, buystop, buylimit, sellstop, selllimit, Reverse,   trailing stop. And signal .   The panel consists of 3 tabs. -   CMP-Current Market price ,   buy, sell trailing stop. And signal - Pending Order buystop, buylimit, sellstop, selllimit - CLPM Close Lost, Profit management ----------------------------------------------------------- One Click Trading Panel   - Works on
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
Grid Profit  Grid Profit EA Working with all pairs. TimeFrame - 5-15-30-1H Minimum Deposit Recommended : $1000 USD lot 0.01  Grid Profit EA  V 1.00  would probably come about in the event the volatility to your commodity begins to diminish. In the case some sort of examine benefits are generally in the beginning to travel sideways, that ATR profit would probably figure out how to drop off of. This can trigger that trailing terminate to travel in excess since examine benefits began to be way
Echo One Full
Phongkrit Phattanawijak
Echo One: The provided robot is a result of several Test of trading many many strategies,various indicators of forecasting, To make the best decision for making profits in markets. By combining several strategies and algorithms in this robot, at changing each tick price, with the utmost precision and speed  Real account has been opened where it will be possible to analyze the entire history, as well as constantly, in real time, monitor all current results: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/71523
https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/713226 This is is Design for  M5 Time-frame only, please do not attempt using another time frame Recommended Trading SYmbols are GBP/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/JPY EUR/JPY respectively  Recommended Minimum Account Balance is 1000 though can trade on lower account balance on days with lower market volatility but the maximum drawdon the risk might be dangerous to attempt doing so set the EquityLevel to higer than your account balance (your Expected Profit Target) set the Ac
Profit Trend
Investerce sp.z.o.o.
Profit Trend V-EA   Profit Trend is a multi-functional expert advisor for MetaTrader 4 terminals that allows you to trade using order grids, Trend Doubling, partial closing of losing positions and much more. The expert advisor algorithm allows you to trade both with and under the trend. The trending trade is structured in such a way that each new order is only opened if the previous order has a Stop Loss in the profit zone. Trading against the trend is conducted to close unprofitable positio
London Breakout: This London Breakout Strategy was based on price breakout of the trendline. Using no basic indicators but trendline. This strategy using 15 Minute chart timeframe and recommended pair to trade were GBP/USD and EUR/USD. Usage: Download and drag and drop this script to the chart. Check "Allow AutoTrading" in "Common" tab and set input parameters in "Inputs" tab. Input Parameters: Magic_Number: Magic Number of order. London Opening Time: time is open London trading center. Possit
Specification: - Trend trading only on GBPCAD . - EA run using H1 (1 hour) and D1 (daily) timeframes only (so don't worry about strategy tester modelling quality, because of using H1/D1 is enough) . - Each trade opened with pre-determined Stop loss and Take profit. - Having trailing stop. - Based on fixed risk per trade/position (default is 5% of account free margin), then: Expecting net profit is about 60%/year ; Maximum drawdown is only 11% for the whole period (4 years testing). - Medium/L
EA Black Dragon
Ramil Minniakhmetov
4.77 (518)
EA Black Dragon 适用于 Black Dragon 指标。智能交易系统根据指标的颜色打开交易,然后可以建立订单网络或使用止损。 可以在此处找到对实际工作以及我的其他发展的监控: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/mechanic/seller 您可以在这里找到所有设置!建议 货币对 EURUSD GBPUSD  时间范围 M15  建议存款 1000 美元或美分  推荐设置 默认设置 输入参数  初始手数 - 初始手数; 手数乘数 - 后续订单的手数乘数; Autolot - 启用/禁用自动手数计算; Autolot size - 启用自动手数时顾问将使用手数的存款金额; 距离 - 订单之间的距离; 最大限度。 Lot - 顾问可以打开的最大手数; 止盈 - 止盈; 止损 - 止损点数; Trail Start - 激活追踪止损点的利润; Trail Distance - 追踪止损将出现在价格的多少距离处; 最大点差 - 开仓和平仓的最大点差; Star Hour - 顾问的开始时间; End Hour - 顾问的结束时间; End T
Trend Stream Scalper
Alexander Nikolaev
5 (1)
趨勢流剝頭皮 該程序使用幾種確定趨勢並達成交易的方法來交易趨勢。 它沒有復雜的設置,可以使初學者更容易理解,也可以避免為有經驗的交易者花費大量時間。 除交易外,它還可以顯示交易的趨勢線。 顧問為每筆交易設置止損並獲利;它沒有高風險的交易方法。 建議在M15到H1的EUR / USD,GBP / USD貨幣對和時間範圍內使用。 輸入參數 Lots -手數(0手時,將根據帳戶中可用資金的百分比計算); Percentage of free money -開設每筆新交易可用資金的百分比(當手數= 0時有效); MaxSpread -開立交易的最大點差(對於浮動點差的賬戶,以便在點差不太大時打開交易); Magic -唯一標識符(如果在同一終端中運行多個專家顧問,則必須使它有所不同); MaxStopLoss -可以設置的最大止損(通常小於此值); ShowLines -顯示交易所在的趨勢線; Trading start hour -交易開始時間; Trading end hour -交易結束的小時數(安裝新交易); EnableVolumeAnalysis -激活按數量進行的交易分析(啟用
Capital System
Vitalii Zakharuk
The presented expert system works with the GBPUSD currency pair and only with it. This system implemented the principle of seven orders - that is, a maximum of seven orders can be made in one direction, after which the total position of the series should be closed by stops, either real or virtual. The trading system is designed to work separately with a series of buy orders and separately with a series of sell orders. which makes the trading system versatile enough. The expert passes all types
Go it
Marta Gonzalez
GO IT - it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices.                                      Can used this EA whit 100$ in your account The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of  independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  GO IT It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.      It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls both the inputs and the batches, the operator just has to place
Stable Ex
Vitalii Zakharuk
Introduced expert system   Stable Ex works with the EURUSD currency pair and only with it. This system implemented the principle of five orders - that is, a maximum of five orders can be placed in one direction, after which the total position of the series must be closed by stops, either real or virtual. The trading system is designed to work separately with a series of buy orders and separately with a series of sell orders. which makes the trading system versatile enough. The expert passes all
Balanced Bot
Ivan Simonika
Balanced Bot - the adviser uses a number of indicators to search for signals for entry. It works in fully automatic mode! Use default settings. Unlike alternative developments, this bot can simultaneously trade on both buy and sell. This is a significant advantage in real work because it makes it possible to achieve significantly better results due to increased capitalization. The bot works like a scalpel with sharp price movements, or uses series closures by averaging the overall position. Tur
Aggressive trading robot, be careful over the long term but for a fun account to try to make gains quickly without fear of losing your investment, it can make a profit in a good period. This expert always takes at least two positions in buying and selling. It uses the so-called hedging system to compensate for losses on one side or the other. It can be used with or without indicators for the opening of a trade, it is however more judicious to enter the purchase or the sale with good signals. Tw
Gap Professional
Vadim Zotov
4.71 (7)
Professional innovative system for trading on a live account. Based on patterns of closing gaps in price movements. The ability to adapt to any market. Minimum deposit of $ 10. Features of the trading strategy In the graphs of the movement of currency pairs, gaps are often formed. Usually they occur after days off or holidays. This is due to a change in some fundamental factors of the markets during the absence of trading. Therefore, immediately after the opening of the market, one can observe
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
TRIPLO EA Working with all pairs. TimeFrame - 5-15-30-1H Minimum Deposit Recommended : $1000 USD lot 0.01  TRIPLO EA  V 1.00  would probably come about in the event the volatility to your commodity begins to diminish. In the case some sort of examine benefits are generally in the beginning to travel sideways, that ATR profit would probably figure out how to drop off of. This can trigger that trailing terminate to travel in excess since examine benefits began to be way less hazardous. would pro
XETERA MULTI TP MANAGER Xetera Multi TP Manager for FX is an Expert Advisor specially designed for Forex on the Meta Trader 4 platform to manage trades even while you are away or asleep. Many Forex Signal Services out there use multiple take profit levels such as TP1, TP2, and TP3. The signal services give you multiple target levels to increase your profit, but the problem is you always need to monitor your trades and move the Stop Loss, trailing.   So, we fixed this issue by developing our EA t
Steve Zoeger
This Forex Robot ================= This EA does only buy trades ================= The Ea has the following settings Recommended Time Frame 4Hours or Day Works on all Pairs Works on all time frames On the lower Frames there are too many small trades but its up to yourself.  I would recommend to test it on a Cent Account if you are not sure. The Ea has been created by myself and i use it as well for my private trading.  The EA has more settings It can be used as Fixed TP and SL Trading EA The EA
The  DYJ ADX  is based on  ADX   indicator. It can be used for any currency pair and timeframe. The  DYJ ADX  recommends buying when +DI is higher than -DI, and selling when +DI sinks lower than -DI. The  DYJ ADX   works in any trading session. The work time1 and work time2 and work time3 parameter is intraday. It means that if you want to set a working time from 19:00 PM to 05:00 AM, for example, you should define two different intervals, such as 19:00 to 23:59 and 00:00 to 05:00.  The EA opens
RSI Level EA
Genesis Hafalla
5 (2)
A simple EA that trades based on Relative Strength Index levels. How it works? This EA trades with  Relative Strength Index Level   . Relative Strength Index Level  will base its value on the current time frame. Only allows one open trade at a time. Two strategy to choose,  Reversal and Trend following . Optimize risk management settings for lot size and martingale. Strategy: Reversal Opens a buy position  if the RSI is below oversold  level. Opens a sell position  if the RSI is above overbought
Euro Hunter
Safa Erden
1 (1)
EURO HUNTER - NO Martingale - NO Hedging - NO Risky trading strategies!!!! --------------Just IN and OUT-------------- Hunter uses RSI 2-Period strategy  to open a position. After opening a position it follows the price with trailing stop loss .   Important! Euro Hunter is a fully automated Expert Advisor. It is designed for market conditions after 2017. All screenshots belong to backtests with EURUSD H1 timeframe since 01 January 2018. Hunter is based on three main steps:  Open a new order,
Best Win Lite
Chun Kit Lee
Best Win EA - Lite is Best Win - Lite Vision,the prodect page :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/44014 The Spacial § Two System in this EA,Normal System is a Trend tradeing , Contrarian System is a martingale . § The Trend trade add order increase profit. § Have a simple CCY Power system. § Recording of top price & reach a certain distance reopen order. § Can Set the Time setting use on night scalper. This EA is suitable for trading EUR/USD, CAD/CHF, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, EUR/CAD, EUR/AUD, A
The  DYJ Trple MA  is based on ThreeMA  indicator. It can be used for any currency pair and timeframe. The  DYJ Triple MA  is based on the following idea: crossing of three Moving Average lines (Fast, Middle and slow ones) is used as a signal for opening and closing a position together. Go Long when Fast MA (MA1) crosses above Middle MA (MA2), and Middle MA (MA2) crosses above Slow MA (MA3). Go Short when Fast MA (MA1) crosses below Middle MA (MA2), and Middle MA (MA2) crosses below Slow MA (MA3
Steve Zoeger
Yenshimoto ++++++++++++ Welcome to the Yenshimoto Forex EA ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My recommendation: use it on very long down trends. The logic behind this robot is.Check the day trend, and if it’s down for very long time then connect the robot on that chart.(1m/5m/15m up to you). When all signals are in place the robot then opens only buy trend.  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Ea has the following settings: Recommended Pairs all of in a long down tren Recommended Time Fra
Pin Bars Jack
Trinh Viet Thanh
This Expert Advisor is based on Pin Bars! And use  Moving average - MA, Trendline. This Expert Advisor use on 1 order 1 time point! This Expert Advisor have fix loss and risk percent for balance! This Expert Advisor have stoploss and takeprofit! This Expert Advisor run effective on EUR-USD and timeframe H1! I alway ready support to use my Expert Advisor as fast as possible!
Close In Profit Scalper
Salah Eddine Elkouchi
5 (3)
Close In Profit Scalper is a pro Smart Grid forex Scalper Expert Advisor that works with an intelligent strategy to make profit on trend ( up and down ) and recover the lose trades with a smart Strategy as well. Download These SETs For The best Results: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sTg7LtEeWZTyZdG_IYJWfO7bvpMoNgwZ Find 2 Sets, One for GOLD ( XAUUSD ) and the other one is For other Pairs. Close in Profit EA has 2 Engines: Engine 1 ( Smart Martingale )   : only made to collect pips from both
Aleksander Chernov
AMTchiken Основные идеи: " курица по зёрнышку клюёт " - вход в рынок минимальным размером лота по нескольким торговым инструментам одновременно; " не храните яйца в одной корзине " - распределение баланса для торговли на большом количестве валютных инструментов. Это повышает стабильность торговли и позволяет отслеживать большее количество движений цены на рынке и извлекать из этого большую прибыль. Пользователь имеет возможность выбора индикаторов для генерации сигналов ( 8 вариантов ) тренда и
Reverse Grid
Paranchai Tensit
Reverse Grid is adopted from the dynamic grid trading system. The system has a mechanism for positioning, buying and selling according to trends. The system does not use a specific percentage to stop losses, but instead uses zone management methods to reduce the increase of drawdown. Passed 5 years back test of real tick data (2015-2020) Key Features Timeframe: M15 Currency pairs: EURUSD Use only five-digit accounts Initial deposit: $ 1000   It is recommended to use a low spread ECN Broker, 1:5
Red Bot
Vitalii Zakharuk
The mechanism of work of the Red Bot Expert Advisor is designed so that before opening a transaction, they undergo instant implicit filtering, which, if there are competent and practical settings, allows the buyer to level the number of unprofitable and unproductive transactions. The adviser has a large number of internal regulators, software installations and special codes that help to safely and efficiently trade. This is a fully automated Expert Advisor, built on the scalping strategy, work
Forex Gump Special is an automatic trading robot for the GBPUSD currency pair. The robot trades on the basis of breaking the boundary price. Using the averaging algorithm, the robot analyzes the market and marks the points of maximum and minimum prices, thus building a virtual channel. Further, the robot analyzes the price movement and as soon as the price goes beyond the virtual channel, the robot opens a deal in the opposite direction. This trading algorithm is based on the idea of ​​returnin
Andriy Motuzka
Perfect Set Files -  m5 mini spread    Set M15    m15 only one currency    Set M1 only 0-3 spread    M15 set   - works based on the VolatilityAverageSingleHighLimit indicator         Signal Settings: ModeIndicator - indicator operation mode, Off / Average / High WorkZeroBar - work on the zero bar (true) if false - we fix the intersection of the indicator lines on the formed bars VolatilityAveragePeriod - indicator period VolatilityAverageRatio - indicator ratio Lots - fixed lot LotsPercent - pe
Fast Robot
Yriy Doronin
Советник основан на алгоритме превышения контрактов между покупателями и продавцами с точки зрения цены и котировок. Работает на полную мощность. Перед работой следует провести оптимизацию на интересующей паре. Оптимизация должна проводиться во всех отношениях, что позволит оптимизировать настройку. Торговля должна начинаться с 0,01 лота, постепенно увеличивая объем лота в зависимости от депозита. Всем удачной торговли. 
Profit XHunter
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
Many traders, especially the beginners, get tired of manual trading and start using robots. Of course, advertising plays a significant role in choosing the algorithm. Often, system and EA vendors hide information about their product until the customer buys it. Profit Hunter EA is no exception, so in our review we will try to find out whether this robot is efficient or you should better search for its counterparts. Profit Hunter EA  A variation of the "martingale" technique used in the EA is a
Daklak MT4
The Huy Phan
5 (1)
Daklak MT4  is a EA which use the martingale strategy. This EA has been tested for 20 years historical data with good result and acceptable drawdown. Note: 1. The default setting is set for AUDUSD 30M chart. 2. Minimum deposit: $1000 3. Account type: Hedging Account Parameters  Lot Size per 1000=0.01- Mean the starting lot size will be 0.01 per 1000 unit balance. (ex: if the balance is $3000, the first trade lot size will be 0.01)  Start Distance Rate=5.0- Mean the distance rate of the first
Camel EA
Mohamed Amine Talbi
The "Camel EA" is based on Moving Averages. It confirms the uptrend or the downtrend, and enters the trade accordingly. It has been optimized to follow the trend. The recommended settings for the EA: Currency: EURUSD Timeframe: H1 EA Settings : Default settings are optimized to work best with the settings above. For other timeframes, these settings might need to be changed. EA inputs: - Fast moving average: a moving average that follows the price and smooths it to reduce market fluctuations -
Opposite market
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
Opposite market “Always go with the trend. Education is imparting of information to the mind and the shaping of the mind and of the personality” – Richard Weaver When many of us started trading Forex several years ago there was very little information about Forex trading systems available on the Internet. But thanks to the internet, we can now download this strategies that are inculcated within this different systems  Opposite market V.1.0, will surely give you what you desire for you investme
Best Win EA
Chun Kit Lee
The Spacial § Two System in this EA,Normal System is a Trend tradeing , Contrarian System is a martingale . § The Trend trade add order increase profit. § Have a simple CCY Power system. § Recording of top price & reach a certain distance reopen order. § Can Set the Time setting use on night scalper. This EA is suitable for trading EUR/USD, CAD/CHF, USD/CAD, AUD/USD, EUR/CAD, EUR/AUD, AUD/CAD, , or any symbols you like. Defaults setting are not optimized for any symbols, please find your own se
MHA Gold Trader
Mohammad Hanif Ansari
MHA Gold Trader This EA is developed for trading GOLD specially . However trading other instruments is possible in user choice. Trading strategy is using powerful entry signal of Divergence concept and the EA will manage next orders to hit take profit. This is monitoring link for Real Account which is managing with this EA. I'm so interested to hear your comments and resolve probably issues. EA Parameters:   Section 1: Trades Management Broker Digits : To select between 4,5 or 6 digits . ECN
News Scope EA PRO
Lachezar Krastev
3.9 (10)
WINTER Mega SALE! --> Buy News Scope EA PRO with -60% OFF and get a BONUS EA -> Pips Master PRO - with amazing results! NOTE: Promo price: $127 (Regular Price: $327) - The offer ends soon! For Settings, Instructions and LIVE Results Click Here! News Scope EA PRO is a fully automated trading system which takes much of the work out of trading, leaving you free to do other things! News Scope EA PRO is a very effective and potentially highly profitable strategy for high impact news trading. Usually
Ultimate Scalping MT4
Volodymyr Hrybachov
ULTIMATE SCALPING MT4 é um Expert Advisor profissional automatizado para escalpelamento projetado para trabalhar no mercado FOREX. A estratégia usa o índice de força relativa RSI e a faixa verdadeira média ATR para determinar os melhores pontos de entrada no mercado. O Expert Advisor é adequado para traders experientes e iniciantes. Os pares mais voláteis são adequados para o trabalho: GBPUSD, USDCAD, EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, AUDUSD, NZDUSD. Versão MT5: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/46
这是一个专门应用在黄金(XAUUSD)上面的全自动交易程序。 产品特点: 1、使用简单,无需设置任何参数,可以直接运行; 2、弹性风控,安全稳定,很难亏损,容易翻倍,适合长期投资; 3、每单都会有止损和止盈; 4、没有危险策略(比如马丁、网格、套利等); 5、支持的时间周期为1小时; 6、黄金小数点为2和3的交易平台都支持; 7、支持各种点差的平台,拥有很好的滑点保护算法。 使用建议: 1、建议运行在远程服务器或VPS上; 2、建议账户资金大于等于1500美金;  3、杠杆比例建议1:200以上; 4、建议使用ECN或STP账户类型,其他稳定可靠平台也行;  5、点差当然越小越好,因为成本越低收益越高,使用什么交易商平台可自行考量; 6、运行自动交易程序之后,不要人工干预,让它自动运行即可; 必要设置: 1、运行EA时,打开MT4黄金(XAUUSD)图表,并且选中1小时周期; 2、执行测试时,务必将input参数isTestMode设置为true,正式运行在live模式可以不管它; 可选参数:  lotFactor:每一个订单的手数因子,取值范围0.01~0.2,默认值0.1
Win Sniper Follow
Nirundorn Promphao
1 (1)
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Win Sniper Follow  is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The RSI indicator and an ATR-based filter are used for entries. Real operation monitoring as well as my other products can be found here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/winwifi/ General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 100 USD, the recommended timeframe is M15, H1, H4. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A ver
Predator MT4
Volodymyr Hrybachov
4 (1)
PREDATOR MT4   is a  # FOREX   advisor with an advanced adaptive strategy. It is assumed that if the price has been fluctuating in a narrow range for a long time, then orders of large players are collected there, and the price will bounce several times in the opposite direction from this level. Suitable for both experienced traders and beginners. The # ADVISER should be used on highly liquid currency pairs with a small spread and commission. MT5 version:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/produ
Pulsar EA
Marta Gonzalez
Pulsar it is a Secure Automated Software for trade Forex market and indices. The architecture is a Fully Automatic Autonomous Robot Expert capable of independently analyzing the market and making trading decisions  Pulsar    It is an advanced trading system. This is a fully automatic Expert Advisor.        NO INPUT TO SELECT FOR THE TRADER ALL AUTO MATED THIS SYSTEM IS ALWAIS IN THE MARKET IN THE TWO DIRECCTION MAKE WINING CYCLES  PULSAR . It is a 100% automatic system, the system controls b
The EA uses the Stochastic indicator. Long and Short trades are opened each in their own range of indicator levels. The lot of transactions changes depending on the established risk level and the results of previous transactions. The EA has two modes of use. 1-without using the averaging network. 2 - using the averaging network. To choose from, according to your preferences. The settings for these modes are different. The default settings are optimized for EURGBP M15 in non-network averaging
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Parameters General Trade Settings Money Management  Lot : Fixed (can change) Strategies  - H1 and H4 Strategies you can using both it is fixed with MA, Bollinger band, Candlestick Levels Close Functions  - H1 and H4 Strategies you can using both MagicNumber  - individual magic number. The EA will only manage position of the chart symbol with this magic number. NextOpenTradeAfterMinutes  - 20 minutes is default, can change it MaxSpread  - upto currenc
Easy Candlestick Patterns
Alexander Nikolaev
3.67 (3)
This EA recognizes candlestick patterns, opens trades depending on the last candlestick pattern, and also displays its name (when the ShowInfo option is enabled) directly on the chart of the currency pair. There are also additional indicators whose parameters are adjustable (for example, ADX volatility indicator, dynamic stop loss parameter, trailing stop). The EA can determine both simple models consisting of 1 candlestick, and complex ones from 2 to 5 candles. The simple version of this advise
Paranchai Tensit
Key concepts of Dynamic grid trading system -Dynamic Grid uses a simple grid basis from dynamic grid development, the number of orders that vary according to data. -Take advantage of the volatility of the product.  -Use volatility to help in zone consolidation and manage position sizes. -Trading grids according to price directions can use the advantage to adjust costs and can reduce the increase of drawdown. -Not stoploss is a zone management. -Do not need a martingale, double lot. -Can trade
Green Zone
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
Zone Recovery Hedging Strategy What to do when the market goes against you? No matter how good you are at taking the entry points, no matter how good you are at predicting the market, it is a matter of time before the market goes against your trade. What do you do when the market goes against you? Do you just take the loss and try to recover the loss later from other trades? Or, do you just sit there and watch in dismay as this one bad trade eats up your hard earned profit and the money you inv
ECN Scalping
Nguyen Dang Giang
ECN Scalping is a trading adviser using an algorithm based on the ability to adapt to the current market situation. All orders are opened with a strictly fixed Stop Loss. How it works? Buy our advisor. Download to your terminal. Set on the chart of any currency pair (for example EURUSD). Turn on the Autotrade button and "Allow live trading". Do not change the settings, Advisor is automatic! P‌lease notice that the performance of the EA depends heavily on your choice of Broker and VPS. Key Optim
Virtual Bot Pro
Szymon Palczynski
Virtual Bot Pro will open virtual trades, using them to monitor the market to determine the entry point(according to the inputs parameters), at which point Virtual Bot Pro will start opening real trades.  It is recommended to test this Expert on demo account or cent account.  Input Parameters TF - the choice of time frame Start - choose whether you want to trade long or short positions only or both. Trend  Disabled  Enabled TF Trend - the choice of Time Frame for trend.   Spread - for 5 digit
Valeriy Belozertsev
Автоматический торговый советник - скальпер, использующий для торговли период низкой волатильности рынка. Советник использует продвинутый алгоритм для поиска точек входа, а так же несколько дополнительных фильтров на вход и выход из сделки. Советник не нуждается в оптимизации или какой-либо дополнительной настройке. Мониторинг работы советника:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/author/whitelake Особенности Не использует  мартингейл, усреднение, пересиживание убыточных сделок. На всех ордерах исп
Lizard Scalper Pro
Michela Russo
4.07 (15)
Lizard Scalper Pro is a trading robot   for the trading on forex. This is a Counter Trend system that trades mainly during Asian and NY sessions. Expert advisor not use grid, martingale , arbitrage o high frequency trading . Fix   and   Visible Stop loss   and   Take Profit Important Information Revealed By  purchasing  this Expert Advisor you are entitled  to receive a free copy  of  Eagle Scalper Pro ! (All future updates included) -> To Receive it, Please Contact me by mql5 or email ! The s
Booster for MT4
Volodymyr Hrybachov
BOOSTER FOR MT4 是外匯市場日常工作的專業黃牛顧問。在交易中,隨著經驗的積累,交易者通常會了解到止損單的累積水平、價格和時間在市場中起著重要作用。這個策略在這個 FOREX Expert Advisor 中實施,我希望您不僅會喜歡使用這個產品,而且會參與它的開發 - 在此處留下您的反饋和您的願望 https://www.mql5.com/en/市場 / 產品 / 45915 #! 標籤 = 評論 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/46235 選項: PRICE - 在分配的時間段內需要遍歷的價格距離; TIME - 以秒為單位的分配時間; HL_PERIOD - 確定級別的柱數; HL_TIMEFRAME - 確定水平的時間範圍; BREAKTHROUGH_LEVEL - 突破水平後打開訂單?; MAGIC_NUMBER - 交易的幻數; ORDERS_COMMENT - 訂單中的顧問評論; MAX_SLIPPAGE - 開倉時的最大滑點; MAX_SPREAD - 開啟交易時的最大點差; COMMI
EA船GoodLine 船GoodLine专家顾问的工作原理是平均两个随机指标与可选择和可配置的参数,限制噪声和轻微的"假"运动使用Lim参数。 EA很容易针对选择所有设置参数进行优化。 机器人计算趋势,并在它的方向进行交易。 EA有两种结束交易的模式。  Normal mode( Net=false )以获利或止损专家顾问结束交易。  在"Net=true"模式中,如果交易是在错误的方向上进行的,则构建平均网络,并由TR关闭。 所有交易无一例外都有StopLoss和获利,这是由STTP管理器为整个平均网络构建的。 在一个SL和一个TP的方向上的所有交易。 在与经纪人失去沟通的情况下,所有交易都受到保护。 EA的参数: MAGICB-长方向的神奇数字; 魔术-短方向的魔法数字; "__工作时间__GMT__"; Hours_to_GMT_Offset-以代理终端时间的GMT时间小时为单位。 小时-在一个时间间隔或全天候启用/禁用工作; Begin_hour-EA开始在GMT上工作的时间; End_hour-当EA停止自动放置初始交易的时间。 与此同时,顾问继续服务已
Zen MT4
Elena Kusheva
我滑点=0;-允许滑点,0-不使用   S cmt="";-评论订单   我魔法=20200131;-魔术,EA的订单ID   工作时间="00:00-24:00"; - 格式为HH:MM-HH:MM,全天0-24或00:00-24:00   D fix_lot=0.01;//fix lot-working lot   Order_tp D=100.0;//TP. 我建议-10.0-以点为4个字符获利! EA自动检测5个字符的工具,并将自动增加值10倍。   D order_sl=0.0;//SL-止损点数为4个字符!   B AverageUse=true;-使用平均或不   D LotMn=1.59;-用于平均的很多乘数。   D AverageStep=30;-订单之间的步骤. 我推荐-100   D平均值平均值=60;-当平均值时获利。   I MaxOrders=20;-平均网格中的最大订单数。 我推荐-5   TF tf=PERIOD_D1;-working TF 我BarRepeat=3;酒吧重复-在同一方向重复酒吧的最小数目
Taolishen EA
Wanchao Kuang
https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/717987 EA交易演示 :请登陆VPS IP: 登陆帐户:Taolishen 密码:Qq2356692354 IP: 登陆帐户:Taolishen 密码:qq2356692354 关于作者 没有EA参与的交易,都存在着巨大的风险。因为恐惧或贪婪,会让我们失去最佳的交易位置。但是,假如EA没有判断能力,这个EA将可能会让我们面临着更大的风险。 我们需要一个拥有判断能力的EA来配合我们的交易。 关于EA Taolishen 是一个拥有多种交易策略的EA,同时也是资深的交易员的忠实交易伴侣。 1 EA拥有一系列的交易策略和思路,完全可以满足无人工参与的全部交易。 2 EA具备一系列的交易参数设定,我们通过修改,就可以实现自定义的交易策略和思路,所有的交易策略和方式方法我们都可以清楚明白了。 3 EA的可变性:EA在交易过程中,我们可以随时通过修改参数数值,改变EA的交易方式方法,使由EA改变成为交易伴侣。 制定策略 1 可以自定义策略:如趋势,网格,趋势马丁,趋势网格等等
Ship Cruise
Oleg Papkov
游轮 船舶巡航专家顾问交易的RSI指标信号。 当指标达到30或70的值时,交易是在一个方向或另一个方向进行的。  盈利交易以获利收盘。 无利可图的交易被ea使用平均方法处理,交易网络建立在同一方向上,计算盈亏平衡水平,并且当价格达到此水平时,网络以获利关闭。 EA具有最低的指示,对于选择所选产品(货币对),账户和存款的初始参数进行优化是非常容易的。 在一个方向上的所有交易,短期或长期,在连接丢失的情况下受到保护,并具有相同的止损。 TPSL经理根据平均网络的状态和方向的交易数量改变总止损的位置。 设置选项。 部分"交易时间" Hours_to_GMT_Offset-来自代理服务器的已知GMT时间偏移时钟。  小时-开/关。 Begin_hour-小时开始; 结束时间_结束时间; 该节"初始设置" 优惠-立即优惠; MaximumRisk-影响开始很多的大小; LotStop-limiter了很多。 当达到LotStop值时,网络的初始交易将保留该lot值; DecreaseFactor-用于减少初始交易的参数 ; TP-止盈; SLPLUS-止损点的大小,加
欧元;欧元兑美元;英镑日元;英镑兑美元;XAUUSD;GBPCAD 等 注意:在使用这种Scalper-ProfiTrader机器人之前,你必须知道它已经优化,并且默认有几个参数,在趋势图表中使用它,寻找强劲趋势并放它,你还必须知道它在高波动性图表上非常顺利,其更多的成功是基于体积,甚至携带一个体积策略,覆盖率为80%,一个小的20%马丁格尔以防万一,但你甚至可以禁用它。 您必须使用这个机器人与低批量,因为它有一个自动乘数。 你必须知道,这是一个机器人,在覆盖和一种马丁格尔结合,你也可以只使用覆盖和停用马丁格尔,为此你必须了解,并做许多测试,它是如何工作的知道如何以最佳方式优化。 TF 必须将其放在 M5 上工作,因为它计算蜡烛交易量,并且它位于 M5 上非常重要。 将这款机器人投入使用所需的最低资本为 1,000,00 美元,如果您拥有更多用于浮动主题的资本。非常重要的是,不要把这个机器人的工作与更少的数量比我刚才说。 重要的是,不要使用这个机器人,没有首先没有看到租的VPS,这个机器人在周期中移动,这是周期??,:我把周期调用一组战略性编程的订单,你不能以任何方式关闭或中断您的计算
The "Treasure" expert Advisor trades on the signals of the "CandlestickPatternsRecognition" indicator. It is based on candlestick reversal formations. The trading volume used to open a position depends on the results of previous trades. It is possible to enable the Autolot function or trade a fixed lot, there is also a trailing and breakeven function. It is possible to limit the maximum amount of risk (in % of the Deposit). Conduct trade on a pair GBPUSD TF: H4. Minimum Deposit: $ 10 on cent acc
The EA’s unique algorithm calculates the average price (reflected in the form of a trend line on the chart), which is the center of price attraction in the framework of the traded timeframe. At times of increasing volatility, the adviser begins work with the goal of fixing profit in the region of the center of attraction of the price. Advisor does not use dangerous trading methods. It is recommended to install a trading expert on a remote server (VPS). Recommended Trading Instruments (TF 5M)
Mission Impossible
Szymon Palczynski
Multi-currency expert. Mission Impossible is a fully automated trading system on all major currency pairs. Very focused on small gains with minimizing the risk of loss (see  Entering/ Ellipse/Ellipse Size).  Advantage thanks to technique.  Not for complete amateurs taking too much risk !!! Forex is a risky business on itself - remember. Systems - Partial closing. - Run. - Open bar/ Every Tick.  Recommended: - VPS or Remote Desktop (e.g Chrome  Remote Desktop) Input Parameters Start Deposit - 
Lucky Price Action
Alexander Kalinkin
5 (2)
Lucky Price Action   Lucky Price Action  – fully automated Expert Advisor that trades volatility breakouts ( Price Action ). Lucky Price Action (LPA) Expert Advisor has a number of filters that significantly decrease the market entries at false breakouts.   Lucky Price Action supports the following currency pairs:  EURUSD, EURAUD, GBPUSD; YOU NEED TO PLACE LPA EA only on 1 chart (EURUSD M5 timeframe). Lucky Price Action  has high expectance (in pips, as per the backtests) and therefore is not ve
SAR Scalper
Hallo, ihr könnt von M5 bis Woche die Zeit einstellen. Gute Testergebnisse sind M15 bis H1 Alle Settings gibt es zu jedem Paar auf anfrage. Ich habe noch nicht alle zusammen und werde diese dann auch hier hochladen.  Support gibt es auch im Kanal unter https://t.me/forexWDScalper Fragen beantworte ich gerne hier oder unter torsten748@outlook.de Diesen EA gibt es auch für MT5, bitte schreibt mir.  AUDCAD  AUDCHF  AUDNZD  AUDJPY  AUDUSD  CADJPY CHFJPY EURCAD EURJPY EURNZD EURUSD NZDCAD NZDUSD NZDJ
Cheap Robot
Andrey Kozak
Cheap Robot is a fully automated EA for the Metatrader4 platform. You do not need to configure it. Just upload the robot to the Metatrader4 platform, open the GBP1D currency pair H1 timeframe and start trading the robot. You don’t have to do anything else. The robot itself will analyze the market, open / close transactions, manage finances and risks. This is a complete automated trading system. How to start trading using Cheap Robot: If you do not have a Metatrader4 terminal yet, you need to i
