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Ferramentas de negociação pagas para MetaTrader 5 - 7

icon Abaixo estão os programas de negociação que simplificam o trading no MetaTrader 5. Passe o mouse sobre um produto para ler uma descrição mostrando seu propósito.
Complete Pending Orders Grid System opens any combinations of Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders. You just need to drop this script on the chart of a desired currency pair. Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters: DeleteAllPendings – if 'true', then all pending orders (for current currency) are deleted. BuyStop – if 'true', Buy Stop order is opened. SellStop – if 'tr
The Candle Length Indicator Alarm generates a sound alert, sends a push notification and an email when the size of the current candlestick changes. The size of the current candlestick can be measured in two ways: The first method: the size of the candlestick is measured from the beginning of the candlestick (from the OPEN price). The second method: the size of the candlestick is measured from current price. The indicator has the following settings: sound — a sound file from the folder: "...\Meta
KL Visual Risk Manager Pro – the tool for traders for whom capital preservation is a top priority. Let me present my new revolutionary method of sending orders according to what you see on a chart, which is in full accordance with Risk Management. Sending orders without human errors, using an appropriate currency pair, without gambling a lot size and with SL and TP set on chart according your technical analysis and methodology - all these are made in four mouse clicks and in a matter of seconds.
Ermou Street rather than an expert or an indicator is a all-in-one trading assistant easing your trading sessions by providing signals and notifications. It's an assistant rather than a robot - "an assisted steering rather than an autopilot", and now, it autoadjusts itself to any instrument, any timeframe & any circumstance. How to First, you should watch the video. Then here's some explanation: By default, attaching Ermou Street to a chart, you’ll get: A panel Signals: buy (default blue arrow)
Pending Orders Grid Complete System opens any combination of Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders. You will be able to Drag-and-Drop the Script on the chart and it will pick up the start price for the first position in the grid from the "Drop" point. Usually it should be in the area of Support/Resistance lines. Input Parameters Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters:
All Pending Orders with StopLoss opens any combination of Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders. If boolSL = true then this Script will calculate one common StopLoss value as the StopLoss for a first/last orders and put this value in all pending orders. Input Parameters Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters: DeleteAllPendings : if true , then all pending orders (for
The Buy Sell Color Background indicator changes the background color depending on position direction. It has three settings: Background color for BUY - background color for a Buy position Background color for SELL - background color for a Sell position Default background color - background color with no open position After you detach the indicator from a chart, its background color changes to Default background color .
Color Chart MT5
Miguel Antonio Rojas Martinez
Visualize your charts differently in MetaTrader 5. The product is good for comparing the prices, since the indicator draws High, Close, HLC, etc. It is useful when applied with other indicators (like MACD). This simple indicator colors the entire space below the chart allowing you to see the market with greater clarity. You will see the actual price, trends, and the market behavior. Indicator parameters Applied_Price : From this option you can select the type of price you want to draw with the
BuyLimit and SellLimit Buttons opens any combination of Buy Limit and Sell Limit pending orders and closes all existing pending orders. Inputs Before placing all pending orders, the input window is opened allowing you to modify all input parameters: DeleteAllPendings ; if true , all pending orders (for the current currency) can be deleted. BuyLimit ; if true , Buy Stop orders can be opened. SellLimit ; if true , Sell Stop orders can be opened. InitLot ; initial lot size. LotCoeff ; next lot siz
Never forget to set Stop Loss or Take Profit! This little EA automatically sets predefined Stop Loss and Take Profit levels on every new pending or market order. You can specify Stop Loss and Take Profit distances in pips in the EA settings dialogue. Please note that there is only one EA necessary for all charts of the same symbol. The EA works with all symbols within Metatrader 5.
Grammy MT5
Andrey Khatimlianskii
Grammy  — is: Instant messages to your Telegram on any  trade events , Commands to  control all your terminals  from one Telegram chat, Price alerts  (crossing horizontal or trend lines), Daily, weekly and monthly  reports . You can't test this utility in the Strategy Tester. Please, contact me to get your free demo version. Why is Grammy better : Fully customizable  messages templates , Emoji  and "smart" substitution to the messages, Commands  to control all your terminals from Tel
O Draw Agent foi projetado como uma maneira bonita e inovadora de criar e gerenciar todas as suas análises de gráficos, rabiscos, anotações e muito mais. Esta ferramenta fornece um método de desenho à mão livre, para tratar o espaço do gráfico como um quadro-negro e desenhar à mão. Esta ferramenta de desenho à mão livre permite desenhar em gráficos MT4/MT5 para marcar ou destacar eventos no gráfico. É uma ferramenta útil se você gosta   de desenhar ondas de Elliott à mão, desenhar linhas no grá
A ferramenta de análise de um clique é uma       criação de objeto baseada em atalho de teclado       e ferramenta de cópia para MetaTrader. Facilita o uso de ferramentas de análise no MetaTrader com apenas um clique. Com nossa ferramenta, você pode desenhar rapidamente níveis de suporte e resistência, níveis de Fibonacci, formas, canais, linhas de tendência e todos os outros objetos em seu gráfico. Basta clicar no botão, mover o mouse e a ferramenta One Click Analysis fará o resto para você. Is
Elliott Wave Counter é um painel para marcação manual rápida e fácil de usar das ondas Elliott. Pode-se selecionar uma cor e um nível de marcas. Também existem funções para remover a última marcação e toda a marcação feita pela ferramenta. A marcação é feita com um clique. Clique cinco vezes - tenha cinco ondas! O Elliott Wave Counter será um ótimo instrumento tanto para iniciantes quanto para analistas profissionais de ondas Elliott. Guia de instalação e entradas do Elliott Wave Counter se você
Partial Close Expert   é uma ferramenta que combina muitas funções em um sistema automatizado. Este EA pode ajudar os traders a gerenciar suas posições com mais eficiência, oferecendo várias opções para gerenciar riscos e maximizar ganhos potenciais. Com o Partial Close Expert, os traders podem definir um       fechamento parcial       nível para bloquear os lucros, um       parada final       nível para proteger os lucros e limitar as perdas, um       empatar       nível para garantir que o com
If you wish to draw Support and Resistance lines, view: daily market opening, classical pivot levels, Fibonacci pivot levels, trend lines, Fibonacci levels, the remaining time to candle closing, and current spread. If you seek to place your orders with the exact lot that meets your desired stop loss risk. If you wish to do all this and more with just one click, then this is the perfect tool to use. This tool will allow you to feel more relaxed when deciding to open orders, as well as predicting
The calculator of signals operates directly from the MetaTrader 5 terminal, which is a serious advantage, since the terminal provides a preliminary selection and sorts out signals. This way, users can see in the terminal only the signals that ensure a maximum compatibility with their trading accounts. The calculator of signals gives the answer to the one of the questions most frequently asked by users of the Signals service: "Will I be able to subscribe to the signal NNN, and what volume of the
The Expert Advisor modifies the Stop Loss orders of positions opened for the instrument of the current chart based on the custom indicator values. It is possible to use both the default settings or your own. Integrates NRTR (Nick Rypock Trailing Reverse) , Moving Average indicators and linear regression channel. Attention! To use the adviser, you must have minimal knowledge! Namely, to be able to look into the indicator code. You need to know the indicator buffer number in which support values a
Fast Trade MT5
Alexey Valeev
5 (2)
This trading panel has been developed for fast and comfortable operation of the financial markets. It is equipped with the necessary functions for manual and semi-automated trading. Due to the presence of the order trailing feature, trailing stop and automatic closure by equity, profit, time. You can use it to automate your trading system. All you have to do is open a position and set the parameters for maintenance, everything else will be handled by the EA. If you want to limit your losses, set
Triage Stock
Leandro Ferreira
Este utilitário lhe permite alternar rapidamente os gráficos entre os símbolos da janela Observação de Mercado. Para alternar entre os ativos, use o [Up] e [Down] e automaticamente o próximo ativos no Observação de Mercado será exibido no gráfico atual respeitando o template. Se você deseja separar um símbolo para análise posterior, pressione Enter e o gráfico será aberto em uma nova aba e pode continuar analisando outros gráficos. Definir as barras max em gráfico para 1000 a uma melhor experiên
The product combines a manual trade panel with the ability to perform actions automatically in a highly configurable way. Actions include capturing indicator values and then based on those values raising alerts, open/close or partially close trades, scale-in, setting up pending orders, adjusting stop loss, take profit and more. On-chart controls can be configured, such as tick boxes and buttons, so can be fully interactive. The EA also handles money management, news events, hidden stop loss, tak
The script allows to use the mouse for placing a grid of orders with fixed or variable step quickly and with as few mistakes as possible. Drag the script to the chart using the left mouse button and release. The grid will be plotted starting from that point. If the current price is lower than the grid start point, the grid will be placed "to the north" towards the buys, and if higher - towards the sells, "to the south". Setting take profit and stop loss is left to trader's discretion. Input Par
Modify the take profit and stop loss of orders grid using the mouse. Drag the script to the chart using the left mouse button and release. The script sets a single stop loss and take profit to all positions and pending orders separately, using the price value at the final point of dragging. Input Parameters Buy or sell - the type to be modified. There are two options: All BUY - all buy orders and positions (this parameter is set to All BUY by default.) All SELL - all sell orders and positions W
This utility provides the ability to use hot keys in manual trading instantly responding to the current market situation. You can assign hot keys to open/close positions by their type, open/close all positions on the current chart and remove all orders on the current chart. You can also assign hot keys for five predefined trade volumes and switch between them if necessary with no need to change the volume manually from time to time. It is also possible to set the auto calculation of a trade volu
If a complex grid with specified stop loss and take profit levels has been created in the wrong place by mistake, it is not necessary to remove it and start over again. The grid can be moved to a new place using the mouse. Drag the script to the chart and drop it where the grid should be moved. The grid will be moved, keeping the distance between orders, distances to stop loss and take profit. The script works exclusively with pending orders , market orders will be left unchanged. Input Paramet
Stop And Close
Tetyana Shcherba
2.75 (4)
The utility (Expert Advisor) is designed for monitoring and controlling the total drawdown, as well as closing all positions after reaching the specified levels or upon the occurrence of a specified time with the ability to disable the operation of the automatic EAs running in the same terminal. It is capable of tracking the status of the entire account, as well as individual pairs. It works with the positions opened manually or by other automatic EAs. It tracks the open trades in real time mode
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Super Candle DEMO in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free, LINK . Dashboard Super Candle gives you a quick visual guide to which pair’s short-term, medium-term, and long-term direction/trend are aligned. With the combination of these trend, you are able to monit
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Super MA RSI CCI Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free, LINK . Dashboard Super MA RSI CCI is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to help you to: Have 28 pairs under control with one dashboard Monitor price movement, identify possible trend based on MA, RS
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Timeframe 15 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free,   LINK . This system basically utilizes TDI as the core indicator to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed by 1) 200 EMA and Price; 2) 10 EMA and
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. To access the free demo version, please re-direct to this LINK . To access the single pair version, please re-direct to this LINK . There are two critical components in a profitable trading system, one is entry (place an order), and another one is exit (close an order). You can exit by time: closing order after London Close for example. You can also exit
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. To access the free demo version, please re-direct to this LINK . To access the dashboard version, please re-direct to this LINK . There are two critical components in a profitable trading system. One is entry (placing an order) and another one is exit (closing an order). You can exit by time: closing order after London Close, for example. You can also ex
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is a demo version of this panel Dashboard Trading Made Simple Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free, LINK . This system basically utilizes TDI as the main indicator to generate trading signal mainly on H1 and H4 time-frame. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed. Stochastic; Heiken Ashi ca
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is a Demo version of this panel Dashboard Currency Strength Advanced MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free, Free version: LINK . MT4 version: LINK The Dashboard Currency Strength Meter Advanced gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are strong, and which ones are weak over the
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Timeframe 15 MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free. Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes TDI as the core indicator to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed by 1) 20
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Super Three MA MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes PA and three adjustable Moving Average as the main indicator set to generate trading signal. With the feature that all MA_timefram
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Babon Scalping System MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free. Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes TDI, Heiken Ashi Trend, Price Trend on H1 time-frame and TMA on H1&H4 time-frame to generate the trend (big picture). Then
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Genesis Matrix Trading MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free. Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes Genesis Indi Set (TVI, CCI, GannHilo, and T3) as the core indicators to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15.
There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Symphonie Trader System MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free. Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK  This system basically utilizes Symphonie Indicator Set (Extreme, Emotion, Trend, and Sentiment) as the core indicators to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed by 1) M5 and M15 Stochastic; 2) EMA5 and PA To facilitate you to understan
There is Demo version of this panel Dashboard Extreme TMA System MT5 Demo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities for free. Free version: LINK MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes 4 TMA (Triangular Moving Average) slope indicators on 4 time-frame and TMA Band as the core indicators to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame M15. The signal will be further filtered and trimmed by M15 Stochastic To facilitate you to understand and trade this
MT4 version: LINK DIBS = Daily Inside Bar Setup This system basically utilizes the popular candle pattern Inside Bar to generate trading signal mainly on time-frame H1. To facilitate you to understand and trade this system quickly and effectively, the collection of PDF manuals and tips are provided in my first comment of this product. For who cannot access Google Drive, please find these resources in the thread or PM me. Dashboard The DIBS Method MT5 is an intuitive and handy graphic tool to hel
MT4 version: LINK This system basically utilizes two simple moving averages (10 SMA and 197 SMA) over 2 hours before Tokyo Open to generate trading signal mainly on timeframe H1. The signal will be further filtered by 1) M15 and M5 Fractals; 2) Stochastic To facilitate you to understand and trade this system quickly and effectively, the collection of PDF manuals and tips are provided in my first comment of this product. For who cannot access Google Drive, please find these resources in the threa
The new version of  MirrorSoftware 2021  has been completely rewriten and optimized.  This version requires to be loaded only on a single chart because  it can detect all actions on every symbol and not only the actions of symbol where it is loaded. Even the  graphics and the configuration mode  have been completely redesigned. The MirrorSoftware is composed of two components (all components are required to work):  MirrorController  (free indicator): This component must be loaded into the MASTER
Just Copier MT5
Agung Imaduddin
4.75 (4)
"Just copier" is designed to copy trading without any complicated settings. The copy can be done in one PC. One EA can be set as master (provider) or slave (receiver). The receiver lot can be set to multiple providers lots. Please also check this product at fxina.hostingerapp.com.  Any type of copy is available. MT4 -> MT5 MT4 -> MT4 MT5 -> MT5 MT5 -> MT4 If you want to copy MT4 -> MT5 or MT5 -> MT4, please purchase "Just copier" for MT4 and "Just copier" for MT5 separately. Just Copier can copy
Click Info MT5
Evgeny Belyaev
5 (1)
The Click Info is a simple utility for the MetaTrader 5 terminal that allows the trader to quickly receive information about the High, Low, Open, Close, Time values of the current chart. In order to receive information about a bar, it is necessary to left-click the selected candle. Depending on the settings, either a pop-up Alert or a Comment with the information appears. Information on the bar values (High, Low, Open, Close, Time) can be extremely useful in practice of trading using graphical a
Introduction to Order Risk Panel Pro EA Order Risk Panel Pro EA is the professional version of the simple Order Risk Management EA. Order Risk Panel Pro EA incorporate three powerful features in one. The three powerful features include the visual trading & Risk Management, the Harmonic Volatility Line indicator and Trade Statistics Panel. For all these three features, you get the price of one. Firstly, Order Risk Panel Pro provides the highly efficient visual trading feature. You do not have to
Multitimeframe navigation and research tool (XY expert advisor) is a convenient tool that allows analyzing the trading instruments on different time frames and fast switching between them. Easy to use. It has no adjustable parameters. Charts with an XY Expert Advisor can be either the same symbol (instrument) or different (from version 2.0). When a symbol is changed on one of the charts with the XY   expert advisor   , cascade change of symbols occurs on other charts with the XY attached. The X
The EA performs trade operations of closing position groups. Positions are grouped by type. It is possible to select orders by the profit (loss) value. It is possible to form the closure groups manually. You can set a value for automatic closure of a positions group after reaching a certain profit/loss level or price level. The additional functions of the EA are called using the hot keys: SHIFT+A - show/hide Auto exit options. SHIFT+S - show/hide Settings panel. SHIFT+V - sound ON/OFF. SHIFT+I -
Rafil Nurmukhametov
4.78 (32)
The utility allows you to build different types of graphs: Seconds chart from 1 second to 86400 seconds Tick chart from 1 tick and above The volume chart Delta chart Renko chart Range chart Demo version of the utility https://www.mql5.com/ru/channels/clustersecond Built-in indicators for volumetric analysis: daily market profile and market profile of the selected timeframe, Cluster Search Imbalance VWAP Dynamic POC, VAH, VAL the profile depth of the market vertical volume with various display op
TradeLeader B3/Bovespa Scanner é um indicador que permite observar o mapa de calor de todo mercado em um único gráfico. Mais imagens com melhor definição em https://www.mql5.com/pt/users/ougaske/blog Acompanhe todos os ativos da bolsa separados por grupos de liquidez. Personalize o nível de alerta para oportunidades. Companhe em tempo real o Ibovespa, minicontratos de Índice e Dólar ou qualquer outro instrumento que desejar destacar. Clique em cima do ativo desejado e um gráfico se abrirá para m
Object Synchronizer MT5 : Better focus/analysis of the price chart in many timeframes. Are you bored to save and load template many times for the same symbol for many chart timeframes? Here is the alternative. With this indicator, you enjoy creating objects across many charts, you can modify the same object in any chart, you can delete the same object in any chart. All objects you created/modified are always synchronized across all chart windows (with the same symbol). Save your time, you can fo
Measures the length of the selected movement in points, shows the duration of the movement, as well as the speed of movement.   Outputs the average value of each dimension. It is designed to calculate the expected target based on typical market movements. The intended goal will provide information about the ratio of the stop size to the possible profit and will allow you not to open positions with a small expected profit. It will also help you determine the point at which it is more logical to c
VR Alert MT5
Vladimir Pastushak
5 (1)
O programa VR Alert é feito como um indicador para monitorar o preço ou outros indicadores e para informar o trader no momento quando o preço ou indicador atingir um nível especificado. Os níveis de sinais para intervenção podem ser estabelecidos não apenas horizontalmente, mas também como níveis inclinados. Assim o trader pode receber notificações que vêm de níveis inclinados de sinais para intervenção. Graças ao programa VR Alert, agora não é necessário passar muito tempo na frente de monitor.
The indicator allows you to quickly switch from one instrument to another, from one time period to another using the keyboard or buttons on the monitor. Each command can be assigned a hot key from 0-9, a-Z (case-insensitive) and VK_OEM_COMMA ("<" on the keyboard) and VK_OEM_PERIOD (">" on the keyboard). This can help you to operate the maximum number of instruments that are available at your broker, analyze more instruments/periods in less time. This product cannot be tested in the tester , beca
Ratio TP SL MT5
Pavel Verveyko
5 (1)
This indicator allows you to measure the profitability of each specific transaction (the ratio of Stop and Profit). The indicator allows you to adjust the ratio by step size and number of steps. You can build an unlimited number of ratios to compare the risks from different movements. Note: the MT5 tester is not designed for full-fledged work with graphic objects, so drawing in the tester is slower than in the real situation. The ratio selection is performed with 1 mouse click. Building a line
The script displays info about the share's corporate reports and dividends. The data is downloaded from   investing.com : Report date Profit per share (EPS) Revenue Market capitalization Amount of dividends Date of payment of dividends Dividend income The product cannot be tested in the tester (since it is not possible to receive data from the Internet). Before launching:  Add 2   URL   https://ru.investing.com/earnings-calendar/Service/getCalendarFilteredData  and   https://ru.investing.com/di
Vitaly Muzichenko
Advantage The analyzer provides an opportunity to examine correlation in history, for example, for the previous month excluding the current one, thus allowing you to evaluate symbol movement in history. It can be conveniently used in conjunction with the LineSyncMirrorCharts analyzer. Charts are synchronized by a market type: Forex, CFD, Futures, and Indices. The analyzer calculates the distance covered by the price on a specified period in points. The tool fits pairs and portfolio traders. Des
Automatic calculation of lot size based on the StopLoss level: it calculates the lot with consideration of the risk percentage. Enter the deposit percentage and set the line to the planned StopLoss level. The lot size for the entry will be output as a result. The TakeProfit will also be calculated with taking into account the profit/loss ratio, and their profit/loss in the deposit currency. Thus, the end result of the trade can be seen immediately, which is an integral part of successful trading
O Telegram Publisher Agent   é um complemento que permite que os traders enviem sinais para seus canais e grupos do Telegram em tempo real. Com mensagens personalizáveis, capturas de tela de gráficos e outros recursos, a ferramenta ajuda os traders a compartilhar suas ideias e estratégias de negociação com seus seguidores. A ferramenta também apresenta um belo design com alternância de tema claro e escuro, proporcionando aos usuários uma experiência de negociação estética e funcional. O Telegram
Nota: Este EA funciona apenas em contas de hedge. Versão MetaTrader 4       painel rápido Este painel é um consultor especializado que oferece seis grupos de painéis de negociação. Características A maioria das operações de negociação pode ser realizada rapidamente clicando no botão desses painéis. Alternar entre painéis é rápido, bastando clicar no botão verde. O EA pode ser executado em um gráfico visual no testador de estratégia, fornecendo um método fácil para praticar a negociação com dad
DYJ Follow Me   is an EA that follows the virtual transaction record of any dyj indicator to actually open and close positions. It can display the name and status of the indicator of the single signal source; At present, it is only the   DYJ SignalSourceOfWPR MT5   indicator, and more indicators will be expanded in the future. It can receive real-time trend direction of indicator. It can receive the latest admission time of the indicator. It can receive the latest admission price of the ind
Crypto Charts
Romeu Bertho
4.11 (9)
A análise de cripto moedas nunca foi tão fácil com o Crypto Charts para a MetaTrader 5. Basta escolher o gráfico entre bitcoin até moedas exóticas, escolher o período desejado e anexar todos os seus indicadores favoritos dos milhares disponíveis no MQL5. Gráficos das corretoras  Binance Futures,   Poloniex ,  Bitfinex ,  Binance ,  BitMEX ,  Bittrex , BitMEX Testnet ! Faça análises mais sofisticadas e aumente a eficácia de suas negociações! Deseja negociar de modo automatizado na BitMEX? Por fav
The TimeFilter indicator allows visually selecting the bitmaks (GoodHourOfDay, BadHoursOfDay, GoodDayOfWeek, BadDaysOfWeek), which correspond to the Standard Library's Intraday Time Filter module for trading signals. Additionally, it is possible to enable and disable the trading intervals in a string form. It is also possible to use the trade volume multiplier when using the indicator as a part of an EA. String format: [week day]:[first hour]-[last hour]. See the screenshots and the video for us
Vitaly Muzichenko
1 (1)
Small trading panel for managing orders and positions in 1 click for MetaTrader 5 The version for MetaTrader 4 is here , you can check it in the tester without restrictions Set hidden TakeProfit, StopLoss and pending orders at lines placed on the chart. Virtual breakeven. Virtual trailing stop. Close all positions. Close only Buy positions. Close only Sell positions. Work in the back testing mode (working in the tester is limited). Place up to 20 virtual orders. News trading and operation by tim
A ticker that shows the average bitcoin price of the selected currency and keeps updating it at regular intervals. PRO version updates more often and displays details about the price change! Make sure you have added the API address http://metakod.com/mk/api in the list of allowed URLs on tab Tools → Options → Expert Advisors. All of the supported currencies and the API address are listed in the screenshots below. Inputs Logging level - Controls the amount of details written to the log (default:
What does it do? It assists you in your trading and has some important jobs to perform: It sets virtual pending orders, stop loss and take profit. It can set real stop loss and take profit if desired. It makes trading independent of bid-ask line concept, thus useful for very short term traders and price action traders. Orders can be opened, managed and closed with 1 click providing fastest management. It can automatically set your position sizing based on your risk inputs. Graphical panel enable
This indicator sends a message (notification), an email, and plays a custom sound when a Limit (Buy/Sell) or Limit Stop (Buy/Sell) or Take Profit, Stop Loss, Stop Out is executed. A user can change the sound file name, and select if they receive notifications/emails. It runs as an indicator, and only one indicator is locked (used) by a user account/login. Parameters soundFile - sound file Save your file at the terminal folder, for example: " C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5\Sounds\Order Executed.
The indicator displays useful trading information on the chart for futures contracts such as: Average daily volatility with adjustable period of time. Optimal volume to trade depending on percentage of account balance you use. The percentage can be adjusted. Optimal stop loss depending on your maximum risk per trade considering percentage of account balance you use. Initial margin for the contract. Tick value for the contract. The indicator has an ability to display dynamic daily volatility leve
This script will show you information about the execution speed of market orders. Instruction 1. Press " File/Open Data Folder " 2. Open the " Logs " folder. 3. Copy the log-files to " MQL5\Files " 4. Run the CheckExec script on EURUSD chart, for example 5. Select parameters: AllOrders - check execution time of all market orders for EURUSD, OpenOrders - check execution time of market orders which where used to open positions on EURUSD, CloseOrders - check execution time of market orders which wh
This utility calculates and draws lines over the chart. There are two types of channels: Channel A: the mainline is drawn using local lows for uptrends and local highs for downtrends Channel B: the mainline is drawn using local highs for uptrends and local lows for downtrends The parallel lines of both types are built using the max. fractal between the base points of the mainline. There are a few conditions, which have to be fullfilled and can be changed by the parameters (see also picture 3): t
Plot History Mt5, um script indispensável para o trader que analisa o histórico de negociação do seu terminal de negociação e conta realizada por consultores especializados. O método de análise é baseado no diagrama de símbolos no qual o script é executado, bem como no número mágico, uma análise específica ou completa de todas as magias usadas por um ou mais especialistas. O script analisa os dados da negociação e pode plotá-los no gráfico, imprimir informações detalhadas da negociação no log d

O Mercado MetaTrader é o melhor lugar para vender robôs de negociação e indicadores técnicos.

Você apenas precisa desenvolver um aplicativo para a plataforma MetaTrader com um design atraente e uma boa descrição. Nós vamos explicar como publicar o seu produto no Mercado e oferecer a milhões de usuários MetaTrader.