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Ferramentas de negociação pagas para MetaTrader 5 - 10

icon Abaixo estão os programas de negociação que simplificam o trading no MetaTrader 5. Passe o mouse sobre um produto para ler uma descrição mostrando seu propósito.
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the  RSI  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from RSI on all timeframes; watch the current signal from  RSI   by different symbols; watch the current   RSI   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: RIS value. Signal type: RSI crosses level buy out/level sell out (outside); RSI crosses level buy out/level sell out (inside);   RSI is upper
Excellent dashboard for market analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Stochastic  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  Stochastic  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from   Stochastic  for different symbols; watch the current   Stochastic   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: Stochastic - Main line Stochastic  - SIgnal line Stochastic  - Main line minus signal line Signal type: Stocha
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Alligator  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  Alligator  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from   Alligator   for different symbols; watch the current   Alligator   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: Jaw Teeths Lips Jaw - Teeth Jaw - Lips Teeth - Lips Signal type: Lips - Teeth -  green line (lips) crosses red line (tee
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   Momentum  indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  Momentum  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from  Momentum  for different symbols; watch the current Momentum   value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: value of Momentum Signal type: Momentum crosses "100" line Momentum upper/lower "100" line Momentum direction Work option: all
Excellent dashboard for analytics. The panel helps to analyze the values of the   TRIX (Triple Exponential Moving Average) indicator and its signals. With this panel you can: watch the current signal from  TRIX  on all timeframes; watch the current signal from  TRIX  for different symbols; watch the current TRIX value; several types of signals for analytics. Values in a table cell: value of TRIX Signal type: TRIX crosses "0" line TRIX upper/lower "0" line Work option: all symbols added to t
The professional browser of News and Trading Sessions is now available in MetaTrader 5. Now all the most important market information is collected on one dial! News located on the Time scale. Planning your working time has never been so easy and convenient ... The news scale can be switched a day, two, a week, a month forward or backward (see the details in the short video). All news updates in real time. Thanks to the built-in filters, you can configure the display of news by importance, cou
Simple Signal Provider
Konstantin Stratigenas
Trade with your MT5 Account on a custom API-Endpoint. 1. Activate API on your Signal Site. 2. Enter your Username. 3. Enter your Account-Password. 4. Enter the API-Endpoint URL to your MT5 Account (Extras -> Options -> Experts -> Allow WebRequest). Lot Size Settings Auto Lot = 0 and Fixed Lot = 0 : Copy Lot Size. Auto Lot : Option to send normalized Lot-Size depends from Free Margin on Trading-Account. Because other Traders will start with different Account Size. For Example: - You put
Flat MT5
Alessandro Grossi
Flat è una utility pensata per chi ama operare con take profit e stop loss virtuali ed ordini di copertura come sistema di protezione del capitale, ma a volte ad esempio la notte non è possibile operare quindi si è costretti ad intervenire nel momento e nel modo sbagliato Facciamo un esempio, dopo aver ricevuto un segnale ti posizioni sul mercato con una posizione Long ma il mercato a bassi volumi e comprendi che il tuo posizionamento è valido ma bisogna attendere più di quanto pensavi fosse ne
Start Display N Bars
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Você já conhece o Display N Bars? Já conhece a ferramenta Start (dos indicadores Midas)? Neste indicador unificamos as duas ferramentas permitindo que você possa definir em qual candle vai começar a contagem, ou utilizar a numeração automática que já era disponível na versão anterior. Segue descrição do utilitário: Display N Bars O utilitário Display N Bars é uma ferramenta simples que tem o objetivo de ajudar na identificação dos candles. Se um trader tenta compartilhar o conhecimento com um
新機能:Ver3.5 28通貨ペアの強弱も表示するようにしました。 監視ペアで最強、最弱の通貨ペアとなった場合、四つ葉のマークが出るように変更しました。 15分足、1時間足、4時間足単位での通貨ペアの強弱を表示するようにしました。 詳細な情報はこちらにサイトがあります。 https://toushika.top/tc-cs-plus-cfd/ 注:こちらはTitanのデモ口座で動作します。 XMで使用したい場合は こちらのでセットファイル を使用してください。 機能: 一目で現在の通貨の方向性と強弱が確認できます。 15M,1H,4Hでの方向性を表示します。 15M,1H,4Hでの方向が揃った場合にドットが表示されます。 通貨の相関が揃った場合にドットが表示されます。 ※相関はピアソン相関係数を使用しています。 より詳しい情報につきましてはこちらを参照してください。 https://www.mql5.com/ja/articles/5481 通貨の強弱を表示します。 現時点でのボラリティーの状況を表示します。 過去20日/過去5日/今日のボラリティーを表示しま
This is Advanced NotifyMe version with large interface. Overview The Expert Advisor allows you to receive notifications to the mobile phone (or tablet PC), mailbox or play the sound alert when some events occured: opening or closing position (also closing all positions), placing or deleting pending order; changing open price, stop loss or take profit; the account balance, equity, margin level, free margin or drawdown has reached the user specified level. You can specify a notification interval,
Deixe que o robô examine todo o mercado para você e identifique as melhores oportunidades de negociação enquanto você vive sua vida normal. O Market Deviation Scanner mede o desvio de preços de uma determinada média em porcentagem. A configuração recomendada para todas as médias é uma MÉDIA DE MOVIMENTO SIMPLES DE 200 DIÁRIOS, no entanto, qualquer parâmetro pode ser modificado à vontade - o scanner é totalmente personalizável. Existe a possibilidade de definir um e-mail, push MQL ou notifica
It is a utility (Expert Advisors) that you can easily tweet from MetaTrader Support for "Twitter API v2 OAuth 2.0 with PKCE". Just add a few lines of code to the   Indicator ,   EA   or   Script   you create TweetHelper will tweet a message for you. Preparation: Please apply for a developer account to access the Twitter API. Please refer to the following for setting details and procedures. Example of code (script) for using TweetHelper https://www.mql5.com/ja/code/31044 MetaTrader settings:
Easy Order Blocks
Santiago Javier Ale Aguilera
Esta utilidad dibuja Order Blocks y otros bloques fácilmente mediante el trazado rápido de lineas y rectángulos con 1 click y 1 tecla. Las teclas Hotkeys son programables y son 5: Order Blocks Fair Value Gaps (o Liquidity Void) Rejection Blocks Mitigation/Breaker Blocks Fast Object Delete (Borrado Rápido de objetos) Las 4 teclas de dibujo toman las coordenadas de la barra donde se clickeo y trazan 1 linea horizontal y 1 rectángulo delimitando la zona de OTE (Optimal Trade Entry). Automáticamente
Equity X MT5
Alessandro Grossi
Equity X è una utility che chiude tutte le posizioni ed eventuali ordini pendenti ad un importo prestabilito, è possibile fissare il bilancio del tuo conto quando il netto e uguale o superiore oppure uguale inferiore all'importo desiderato Ha integrato un sistema per la notifica mobile instantanea che genera il messaggio ad operazione avvenuta Uno strumento che permette di ottimizzare al massimo il rendimento del tuo investimento, è possibile utilizzarlo anche come gestore virtuale di take prof
Xrade EA
Yao Maxime Kayi
Xrade EA is an expert advisor as technical indicator. For short period trade it's the best for next previsions of the trend of the market. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very Important Our robot(data anylizer) does'nt take a trade procedure. If using only our robot you must take positions by yoursels +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The technical indiator provide for a given sma
Vasiliy Kolesov
PanelCME - это инструмент для помощи трейдеру в ручной торговле. Данная панель автоматически выставляет стоп лосс и тейк профик к каждому ордеру. Имеет функцию перевода позиции в безубыток и функцию трала стоп лосса. Основное преимущество данной панели то, что тейк профит выставляется встречным лимитным ордером , что позволяет избежать проскальзывания при закрытии позиции. Данная панель делалась для скальпинга на СМЕ, но может так же работать и на форексе.
Fast closing of all positions in one click. A very useful button when you use position averaging, adding new orders, and when the price returns for a few seconds to the desired point, and there are more than 10 orders, it is very important to have time to close all of them. The second time the price may not return. Super fast execution. Orders are closed asynchronously without waiting for the previous result. The utility allows you to add a button to any window. Multiple buttons can be added fo
Profit X MT5
Alessandro Grossi
Profit X invia notifiche sul tuo dispositivo mobile mantenendoti aggiornato sul profitto dei tuoi investimenti anche nei momenti in cui non puoi fisicamente controllare i mercati, ad esempio quando sei alla guida, sul posto di lavoro, in una riunione o con amici, con parenti e non puoi distrarti Può essere disattivata e attivata ed è possibile scegliere la frequenza del aggiornamenti in minuti, ore, giorni, settimanale o mensile La configurazione e personalizzazione è molto semplice, di default
EnkiSoft Trade Clone EA  new! User description in MQL5 blog You can use it on unlimilted clients for unlimited time! MT4  version download here With   Trade Clone EA   you can trade on multiple MetaTrader 4 and  MetaTrader 5  accounts simultaneously, clone the trades of any trading robot from server account to your friends and family accounts.  Note: All MetaTrader 4 and  MetaTrader 5  must run in same computer, or you need copy the trade file to the Client computer. You can run multiple Tr
EnkiSoft Trade Clone EA User description in MQL5 blog New version 1.57 Read updates MT4  version download here With   Trade Clone EA   you can trade on multiple   MetaTrader 4   and  MetaTrader 5  accounts simultaneously, clone the trades of any trading robot from server account to your friends and family accounts.  Note: All MetaTrader 4 and    MetaTrader 5  must run in same computer, or you need copy the trade file to the Client computer. You can run multiple Trade Clone EA as server, and yo
The Expert Advisor helps in manual trading or closes the positions of another Expert Advisor. He is designed to automatically close position or group positions when the total conditions is reached. He does not open deals on his own. The EA can close positions on one symbol, on the entire account or on a specified magic number. You can specify in the settings the general Take and the general StopLoss for a group of positions for close. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, write me
Protect your EA from unauthorized use. With EA Locker you can generate individual licenses for your EA to your customers. Product blog page Download MT4 version from here Protection consists of three parts: 1. Your Unique EA identifier 2. User Identifier 3. Expiration date Description of parts: 1. EA ID is your internal EA identifier. Itcan be the short name of the EA. (MyGridEA, TradeCopierEA...) 2. User identifier can be anything user specific data (Mt4 account number, Account number + User
Traders Panel
Timothy George Wright
Trader's Panel is a simple EA for managing trades once open. Your options for managing open trades are to close an entire open trade, close a percent of an open trade, which can be input from the trader panel, and then set stop loss to break even on an open trade. The Trader's Panel hovers at top left of screen right below the one click order buttons. **Note that this EA does not open trades. It only manages trades once they are open.
MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION <1> Exactly this program was used to set World Record in Trading 2020 Account Equity was increased from $1,000,000 to $100,000,000 in 16 days Details => www.mql5.com/en/users/AIS <2> In the last days of this record the position was creating by 1000-2000 orders It was used the computer with 1 core Pentium 4 CPU at 2.8 GHz and 1 GB memory In the last two days the daily profit was $40,000,000 every day <3> It was 100% manual trading And this special program was used to
This utility sends notification to trader’s MT5 (for MT4 version, checkout this link ) mobile app, to remind traders about their open positions. Super useful for part time traders to keep track and not forget any positions. To turn on notification, please visit   this link   (https://www.metatrader4.com/en/trading-platform/help/setup/settings_notifications) Features Keep track on open orders (pending orders, running orders) Customize time to send notification Customize notification interval (se
Auto TP and SL MT5
Volodymyr Hrybachov
3.67 (3)
Utilitário para configuração automática de níveis de stop loss e take profit. Criado por um trader profissional para traders. O utilitário funciona com quaisquer ordens de mercado abertas por um trader manualmente ou usando consultores. Pode filtrar negociações por número mágico. O utilitário pode trabalhar com qualquer número de pedidos ao mesmo tempo. Versão MT4 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56485 O QUE O UTILITÁRIO PODE FAZER: definir stop loss virtual e obter lucro de 1 pip real
Utilitário para fechamento automático de negócios por níveis de trailing stop. Permite que você aproveite ao máximo seu lucro. Criado por um trader profissional para traders. O utilitário funciona com quaisquer ordens de mercado abertas por um trader manualmente ou usando consultores. Pode filtrar negociações por número mágico. O utilitário pode trabalhar com qualquer número de pedidos ao mesmo tempo. Versão MT4 https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/56487 O QUE O UTILITÁRIO PODE FAZER: defi
Grid MT5
Volodymyr Hrybachov
5 (1)
O utilitário para negociação semiautomática, gerenciamento de ordens, também pode ser usado para restaurar posições não lucrativas na conta. Tem a função de reduzir o saque na conta pela sobreposição de ordens não lucrativas. Ele pode trabalhar com pedidos manuais, pedidos abertos no painel ou pedidos abertos por outro Expert Advisor. Possui um mínimo de parâmetros, é fácil de configurar, funciona com qualquer número de pedidos. Para testar, use o modo visual no testador de estratégia. Versão
The tool allows user to easily add: Stop Loss, Take Profit,   Trailing Stop, Break Even, Target Manually editing the lines.  Parameters : Magic Number : number to identify your EA, used when applied to multiple assets. Distance from Bid Price (ticks):  Current price value to place the buy or sell order in ticks (each tick represents the smallest price variation). Slippage (0 = off):  represents the maximum difference in pips for the order to go through. Volume:   Lot size. Ex
Expert Trade Control
Henrique De Souza Brugugnoli
Defina seu Stop Loss, Take Profit e entre na operação e com o botão Close Position, saia/feche sua operação a hora que quiser e coms segurança. Além do mais, deixe que nós controlamos sua operação com o Trailing Stop. Com o Expert Trade Control, você poderá entrar em uma operação com o seu stop loss e take profit definido, mas caso queira sair antes do mercado atingir esses alvos, basta clicar em "close position" e a sua posição será fechada no mesmo momento. Mecanismos como esse impedem que par
O FX Trade Manager é uma ferramenta utilizada para você abrir e gerenciar suas ordens de compra e venda com poucos cliques e com facilidade  no MetaTrader 5 . Através dessa fantástica ferramenta você pode abrir ordens do tipo: SELL BUY SELL LIMIT BUY LIMIT Você pode abrir uma ordem apenas informando o volume de lote que você deseja, seu takeprofit e stoploss e clicar no botão de abertura, ou somente colocar o volume de lote que você queira e clicar no botão de abertura. Caso você não saiba o tam
ATM Auto Trade Manager   Expert Advisor will manage all transactions you make using Expert Advisor, or manually from all platforms (Web Trade, MT5 Windows, MT5 Mac, MT5Mobile phone) Multi Currency In one chart, the Tool will manage transactions of all currencies or according to the available list. Currency Selection All Transactions of All Pairs Based on the Pairs List Auto Manage, with setup parameters on one chart Auto Close Profit Average Auto Close Profit only Auto SL / TP Auto Trailing B
News: IDEA 2.0 is out with lot of features, like telegram bot notifications and Limits order! Check the changelog at bottom of page (*). Hi all, here you can find my Expert Advisor, called IDEA  (Intelligent Detection & managEr Algorithm) . In short, with this software you can: Have   a clear view of market status , with an indication of current trend. Simply add symbols you want to monitor to your market watch, and IDEA will notify you if some of them are in trend; Have an   automatic lots ca
Technical confluence zones is a very popular tool for traders. This EA detects such zones by studying chart patterns, naked price levels, fib levels, SMA/EMA over multiple timeframes and more. The source data is loaded from Mytradingpet.com. To find out what are factored in when determining such zones, visit https://mytradingpet.com - a free service for all traders. The zones are color coded. Purple indicates the highest level of confluence.
Tiecheng Fu
5 (1)
A "simple design" trading panel, which is characterized by small byte size, low CPU usage, simple steps, and quick operation, 1 to 2 clicks to complete a functional operation, saving time and increasing efficiency . The panel is easy to use, and it is not complicated to set parameters, which is in line with traders' habits. At the same time, its compact- design, clear at a glance, and comprehensive functions are a powerful tool for manual trading! Key features of the panel:   Click "Bid/Ask Pri
izi hedge is a tool that helps you manage risk, manage hedge orders and rebalance losing orders. How it works   It will place an order opposite to the order you placed with that currency pair.   If the order you place is correct, the reverse order will be automatically deleted   If the market unfortunately goes against your order and touches the hedge order, it will begin to calculate the hedging volume to limit the risk of the market going in reverse.
AutoLevels MT5
Alessandro Benini
AutoLevels  is a precise tool for identifying support and resistance levels.  Allows you to trade with reliable information, making your analysis fast and easy. Usage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tqX4f_QhaA&ab Features and settings Features : Data based levels Dynamic coloring and width Works on any timeframe Settings : period : sets the averaging the period of the ATR; scale_factor : sets the ATR's multiplicator; levels_number : sets the maximum number of levels on the chart; dynamic_col
Assistente de negociação projetado para negociação manual. Ajuda a calcular e controlar seus riscos, transferir transações para ponto de equilíbrio e acompanhar posições com stop móvel. Fácil de configurar e usar. Ele pode ser usado para calcular um lote de negociação, calcular os níveis de stop loss e take profit. Trabalha com pares de moedas, CFDs, ações, índices, futuros, criptomoedas Exibe o volume, perda potencial e lucro antes de fazer um pedido Capacidade de definir o tempo de expiração
Com este Expert Advisor tenha a possibilidade de fechar todas as posições de forma automatizada. Tenha em mãos o recurso de fechar as posições e ordens pendentes por ações, Dólar, Índice ou TODOS estes juntos, algo inovador no mercado. Ideal para quem quer uma segunda camada de segurança para suas operações automatizadas ou ainda que o próprio robô feche suas operações manuais em um horário programado. Promoção de 30 dólares para a três primeiras assinatura, posteriormente será cobrado 50 dól
If you want to try the Demo Version, please use this one: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/58262 Features: easy positioning of stoploss and takeprofit with horizontal Assistance-lines automatic Volume calculation fixed risk, set by the trader Closing of all trades of one type, with the click of one button (long or short, for this symbol) Creation of pending orders with one click Direct feedback through responsive buttons Made for all your needs: Forex Indices Crypto Gold, Silver, Platin
Fast API Copier
Konstantin Stratigenas
This EA connects trading systems on a Windows Server (VPS), providing top-tier trade copying locally or remotely and powerful API integration. Experience lightning-fast performance with a 10ms reaction time for seamless, reliable trading. For seamless operation, use the EA on a hosted server (VPS or cloud). It also works on your own server or computer. Copy Trades: Effortlessly copy trades between terminals, local or remote. Just select the same channel for both terminals and set the Direction t
Quickly Helper is a tool to help us deal with multiple orders quickly. It has five function keys. They are: The "清空" button to quickly level out all orders;  Quick flat out the long position "平多单" button;  Quick flat out the short position "平空单" button;  The "买多" button to quickly buy at the current price;  The "买空" button to sell quickly at the current price;  It has seven display information items. They are: bp: the total income of multiple orders; (  profit of  buy/long position ) avgb: avera
Forex Lot Sizing
Thyago Sousa Mendes
The program is used to calculate the lot to be used given a certain amount of financial risk. It allows the creation of lines that will mark the entry and stop prices. From these two values ​​the lot is calculated and shown in a small panel. The program also allows choosing the risk-return ratio and creating a horizontal line marking the target. The system does not create orders. These must be created manually by the user.
Trading panel for fast and convenient trading. The panel allows you to quickly open and close orders. Separate closing of orders for Sell and Buy positions. It is also possible to close all orders completely. The trading panel displays information about profit, total volume and number of orders for Sell and Buy positions. Sometimes some positions may not be closed due to market volatility. In this case, click close the position again.
Closes a losing position. Due to the previous continuous, profitable series. SymbolsWork: Currency instruments (pairs) for the EA to work with. There may be variations when setting a pair. If set simply as EURUSD , GBPUSD: or AUDUSD:ALL , the EA opens both buy and sell orders. If a specific order type is set after a colon USDJPY:BUY , then the EA opens only buy orders and in case of eurjpy:sell , it performs only sell orders. The pairs are separated by commas. For example, the following entry "E
Boleta Scalper
Carlos Ignacio Rincones Pons
Boleta de negociação, para aglizar operação manual no Metatrader 5 no mercado de futuros.         Principais Funções :  Utilização de teclas de atalho para pre-visualizar ordens pendentes;  Botões para operações a mercado;  Botões para ordens atrás do preço, as quais ajustam o ponto de entrada, esperando o preço voltar uma quantidade de pontos definida no campo "Dist. Atras" para abrir a posição;  Botões para zerar posições e para cancelar as ordens pendentes;  Botão para colocar uma ordem Tr
It transforms imprecise and crooked lines INTO perfectly STRAIGHT and HORIZONTAL Lines! DO NOT WASTE your TIME anymore trying to draw perfectly straight lines! This useful tool straightens crooked lines and saves you from the nervousness! You can also switch, with a button, between Normal Trendlines and STRAIGHT Horizontal lines! Enjoy it and have a nice trading!
Making Charting simple! The Support/Resistance EA combines a sophisticated neural network algorithm with an Average Range computation to make your supply and demand zones easy to spot! The EA is very easy to use and can save you valuable time when charting through financial instruments. Areas of consolidation are highlighted according to your preference and timeframe, making it easier to identify areas of break-out or small regions to scalp.  Features :  Choose two Timeframes (From 1 Minute up
Magic Panel for MT5 is a Menu based Trading Panel. with the help of Magic Panel traders will be able to access various trading tools right from Menu Panel in MetaTrader Chart. All tools are one click to activate and another click to deactivate its that simple. Current version of Magic Panel comes with. - Trend Scanner. - Five in One Pivot Point. - Currency Strength Meter. - Multi Symbol Heat Map Scanner. - Auto Trend Line. - Symbol Search Box. - Symbols Dropdown Menu. - One click object Clear Bu
Pouca experiência comercial? Quer provar que é um revendedor profissional? Este consultor é certo para você! É melhor usar o corretor   Rannforex.com   ou   IcMarkets.com A essência desta estratégia, do downline que compramos (azul) ao upline que vendemos (vermelho). Você escolhe um instrumento relativamente plano. Por exemplo, EURGBP à noite. Abra o intervalo de tempo M1-M5. E comece o EA no gráfico. A EA primeiro estabelecerá um canal. E exibe um painel com botões e informações sobre a c
ProTrader B3 Mini
Lucas Henrique Fukabori
zap 43996914141 pelo valor de 50 + brinde ProTrader B3 Mini é um utilitário para a plataforma de negociação MetaTrader 5 Foi programado especialmente para os ativos WIN (mini índice bovespa) e WDO (mini dólar) O conceito do B3 Mini é ser simples, prático e intuitivo, um excelente assistente para scalpers/day traders! Opere totalmente pelo teclado do seu PC, experimente, você vai gostar de usar!  ( 'ω' ) Nota: 1 - Este utilitário não funciona no testador de estratégia 2 - Teste a versão demo
The stocks that make up the index are one of the drivers of the movement. Analyzing the financial performance of all elements of the index, we can assume further development of the situation. The program (script) displays corporate reports of shares that are part of the index selected in the settings.   "Indexes" cannot be tested in the tester (since there is no way to get information from the Internet). Information is downloaded from the site investing.com: Report Date Earnings per share (E
Interfaceless documentary EA. It has been operating stably and efficiently for more than 5 years, and has accumulated many customers. Copier Advanced Version (On sale) Copier-MT4-FULL(click to download) Copier-MT5-FULL(click to download) MT4->DEMO Try(click to download) MT5->DEMO Try(click to download) Copier Interface Version Copier-MT4-FULL(click to download) Copier-MT5-FULL(click to download) MT4->DEMO Try(click to download) MT5->DEMO Try(click to download) Copier No Interface Version Copier
In the current version this filter will only work with my   night scalpers and the EA Profitection Filter  or with other EAs that utilize the global variables set by this EA.  An MT4 version is availalble here .  Many scalpers these days have a "normal" news filter, which filters calendar news such as interest rate decisions or CPI releases.  However, this breaking news filter is able to filter non-standard breaking news. It will check every minute for news and if it finds a news event, it will
The Universal Dashboard is a tool for multidimension technical analysis of the market. It allows you to collect a customizable set of trading signals and important performance indicators, and display them in a single table. Multiple symbols, timeframes, and conditions can be monitored and alerted at once. The conditions are specified as expressions which support all built-in indicators, custom indicators, math functions, arithmetic operators and more. The dashboard is implemented as a non-tradi
機能&特徴: ZigZagをもとに主要なレジスタンスとサポートラインを引きます。 各時間足で押し安値、戻り高値を簡単に把握できます。 現在何波目なのか簡単に把握できます。 ※ トレンド転換時はカウンターは1、継続時は2,3,4..となります。 ※ちなみにこちらはZigZagの谷山を数えています。エリオット波動数ではありません。 現在買い目線でいるべきなのか売り目線なのか簡把握できます。 過去2つのZigZagラインで静的にフィボナッチを引きます。 今の値動きで動的にフィボナッチを引きます。 逆フィボナッチ(静的なフィボナッチのみ)に変更することも可能になります。 ボタンにより以下の操作が可能になります。 1.ZigZagラインの表示、非表示 2.ノーマルフィボナッチ、逆フィボナッチの切り替え ※環境により表示に時間が掛かる場合があります。 3.1分足、5分足、15分足で1つ上のZigZagラインが引けるようになりました。 4.レジスタンスとサポートラインを再描写します。  トレンド継続や変換をアラートで通知します。 エリオット3波発生の
Protected profit это логическое продолжение проекта Equity monitor. Исправлены недочёты и внесены дополнительные моменты. В данном продукте разработан процентный  Traling stop, как на отдельную позицию, так и на дневную прибыль в целом. Есть возможность закрыть позицию по заданному проценту убытка, а так же можно закрыть все позиции по проценту дневной прибыли. Настройки просты и понятны.  Например: Риск на позицию 1% Позиция закроется если процент убытка превысит 1%. Traling 3% допустимое сниже
Photocopy MT5
Photocopy MT5 is an Copier of transactions through Telegram channel. Will help you instantly publish your trade in Telegram channel or copy trades from Telegram channel. The utility can work in two directions by receiving signals in MT5 and transmitting signals to Telegram   . No more missed deals No more panic Capital Management Ease of use You can use it for: Copying your own deals through Telegram channel (via the Internet); Copying trades from MT5 to MT4 and vice versa. Propagation of sign
Tenha a boleta do ProfitChart no seu Metatrader! ........................ Agora é possível ter a boleta do profit no seu Metatrader. Envie ordens de compra e venda, acompanhe o mercado e simule estratégias em momentos de mobilidade, diretamente do seu Metatrader5. Gestão de riscos e otimização de lucros são dois princípios básicos de qualquer operação bem-sucedida. Nesse sentido, utilize as ferramentas de  STOPMOVEL, TRAILING STOP, STOPGAIN E ORDENS PARCIAIS DE SAÍDA.       Funcionalidades do
Object replicator   is an indicator that allows you to replicate an object in one or as many charts as you like. This indicator is the solution to replicate part of your analysis in exactly the same position and price of a trend line, Fibonacci, vertical line, horizontal line, etc. Download the MT4 version   here Install the indicator on the source chart and follow the steps below: To activate the indicator, simply press the (Activate) button. Once the (Activate) button is pressed, a (Receive o
Quick Close Panel
Boaz Nyagaka Moses
5 (1)
'Quick Close Panel' is an easy to use interface for managing orders. It has a button for closing all winning trades on the current chart, a button for closing all losing trades and another button for closing   all running trades (Losing and Winning)   on the current chart. It is very responsive and quick to execute operations due to the effective time complexity of the algorithm used in the  program.  Vist this link to download demo:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/62901?source=Site+Mark
Breakeven Utility MT5  automatically setting breakeven levels, transfers trades to breakeven   when passing a given distance   . Allows you to minimize risks. Created by a professional trader for traders.       Utility       works with any market orders opened manually by a trader or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously. WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Install virtulnoe levels   bezubytka from 1 pip I nstall real   levels of
Risk Control Utility MT5 designed for manual trading. It helps to calculate and control your risks, transfer transactions to breakeven and accompany positions with trailing stop. Easy to set up and use. It can be used for calculating a trading lot, calculating stop loss and take profit levels. Works with currency pairs, CFDs, stocks, indices, futures, cryptocurrencies Displays   volume,   potential loss and profit before   placing an order Ability to set the expiration time of a pending order Tr
Trailing Stop Utility MT5 for automatic closing of deals by trailing stop levels.  Allows you to take the maximum from the profit. Created by a professional trader for traders.   Utility   works with any market orders opened manually by a trader or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously. WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Set virtual   trailing stop   levels from 1 pip Set real   trailing stop   levels W ork with each order separat
StopLoss and TakeProfit Utility MT5 for automatic setting of stop loss and take profit levels. Created by a professional trader for traders.   The utility   works with any market orders opened by a trader manually or using advisors. Can filter trades by magic number. The utility can work with any number of orders simultaneously. WHAT THE UTILITY CAN DO: Set virtual stop loss and take profit from 1 pip Real   stop loss and take profit W ork with each order separately (   stop loss and take prof
Ordem Facil
Clesio Hector Dufau Da Conceicao
O EA Ordem Fácil auxilia a abertura de ordens de compra e venda pendentes usando as teclas SHIFT, CTRL e o clique do mouse. Para criar uma ordem de compra pendente, aperte a tecla SHIFT (apenas uma vez) e clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse no gráfico, acima do preço. Para criar uma ordem de venda pendente, aperte a tecla CTRL (apenas uma vez) e clique com o botão esquerdo do mouse no gráfico, abaixo do preço. Enquanto a ordem não é aberta, ao movimentar o mouse no gráfico, no canto esquerdo e
Control Panel iForex   The script allows users to easily one click for adjust lot order, buy, sell and close positions if their profit/loss reaches or exceeds a value specified in USD. BUY - Click for order long position. LOT - standard 0.1 lot. You can adjustable in control panel. SELL  - Click for order short position. CLOSE ALL  - Click for close all position. CLOSE BUY  - Click for close all only long position. CLOSE SELL  - Click for close all only short position. TAKE PROFIT (USD) - stan
As simple as title, this is a telegram notificator to be always updated about your open position. It send basically 3 message: When you reach a stop loss; When you reach a take profit; When you reach a margin call; If you want I'm available to do all customization for you, like send chart pictures, particular message or to interact with Metatrader with Telegram custom command. How to configure: Go to Metatrader, "Windows->Options->Expert Advisor-> WebRequests for URL" and write "https://api.tel
Another simple but effective tool that answer to one important question in a rapid way: If I want to risk X money and I want my stop loss here, how many lots I need to use? You can easily attach this tool to graph, draw an horizontal trendline and this tool give to you a suggested lot values to lose/gain money you have specified into setting page.  Interface is also fully customizable. I'm available for further customizations based on user needs. Best, Mirko

O Mercado MetaTrader oferece um local conveniente e seguro para comprar aplicativos para a plataforma MetaTrader. Faça download de versões de demonstração gratuitas de Expert Advisors e indicadores a partir do seu terminal para testes no Testador de Estratégia.

Teste os aplicativos em diferentes modos para monitoramento do desempenho e assim fazer um pagamento para o produto que você deseja, usando o sistema de pagamento MQL5.community.