MetaTrader 5のための無料のテクニカル指標 - 17

Custom ATR Indicator for Horizontal Levels Trading The Custom ATR Indicator is a powerful tool designed for traders who rely on horizontal levels and understand the importance of the Average True Range (ATR) in making informed trading decisions. This indicator calculates the ATR based on a customizable number of bars, filters out abnormal bars (too large or too small), and provides clear visualizations of key data, including ATR values, Stop Loss levels, and price movement percentages. Key F

Esse indicador é a combinação do RSI (IFR) com Média Móvel Simples aplicada o RSI em um único indicador para facilitar a criação de alguma estratégia. Fiz esse indicador para que um único indicador contenha os buffer necessários para implementar alguma EA.
Descrição dos Buffers para o EA,
Buffer 0 -> Valor do RSI Buffer 1 -> Valor da média móvel aplicada ao RSI

Normal Parabolic SAR with label of long or short state. Tells also "Parabolic long" and "short". Can be used in multitimeframe layouts together with Swiss HolyGrail indicator or in different timeframes. So, if all the indicators show "long" or "short" you can be sure that the risk of a wrong direction is small. The standard values for Parabolic SAR are 0.02 for step and 0.2 for maximum. You may experiment with changing the maximum to get smother curves. Note that changes in parabolic SAR are la

QuantumAlert CCI Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the pri

A comprehensive MT5 trading performance indicator designed to provide real-time analytics of your trading activity on chart.
Key Features: - Dual tracking modes: Chart Symbol or Magic Numbers - Customizable display with toggle options for each metric - Adjustable font size for better visibility - Real-time updates with color-coded results
Performance Metrics: - Total Profit/Loss: Track overall performance - Total Trades: Monitor trading frequency - Win Rate: Measure trading success percentage

This is just a ADX with multi symbols, multi timeframes, and colors. features. different symbols and timeframes from the main chart. draw ADX and ADX moving average. easy to identify if ADX is above 25 or not. e asy to identify if ADX is above moving average or not. easy to identify the direction of the trend by color, not by DI line. unnecessary DI lines can be erased

HiperCube DonChian へようこそ Darwinex Zero 25%割引コード: DWZ2328770MGM
機能: メイン ウィンドウのインジケーター キャンドルの色をカスタマイズ インジケーターの期間をカスタマイズ パラメーターの設定とオフの設定
解釈方法: 上昇トレンド: 上部バンドでキャンドルが上がる場合、強気相場が来る可能性があることを意味します。 下降トレンド: 下部バンドでキャンドルが下がる場合、弱気相場が来る可能性があることを意味します。 中間バンド: TP または SL として予測するために使用できる上部と下部の平均です... 間違いなく、これは他の分析と組み合わせることで、取引の成長の鍵となる強力なインジケーターです。

Помощник для торговой системы SystZ . Чертит трендовые линии по соседним экстремумам зигзага. Условие для линии сопротивления - правый должен быть ниже левого. Для линии поддержки - правый выше левого. Не допускается, чтобы между экстремумами, по которым проводится трендовая линии были другие. Экстремумы, удовлетворяющие этим условиям, отмечены символом фрактала. Закрытие свечи за линией - сигнал для открытия позиции.

It is the very same classic Stochastic indicator, but with a little twist: we changed the Signal Line with a 2-color line, so we can use it with EAs as a filtering system. And that's it! I know it could seem stupid but I needed that, so I created it. The original formula is right from Metaquote's chest, no additions, no subtractions, it is Stochastics in its core.
So I will not publish here the Stochastics parameters as they are all the same as always... Enjoy!
If you like this indicator, all I

InsideBarStop Indicator for MT5
This indicator can be used to show and evaluate the trailing stop algorithm "Trailing Stop with Inside Bars" that was proposed by the famous German trader and author Michael Voigt ("Das grosse Buch der Markttechnik") to capture robust gains when trading strong price moves. The trailing stop price is shown as a red line. You can start the trailing stop anywhere on your chart (bars or candles) by setting the "initialBarDateTime" input parameter to the open time of

SDivergence Indicator calculates and shows regular divergences and hidden divergences for MACD and Stochastic(for now). The benefit of this indicator is multiple input variables. Using these inputs you can modify to get more adaptive RD and HD's to your strategy. Guide : 1- First put your desired oscillator (MACD or Stochastic or Both) on the chart. 2- Run SDivergence indicator and set corresponding sub-window index of previously put oscillator in SDivergence input window. -Note: the chart sub-w

Bollinger Bands % or Bollinger Bands Percentage is one of the indicators used in the Sapphire Strat Maker - EA Builder .
It is calculated using the following formula:
Thus, by taking the difference between closing price to the lower band and dividing it by the difference of the upper and the lower price levels of a Bollinger Bands indicator, we can calculate this indicator.
It shows how far the price is from

This indicator calculates trend via two different moving averages and draw zigzag trend lines. You can change fast and slow Moving Averages settings for customization. Inputs:
Fast MA Time Period : 64 Fast MA Shift: 0 Fast MA Method: Smoothed Fast MA Apply To: Median Price Slow MA Time Period: 32 Slow MA Shift: 0 Slow MA Method: Smoothed Slow MA Apply To: Median Price ZigZag Color: Red ZigZag Type: DashDot ZigZag Width: VeryThin

Kindly rate and comment about the product for upgradation & Support
The 5 EMA is plotted in green color ( Lime ). The 14 EMA is plotted in red color ( Red ). The 20 EMA is plotted in blue color ( Blue ). The 200 EMA is plotted in black color ( Black ). The 200 EMA is plotted in yellow color ( Yellow ).
The Quarter EMA that provided calculates and plots four Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) on the chart using different periods: 5, 14, 20, and 200. Each EMA is

The "Dagangduit Spread Indicator" is a versatile tool designed to provide traders with essential information about the current spread in the chart window. This indicator offers customizable features, including font parameters, display location on the chart, spread normalization, and alerts to enhance your trading experience. Key Features: Real-time Spread Display : The indicator displays the current spread in real-time on your trading chart, allowing you to stay informed about the cost of execut

The Aroon indicator measures the time since price highs and lows over a set period. It outputs two lines, Aroon Up and Aroon Down. Aroon Up shows how long it has been since a recent high occurred. Aroon Down shows how long it has been since a recent low occurred. When Aroon Up stays close to 100 and Aroon Down stays near 0, it suggests an upward trend. When Aroon Down is near 100 and Aroon Up is near 0, it suggests a downward trend. The closer each line is to 100, the stronger the recent trend i

高精度の取引と市場全体のために設計されたスリッページ分析 ライブ口座とデモ口座の両方で機能し、テイク プロフィットとストップ ロスを使用してすべてのポジションを分析できるため、ブローカーのスリッページを分析できます。
取引におけるスリッページとは? スリッページまたはスライディングは、取引注文が出された瞬間と市場での実際の実行との間に発生する可能性がある価格の差です。
着信パラメータ -
3つの高度な構成があります -構成モード 1 時間分析 -構成モード 2 平均化モード -構成モード 3 スリッページの分析

このインジケーターは、移動平均をエントリーシグナルとして使用し、トレンドトラッカーおよびフィルターとして機能します。 移動平均は、さまざまなトレンドの範囲を決定するための鍵となります。
- 標準的な 200 期間の一次平均は、長期的な傾向を示します。 - 50 期間の二次平均は中期的な傾向を示します。 - 20 期間の三次平均は、最も短い傾向を示します。 - 9 期間の平均は、即時アクションのエントリートリガーとして機能します。
エントリーシグナル平均フィルターを備えたトレンド追跡インジケーターを使用して、取引戦略を強化し、より多くの情報に基づいた意思決定を行います。 今すぐダウンロードして取引結果を高めましょう!

This indicator is a zero-lag indicator and displays exact trend as is. True Trend Moving Average Pro works best in combination with True Trend Oscillator Pro that displays strength of trend change.
True Trend Oscillator Pro:
If you set PERIOD input parameter to 1 this indicator becomes a sharpshooter for binary options.
Default input parameters: TT_Period = 10; TT_Meth = MODE_SMA; TT_Price = PRICE_MEDIAN;
Before you buy this product, please do t

ForexBob Candle Timer Is an amazing countdown time indicator which shows the time remaining for next candle to open. It can be used on any timeframe. It helps to plan your next trading action.
Inputs are simple Color - To change the color of displaying time. Size - To set the size of font Next for settings are used to set the location of time Font - To change the font type.
Please check my other products here

の指標に基づく指標を内蔵標準指標の指標を考慮し、電流指標の30の指標 そして、他の指標のすべての傾向の一般的な傾向を売買するための信号を与えます。 入力パラメータでは、各区分に特別なパラメータを設定できます。 インジケータはオシレータの形で実行され、すべてのインジケータの一般的な傾向と優位性を一方または他方の方向に示します。
の指標に基づく指標を内蔵標準指標の指標を考慮し、電流指標の30の指標 そして、他の指標のすべての傾向の一般的な傾向を売買するための信号を与えます。 入力パラメータでは、各区分に特別なパラメータを設定できます。 インジケータはオシレータの形で実行され、すべてのインジケータの一般的な傾向と優位性を一方または他方の方向に示します。

A small utility displays the time in five time zones. You can customize the display of one to five time zones. For each time it is configured: show or not; name; time offset from GMT; color; In general settings, you can change: date / time format ("hh: mi", "hh: mi: ss", " hh: mi", " hh: mi: ss") font name; font size; offset from the left edge of the chart; offset from the top edge of the chart;

Mini One for All Trend Scanner is a trend following multi-symbol indicator that can be used with any input: forex, stocks, commodities,... The panel shows three indicators and six symbols with the trend for every pair (symbol/indicator): up, down or no trend. The indicators are: Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Relative Strength Index (RSI) You can change quickly the chart by clicking any one of the symbol button in the panel. This feature


Displays a USD DXY chart in a seperate window below the main chart. YOUR BROKER MUST HAVE THESE SYMBOLS FOR THE INDICATOR TO WORK Based on EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CAD, USD/CHF and USD/SEK All these pairs must be added to Market Watch for the indicator to work correctly As this is calculated using a formula based on the 6 pairs it will only work when the market is open.
Displays a USD DXY chart in a seperate window below the m

A buy signal can be seen on the dashboard when the previous signal is red and the next signal is green, then the SAR is green and the RSI is green.
A Sell Signal can be seen on the dashboard when the previous Signal is green and the Signal after it is red, then the SAR is red and the RSI is red.
Line function - shows on the chart the lines of Opening, Stop Loss, Take Profit. With this function, it is easy to create a new order and see its additional characteristics before opening. TP and SL

The Day Trading Price Pattern indicator is an indicator of entry points that searches for and displays Price Action system patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all standard time frames: (m1, m5, m15, m30, H1, H4, D1, Wk, Mn). Show all the main Price Patterns are introduced in the Ebook Day Trading With Price Action - Galen Wood You won't never miss any potential trading setup.
Want to send all the signals to your Telegram Channel? Checkout this guide
1. Patterns: Tre

Индикатор Color служит помощником для начинающего или опытного трейдера для выявления краткосрочного тренда или глобального в зависимости выбранного тайм фрейма, а так же для выявления флетовой зоны, которая очень хорошо видна в местах длинной проторговки в одной зоне индикатора Color. Индикатор не перерисовывается на завершённой свечи , но в моменте появления свечи и образования сигнала, может быть отклонён в прорисовке. Особенности работы индикатора Хорошо определяет тренд на волатильных инстр

Pivot Points are used by Forex traders to find support and resistance levels based on the previous day's price action. There are various ways to calculate pivot points, including averaging the open, high, low, and close of the previous day's chart price.
Forex Traders use a combination of pivot points with moving averages to find trading opportunities in the currency markets.
Pivot points are very useful tools that use the previous bars' highs, lows and closings to project support and resist

The indicator is based on Robert Miner's methodology described in his book "High probability trading strategies" and displays signals along with momentum of 2 timeframes. A Stochastic oscillator is used as a momentum indicator.
The settings speak for themselves period_1 is the current timeframe, 'current' period_2 is indicated - the senior timeframe is 4 or 5 times larger than the current one. For example, if the current one is 5 minutes, then the older one will be 20 minutes The rest of the s

Chaikin's volatility indicator calculates the spread between the maximum and minimum prices. It judges the value of volatility basing on the amplitude between the maximum and the minimum. Unlike Average True Range , Chaikin's indicator doesn't take gaps into account. According to Chaikin's interpretation, a growth of volume indicator in a relatively short space of time means that the prices approach their minimum (like when the securities are sold in panic), while a decrease of volatility in a l

This indicator is very useful in observing the direction of the market. It allows users to enter multiple MA lines with specific display method. In addition, it is also possible to change the candle color same to color of the background of chart, so that we only focus on the MA lines. When a signal appears, represented by a red or green dot, we can consider opening a sell (red dot) or buy (green dot) order. Note: it need to set stoploss at the highest value of MA lines (with sell order) or lowe

The Netsrac Correlation Trade Indicator (NCTI) was created to trade correlations between different assets. NCTI offers five different strategies to do this. Five different correlation trading strategies with two or three assets Fast access your assets with one click via asset buttons Your profit/loss at a glance Configurable alerts via screen or mobile You can use the indicator with every timeframe. Higher timeframes give fewer but better signals. If you have some questions or suggestions - plea

This indicator will show the the change of volumes via 2 lines of SMA: . Fast line (default is 5 candles) . Slow line (default is 13 candles) We can use the crossing point of fast line and slow line to know investors are interesting in current price or not. Pay attention: The crossing point is not signal for entry. Absolutely that we must use in combination with other indicators for sure. Parameters: . Fast line periods: the periods (candles) to calculate SMA of fast line . Slow line periods: th

HiperCube ADX Histogram is here!
Discount code for 25% off at Darwinex Zero: DWZ2328770MGM This indicators helps you to know if could be a strong trend in the market . ADX is a very popular and usefull indicator, so many top traders reccomends use it as filter to bad trades, or in combinations of other analysis.
With HiperCube ADX you will be a premium exoerience using a beautifula and great indicator for your trading.
FEATURES: Fully Customizable Custom Your Chart! Custom Color to Histogram I

The indicator is based on the relationship between two sets of Stochastic lines. The first set consists of 6 Stochastic with periods: 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. The second set consists of 6 Stochastic with periods: 34, 39, 44, 50, 55, 60. These periods are customizable. Input parameters Stochastic MA Method Method of calculation ===== Short-term ===== Stochastic #1 %K Period Stochastic #2 %K Period Stochastic #3 %K Period Stochastic #4 %K Period Stochastic #5 %K Period Stochastic #6 %K Period Short

DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD DoubleMACD

This indicator displays fractal symbols and bars Use this indicator to show different symbols for bearish and bullish fractals: Choose from 144 symbols (refer to table below) Colors, size and offset of fractals can be modified Fractal price bar or candle color can be changed Hide fractals and show fractal price bar only Frequency in fractal calculation can be changed
How to use 1. Select which symbols to use for bearish and bullish fractals; 2. Select which colors to use for bearish and bullis

ATR Accelerator Indicator informs you about strong price movements based on the ATR Indicator. This Indicator works for all Timeframes and Symbols, the strength of movements can be configured.
Important: Get informed about new Products, join our MQL Channel:
Useage This Indicator works for all Timeframes and Symbols, the strength of movements can be configured. Features works on all timeframes and forex pairs or indices. Alert and Notify function inc

This indicator is based on the MACD indicator
Also, some candlestick patterns are used in it to identify better signals
Can be used in all symbols
Can be used in all time frames
Easy to use method
Adequate settings
Settings: period: The number of candles used to calculate signals. pFast: Like the MACD indicator settings pSlow: Like the MACD indicator settings
alarmShow: If you want to receive an alert in Metatrader after receiving the signal, enable this setting alarmShowNoti: If you want to

Description The Profit and Loss Indicator by Creative Tech Solutions is a robust and comprehensive tool designed to help traders monitor their trading performance in real-time. This indicator provides detailed metrics on profits and drawdowns, ensuring traders are always informed about their trading activities and performance. With customisable alerts and display settings, this indicator is an essential tool for any serious trader. Features Real-Time Metrics : Monitor profit and drawdown percent

ADR ST Patterns Strategy is a modification of the classical ADR indicator. This simple indicator corresponds to the parameters specified in the ST Patterns Strategy ( ) . Structural Target Patterns represents the market consistently divided into components. No trend lines, geometric proportions of the model itself, trading volume, or open market interest are needed for the formation of ST Patterns . They are easily recognized and built only on the basis of breaking

Santa Donchian Indicator is an efficient way to detect support, resistence and break outs in any market.
The Donchian channel measures the high and the low of a previously defined range. Typically, a trader would look for a well-defined range and then wait for the price to break out to either one side for a trade entry trigger. Advantages Never repaints, never backpaints, never recalculates. Works in all symbols and all timeframes. Perfect trend filter for any strategy or expert advisor. Full

Indicador usado para sabermos os pontos de suporte de resistência no gráfico.
Funciona em todos ativos e timeframes.
Acerte exatamente os pontos de entradas e saídas das suas operações. SEE OUR RESULTS ON INSTAGRAM: TELEGRAM GROUP = More information by email or by Whatsapp 55-991372299

The likelihood of farther price movement increases when Larry Williams Percentage Range oscillator "WPR" breaks through its historical resistance levels in conjunction with prices breakout of resistance levels. It's strongly encouraged to confirm price breakout with oscillator breakout since they have comparable effects to price breaking support and resistance levels; similar perception is applied to short trades. Concept is based on find swing levels which based on number of bars by each side t

This is a free version of the KVO indicator "klinger oscillator".
The KVO indicator works as an oscillator indicating oversold and overbought moments, but it can also indicate trending moments in the market.
If you are looking for a professional programmer for Metatrader5, contact me through my social networks: MQL5:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin

If the price is cutting above the slow length moving average, a breakout may occur. If the price is cutting below, a pullback may occur in the market. This was known for a long time, but there aren't many indicators which signal on the event. Candlestick pattern validation is also used in this indicator so that signals will not be drawn on doji candles or small "uncertainty" candles. The length of the moving average period can be defined by the user (default is 200). The number of price movement

An analogue of the Stochastic oscillator based on algorithms of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) SSA is an effective method to handle non-stationary time series with unknown internal structure. It is used for determining the main components (trend, seasonal and wave fluctuations), smoothing and noise reduction. The method allows finding previously unknown series periods and make forecasts on the basis of the detected periodic patterns. Indicator signals are identical to signals of the original i

HiperCube VIX へようこそ Darwinex Zero 25%割引コード: DWZ2328770MGM この指標は、sp500 / us500 の市場のボリュームに関する実際の情報を提供します
定義 CBOE ボラティリティ インデックスとして知られる HiperCube VIX は、市場の恐怖やストレスを測る広く認知された指標です。株式市場の不確実性とボラティリティのレベルを示し、S&P 500 インデックスを広範な市場の代理として使用します。VIX インデックスは、S&P 500 インデックスのオプション契約の価格に基づいて計算されます。
機能: カスタムカラー カスタムチャートカラー メイングラフを明瞭に保つためにサブウィンドウにインジケーターを表示 解釈が簡単 完全にカスタマイズ可能 Chat gptとAIが開発に使用されました
使用例: VIX は実際の市場に関する優れた情報を提供するボリュームインジケーターです。このインジケーターの値が高いということは、ボラティリティが高いことを意味します ボラティリティが高いということは、市場の動きにアプローチし、市場

Order Block Void Indicator MT5 The Order Block + Void Indicator in MetaTrader 5 is an advanced tool designed to detect key liquidity areas and highlight them as order blocks. These zones are frequently utilized by institutional traders, making them ideal reference points for determining support and resistance levels. This indicator visually marks bullish order blocks with green boxes and bearish order blocks with red boxes. Additionally, once an order block is consumed, it turns gray to indic

Doji Engulfing Paths enables to get signals and data about the doji and the engulfing patterns on charts. It makes it possible to get opportunities from trends, and to follow the directional moves to get some profits on the forex and stocks markets. It is a good advantage to take all the appearing opportunities with reversal signals and direct signals in order to obtain some profits on the forex market. With the demo version, only the signals starting with the 20th candle or bar are available.

Trend View is a simple indicator that shows in a text the trend of the current currency in the timeframe you choose. Inputs are: Color: color of the text. Timeframe: timeframe for calculations. Trend can be: UP: bullish trend. DOWN: bearish trend. ---: trend not defined. You can use this indicator to show the main trend of a bigger timeframe helping you to choose your trades. Note: text is draggable.

この指標は、新しい価格バーが表示された後に信号を生成します。 価格が指定された方向の臨界点を突破した後、生成された信号を使用することをお勧めします。 インジケーターは信号を再描画しません。
インジケータパラメータは、信号の矢印の表示スタイルを変更することを示唆しています。 計算に使用されるパラメータを変更することは提供されていません-これは私の製品の哲学によるものです:安定性と客観性。

Description : Rainbow MT5 is a technical indicator based on Moving Average with period 34 and very easy to use. When price crosses above MA and MA changes color to green, then this is a signal to buy. When price crosses below MA and MA changes color to red, then this is a signal to sell. The Expert advisor ( Rainbow EA MT5 ) based on Rainbow MT5 indicator is now available here .
MT4 version is available here .

Server Timer
Version: 1.2 The Server Time Clock Indicator is a lightweight and visually appealing tool for displaying the server's current date and time directly on the chart. This indicator updates dynamically every second and provides the following features: Customizable Appearance : Adjust font color, background color, and font size to match your chart's theme. Day and Time Display : Shows the current day, date, and time in an easy-to-read format ( Day{MM/DD} HH:MM:SS ). No Performance Over

The indicator plots a curve of the difference between the values of two trading instruments (currency pairs).
The purpose of the indicator is to observe the processes of divergence and convergence of the values of two trading instruments. The results obtained can be used for trading strategies of statistical arbitrage, pair trading, correlation, and others.
Trading strategy
The indicator is attached to the chart of any trading instrument. In the input parameters, the names of trading instr

Volatility Doctor RSIをご紹介します。これは、信頼できるRSI指標を基に構築された画期的なツールであり、これまでにないトレーディング体験を提供するために設計されています。
Volatility Doctor RSIで今日からトレーディングを高めましょう。
Gamuchirai Zororo Ndawana
Volatility Doctor.

Highly configurable MFI indicator. Features: Highly customizable alert functions (at levels, crosses, direction changes via email, push, sound, popup) Multi timeframe ability Color customization (at levels, crosses, direction changes) Linear interpolation and histogram mode options Works on strategy tester in multi timeframe mode (at weekend without ticks also) Adjustable Levels Parameters:
MFI Timeframe: You can set the current or a higher timeframes for MFI. MFI Bar Shift: you can set the

Combining the best of Price Action , Directional Movement , and Divergence / Convergence analysis, the Candle Color Trend is the easy and reliable way to identify the direction of the trend. The indicator automatically paints the candles according to the premise that the upward trend is defined by prices that form a series of ascending tops and bottoms. On the other hand, the downward trend is defined by prices that form a series of descending tops and bottoms.
Color Trend is certainly one of

もともと1984年にDavid Weisによって作成されたハイパーフォースインジケーターは、シンボルのトレンドの強さを波形で示します。
移動平均などの他の指標であるMACDは、この傾向を強さで確認するのに役立ちます。 移動平均などの他の指標であるMACDは、この傾向を強さで確認するのに役立ちます。

The RFOC Mini Chart was created to project a macro view of the market, which the option to select the timeframe of interest other than the main chart, it is possible to include 2 indicators: 1 - Moving average channel On the mini chart, the moving average will be created based on the prices of the selected time frame for the RFOC Mini Chart. The moving average period must be selected in the indicator settings pannel.
2 - Boillinger Band In the mini chart, a boillinger band will be created based

The DD_Profit_Monitor MT5 indicator is a trading tool developed by the Dagangduit Core Team . This indicator is designed to monitor profits in real-time with the following key features: All Time Profit : Displays the total profit earned since the beginning of the trading account's usage. This feature helps traders see the overall performance of their trading activities. Daily Profit : Displays daily profits, allowing traders to monitor their daily performance more specifically. Key Features: Al

Introducing the Accelerator Divergence Indicator, a powerful tool designed to enhance your Forex trading experience. This innovative indicator is specifically crafted to identify market divergence, providing traders with valuable insights for more informed decision-making. The Accelerator Divergence Indicator utilizes advanced algorithms to detect divergence in the market, visually guiding traders with precision-drawn lines that highlight key points of interest. Divergence occurs when the price

ToolBot Advisor Indicator (RSI, ATR, ADX, OBV) FREE An effective indicator for your negotiations
The toolbot indicator and advisor brings leading (OBV) and lagging (RSI, ATR, ADX) indicators so that you have more security in your negotiations. In addition, it informs you of possible up and down trends as well as providing you with incredible advisors who will give you information about trading opportunities.
With this indicator you will have more security and speed in your decision making of

This indicator scans for you up to 15 trading instruments and up to 21 time frames for occurrences of the high probability reversal patterns: Double Tops/Bottoms with fake breakouts . What this indicator detects: This indicator detects a special form of Double Tops and Bottoms, so called Double Tops/Bottoms with fake breakouts . For double tops with fake breakouts the highest price of the right shoulder must be higher than the left shoulder. For double bottoms with fake breakouts the lowest pric

Simple Calendar Events is an indicator that will mark important Important Economy Events on your chart. For example, if you are trading something that is USD based, you would like to know when some important events are coming, you can expect some volatility or some different Price action, so you can base your strategy on it. If you trade something that is country based you can also choose that, and it will show you when the event is, so you can be prepared for it. When you hover with the mouse

A simple and highly effective Strength and Weakness currency indicator that can be used to aid your fundamental and technical analysis for winning trade decisions.
The indicator is very easy to use and can be applied to all time frames.
FX Tiger uses an advanced algorithm to calculate a score table for all major currencies. Green indicates currency strength and red indicates currency weakness. Once you have identified the strong and weak currencies, pair strong versus weak currencies and comb

Switch symbols and timeframe by arrow buttons 1. You can switch multiple symbols of one or all charts. 2. You can set list of symbols to switch between them or get them from Market Watch. 3. You can change timeframe of one or all charts. List of timeframes here [M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN1]. Switch symbol of all charts: indicator check current symbol of the chart to get index of it in list and change for next or previous. Key functions: - Right arrow key: switch to next symbol. - Left

It is the very same classic Stochastic indicator, but with a little twist: NO NAME and data is shown in the sub window. It could be stupid, BUT, if you are running out of space in Micro windows like Mini Charts, where the indicator's name is totally useless, you came to the right place. And that's it! I know it seems stupid but I needed the classical version of Stochastic indicator without that annoying name on my Mini Chart, so I did it that way... The original formula is right from Metaquote's

This indicator is based on Volumes standard indicator, calculates the average of Volumes based on the last N bars set by users, and if the value of the volume is bigger then a set % respect the average a different color will be used. The indicator is shown in a separate indicator window. This version has now a limitation in setting the % about the threshold.
If you are interested to set threshold consider to buy the PRO version ( ) If you want to use
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