MetaTrader 5のための無料のテクニカル指標 - 16

This indicator sums up the difference between the sells aggression and the buys aggression that occurred in each Candle, graphically plotting the waves of accumulation of the aggression volumes. Through these waves an exponential average is calculated that indicates the direction of the business flow.
Note: This indicator DOES NOT WORK for Brokers and/or Markets WITHOUT the type of aggression (BUY or SELL). Be sure to try our Professional version with configurable features and alerts: Agre

This is a usefull utility for monitoring spread and also for recording informations to a file. (Files will be placed into "Common\Files\Spread Monitor"). There is the possibility to let the indicator calculate high/low into the past thanks to downloading ticks. (It's a slow and approsimate thing! The best way to use it is to attach to a chart and let it recording spread in real time). There is also a buffer with the average of spread in latest X periods.
Easy and effective.

'Circle Rising Point' is an indicator based on the cycle theory. No matter whether your trading cycle is short or long, you can use this indicator to find the rise and fall points of different cycles and different bands. Therefore, the signals displayed to you on charts of different cycles are different, and applicable to left side transactions. This indicator is recommended to be used together with the multi cycle window for analysis. Indicator introduction Applicable products This indicator is

The indicator of trend (flat) with a price channel.
Trading Buy - the price have crossed the central line upwards (the candlestick has closed above the line) and the channel is oriented horizontally (yellow line) or directed upwards(green line). Move to breakeven when reaching the opposite border of the channel. Close positions when conditions for selling are formed. Sell - the price have crossed the central line downwards (the candlestick has closed below the line) and the channel is oriented

Several assets in several markets have the behavior of using specific numbers as Force Numbers, where support, resistance and price thrust is created. Let this indicator draw those levels of support and resistance for you. You can also stack it to show different level of Prices! This technique is being used by Tape Readers and Order Flow traders all over the world for a long time. Give it a try. Challenge yourself to study new ways of Price Action!
What Price reference to use in the c

We at Minions Labs love to study, challenge and discover new facts about Price Behavior in current markets. We would NOT call it Price Action because today this is a word totally overused and means, thanks to the False Prophets out there, absolutely NOTHING.
The study hypothesis we propose is this: Some Assets, in certain Timeframes, present a behavior of Price continuity when the candlesticks close without a Wick on them... So the purpose of this indicator is to "color" those candlesticks who

New Candle Alert is a simple indicator that notify you when a new candle is formed. Func tions : Alert type - option to choose between message with sound or only sound. Message - alert message. Push notifications - enable push notifications. Show timeframe - show the symbol timeframe. Show hour - show the alarm time. Test message - if you don't want to wait a new candle formed to see the message. MT4 version: Hope you enjoy it. Any doubt or su

Introduction to GARCH Indicator GARCH is the short initial for Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity and it is the volatility prediction model commonly used in financial industry. GARCH model was first appeared in the work by Danish Economist, Tim Peter Bollerslev in 1986. The 2003 Nobel Prize winner, Robert F Engle also added much contribution for the refinement of GARCH model with Tim’s work. Our GARCH INM predictor took the original method of Nelder Mead for GARCH model bu

The Magic EMA indicator is of great help in determining trend direction. It can be an excellent addition to your existing strategy or the basis of a new one. We humans can make better decisions when we see better visually. So we designed it to show a different color for rising and falling trends. Everyone can customize this in the way that suits them best. By setting the Trend Period, we can optimize it for longer or shorter trends for our strategy. It is great for all time frames.

Zigzag Indicator For RSI, To easily identify the highs and lows of the rsi signal. It is easier to observe divergent and convergent signals. Default setting: InpRsi =14 //Rsi Period InpDepth =12; // Depth InpDeviation =5; // Deviation InpBackstep =3; // Back Step
If you want open Exness account try this link : Dev buy taphu: Ha Van Tan - hatatrata - Trader's profile - MQL5 community Email:

The indicator shows Jake Bernstein's MAC (Moving Average Channel) System signals ---------------------------------------- System assumes several types of entering in trade, in this indicator only one type implemented - on closing of second trigger bar. It is recommended to start using this indicator together with Jake Bernstein's free lessons Arrow shows signal bar - enter on closing or on opening of the next bar, cross - stop level, dot - minimum profi

For those traders and students who follow the famous brazilian trader Igor Rodrigues (Mago Trader) here it is another tool he uses: a 2-line MACD specially set with Phi ratios. This MACD is packed with a twist: a Filling Area , to easily and visually spot the corresponding trend on the chart. Obviously, you can turn On and Off this filling feature. If you don't know Igor Rodrigues and you are a brazilian trader and student, just google for him... Very simple and useful indicator.
If you are loo

JCAutoStm 简繁塞壬模型 1.Zigzag3浪,大中小三浪代表市场潮流、趋势、涟漪。 2.自动识别当前三浪的走势,命名每一种结构形态。 Zig123下跌3浪5浪7浪:D3/D5/D7,下跌中继形态:DRF1/DRF2/DRF3,底部反转形态:BRP1,BRP2,BRP3,特殊结构下跌5浪后底部反转结构Zig123D5BRP1/2 Zig123上涨3浪5浪7浪:U3/U5/U7,上涨中继形态:URF1/URF2/URF3,顶部反转形态:TRP1,TRP2,TRP3,特殊结构上涨5浪顶部反转结构Zig123U5TRP1/2 3.趋势线绘制,分别以大中小三浪相邻的高低点进行绘制。 绘制的原则是,收敛形态。 4.三浪有效SR,F3,F6,F12,F15,绘制水平线。 MACD背离线

Three Bar Break is based on one of Linda Bradford Raschke's trading methods that I have noticed is good at spotting potential future price volatility. It looks for when the 1st bar's High is less than the 3rd bar's High as well as the 1st bar's Low to be higher than the 3rd bar's Low. This then predicts the market might breakout to new levels within 2-3 of the next coming bars. It should be used mainly on the daily chart to help spot potential moves in the coming days. Features :
A simple meth

The fractal indicator shows the latest support and resistance levels. If the price breaks through the level and is fixed, the indicator draws a rhombus of yellow or crimson color signaling a possible continuation of the movement towards the breakdown.
Indicator Settings:
- BarCount: sets the minimum number of bars required to build a fractal.
It is better to use the indicator in conjunction with other indicators.

For those who feel that regular RSI is too fast and too noisy to be used on regular trades or in EAs and want to have an alternative to meter the Momentum of the Price, here is a solution presented on the great article of the Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine (April, 2015), by Vitali Apirine, called: Slow Relative Strenght Index . Its reading is almost the same as the regular RSI, but its levels of Overbought and Oversold are 80 and 20 instead. SRSI is very powerful to show div

精密な取引分析を指先で:次世代取引分析ソフトウェア 市場に出回っている一般的な取引分析ソフトウェアは、時間別または週別の損益率統計のみを提供することが多く、より正確な取引分析のニーズを満たしていません。しかし、実際の取引市場では、毎日が独自の状況を呈しています。月曜日は静かで、水曜日は3倍のオーバーナイト金利で活発になり、金曜日は重要なデータ発表で非常に活発になります。明らかに、毎日統計分析を行うことは科学的ではなく、週単位で分析する方が理にかなっています。しかし、週足チャートは各日の統計的な状況のみを示しており、時間ごとの変化を捉えることができません。さらに、特定の銘柄は、ロングポジションとショートポジションで大きな違いを示すため、個別の分析が必要ですが、これは現在の取引分析ソフトウェアには欠けています。

Basing Candles indicator is an automatic indicator that detects and marks basing candles on the chart. A basing candle is a candle with body length less than 50% of its high-low range. A basing candle or basing candlestick is a trading indicator whose body length is less than half of its range between the highs and lows. That's less than 50% of its range.
The indicator highlights the basing candles using custom candles directly in the main chart of the platform. The percentage criterion can be

BOS and CHOCH with Label Indicator MT5 The BOS-CHOCH market structure shift detector is an advanced tool designed for traders who analyze internal price movements on the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform . This indicator leverages sophisticated algorithms to cater specifically to traders following ICT (Inner Circle Trader) and Smart Money trading methods . It automatically detects Break of Structure (BOS) and Change of Character (CHOCH) and marks them on the chart with clearly labeled annotations. A

If you love this indicator, please leave a positive rating and comment, it will be a source of motivation to help me create more products <3 How to use Slope Direction Line Uptrend: When the SDL line slopes up and turns from red to green, it shows that the price is trending up. This is also considered a buy signal. Downtrend: When the SDL line slopes down and turns from green to red, it shows that the price is trending down. This is also considered a sell signal. Sideways: When the SDL line mo

Supply Demand Ribbon is an indicator with moving supply and demand lines that help you identify price zones more easily. The indicator helps you determine flexible entry, stop loss, and take profit areas. There are also strategies for algorithmically changing ribbon colors. From there you can come up with many trading strategies for yourself! You can explore many feature in Advanced version here !
MT4 Version: Click here! You can combine it with our indicators below to make your trading

The Indicator assists in decision making along with the user's market reading. By drawing the trend, this indicator becomes very useful on days of high volatility in the market, that is, it offers strategic insights on days of economic data, news or pronouncements. On flat market days it becomes usual to identify possible market reversals. Follow Youtube to understand the most suitable scenarios for its use.

The Triangularbands PRT Indicator for MT5 draws bands on the chart and shows the overall price trend. It displays three stripes of pink, Light-blue and pink-Light-blue. The top stripe is drawn in pink, the bottom stripe in light blue, and the middle stripe changes its color from pink to light blue. The bands are made up of moving averages, and each of them has an MA period. The price will fluctuate between these bands whenever the trend changes direction, thus creating entry and exit poi

Price and Spread Indicator
Version: 1.0 Developer: Creative Tech Solutions Website:
Overview The Price and Spread Indicator is a great tool for MetaTrader 5 that displays the Ask and Bid prices along with the spread directly on the chart. This indicator provides real-time updates and allows traders to make informed decisions based on accurate price information.
Features - Real-time Price Updates: Continuously updates Ask and Bid prices. - Spread Disp

This is addition of Effective SV squeeze momentum that add bolliger band and Keltner channel to chart window. Squeeze momentum introduced by “John Carter”, the squeeze indicator for MT5 represents a volatility-based tool. Regardless, we can also consider the squeeze indicator as a momentum indicator, as many traders use it to identify the direction and strength of price moves. In fact, the Tradingview squeeze indicator shows when a financial instrument is willing to change from a trending ma

Have you ever wondered which currency is the strongest at any particular time? Or which currency pair is trending the most. Well, the currency strength meter helps with just that. It compares USD , EUR , AUD , CHF , GBP , CAD and NZD depending on the timeline you have chosen in settings, and ranks them on the number of pips each has moved compared to the rest. N/B: All currency charts of the above pairs must have loaded. You can do this by highlighting all major and minor currencies in

Maximum Minimum Candle indicator is a basic indicator (but useful) that shows the highest and lowest candle in a period of time .
The indicator shows the maximum candle and the minimum candle for a defined period of time. You can choose the number of candles that make up the period The indicator will show with color points the maximum and minimum values. A message tells you when the price reaches the maximum or minimum.
Parameters number_of_candles: It is the number of candles that will be c

Multi-timeframe trend indicator based on the ADX / ADXWilder indicator with Fibonacci levels
The indicator shows trend areas using ADX or ADXWilder indicator data from multiple timeframes. The impulse mode of the indicator allows you to catch the beginning of a trend, and several "Screens" with different timeframes allow you to filter out market noise. Fibonacci levels are added to the price chart, which have flexible settings.
How the indicator works: if PDI is greater than NDI, then it`s

O indicador imprime a linha da média longa quando as médias media e curta estão confinadas dentro dos limites de 1 ATR (average tru range) da média longa. Após períodos de congestão os preços se movimentam fortemente em uma direção. Este indicador não fornece pontos de entrada, apenas mostra que as médias estão bastante próximas. Parâmetros: Periodmalongo: Período da média longa. Periodmamedio: Período da segunda média. Periodmamedio2:Período da terceira média. Periodmacurto: Período da média cu

If you have difficulty determining the trend as well as entry points, stop loss points, and take profit points, "Ladder Heaven" will help you with that. The "Ladder Heaven" algorithm is operated on price depending on the parameters you input and will provide you with signals, trends, entry points, stop loss points, take profit points, support and resistance in the trend That direction.
Helps you easily identify trends, stop losses and take profits in your strategy! MT4 Version: Click here Fea

SPREADEX e' un indicatore per MT4 e MT5 che indica la distanza dell'ASSET dal GP. il GP e' il prezzo del vero valore dell'ASSET sottostante ottenuto per stima. Il GP e' come una calamita, attira il prezzo dell'ASSET con alta probabilita' ed all'interno della stessa giornata di trading. Quindi SPREADEX indica quali sono gli asset piu distanti dal GP al momento in tempo reale. Fornendo un punto di vista al TRADER su quali asset concentrarsi e cercare eventuali segnali di inversione dei prezzi per

The Point-Percent Price Channel (PPPC or PP Price Channel) indicator is designed to display on the chart a channel whose width is specified both as a percentage of the current price and in points. Its appearance is presented on slide 1. When the market moves up, the upper border of the channel is built at the price of High candles. In this case, the lower boundary follows the upper one at a strictly specified distance. When the price touches the lower border of the channe

The "Trend Fishing Indicator" is a powerful custom indicator designed to help traders identify potential trend reversal points and capitalize on market momentum. This indicator uses multiple moving averages of varying periods to evaluate short-term and long-term market trends. By comparing the short-term moving averages against the long-term ones, it generates clear buy and sell signals that can guide traders in making informed trading decisions. Key Features: Multiple Moving Averages : Incorpor

The Fibonacci indicator automatically displays the Fibonacci retracement levels, representing significant support and resistance. The range for calculating the indicator can be taken from the previous day, week, month, year or user-specified session.
Levels 100 % (High) of the range from the previous session. 0 % (Low) of the range from the previous session. 76,4 % of the range from the previous session. 61,8 % of the range from the previous session. 50 % of the range from the previou

Probability emerges to record higher prices when MACD breaks out oscillator historical resistance level. It's strongly encouraged to confirm price breakout with oscillator breakout since they have comparable effects to price breaking support and resistance levels; surely, short trades will have the same perception. As advantage, many times oscillator breakout precedes price breakout as early alert to upcoming event as illustrated by 2nd & 3rd screenshot. Furthermore, divergence is confirmed in c

The indicator draws a normal chart by coloring it in colors based on prices calculated by the Heiken Ashi indicator algorithm.
That is, the shape of the candles does not change.
In fact, this is the same Heiken Ashi that does not distort the price chart.
Then there will be a drawing of a cat, because there is nothing more to write about the indicator. .

Bill's Williams Awesome Oscillator signal from his book "Trading chaos 2nd edition" on bars. Normally this signal is being used for 2nd entry after 1st entry by Divergent bar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please make shure that you understand Bill's Williams system before trade with real money using this indicator. Ideal entry setup is: 1) Divergence with zero line AO crossing 2) Divergent bar on top of the final 5th

MT5 Enveloping Pattern Detector: Your competitive advantage in trading Are you looking for a tool to help you accurately identify the best trading opportunities in the forex market? Our Engulfing Pattern Detector provides you with a highly reliable buy or sell signal, based on one of the most recognized and effective Japanese candlestick patterns: the engulfing pattern. With an average success rate of 70%, this indicator will allow you to make safer and more profitable investment decisions. Don'

Highly configurable OBV indicator.
Features: Highly customizable alert functions (at levels, crosses, direction changes via email, push, sound, popup) Multi timeframe ability Color customization (at levels, crosses, direction changes) Linear interpolation and histogram mode options Works on strategy tester in multi timeframe mode (at weekend without ticks also) Adjustable Levels Parameters:
OBV Timeframe: You can set the lower/higher timeframes for OBV. OBV Bar Shift: Y ou can set the offset

WindFlow HTF is a useful tool suited to use in conjunction together with my WindFlow indicator. This indicator will give you a background vision about the price action trend on a higher timeframe, so when it runs with the WindFlow indicator you have an almost complete trading solution. At this point, you only need some support/resistance analysis and a bit of focus to become a consistent trader.
The metaphorical "wind's ballet" Professional traders know that every timeframe is governed by its o

Cybertrade Double Bollinger Bands - MT5 The Bollinger Bands indicator shows the levels of different highs and lows that a security price has reached in a given duration and also their relative strength, where the highs are close to the upper line and the lows are close to the lower line. Our differential is to present this indicator in a double form, with the availability of its values to simplify automation.
It works on periods longer than the period visible on the chart. All values are

Fractals Aydmaxx 2024 Overview: Fractals Aydmaxx 2024 is a custom indicator designed for the MQL5 trading platform, developed by Aydmaxx. This indicator identifies and displays fractal patterns on your trading chart, which are essential for recognizing potential market reversals. The indicator highlights both bull and bear fractals, making it easier for traders to spot key levels of support and resistance. Features: Customizable Fractals: Allows the user to set the number of bars on the left and

FREE VERSION OF THE PRICE ACTION ADVANCED LEVELS free on demo account. full product: Accurate horizontal support and resistance levels Accurate for price action analysis. All Markets: forex, stocks, indices, metals, commodities ,and crypto Available for meta trader 5 Adjustable parameters
inputs: For multiple timeframe analysis: adjust "analysis_timeframe" accordingly "depth_of_retrenchments" represents how big the peaks or troughs are. "lookbac

The Supertrend indicator is a very versatile and and accurate trend detection system. It can also be used an an reversal indicator. Therefor you can use it either as entry or as an exit signal. Depending on your settings it is also good for trend confirmation. This version is slightly enhanced from the original version from mladen. The Supertrend of Averages Histogram Version contains: 11 different price options Averaging period
18 different averaging types ATR period and ATR multiplier Shows re

A countdown timer for the Volume bar chart generator and Tick chart generator products, which are available for download from the MQL5 Market: Tick chart generator: Volume bar chart generator:
The counter conveniently displays the number of ticks or transactions (depending on the chart) that need to pass for a new bar to start printing.
The user can set the following indicator inputs.
Volume type (Tic

We at Minions Labs always like to defy the stablished systems and beliefs trying new things and new ways of seeing and interpreting the Market Data. And all starts with the following question...
You give more relevance and focus on the Wicks/Shadows on the candlesticks? And Why? In volatile markets wicks play an important role on determining who is winning the the fight between Bulls and Bears , and more than that, Higher and lower wicks can present you with a good status of the curr

It so happened that it is no longer necessary to write about the principles of operation of indicators of this type. The presented indicator redraws the trend direction until it changes to the opposite. whether this is right or not is up to you to judge. It works well together with SM trend Cloud, which is implemented in the SMak ZigZag EA and Pyramid EA Expert Advisor code. When these two indicators work together, it is possible to determine the further trend movement with a high degree of pr

AliSession Highlight is an indicator that highlights a specific period of time according to your preferences. It can help you gain a clear vision of price movements into a specific session, the range of a session, and also to easily identify the high and low of the session. You can use it on any currency pairs, indices, and any timeframes. Settings: Start Hour: Set the hour to initiate the session highlight. Start Min: Set the minute for the start of the session highlight. End Hour: Specify the

Description of the Horizontal Levels Indicator with Manual Interval Adjustment The indicator is designed for automatic plotting of horizontal levels on the chart of a financial instrument. It allows users to manually set the interval between levels, making it adaptable to various trading strategies and timeframes. Key Features: Flexible Configuration : Users can define the interval between levels in points, percentages, or any other unit suitable for the selected asset. Automatic Plotting : The

This indicator gives full information about the market state: strength and direction of a trend, volatility and price movement channel. It has two graphical components: Histogram: the size and the color of a bar show the strength and direction of a trend. Positive values show an ascending trend and negative values - a descending trend. Green bar is for up motion, red one - for down motion, and the yellow one means no trend. Signal line is the value of the histogram (you can enable divergence sea

Indicator for Displaying Trade Results on the Chart This indicator is designed to visualize trading results directly on the chart, making it easier for traders to analyze their strategy and trade performance. It automatically displays all open, closed, and pending orders, along with additional information for convenient analysis. Features: Trade Visualization : Displays all entry and exit points on the chart with clear indications of direction (buy/sell). Profit/Loss Display : Each trade is anno

El indicador técnico propuesto es un sistema de medias móviles de múltiples marcos temporales diseñado para ayudar a los operadores del mercado financiero a seguir de cerca los movimientos tendenciales. Al combinar medias móviles de diferentes períodos, este indicador ofrece una visión más completa de la dirección de la tendencia, lo que permite a los traders identificar oportunidades de trading con mayor precisión. Al utilizar este indicador, los operadores pueden maximizar sus ganancias al tom

You probably heard about Candlesticks behaviors, which in most of the times could denote and trace Volume behaviors even if you are not watching Volume itself... Well, this indicator will do this. Naked traders love to rely solely on candlesticks patterns and with Candle Zones you can trap special patterns and DRAW THEM on your chart. As simple as that. There are several filters you can tweak in order to achieve the analysis you want. Just give it a try. After several months of testing, we think

"Driver Road Bands" indicator that is designed to be used in the 1H, 4H and 1D timeframes in the most ideal way. If we compare timeframes to roads and streets; main streets and highways with high traffic volume are similar to high-time timeframes in technical analysis. If you can interpret the curvilinear and linear lines drawn by this indicator on the graphic screen with your geometric perspective and develop your own buy and sell strategies; you may have the key to being a successful trader.

To download MT4 version please click here . - This is vortex indicator. - It is used to detect trend strength and direction. - It consists of two line(buffers). ==> VIM and VIP - There are three types of signals related to this indicator: 1. crossing VIM and VIP 2. threshold on distance between VIP and VIM 3. VIP above VIM vice versa. - This is a non-repaint indicator with light processing.

AMPV Reversals is the perfect indicator for both beginners and experienced traders. Due to the simplicity and convenience every user can give it a try and choose the pattern they search for.
The indicator analyzes the market structure and identifies the candlestick patterns in order to help traders to find the best entry points. Reccomended to use in couple with some trend indicators for best results.
Works on all pairs and timeframes Doesn't redraw its results Works well

This panel displays the price percentage change
Shows the percentage change in price from the last open: Daily, Weekly and Monthly timeframes. Numbers are easier to use than histogram currency meters. Line up the three timeframes strengths/weaknesses for strong trends. Compare currencies strongest against weakest. USD is the world's reserve currency to compare against.
How to use 1. Match the strongest currency with weakest currency; or 2. Match the strongest or weakest currency against USD;

This simple indicator paints with a darker color on the volume bar when the quantity traded is above the average of select number of periods of the volume itself, highlighting the moments when there was a large volume of deals above the average. It is also possible to use a configuration of four colors where the color tone shows a candle volume strength. The indicator defaults to the simple average of 20 periods, but it is possible to change to other types of averages and periods. If you like t

I present the well-known Moving Average indicator connected to the ATR indicator.
This indicator is presented as a channel, where the upper and lower lines are equidistant from the main line by the value of the ATR indicator.
The indicator is easy to use. The basic settings of the moving average have been saved, plus the settings for the ATR have been added.
Moving Average Parameters:
MA period Shift MA Method
Moving Average Parameters:
ATR TF - from which timeframe the values are taken A

Candle com coloração de Volume Price Analysis (VPA) segundo as definições da Anna Coulling, é possível configurar períodos de climax e rising, fator de extreme e fator de rising.
Pode-se usar volume real ou volume de ticks. O VPA considera a variação de preço por volume do período, indicando se um movimento está recebendo ignição, está em seu climax ou se já não existe mais interesse.

An easy indicator that simply shows the moment we connect to the market. We can easily see what has happened while we were gone because the line has two different colors that show the start time. It is only that, a visualization aid that allow us to mark the market behavior while it was night time in our country, or if we have stopped several hours. Input: Server start working date: Day of month Month Year Hour Minutes

Spire - показывает трендовый, сигнальный, свечной прорыв в сторону верхней или нижней границы канала, а так же временную или долгую консолидацию в виде прямоугольного канала. Сигналы тренда не перерисовываются. В основу идеи индикатора входит Bollinger Bands.
Изменяемые параметры Signal trend -изменение цветовой гаммы сигнального символа тренда Lower limit - изменение цветовой гаммы нижней границы канала Upper limit - изменение цветовой гаммы верхней границы канала Internal field -изменение ц

The Advanced Pivot Point Indicator is a powerful tool designed to help traders identify key support and resistance levels in the market. This versatile indicator offers a customizable and user-friendly interface, allowing traders to select from five different pivot point calculation methods: Floor, Woodie, Camarilla, Tom DeMark, and Fibonacci. With its easy-to-read lines for pivot points (PP), support (S1, S2, S3, S4), and resistance (R1, R2, R3, R4) levels, the Advanced Pivot Point Indicator pr

Auto Levels is a technical analysis indicator designed to automatically identify and draw support and resistance levels on price charts. The robot is capable of automatically identifying support and resistance levels based on historical price patterns, eliminating the need for manual analysis. You can set the maximum number of lines that the indicator plots as a parameter

This indicator serves as an alert for climax regions.
How does it work? When the 20-period arithmetic moving average meets the 200-period arithmetic moving average, a conflict region forms with two major opposing forces fighting. This causes the price to show random peaks until a winner side is defined, which can be dangerous. Therefore, the indicator paints the region between the moving averages to alert you.
How to use it? It can be used for specific volatility or support and resistance str

TG Ponto de Cobertura (Coverage Trade)
This Indicator checks your trading results on the day relative to the asset on the chart and adds a line at the price corresponding to the coverage point for the open position, considering the entry price and lot size. The coverage point will be recalculated after new entries, based on the average price of the open operation and the lot size.
If the result for the day is zero, a line will be displayed at the price of the current trade.
If the day's result

This indicator combines RSI(14) and ADX(14) to find out the signal that price moves strongly. When it appears signal (represent by the yellow dot), and price is going down, let consider to open a SELL order. Otherwise, let consider to open a BUY order. In this case, the strength of moving is strong (normally after sideway period), so we can set TP by 3 times of SL .

Description :
Combination MT5 is a professional indicator based on the Stochastic Oscillator and Average True Range (ATR) technical indicators, thus, you can use it with any currency pair and any timeframe.Trade signals from Combination MT5 are drawn on the main chart in the form of arrows. When a blue arrow appears, then this is a signal to buy, when the red one appears then this is a signal to sell. You can set the alerts on/off. The Stochastic Oscillator and Average True Range (ATR) technica

The Mono Waves indicator is designed to display the wave behavior of the market on a chart. Its appearance is presented on slide 1. This indicator uses the PPPC (Point-Percent Price Channel) indicator, which can be downloaded for free from the Market . When the market moves up, the upper border of the price channel is built on High candlestick prices (for more details, see the description of the PPPC indicator at the link given above). The higher the High prices rise

Daily Monitoring : The indicator automatically calculates and displays the daily drawdown on your trading chart, allowing you to see how well you're performing on a daily basis. Risk Management : By monitoring daily drawdown, traders can better manage their risk. It helps to keep daily losses within acceptable limits. Real-Time Information : Daily drawdown is updated in real-time, providing accurate and up-to-date information about your trading performance. How to Use: Activate the "Daily Drawd

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