MetaTrader 4のための新しいテクニカル指標 - 43
QCAFE+ Trend Filters is a simple but useful for Traders to eliminate false signal from all kinds of Buy/Sell signal indicators. With QCAFE+, Traders can identify UP Trend/DOWN Trend or SIDEWAY period of Market to decide whether Enter a Trade or Not. With 5 Elements of Filters which are shown the Momentum and Strength of the Market; Each element has 3 types of arrows to show Uptrend (Blue UP arrows), Down Trend (Orange Down arrows) or Sideway (Grey Arrows). The Top Element is the main signal tha
This indicator shows drawdown based on highest equity. Usually drawdown is used to show performance of a trading account especially when someone participate in a trading contest. If drawdown exceed a determined number, the contest account will be disqualified. So, I hope, this indicator will warn us in maintaining the drawdown and the account still be saved.
Track your overall trades! Monitor New Fox is an excellent indicator, which displays your current profits, being them monthly, weekly, and daily, that is, all profits obtained when you opened the mt4. Our brand new Monitor New Fox indicator is able to unlock all advanced features of MetaTrader 4. This indicator can graph with simple data key meta trader account data (Balance, Equity, Free Margin, Current Profit/Loss, Profit/Loss total, amount of open position(s) and size, etc.) and all this in a
PLEASE LEAVE US A 5-STAR REVIEW LDS Scalper User Manual+ Extra LDS CSDIF INDICATOR + Training Videos ABOUT LDS SCALPER INDICATOR STRATEGY Built on 15+ years of trading experience. LDS Scalper is a very powerful trading indicator for scalping strategy, returns very high accuracy rate in forex, futures, cryptocurrencies, stocks and indices. This indicator displays arrow signals based on price action information with high accuracy. The LDS Scalper Indicator strategy when applied can turn a ne
This indicator will help you a lot to caculate all of your orders ( Both real current orders and pending orders) for all of your charts ( Calculation separately in each charts). And it will show you the direction of each chart (Settlement lot) that it's BUY, SELL or HEDGING with how many lot. For example, your EURUSD is 0.6 lots BUY (totally), but GBPUSD is 1.5 lots SELL (totally) and BTCUSD is HEDGING with total BUYs 0.5 lot and total SELLs 0.5 lot. (including summar
Apollo BuySell Predictor は、いくつかの取引モジュールを含む専門的な取引システムです。独自のブレイクアウト ゾーン、フィボナッチ ベースのサポートとレジスタンス レベル、ピボット トレンド ライン、プルバック ボリューム シグナル、およびトレーダーが日常的に必要とするその他の便利な機能をトレーダーに提供します。システムはどのペアでも機能します。推奨される時間枠は M30、H1、H4 です。インジケーターは、H4 よりも高い時間枠を除いて、他の時間枠でも機能します。 このシステムは、トレーダーが取引を成功させるために必要なすべてを提供するため、普遍的です。システムは複数の方法で使用できます。デイトレード、スイングトレード、さらにはスキャルピングにも使用できます。どのような取引スタイルを好む場合でも、システムは市場を真の姿で見るのに役立ちます。すべての信号は再描画せず、ラグもありません! 取引の好みやタスクに応じて、システムのさまざまなモジュールのオン/オフを切り替えることができます。システムは、PUSH 通知を含むすべてのタイプのアラートを提供します。必要なアラー
ろうそくの終わりまでの時間の指標。ろうそくの終わりまでの時間とサーバー時間を表示します。テキストはろうそくの傾向または方向を表示でき、サウンド通知が組み込まれています 特徴:
現在のろうそくの終わりまでの時間と、必要に応じて調整または無効にできる他の時間枠を表示します AWキャンドルタイムは、AWスーパートレンドインジケーターで現在のキャンドルまたはトレンドの方向を選択できます トレンド戦略は選択した色で強調表示されます ろうそく交換前の音通知と追加彩色を内蔵 表示は、現在の価格の横またはチャートの隅に設定でき、入力設定で柔軟に調整できます Instruction -> ここ / その他の製品 -> ここ 入力変数:
主要 Candle_Time_Location - ローソクのタイムスタンプの場所。チャートの隅または現在の価格の隣に配置できます Trend_Strategy - 色付きのろうそくのタイムスタンプを使用します。 AW SuperTrend インジケーターを使用して、トレンドの方向に色を付けることができます。現在のろうそくの方向に応じて色を付けることができます
このアルゴリズムは、指標 UPD1 Trend Direction に基づいて減少したボラティリティのゾーンを検出し、指標 UPD1 Volume Box に基づいて最大水平ボリュームを構築します。 原則として、蓄積を終了するときに強い傾向の動きが発生します。 価格が累積を残している場合は、その最大水平ボリューム(POC)をテストすることができます。 スマートアラートは設定で使用できます。
入力パラメータ 。
基本設定 。 Bars Count – 指標が機能する履歴バーの数 。 Timeframe Flat - フラットが検索され、クラスターが構築されている時間枠の選択。 デフォルトでは、それは常に現在のものです。 Data Source - 見積期間の選択。 自動的に検出(最適) 。 Vertical Step - 密度と垂直精度に影響します 。 Period - オシレーターの周期を選択します 。 Start Flat After Bar - フラットを描画を開始する傾向の終了後に無視するろうそくの数 。 Minimal Flat Bars - フラット内のキャンドルの最小
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "M W Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Double Top(M) and Double Bottom(W) is a very repetitive common type of price reversal patterns. Double Top resembles M pattern and indicates bearish reversal whereas Double Bottom resembles W pattern and indicates a bullish reversal that they have high win rate. The M W Scanne
このインジケータは、フラット位置とトレンド位置を表示するために使用されます。 設計は発振器に基づいています。 これは、通常のチャート上の取引のために、バイナリオプションの両方のために、追加のフィルタとして使用されます。 フラットの場所は、スマートマネーの概念に従って取引するための指標 UPD1Volume Cluster で使用されます。 内蔵のアラートは、最大の買われ過ぎ/売られ過ぎの場所を通知します。
入力パラメータ 。
基本設定 。 Bars Count - 指標が表示されるバーの数を指定します 。 Period - オシレータの周期を選択します 。 Start Flat After Bar - フラット描画を開始するために、トレンドの終了後に無視するバーの数 。
視覚的な設定 。 Color - 自動または手動で 。 Floor Color - 色が「手動」に設定されている場合は、独自の色を設定できます 。 Histo Width (0 - Auto) - ヒストグラムの太さを選択するか、自動モードを設定します 。
Alert Settings 。 Alert - 通
インジケータには、選択した時間枠の最大水平ボリュームが表示されます。 インジケーター UPD1 Volume Box に基づいています。 ラインは接続または分離することができます。 設定では、スマートタッチ通知を有効にすることができます。 この指標は、市場プロファイルとスマートマネーの概念を使用して取引する人に役立ちます。
入力パラメータ 。
基本設定 。 Bars Count - は、TF POCが描画されるバーの数を示します 。 Data Source - ティックが使用される時間枠 。 Vertical Step - 密度と垂直精度に影響します 。 TimeFrame Period - 最大水平ボリュームが適用される時間枠期間 。 ID - インジケータ識別番号。 異なる値を選択して、同じチャート上のインジケーターを複数回使用します 。
視覚的な設定 。 Current POC - 表示されるPOCの表示 。 Crop Line To Current Bar - 行は最後のバーを超えません 。 Link POC - POCラインを垂直線で接続する 。 POC Width
インジケータは、指定された係数に基づいて、低、高、極端なボリュームを検索し、指定された色でそれらをペイントします。 Metatraderターミナルの標準ボリューム描画機能に置き換えられます。 キャンドルは、ボリュームの色で着色することもできます。 極端なボリュームを持つローソク足では、最大水平ボリューム(クラスタ/POC)が決定されます。 その位置(押す、中立、停止)に応じて、クラスターにも独自の色があります。 クラスターが影の中にあり、ろうそくが極端なボリュームを持っている場合、反転のための矢印が得られます。 設定でアラートを有効にすることができます。 さらに、インジケーターには、クラスターをシャドウで表示する別のオプションがあります。
入力パラメータ 。 (色と視覚的な設定に関連するいくつかはスキップされます) 。
基本設定 。 Bars Count – 指標が機能する履歴バーの数 。 Data Source - 見積期間の選択。 あなたが切り捨てられ、不完全なように過去の歴史を見ると思われる場合は、あなたが勉強している楽器のためのより多くのM1引用符をダウンロー 。 Ver
インジケータは、垂直方向の音量を示しています。 設定では、高と極を決定するための2つの係数、および低ボリュームを決定するための1があります。 同様のアルゴリズムが指標 UDP1 Volume Pixel でも使用されます。 指定されたボリュームが検出されると、ヒストグラムは適切な色で着色されます。 ヒストグラムの幅は、スケールに応じて自動的に選択されます。 原則として、価格は最大量と最小量に反応します。 しかし、確認信号を使用する必要があります。
入力パラメータ 。
基本設定 。 Bars Count - インジケータが表示されるキャンドルの数 。 Calc Bars - ボリューム偏差を決定するためのキャンドルの平均数 。 Low Volume Factor - 我々は、低ボリュームを定義する以下の係数 。 High Volume Factor - 我々は大きなボリュームを定義する上の係数 。 Extreme Volume Factor - 我々は極端なボリュームを定義する上の係数 。
視覚的な設定 。 Histo Color - キャンドルのボリュームと方向に応じてヒストグ
Bigger chart labels would allow the user to be entirely aware of which chart he/she is on. Each chart window is unique, containing different patterns and economic motives so acknowledging the chart window would be absolutely essential! There are well known Economic Time Zones included in clear view, by choice! Simple does it! Use your computing mouse scroller, clicking with the right finger on the label, in order to customize the label properties. From there, choose your preferred color, fon
The Market Structure MTF indicator is a successful attempt to formalize the structure of price movement using a unique algorithm. It accurately decomposes any price movement into its constituent elements and allows you not to miss a single interesting entry or exit point. An important feature of the Market Structure MTF indicator is the visualization of the structure of price movement on two timeframes at once – on the current and on any older one at the user's choice. Despite the external sim
Diamond by MMD は、価格動向にとって重要な場所を特定する高度な指標です。 このインジケーターは、任意の時間枠で、チャート上の価格反応ゾーンを検出してマークします。 ダイヤモンド - MMD 方法論の知識ピラミッドの要素の 1 つ - は、非常に厳しい条件を満たすキャンドルです。 ダイヤモンドには主に 2 つのタイプがあります。 - 標準ダイヤモンド - 逆認知症。 これらのモデルはどちらも自動的に識別され、チャート上でマークされます。 インジケータは、たとえば H1 間隔の M5 間隔から、ダイヤモンドをマークできます。 インジケーターのデフォルト設定では、現在チャートを開いている時間枠にひし形が表示されます。
指標パラメータの説明。 標準ダイヤモンドを使用 - モデル 00100 のダイヤモンドを表示/非表示にします 逆ひし形を使用 - モデル 0010100 のひし形を表示/非表示にします ダイヤモンドの時間枠 - ダイヤモンドを表示する間隔を指定できるオプション。 たとえば、M1 または H1 ローソク足でチャートの M5 間隔のダイ
The Time End bar by MMD is a simple indicator that shows the number of seconds remaining in the three selected intervals. According to the MMD methodology, the moment when a directional price movement occurs is important. This indicator allows you to use this relationship more effectively in Forex and Futures trading.
Functionality description:
Time Frame 1 Period - defining the first time interval Time Frame 1 Color - specifying the color for the first time interval Time Frame 1 Period - def
Break Even Line by MMD
The Break Even line is a useful indicator for people using strategies that allow simultaneous trades in both directions, such as the MMD methodology. This indicator is useful when playing statistical models and averaging positions in accumulation and distribution zones. The indicator draws levels by summing positions in three groups: positions included in BUY, positions included in SELL and all positions included.
Functionality description:
Show BUY BELine - shows or
Analyzing multiple time frames of a currency pair in one window can make you confused. To analyze multiple time frames, you need reliable indicators. One of them is using 9TF RSI MA . I've been working day and night to create code that is simple but reliable and covers all nine time frames in just one indicator . Let's look at some of the advantages of this indicator: Colorful histogram . The color of the curve in each timeframe is different from one another. Arrows indicating the crossing of
All about Smart Money Concepts Strategy: Market struture: internal or swing BOS, CHoCH; Orderblock; Liquity equal; Fair Value Gap with Consequent encroachment, Balanced price range; Level with Previous month, week, day level or in day level (PMH, PWH, PDH, HOD); BuySell Stops Liquidity (BSL, SSL); Liquidity Void Long Wicks; Premium and Discount; Candle pattern ... "Smart Money Concepts" ( SMC ) is a fairly new yet widely used term amongst price action traders looking to more accurately navigate
Индикатор строит блоки заказов (БЗ) по торговой системе (ТС) Романа. Поиск блоков осуществляется одновременно на двух таймфремах: текущем и старшем (определяемым в настройках). Для оптимизации и игнорирования устаревших блоков в настройках задается ограничение количества дней в пределах которых осуществляется поиск блоков. Блоки строятся по правилам ТС состоящем из трех шагов: какую свечу вынесли (что?); какой свечой вынесли (чем?); правило отрисовки (как?).
Scalping Strategy Having a strategy in the market is one of the main conditions for trading. The presence of various and complicated indicators and tools sometimes makes trading difficult, and the user gets confused after trying various methods and gets stuck in a loss cycle, the result of which is usually clear. This indicator is a simple strategy based on the detection of pivots and short-term trends, which helps you to easily trade in trends. Sometimes a simple but efficient strategy has a b
The Schaff Trend Cycle (STC) is a technical analysis tool that helps traders and investors plot highly-probable predictions on the price direction of an instrument. Due to its predictive properties, It's a good tool for foreign exchange (forex) traders to plot buy and sell signals. The Schaff Trend Cycle was developed by prominent forex trader and analyst Doug Schaff in 1999. The idea driving the STC is the proven narrative that market trends rise or fall in cyclical patterns across all time fr
Индикатор предназначен для разметки ,фибо уровней и фибо зон.Также есть возможность удаления и редактирования уровней на текущем графике. При установке нескольких индикаторов (FIBO-ZONES)на график,не забывайте менять имя в поле (NAME).В утилите также есть возможность менять цвет зон, толщину линий и стиль линий уровней фибо. При установке индикатора ,зоны выстраиваются автоматически.
Place the indicator on the chart, preferably with a timeframe of H1 or H4. If you are trading in the daily range or, conversely, on lower timeframes, you will need to adjust the RSI and ATR levels accordingly.
The blue arrows of the indicator will be a signal to open a long position, the red arrows will be a signal to open a short position:
1) Blue arrow for longs (growth) and red arrow for shorts (decline).
2) Two horizontal lines for current positions (one for entry and one for stop).
This indicator is very useful for those who trade with investor techniques. That's why I named it InvestorTool. Why investors? Isn't this a tool for trading? This indicator is basically to help investors to identify which pairs are very close to their All-Time-Low or All-Time-High. So that the investor will quickly spot which instruments are "relatively" at its low cost, and telling the minimum equity required.
If the pair is close to All-Time-Low then investor can put a buy position. When t
Wave Slope - works on the basis of the ZigZag indicator and is designed to measure the slope of the current wave, in degrees.
The sharper the angle of inclination, the stronger the trend. And on this you can build a trading system.
In the settings, you can connect the ZigZag indicator, set the color and width of the slope line.
And you can also turn on and off the sound signal, which is triggered in case of a change in the slope of the wave.
Scalping Strategy
Trend detection is one of the basic challenges of every trader. Finding a way to tell when to enter a trade is very important, timing is a game changer, not too early and not too late. Sometimes, due to not knowing the market conditions, the trader closes his positions with a small profit or allows the losses to grow, these are the mistakes that novice traders make. Indicator Trend Whipper is a complete trading strategy and can improve the trader's trading process. The trend d
WARNING!! THIS SWORD IS TOO SHARP! ONLY 10 COPIES LEFT FOR THE NEXT PRICE TO BE 8,000$ FOR UNLIMITED PLAN. Dear traders I am very glad once again to introduce to you my other tool called "Forex Sword Indicator". In short this tool is meant to give you an edge over the market that you have been waiting for so long. Now, here it is. It is a very very simple tool but yet a dangerous sword. I call it a Holy grail indicator!. I will not talk a lot about this tool. Just let the tool speak by itse
The Ichimoku indicator is an entire system by itself with an amazing win rate many traders feel that the chart looks like a mess when we add the indicator to the chart this is because there are too many elements present in the indicator we have a solution for that now "TT Ichimoku on off button indicator" ABOUT THIS INDICATOR This is an Ichimoku indicator that has the toggle feature separately for every element ie. Kumo cloud button, kijun button, etc... you can also hide/show the indicator
The KT Weis Wave Volume is a technical indicator based on the current market trend and description of the price movement's direction. The indicator is based on volume and displays the cumulative volumes for price increases and decreases in the price chart.
In addition, the indicator window shows a histogram of green and rising red waves.
The green color represents upward movement; the more the price rises, the larger the green volume. The red color represents a decreasing wave; the larger the
The KT HalfTrend is a moving average-based trend indicator that draws zones. It marks a trend shift by drawing bearish and bullish invalidation zones on the chart. It also displays the trend buy-sell strength with arrows on the main chart. The indicator will be flat if no trend indicates accumulation, temporary price, or distribution zones. If there is a trend, there will be a slope in that direction. The trend signals are substantial if the slope is steep, either to the upside or the downside.
KT Know Sure thing is a momentum oscillator based on the smoothed rate of change over four different timescales and was developed by Martin Pring. In 1992, Pring published the initial description of the indicator in Stocks & Commodities magazine's "Summed Rate of Change (KST)" article. KST creates a momentum oscillator by combining the price momentum measurements from four different price cycles. Traders can utilize KST to search for bullish or bearish divergences, signal line crossovers, and ce
9/12/2023 - If you are looking for the Spock EA, I don't sell it anymore. DM me for more info.
24/10/2023 - Check out my other products. Starting to roll out some EAs & indicators based on this range.
Currently there is no MT5 version. I am using MT4 myself.
So I will spend my time mostly to develop more extensive stats for the Stats version and maybe even an EA. But I might develop a MT5 version.
All depends on the demand. Meaning, the more people request it, the bigger the chan
Time Line by MMD is a simple indicator that supports historical data analysis and trading on statistical models that follow the MMD methodology.
Start Time - specifying the time when we start analyzing and playing the MMD statistical model Time Duration in minutes - duration of the model and its highest effectiveness (after the end of the line, the price returns - statistically - to the set level) Lookback days - the number of days back, subjected to historical analysis Base Time Frame - the b
NOTE: PRICE WILL RISE VERY SOON. DON'T SKIP THIS OFFER! Dear traders I am glad to introduce the " Market Swing Scanner Board" indicator to you. This indicator was made mainly to be used in combination with the Market Swing Index Indicator. You use the "Market Swing Scanner Board" indicator to scan for trading opportunities on the Market Swing Index Indicator . This tool is designed for serious traders who have decided to make a difference through trading. Be the next person to witness this st
KT Trend Exhaustion is our personal implementation of the famous Trend Exhaustion Index developed by Clifford L. Creel, Ph.D., in 1991.
The change in price direction often comes with uncertainty. TEI helps to tackle the uncertainty by showing a crisp direction using the smoothed color-changing index.
Easy to use and interpret. It comes with a multi-timeframe scanner that scans the upcoming signals across all the time-frames. It can be used as an entry signal or trend confirmation. Al
KT Forex Line can be described as an improved version of the moving average indicator. The indicator is embedded in the main trading chart and features a line that switches between blue and white depending on the prevailing direction or mood of the market.
Utilizing the indicator is simple. You do not need to understand complex graphs and intricate lines. Recognize the indicator line's color and trade accordingly.
Key Features
The indicator has customizable colors, with the blue and red being
The KT Market Speed is a unique and straightforward oscillator-based technical analysis tool that helps traders visualize the speed at which the price of an instrument changes based on the preset length. The Market Speed representation helps correctly map the price momentum: is it moving fast, slowing down, or trapped in a range? These are the questions the indicator answers, giving traders more bandwidth to execute better-informed trade positions.
It's a simple technical analysis tool
KT Forex Super Scalper is created to identify market trends and plot trade signals based on the direction of the predetermined trend. It functions very similarly to moving averages but reacts quickly to changes in price actions and can signal right away once a valid trend is confirmed. The quick reactionary feature makes it a valuable tool for scalpers. However, anyone familiar with moving averages can use it for actual trading because of its signaling process and chart demonstration simplicity
The double top bottom pattern is arguably one of the technical analysis's most popular chart patterns. These patterns are used to capitalize on recurring patterns and identify trend reversal patterns, thereby creating well-placed entry and exit levels. The KT Double Top Bottom is based on these patterns and fine-tunes the trade signal development process for traders.
It's based on one of the most reliable trading patterns and brings some fine-tuning and automation to the process. Also
To dowload MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Range Filter 5min" By "guikroth". - This indicator implements Alerts as well as the visualizations. - Unlike the MT5 version it does not support HeikenAshi and candle colors. - This indicator lets you read the buffers for all data on the window. For details on buffers please message me. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you ne
Basic technical analysis tools use signals during market changes by providing critical information that can influence investment and trading decisions. Several technical analysis tools are developed for this purpose, and one of the most popular indicators traders use the KDJ Random index. It's known as the Random Index, is primarily a trend-following indicator that aids traders in identifying trends and prime entry points.
It analyzes and projects changes in trends and price patterns
As a trader, monitoring multiple timeframes simultaneously will help you better understand the trend and know when multiple timeframes are in agreement or disagreement. The KT Multiple Time Frame (MTF) MACD displays the overall direction of an instrument in one chart by showing the moving average convergence divergence (MACD) for all time frames. The indicator displays a simple table with the respective MACD trend for each timeframe. You can also see whether MACD is gaining or losing momentum ac
Confluence Indicator is unique indicator which collects differnt popular indicators and analyzes their data. It decides an overall trend with its strength. It is not only helpful for identifying the the current picture of the market but also helps traders to stay away from non trending market. It maximize the chance of winning by giving an aggregate picuture of markets best reliable technical indicator settings There are total 7 types of signal which this indicator provides. Each candle will sho
simple indicator based on some candle patterns recognition arrows appear on candles when bear signal / bull signal based on candle pattern recognition two strategies available you can enable / disable them indicator can work on any chart and time frame i prefer to work on high time frames especially the Daily charts D1 red arrows appears above candle showing a bear signal after candle completed - arrow will be blue during candle formation Green arrows appears below candle showing a bull signal a
What Is the Coppock Curve? The Coppock Curve is a long-term price momentum indicator used primarily to recognize major downturns and upturns in a stock market index. It is calculated as a 10-period weighted moving average of the sum of the 14-period rate of change and the 11-period rate of change for the index. It is also known as the "Coppock Guide."
Example of How to Use the Coppock Curve Apply the Coppock Curve to a weekly/monthly price chart of a stock index or stock index exchange traded f
Hercules is a trend indicator which is a very powerfull tool to enter into the position at right time. it also indicates the the rangebound areas very easyly. Its visual representation is same like supertrend . But it is more advanced then super trend . If you combine the entry signal of multiple time frame it would give 98% accuracy in most of the symbols. Additional Features Notification Alerts Email Arrow for buy and sell signals Easyly accesible buffers for EA development
Bollinger Bands Multi Dashboard MT4 uses the value of Bollinger Bands indicator. This dashboard will monitor all symbols in the market watch. We can set up to receive an alert, notification or an email when the buy/sell signal appear on each timeframe. You can check all symbols via only 1 chart. This dashboard will check almost popular time frame (M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4 and D1). The colors can be customized. We can have a look at many pairs and many time frames without opening the chart. In additio
To download MT5 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
このインジケーターは、売買圧力についてすべてのバーをスクリーニングし、最大量の 4 種類のローソク足パターンを特定します。次に、これらのローソク足はいくつかの線形フィルターを使用してフィルター処理され、買いまたは売りのシグナルが表示されます。シグナルは、より高い時間枠の方向と組み合わせて、取引量が多い時間帯に取引される場合に最も効果的に機能します。すべてのフィルターはカスタマイズ可能で、独立して動作します。ボタンをクリックするだけで単一方向の信号を表示できます。 このインジケーターには、意思決定プロセスに役立つ最も重要な価格アクションとスマート マネーの概念も組み込まれています。 シグナルとトレードに関する教育をすべて 1 つのツールにまとめました。
特徴: 信号は再描画されません。 飲み込むキャンドル、拒否キャンドル、拡張範囲キャンドル、ピンバーを識別します。 有効なシグナルごとに複数のエントリー、ストップロス、複数のテイクプロフィットレベルを表示します。 大容量セッションでフィルタリングします。 サポート/レジスタンスレベルとローソク足の構造でフィルターします。 MACD ヒス
Easy Reversal Signal Indicator spots tops and bottom for catching new trends before they happen It shows entry signals with arrows Blue arrow = Buy entry Red Arrow = Sell entry Recommended timeframes are M1 and M5 but you can also use higher timeframes as well Best time to trade is London and New York session. I do not recommend trading the Asian session because due to the low volatility there can be more false signals. ENTRY RULES: The signals are non lagging and non repainting but you
Description: For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post here . The "VWAP Indicator Strategy" is a cutting-edge technical analysis tool designed to provide traders with a competitive advantage in the financial markets. By incorporating the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) indicator, this tool offers valuable insights into market trends, price levels, and potential turning points. Understanding the VWAP Ind
Ichimoku Trend Alert is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator with Alerts and signal filters.
Ichimoku Trend Alert features: Optional check of Ichimoku cloud, Tenkan sen(Conversion Line), Kijun sen(Base Line), Senkou span A, Senkou span B, and Chikou span relative to price, and more. Popup, email, and phone notification alerts for selected symbols and timeframes.
There are 9 classic Ichimoku trend filters you can enable/disable in settings: Price/Cloud Order: Checks the price position relative to t
Indicator for fast navigation through financial instruments. When you click on the button, you go to the chart of the financial instrument, the name of which was written on the button. In other words, the indicator opens or unfolds an existing chart window. For each chart, you can customize the name of the financial instrument, text color and background color; in total, you can customize symbols buttons that you trade often. The indicator can be installed on any charts for which you need to swit
XE Forex Strengh Indicator MT4 displays visual information about direction and strength of a signal for current pair and chosen timeframes (M5, M15, M30 and H1). Calculations are based on multiple factors and results are shown as a colored panel with scale bar, numerical values and arrows. There are also displayed values of current price and spread on the pair. There can be activated an alert (as a mail or pop-up window with sound) for each available timeframes which send a message when the dir
Indicator designed for both beginners and professionals. RECOMMEHDATION Trade with this indicator for 2-3 weeks and you will feel significant progress in your trading. This indicator is developed based on the use of HMA, Laguerre, CCI . The indicator is clear and does not require any setting. Does not redraw and works by opening bar. It works on timeframes M1-D1. I use timeframe M5 to enter the market.
Traditional Moving Average (SMA, EMA, SMMA, LWMA...) is very useful for identifying trends, but what will you do when you want to trade on lower timeframe, and you need to identify the bigger trend by a higher timeframe; Of course, you can make it by dividing your chart in separated windows, but your analytics will not be clear and intuitive ... That's why we build the Multi Timeframe Moving Average indicator.
With Multi Timeframe Moving Average ( MTF_Moving Average ), you can determine the Mo
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "Channel Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: The Channel pattern is described as the area located between two trend lines. This area is used for a measure of a trading range. In this case, the upper trend line connects price highs while the lower trend line connects price lows. Also when it comes to breakout points, it helps t
MA Revolution is upgraded version of standard Moving A verage. With the current upgrade moving average line got more sensitive with different market conditions. It gets more flexible by decreasing default period step by step while market is sharp and incrasing period back to default period step by step while market is normal again. testing of the ide a shows th at this upgr aded version gives much more acur acy for detecting m arket direction, ch anges in direction are shown much e arly th an
This indicator is stand alone version from MP Pivot Levels (All in one) containing Demark's Pivots.
Calculations: PP = X / 4 R1 = X / 2 - LOWprev S1 = X / 2 - HIGHprev Uses: When the pair currency price may change the direction of movement. Possible constraints of support and resistance that creates plateaus for the currency pair prices. Tendency identification by comparing the present prices according to current day's pivot point and also the prior day's pivot points. ____________
To download MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "B-Xtrender" By "QuantTherapy". - It is an oscillator based on RSI and multiple layers of moving averages. - It is a two in one indicator to calculate overbought and oversold zones for different RSI settings. - This indicator lets you read the buffers for all data on the window. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
This indicator is stand alone version from MP Pivot Levels (All in one) containing Woodie Pivots. Woodie’s pivot points are made up of multiple key levels, calculated from past price points, in order to frame trades in a simplistic manner. The key levels include the ‘pivot’ itself, and multiple support and resistance levels (usually up to three each). Traders use these levels as a guide for future price movements when setting up trades.
The pivot : (Previous high + previous low + 2 x previous
This indicator XRX Master indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator helps to buy and sell. Features FiltPer- displays indicator period.
deviation - displaus indicator deviation.
deviation2 - displaus indicator deviation 2.
HL_period - displaus indicator Highest and Lowest period. HL_period2 - displaus indicator Highest 2 and Lowest 2 period.
How to understand the status: If the trend color arrow is green, trend is up. I f the trend color arrow is red, trend is down.
DepthTrendView is an indicator that is used to see the direction of the market very clearly compared to the indicators that are commonly used by many people.
What is interesting about this indicator is that you can see the direction of the trend and also know that the market is at the end or that the market wants to start a new trend.
How to Use: 1- To see the earliest BUY direction you need to see previous candle below Aqua Line before green arrow appear.
2- To see the earliest SELL directi
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "Market Structure group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Market structure is important for both new and professional traders since it can influence the liquidity and price action of a market (Breakout and Retest). It’s also one of the most commonly used techniques to understand trends, identify potential reversal points, and get a feel f
Apollo Volume Profile は、出来高分析を使用して市場の動きの方向性を決定する指標です。インジケーターは非常に使いやすいです。この指標は、使用される時間枠に応じて、市場における売り手と買い手の比率を明確に示します。この指標は、あらゆる取引システムの基礎として使用できます。インディケータはシグナルを再描画しません。 この指標は、通貨、金属、指数、株式、暗号通貨などの金融商品の取引に使用できます。 このインジケーターは、スタンドアロンの取引システムとして、またはインジケーターのトレンド フィルターとして使用できます。 購入後、必ず私に書いてください!私の取引の推奨事項と素晴らしいボーナスをあなたと共有します!
1 つのウィンドウで通貨ペアの複数の時間枠を分析すると、混乱する可能性があります。
それらの 1 つは 9TF STOCH RSI を使用しています。
シンプルでありながら信頼性が高く、1 つのインジケーターで 9 つの時間枠すべてをカバーするコードを作成するために、昼夜を問わず取り組んできました。
カラフルなヒストグラム。 各時間枠の曲線の色は互いに異なります。 STOCHASTICメインラインとシグナルラインの交差を示す矢印。 (注: 最後に表示される矢印は無視してください!) OBOS レベルライン。 リアルタイム 9TF ダッシュボード モニター。 ある時間枠から別の時間枠に変更しても、9TF ダッシュボード モニターの計算は非常に正確です。 どの曲線が買われ過ぎのレベルを上回っており、どの曲線が売られ過ぎのレベルを下回っているかを監視します。 メイン STOCH が信号 STOCH を上回っているか、またはその逆であるかを曲線で監視します。 メイ
1 つのウィンドウで通貨ペアの複数の時間枠を分析すると、混乱する可能性があります。
それらの 1 つは、9TF MACD 曲線を使用しています。
シンプルでありながら信頼性が高く、1 つのインジケーターで 9 つの時間枠すべてをカバーするコードを作成するために、昼夜を問わず取り組んできました。
カラフルなヒストグラム。 各時間枠の曲線の色は互いに異なります。 MACDメインラインとシグナルラインの交差を示す矢印。 (注: 最後に表示される矢印は無視してください!) クリティカルレベルライン。 リアルタイム 9TF ダッシュボード モニター。 ある時間枠から別の時間枠に変更しても、9TF ダッシュボード モニターの計算は非常に正確です。 どの曲線が臨界レベルを超えており、どの曲線が臨界レベルを下回っているかを監視します。 メイン MACD がシグナル MACD を上回っているか、またはその逆であるかを曲線で監視します。 メイン MACD とシグナル MACD
The indicator shows 7 patterns of the Price Action trading system, as well as the maximum and minimum price lines for the day. Timeframe: H1, H4, D1. Pin bar Outside Vertical Bar (OVB) Pivot Point Reversal (PPR) Closing Price Reversal (CPR) Double Extremums ( DMax/DMin ) Wide Range Bar (WRB) Inside Bar (IB) Settings PRICE ACTION PATTERNS Show Pin Bar Color Pin Bar - pointer arrow color. Show Outside Vertical Bar (OVB) Color Outside Vertical Bar - poin
MetaTraderマーケットはトレーダーのための自動売買ロボットやテクニカル指標を備えており、 ターミナルから直接利用することができます。
MQL5.community支払いシステムはMetaTraderサービス上のトランザクションのためにMQL5.comサイトに登録したすべてのユーザーに利用可能です。WebMoney、PayPal または銀行カードを使っての入金や出金が可能です。
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