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MetaTrader 4のための新しいテクニカル指標 - 36

icon 以下にリストされているテクニカル指標からのシグナルは、MetaTrader4プラットフォームで取引を開始および終了する際に重要な役割を果たします。 指標の本質は、価格変動の予測を目的とした金融銘柄価格の数学的変換です。
The Chaikin Oscillator is a technical indicator developed by Marc Chaikin that combines price and volume data to measure the accumulation and distribution of a financial instrument. It aims to identify potential buying and selling opportunities in the market. The Chaikin Oscillator is calculated by subtracting a 10-day exponential moving average of the Accumulation Distribution Line (ADL) from a 3-day exponential moving average of the ADL. Here's how to use the Chaikin Oscillator indicator in tr
Indicator show best signals for buy and sell orders. Indicator uses only 2 inputs: DEMA Fast Period  - fast   double exponential moving average period DEMA Slow Period  - slow   double exponential moving average period Crossings of fast and slow double  double exponential moving averages shows buy and sell signals, which are drawn as green and magenta arrows respectively.
Indicator show best signals for buy and sell orders. Indicator uses only 3 inputs: DEMA Fast Period  -   fast   double exponential moving average period DEMA Slow Period  -   slow   double exponential moving average period DEMA Trend Period  -  trend  double exponential moving average period Position of price according to trend double  double exponential moving average  and crossings of fast and slow double  double exponential moving averages shows buy and sell signals, which are drawn as green
Indicator show best signals for buy and sell orders. Indicator uses only 2 inputs: PEMA Bounce Period  -  bounce  percentage exponential moving average period PEMA Confirm  Period  -  confirm  percentage   exponential moving average period Positions of price according to bounce and confirm   percentage   exponential moving averages  and directions of bounce and confirm   percentage   exponential moving average shows buy and sell signals, which are drawn as green and magenta arrows respectively.
Price Matrix
Shellard Securities (Pty) Ltd
The dashboard indicator has been designed to quickly show the trader the price movements of various currency pairs.   The user is able to select 3 different timeframes to analyse. When the pip difference for each respective timeframe is either positive or negative, the pair block will be coloured green or red respectively. This allows the trader to view which timeframes are in agreement, as well as the pip movements therein.   A good visual tool to view multiple pairs and timeframes at once.   T
Trade Position Sizer
Shellard Securities (Pty) Ltd
The indicator has been designed to function on any time-frame and any pair.   The user is able to input their desired risk percentage per trade based on their account size, and choose whether they wish to calculate risk based on a limit order or market order.   When initialised, a non-invasive button will appear on the left-hand side of the chart. Upon selection, a drop down will appear with a Buy and Sell button, these will in turn place movable lines on the chart that are used to appropriately
To get access to MT5 version please click here . This indicator is not a standard indicator and you may get into trouble installing it. Please contact via private chat if you face trouble. This is exact conversion from TradingView: "Consolidation Zones - Live" by "LonesomeTheBlue". This is a light-load processing indicator. Updates are available only upon candle closure. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. It is a repaint indicator. So previous buffer values do not represent exactly wha
Introducing the   Gold Multiply Funds EA   - a revolutionary trading tool that is based on the powerful principle of compounding.  MT4 Version :   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90177 MT5 Version :   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/95784 Brief description EA for XAUSUD: AI & machine learning detect/respond to market trends with precision. Trading Strategy Advanced pattern recognition using AI and Machine learning for profitable trades 65-70% correct prediction accuracy in 10 ye
Trend Reversal Identifier es un indicador de análisis profundo que no repinta de alto rendimiento que sirve para detectar y confirmar Pullbacks, Soportes y Resistencias.  También posee un alto valor para detectar divergencias al tener los movimientos alcista y bajistas dados por separado con mucha claridad.  Debido a la estructura implícita del algoritmo es plenamente válido para cualquier par/periodo y no necesita configuración. Tenemos dos zonas principales: Zona Up y Zona Down, las cuales a s
通貨強さウィザードは、取引を成功させるためのオールインワン ソリューションを提供する非常に強力な指標です。このインジケーターは、複数の時間枠のすべての通貨のデータを使用して、このまたはその外国為替ペアのパワーを計算します。このデータは、使いやすい通貨インデックスと通貨パワーラインの形式で表され、特定の通貨のパワーを確認するために使用できます。 必要なのは、取引したいチャートにインジケーターを接続することだけです。インジケーターは、取引する通貨の実際の強さを示します。このインジケーターは、トレンドに合わせて取引するときに有利に利用できる売買高の圧力の極値も示します。このインジケーターには、フィボナッチに基づく可能なターゲットも表示されます。 このインジケーターは、PUSH 通知を含むあらゆるタイプのアラートを提供します。 購入後ご連絡下さい。私の取引のヒントをあなたと共有し、素晴らしいボーナスインジケーターを無料で提供します! 幸せで有益な取引をお祈りします。
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
TrendLines Plator: トレンド予測の高度なインジケーターでトレード戦略を最大限に活用しましょう 当社の革新的なインジケーターのポテンシャルを探索しましょう!より広範な時間枠のトレンドラインを直接現在の時間枠に分析・予測できるこのインジケーターは、一般のトレーダーの注目を集める戦略的なサポートを提供します。これらのポイントは、取引において重要なサポートまたはレジスタンスのレベルに変わり、あなたのトレード戦略を強化します。 Price Actionのインジケーターの選択肢にうまく統合することができるこの革新的なインジケーターをイメージしてみてください。ご試用いただき、その精度に驚かれることでしょう。戦略を改善し、成果を向上させるための必須要素になるかもしれません。 この機会を見逃さないでください!ぜひ今すぐこの素晴らしいツールをトレードリソースに取り入れるチャンスをお見逃しなく。その価値とポテンシャルに気づいた場合は、迷わずに今日手に入れて、トレードの正確性を高め、新たな成功の領域に到達しましょう。 最新情報をいち早くご覧ください 当社の独占的なリリース情報を受け取るために
スペシャルキャンドル 成功した一目均衡表戦略を持つ最高の外国為替指標の1つを使いたいですか?この一目均衡表戦略に基づく素晴らしいインジケーターを利用できます。 MT5バージョンはこちらです 。 第1戦略: この戦略では、まれに発生する類似した強いクロスを特定することが含まれます。 この戦略に最適な時間枠は、30分(30M)および1時間(H1)です。 30分間隔の適切なシンボルには以下が含まれます: • CAD/JPY • CHF/JPY • USD/JPY • NZD/JPY • AUD/JPY • EUR/USD • EUR/GBP 1時間のタイムフレームに適したシンボルには以下が含まれます: • GBP/USD • GBP/NZD • GBP/AUD • USD/CAD • USD/CHF • USD/JPY • EUR/AUD 第2戦略: この戦略では、トレンドと同じ方向に発生した強力なTenkunsenおよびKijunsenのクロスを特定することが含まれます。 この戦略に最適な時間枠は、1分(1M)から15分(15M)です。 この戦略はほとんどの通貨およびシンボルに適用でき
取引の意思決定を強化するために設計された強力なツールである、MT4 用の ハル クロスオーバー アラート インジケーターをご紹介します。このインジケーターは ハル移動平均 (HMA) を利用し、誤ったシグナルをフィルターして迅速かつ信頼性の高いアラートを提供する高度な機能を組み込んでいます。 ハル クロスオーバー アラート インジケーターを使用すると、ハル移動平均の固有の特性から恩恵を受けることができます。価格の変化に対する応答性と滑らかな曲線により、潜在的なトレンドの変化や市場の反転をより正確に特定することができます。 当社の包括的なアラート システムにより常に最新情報を入手し、取引機会を逃すことはありません。このインジケーターは、ポップアップ、モバイル、電子メール、サウンドのアラートを提供し、どのデバイスでも即座に通知を受け取ることができます。市場をアクティブに監視している場合でも、外出先でも、接続を維持し、潜在的な取引機会に迅速に行動できます。 ハルクロスオーバーアラートインジケーターは、多用途で取引スタイルに適応できるように設計されています。さまざまな時間枠、市場、
ABCDEインジケーター このインジケーターは、価格アクションの主要なabcパターン(つまり、ブレイク、プルバック、ムーブメント)に基づいています。これらのパターンはラリーベースラリーパターンに似ており、トレンド分析やダイバージェンス分析などの一連の分析がチェックされ、正確なシグナルを発行します。それはかなり正確な取引シグナルを提供し、トレードを開始し、終了するのが最適なタイミングを伝えます。これは、外国為替、暗号通貨、金属、株式、指数など、どんな金融資産にも適用できます。 主な特徴: •    非常に使いやすい •    マルチタイムフレームアラート •    固定価格でストップロスとテイクプロフィットのオーダーが可能。 •    どんな取引インストゥルメントとも連携可能(Forex、CFD、Futures その他) •    メール通知 •    電話通知 •    かなり正確なトレードシグナルを提供し、いつトレードを開始・終了するのが最適かを教えてくれます。 •    オープニングライン、ストップロス、テイクプロフィットをグラフ上に表示します。 •    無料デモ版があり
Introducing the Donchian Channels indicator for MQL4, a powerful technical analysis tool designed to boost your trading success. This indicator consists of four lines that represent the upper and lower boundaries of price movement over a specified period. With the Donchian Channels indicator, you can easily identify potential breakouts and reversals in the market. The upper line shows the highest high of the specified period, while the lower line represents the lowest low. The space between thes
The SuperChannel indicator for MQL4 is a POWERFUL technical analysis tool designed to help you make informed trading decisions. BASED ON the popular SUPERTREND indicator, this indicator offers a UNIQUE approach Using HIGHS and LOWS over an n-period instead of the Average True Range (ATR) to construct the line. The SuperChannel indicator allows you to easily identify market trends and pinpoint optimal entry and exit points for your trades. By using historical highs and lows, the indicator plots a
This Custom Mapping Tool is an innovative MT4 indicator that simplifies the process of marking and mapping charts. With this tool, you no longer have to waste time rewriting repetitive words, rectangles, and trendline colors every time. New Feature V5.60: Draw path - Same as the TV Path drawing mode, which is very useful for naked chart trader. You can draw zigzag, draw your patterns manually. Change style in indicator setting.  Crop function disabled by default. Can be enabled and show button c
Blahtech VWAP
Blahtech Limited
5 (2)
Was: $69    Now: $49   Blahtech VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is the ratio of price to total volume. It provides an average price over a specified time interval.  Links [  Install  |  Update  |  Documentation   ] Feature Highlights Configurable VWAP Line Sessions, intervals, anchored or continuous Previous day settlement line Standard Deviation bands Alerts at bar close or real time Automatic Broker or Tick volumes Significantly reduced CPU usage Input Parameters Expert Advisor
The MAtrio indicator displays three moving averages on any timeframe at once with a period of 50-day, 100-day, 200-day. After attaching to the chart, it immediately displays three moving averages with the parameters of simple (SMA) moving average SmoothingType50 , simple (SMA) moving average SmoothingType100 , simple (SMA) moving average SmoothingType200 . Accordingly, with the price type ValuePrices50, ValuePrices100, ValuePrices200 , by default, the price is Close price everywhere. All parame
*This is tradingview bot converted to mql4* The UT Bot Alert Indicator is an advanced technical analysis tool designed to help traders optimize their trading performance. This innovative indicator is based on the proven UT Bot system, which utilizes multiple indicators to deliver accurate signals that can help traders make better decisions. The UT Bot Alert Indicator provides a range of features that can help you stay on top of market trends and capitalize on opportunities. Here are some of its
"TOP G ARROWS"    shows price reversal points designed for scalping and intraday trading. Contains internal reversal filters (ATR, HHLL, RSI). Can be used on all time frames and trading instruments. Can be used on M1, M5, M15 time frames for scalping or M30, H1, H4 for intraday trading, Recommended for M30 and H1. The arrows are built on candle close (appears on previous bar at the open of the new candle)
An extremely convenient indicator that truly makes the process of making money on the exchange easy. It is based on the scientifically rigorous theory of the market developed by the author, the beginning of which is presented here .                The full algorithm of this indicator operation is presented in the article .               The indicator calculates the most probable price movement trajectory and displays it on the chart. Based on the predicted price movement trajectory
If you have been anywhere near Forex forums or social media lately, you have no doubt been hearing people talk about   Smart Money Concepts (SMC)   trading. You may be wondering what SMC is, and whether it deserves all the hype. In this post, we will introduce Smart Money Concepts trading to you so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to give this strategy a try in your own trading. What is SMC Forex trading? Smart Money Concepts (SMC) is one of many forex trading methods. SMC
AI Forecast MT4
Leonardo Antonio Camacaro Armas
The "AI Forecast" indicator is the result of a unique experiment in which I asked an AI how to create the best indicator to anticipate the market. The AI suggested measuring the past history of the price and its reactions to different levels, and then calculating the probabilities of the price reaction in the future. With this idea, I designed with the help of another AI the "AI Forecast" indicator, which adapts to any MetaTrader chart and shows you three lines: one for entry and two for possi
Unleash the Power of Repetitive Market Price Levels (Markets often repeat structure ). Are you tired of guessing the crucial support and resistance levels in your trading strategy? Do you want to enhance your decision-making process with reliable and accurate market insights? Look no further! We proudly present the interactive digital product designed to transform your trading experience – the Ultimate  Support and Resistance Zones Indicator. Unlock the Potential of Critically Watched Suppo
Introduction: Welcome to the world of advanced trading tools! Introducing the CCI Multicurrency Scanner, an exceptional MT4 indicator designed to revolutionize your trading experience. With its powerful features and comprehensive insights, this tool will empower you to make informed decisions and maximize your profitability. Features: Efficient Multicurrency Scanning: Our CCI Multicurrency Scanner swiftly scans multiple currencies based on your inputs. Receive instant alerts when specific condit
The   Supertrend Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT4   is a powerful tool designed to monitor multiple currency pairs and timeframes using the Supertrend indicator. It organizes signals in a grid format, displaying each symbol’s trend status across timeframes from M1 to MN1. Traders can enable or disable specific timeframes to align with their strategies. You can find the MT5 version here   SuperTrend Multicurrency Scanner MT5 For detailed documentation click   here Supertrend Integration:   Th
Are you tired of the uncertainty that arises when your orders fail to stop at a specific line due to the spread? Look no further! Introducing our  indicator that plots candlesticks based on the Ask price instead of the traditional bid-based chart commonly used in MQL4. With this indicator, you can say goodbye to the frustrations caused by the bid-based chart, as it provides you with a more accurate representation of market movements. By utilizing the Ask price, which represents the price at whic
Williams R Scanner Indicator is a technical tool for Metatrader 4 designed to display a simple dashboard showing the values of the Williams %R oscillator across multiple markets and time frames of the trader's choosing. The dashboard also shows when the Williams %R indicator reaches an overbought or oversold condition which may precede market reversals. The trader also has the option of viewing signal alerts on the platform that indicate when the Williams %R has made a bullish or bearish cross
Thanks to this indicator, you can easily see the new ABCD harmonic patterns in the chart. If the two price action lengths are equal, the system will give you a signal when it reaches the specified level. You can set the limits as you wish. For example, You can get the signal of the price, which occurs in the Fibonaci 38.2 and 88.6 retracements, and then moves for the same length, at the level you specify. For example, it will alarm you when the price reaches 80% as a percentage. In vertical
The   Parabolic SAR Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT4   is a comprehensive tool for monitoring multiple currency pairs and timeframes using the Parabolic SAR (PSAR) indicator. It organizes signals in a grid format, displaying each symbol’s status across timeframes from M1 to MN1. Traders can enable or disable specific timeframes based on their strategies. For detailed documentation click   here Parabolic SAR Integration:   The dashboard uses the PSAR indicator with customizable parameters for
The   RSI Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT4   is a powerful tool designed to monitor multiple currency pairs and timeframes using the Relative Strength Index (RSI). It organizes signals in a grid format, displaying each symbol’s status across timeframes from M1 to MN1. Traders can enable or disable specific timeframes to suit their strategies. You can find the MT5 version here  RSI Multicurrency Scanner MT5 For detailed documentation click   here RSI Indicator Integration:   The dashboard sup
The   CCI Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT4   is a robust trading tool that monitors signals across multiple currency pairs and timeframes using the Commodity Channel Index (CCI). It provides a streamlined grid interface that organizes signals by symbols and timeframes, ranging from M1 to MN1. Users can enable or disable specific timeframes to focus on their preferred strategies. You can find the MT5 version here  CCI Multicurrency Scanner MT5 For detailed documentation click here   CCI Indic
The   ADX Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT4   is a powerful tool designed for traders who want to monitor multiple currency pairs and timeframes simultaneously using the Average Directional Index (ADX). It simplifies the process of tracking market trends, identifying confluence signals, and receiving real-time alerts, making it an indispensable asset for ADX-based trading strategies. Multicurrency & Multi-Timeframe Scanning:   The dashboard scans a wide range of currency pairs, including majo
The Time Segmented Volume (TSV) is a technical indicator that measures the volume of a financial instrument within specific time segments. It helps traders identify buying and selling pressure based on volume analysis. The TSV indicator can be used as part of a trading strategy to generate trade signals and confirm market trends. Let's explore how to use the TSV indicator as a trading strategy. To begin, add the TSV indicator to your trading platform. The TSV is typically represented as a line o
indicators included supply and demand indicator Specification Buy trade A SUPPORT zone (or immediately forms above the support zone) if the candle sticks are below either the middle or the lower band NO BUY TRADE IN THE RESISTANCE ZONE (RED HIGHLIGHTED ZONE),  Sell trade A RESISTANCE zone (or immediately forms below the resistance zone) if the candle sticks are above either the middle or the upper band NO SELL TRADE IN THE SUPPORT ZONE (GREEN HIGHLIGHTED ZONE), In the supply zone, the prices are
The indicator can display Stop Out, Free Margin and Margin Call lines on the chart. Y ou can also set your own line at the custom level. Displaying these lines on the chart is especially useful for people who trade with high leverage or go all-in, where the risk is very high. You can adjust the line color, style, thickness and visibility ( for each one separately).  The last parameter that can be changed is the refresh interval. If you have open orders on several stocks, the line levels will ch
PM indicator
Christian Vestergaard Rasmussen
Discover PM - Your Ultimate Precision Forex Indicator for Informed Trading Decisions! In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of Forex trading, having a reliable and accurate indicator can make all the difference between success and missed opportunities. Say hello to PM, the revolutionary Precision Momentum indicator, engineered to empower traders with unparalleled insights into market dynamics, volatility, and trends. At the heart of PM's power lies its ability to precisely identify moments
The "Wilder's Average True Range (ATR)" tool is used to measure the volatility of a financial instrument. It was developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr. and is commonly used by traders to assess the potential price range and volatility of an asset. The ATR indicator provides valuable information for setting stop loss levels, determining position sizes, and identifying potential breakouts. Here's how to use the "Wilder's Average True Range (ATR)" tool: Install the indicator: Add the ATR indicator to yo
トレンドキャッチャー: アラートインジケーター付きのトレンドキャッチャーストラテジーは、市場トレンドやポテンシャルなエントリーポイントやエグジットポイントを特定するのに役立つ多目的な技術分析ツールです。動的なトレンドキャッチャーストラテジーを備えており、市場状況に適応してトレンドの方向を明確に視覚化します。トレーダーは、自身の好みやリスク許容度に合わせてパラメーターをカスタマイズできます。このインジケーターはトレンドの識別を支援し、ポテンシャルなリバーサルをシグナルし、トレイリングストップのメカニズムとして機能し、市場への迅速な対応のためのリアルタイムアラートを提供します。 特徴: - トレンドの識別:上昇トレンドと下降トレンドをシグナルします。 - トレンドのリバーサル:ローソク足の色が上昇から下降に変わった場合やその逆の場合に、ポテンシャルなリバーサルを警告します。 - リアルタイムアラート:新しいトレンドの識別に対するアラートを生成します。 推奨事項: - 通貨ペア:EURUSD、AUDUSD、XAUUSDなど... - タイムフレーム:H1。 - アカウントタイプ:
ご紹介     Quantum Breakout PRO は 、ブレイクアウト ゾーンの取引方法を変革する画期的な MQL5 インジケーターです。 13年以上の取引経験を持つ経験豊富なトレーダーのチームによって開発された Quantum Breakout PROは 、革新的でダイナミックなブレイクアウトゾーン戦略により、あなたの取引の旅を新たな高みに押し上げるように設計されています。 クォンタム ブレイクアウト インジケーターは、5 つの利益ターゲット ゾーンを備えたブレイクアウト ゾーン上のシグナル矢印と、ブレイクアウト ボックスに基づいたストップロスの提案を提供します。 初心者トレーダーにもプロのトレーダーにも適しています。 量子EAチャネル:       ここをクリック MT5バージョン:   ここをクリック 重要!購入後、インストールマニュアルを受け取るためにプライベートメッセージを送ってください。 推奨事項: 時間枠: M15 通貨ペア: GBPJPY、EURJPY、USDJPY、NZDUSD、XAUUSD アカウントの種類: ECN、Raw、またはスプレッドが非
The Breaker Blocks with Signals indicator aims to highlight a complete methodology based on breaker blocks. Breakout signals between the price and breaker blocks are highlighted and premium/discount swing levels are included to provide potential take profit/stop loss levels. This script also includes alerts for each signal highlighted.   SETTINGS   Breaker Blocks Length: Sensitivity of the detected swings used to construct breaker blocks. Higher values will return longer term break
Urgent reminder> Only 13 copies remaining for the price to double on all renting options. Get your copy Today! Introduction Dear Traders, I am always working to come up with tools that may help you to become a better trader and investor. Due to my experience in trading and market analysis and trading software design and development, I am glad to introduce to you my other tool called " Amazing Entries Indicator ". The Indicator is designed in a way that it combines different strategy to provide
The standard RSI indicator is very helpful in identifying overbought or oversold areas during a flat, but gives a lot of false signals when the market is trending. For example: during an uptrend, the standard indicator often enters the "oversold" zone and extremely rarely (most often, when the trend has already ended) enters the "overbought" zone. This indicator takes into account the trend movement and, with the selected settings, can enter the zone opposite to the trend direction, giving a sig
Have you ever lost your mind? Cause you open multiple positions try to revenge the market or sometime open double, triple position to maximize the profit? if you are win it is okay, but how about if you lose? So "MaxOrdersWarning" may remind your consciousness not to open too many orders in the same time. How to use - Drag and drop Indicator on your chart. - Set the limitation number of your position ( per Chart Symbol that you open ) Then what's next? If you reaches the limit, the background
Everything is very simple here. I have never understood indicators without external parameters. And the Awesome Oscillator is no exception. Now you can customize this indicator to suit your needs and strategies. Reference: The Awesome Oscillator indicator shows the distance in points between two moving averages (fast and slow). The AO_Robex indicator has in its parameters a change in the period of moving averages. The default parameters are the same as in the standard indicator.
The standard RSI indicator is very helpful in identifying overbought or oversold areas during a flat, but gives a lot of false signals when the market is trending. For example: during an uptrend, the standard indicator often enters the "oversold" zone and extremely rarely (most often, when the trend has already ended) enters the "overbought" zone. This indicator takes into account the trend movement and, with the selected settings, can enter the zone opposite to the trend direction, giving a sig
The Fisher Transform is a technical indicator created by John F. Ehlers that converts prices into a Gaussian normal distribution. The indicator highlights when prices have moved to an extreme, based on recent prices. This may help in spotting turning points in the price of an asset. It also helps show the trend and isolate the price waves within a trend. The Fisher Transform is a technical indicator that normalizes asset prices, thus making turning points in price clearer. Takeaways Turning poi
This   Wonders Real Arrow   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change. When the signal comes the arrows are put back one c
*This is tradingview indicator converted to mql5* The Trend Magic Indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used to identify the direction of a market trend and potential trend reversals. It is a versatile indicator that can be applied to various financial instruments and timeframes. The Trend Magic Indicator consists of a combination of moving averages and a volatility-based filter. It aims to smooth out price fluctuations and provide a clearer visualization of the underlying trend. Here
*This is tradingview indicator converted to mql4* The CM Slingshot System Indicator is a trading tool that aims to identify potential trade setups based on market volatility and price action. It is designed to help traders spot entry and exit points in trending markets. The CM Slingshot System Indicator combines multiple indicators and techniques to generate trading signals. Here are the key features and components of the indicator: Bollinger Bands: The indicator incorporates Bollinger Bands, w
*This is tradingview indicator converted to mql4* The Chandelier Exit Indicator is a popular technical analysis tool developed by Chuck LeBeau. It is designed to help traders identify potential exit points for their trades based on market volatility and the concept of trailing stops. The Chandelier Exit Indicator consists of three main components: Average True Range (ATR): The indicator utilizes the Average True Range, which measures market volatility. The ATR calculates the average range betwe
This indicator is based on Mr. Mark Fisher's ACD strategy, based on the book "The Logical Trader." - OR lines - A lines - C lines - Daily pivot range - N days pivot range - Customizable trading session - Drawing OR with the desired time Drawing levels A and C based on daily ATR or constant number - Possibility to display daily and last day pivots in color zone - Displaying the status of daily PMAs (layer 4) in the corner of the chart - Show the order of daily pivot placement with multi-day pi
The JagzFX Gap Indicator acts as your vigilant companion, scanning the market with precision and alerting you to the presence of gaps as soon as a new candle is formed. Set your desired gap size, and the indicator will highlight both filled and unfilled gaps, on any symbol and on any timeframe.  By analysing the presence of unfilled gaps, you gain valuable insights into market behaviour, allowing for more informed trading decisions. Combine JagzFX Gap Indicator with JagzFX OnePin  to create a ma
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Alligator Cross Strategy with Alert and Button is an effective technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying potential entry and exit points with enhanced trading. Based on the popular Alligator Indicator, this tool brings an added layer of convenience with real-time alerts and trading buttons for seamless execution. Key Fe
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Rate Of Change Cross Strategy with Alert Indicator is a valuable tool for traders seeking to identify potential trend reversals and capitalize on market opportunities. Based on the Rate of Change (ROC) indicator, this tool provides clear and timely buy or sell signals, helping traders make informed decisions in their trading endeavors. Key Fe
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The RVI Cross Strategy with Alert and Button Indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify potential trend changes and seize opportunities in the financial markets. Utilizing the Relative Vigor Index (RVI) indicator, this tool offers precise and timely buy/sell signals, enabling traders to make well-informed tr
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The Super Trend Line Strategy with Alert Indicator is a versatile technical analysis tool designed to help traders with valuable insights into market trends and potential entry and exit points. By effectively capturing trend movements, this indicator helps traders make informed trading decisions across various financial markets. Key Features: - S
STC Indicator  - Boost Your Trading Strategy with Smart Trend Confirmation Description: Enhance your trading strategies and maximize profitability with the STC Indicator for TradingView. Developed by industry experts, the STC Indicator (Schaff Trend Cycle) is a powerful technical analysis tool that combines the best of both trend-following and oscillator indicators to provide reliable buy/sell signals. With its unique algorithm, the STC Indicator effectively identifies trend cycles and confirms
The Fisher Transform is a technical indicator created by John F. Ehlers that converts prices into a Gaussian normal distribution. The indicator highlights when prices have moved to an extreme, based on recent prices. This may help in spotting turning points in the price of an asset. It also helps show the trend and isolate the price waves within a trend. The Fisher Transform is a technical indicator that normalizes asset prices, thus making turning points in price clearer. Takeaways Turning poi
Description: The CCI Arrow Indicator is a powerful trading tool designed to offer clear buy and sell signals based on the Commodity Channel Index (CCI). Buffer 0 signifies the buy signal, while Buffer 1 represents the sell signal, providing a straightforward visual representation of market conditions. Users can easily install and apply the indicator to their MetaTrader platform, where arrows indicate potential entry and exit points, aiding in informed trading decisions. A green arrow (Buffer 0)
*This is TradingView indicator converted to mql4* The SuperTrend V indicator is a popular technical analysis tool used to identify trends and potential trend reversals in financial markets. It is based on the concept of the SuperTrend indicator but incorporates additional features and variations. The SuperTrend V indicator uses a combination of price action and volatility to determine the trend direction and generate trading signals. Here are the key components and features of the indicator: Ca
【V1.00】MTF NRPA 5 RSI RTDがリリースされました! 非再描画矢印リアルタイム ダッシュボード。 さまざまな RSI インジケーターを使用するのにうんざりしていて、それらが不正確であると感じた場合は、このツールを試してください。 通常、時間枠内の OBOS レベルを決定するために RSI を 1 つだけインストールします。 悪いニュースは、さまざまな時間枠の OBOS レベルと傾向を一度に確認できないことです。 それが私がこの取引ツールを開発した理由です。 それは次のように説明されています。 この取引ツールでは、5 つの RSI を使用します。 はい、5つです! デフォルトでは、RSI 1 と RSI 2 を大きな時間枠、つまり M30 に設定します。 RSI 1 と RSI 2 の交差は、M30 タイムフレームでトレンドの変化があることを意味します。 次に、現在の(小さい)時間枠に RSI 3 と RSI 4 を設定します。たとえば、M5 でチャートを開いたとします。 RSI 3 と RSI 4 の交差点は、現在のタイムフレーム (M5) でトレンドの変
【V 1.00】MTF NRPA 5 移動平均RTDがリリースされました! 非再描画矢印リアルタイム ダッシュボード。 最適な移動平均インジケーターをお探しなら、ここが正しいページです。 一般に、2 つの移動平均の交点 (クロスオーバー) が次の価格トレンドの方向を決定するため、2 つの移動平均を設定します。 高速移動平均が低速移動平均と交差し、高速 > 低速の場合、トレンドは上昇しています。 逆に、速い移動平均が遅い移動平均と交差し、速い < 遅い場合、トレンドは下降しています。 2 つの移動平均の欠点は、長期的な傾向が見えないことです。 それが私がこの取引ツールを開発した理由です。 それは次のように説明されています。 この取引ツールでは、5 つの移動平均を使用します。 はい、5つです! デフォルトでは、MA 1 と MA 2 を大きな時間枠 (H1) に設定します。 MA 1 と MA 2 の交差は、上半期の時間枠でトレンドの変化があることを意味します。 次に、現在の時間枠(小さい)に MA 3 と MA 4 を設定します。たとえば、M5 でチャートを開きます。 MA 3
Robot Choppiness
Diego Mauricio Padilla Mendez
3 (2)
Choppines ロボットは MT4 インジケーター フォルダーにインジケーターとしてロードされます キャンドルのタイミングは 5 分を使用することをお勧めします。ロボットの推奨有効期限は 5 分です。 ロボットは、MT2、MX2、PRICEPRO プラットフォームに信号を送信するように構成できます。シグナルを送信するには、連携したいプラットフォームのコネクタ プログラムを使用する必要があります。 コネクタにインストールするには、次の手順を実行します (MT2 プラットフォーム コネクタの構成を説明する画像が添付されています)。  1.- MT4 プラットフォームに任意の通貨ペアをロードします 2.- M5 のタイミングでキャンドルを置きます。 3.- Robot-Choppiness.ex4 ファイルをロードするか、画面上で開いている通貨ペアにドラッグします。 4.- MT2 コネクタ (MX2、または PRICEPRO、一度に 1 つずつ) を画面にロードし、ファイル名、シグナル名、買いバッファ (0)、売りバッファ (1) を設定し、ロボットの有効期限 = 5
このインジケーターをダウンロードし、その機能をテストし、意見を書いた人は誰でも、このインジケーターのシグナルで取引を開始する無料のロボットをギフトとして受け取ります。 「スキャルピング スクエア プロ」インジケーターは、スキャルピング戦略を使用して価格の反転ポイントを見つけるように設計されたインジケーターです。 このインジケーターは、チャート上に色付きの四角形で価格反転ポイントを表示します。 この情報を手に入れることで、トレーダーはあらゆる通貨ペアの売買のための取引操作を効果的に開始する機会が得られます。 このインジケーターは、金属や暗号通貨を含むすべての通貨ペアで機能します。 「Scalping squares pro」はピボットポイントや価格修正ポイントも表示します。 このインジケーターを使用するためのトレーディング戦略全体は、インジケーターがシグナルを示した瞬間にタイムリーに注文を開始することに基づいています。 インジケーターの利点: 信号を再描画しません ピボットポイントと価格修正を示します すべての通貨ペアで機能します スキャルピング戦略で取引するために作成されました。
ICT Silver Bullet MT4
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
5 (13)
ICT Silver Bullet If you are searching for a reliable indicator to trade the ICT Silver Bullet concept, or ICT concepts, Smart Money Concepts, or SMC, this indicator will respond to your need!  This indicator will help you identify the following: FVG - fair value gaps Market structure: BOS and CHOCH. It is based on ZIGZAG as it is the most subjective way to do it. ICT Silver Bullet windows and related notifications when it starts and when an FVG appears  Swing High and low that are potential bu
The Trend Engine indicator is good for any trader, suitable for any trader for both forex and binary options. Trend indicator, a revolutionary trend trading and filtering solution with all the important features of a trend tool built into one tool! You don’t need to configure anything, everything is perfected by time and experience, it works great during a flat and in a trend.
The Visual Volatility Clustering indicator clusters the market based on volatility. The indicator does not redraw and gives accurate data, does not use closing prices. Uses the opening prices or the highs or lows of the previous completed bar. Therefore, all information will be clear and unambiguous. The essence of the indicator is to divide the price market into certain areas according to a similar type of volatility. This can be done in any way. In this example, the indicator is configured fo
The   Visual Volatility Clustering   indicator clusters the market based on volatility. The indicator does not redraw and gives accurate data, does not use closing prices. Uses the opening prices or the highs or lows of the previous completed bar. Therefore, all information will be clear and unambiguous. The essence of the indicator is to divide the price market into certain areas according to a similar type of volatility. This can be done in any way. In this example, the indicator is configure

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