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MetaTrader 4 | 22 4月 2016, 13:13
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本稿の対象は、少なくとも MQL4 の開始レベルの知識があり、シンプルな考えやアルゴリズムをコードに実装でき、またターミナルにおけるコードストレージの構造についての知識があり、ライブラリ(エキスパート/ライブラリ)やヘッダファイル(エキスパート/インクルード)を使用できる方です。

1. タスク設定


  • ライン交差

  • レベル-レベル交差ポイントのみならず、全レベルが取り上げられます。

  • 簡単な解釈での頂点/底

  • 上昇/下降方向に対する異なる着色


2. 基本概念


#property indicator_separate_window

// number of visible buffers of the indicator
#property indicator_buffers 3

// setting the range of indicator values
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_maximum 100

// setting indicator colors
#property indicator_color1  White
#property indicator_color2  Red
#property indicator_color3  Blue

// external settings
extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;
extern int MAPeriod        = 5;

// declaring indicator buffers. Here they can be declared in any order.
// Any names can be given to buffers, though better meaningful

double Values[];           // Values
double SmoothedValues[];   // Smoothed values
double Crosses[];          // intersections

// Significant number of digits after a decimal point in indicator values
int DigitsUsed = 5;

// Used empty value. In MQL4 there are two empty values -- EMPTY (-1)
// -- used as an empty parameter when calling functions
// EMPTY_VALUE (0x7FFFFFFF) -- used as an unacceptable value 
// (or default value) of a variable in indicators and function calls. 
// The fact is, most built-in indicators return 0 if there is no value
// Besides, in custom (iCustom) indicators the empty value can be 
// set as any, this must be noted.
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

// Initialization function.
int init()
   // Number of used buffers can be larger than that of displayed ones; some
   // may contain intermediate calculations and additional information. The total
   // number of buffers including additional ones is displayed here.
   // If there are no additional buffers,
   // this line is not needed. Total number must not exceed 8
   // IndicatorBuffers(3);

   // associate buffers. Indexes must go from 0 till the declared number (not including)
   // buffers are drawn in the order of index growing, this is important and can be 
   // used when righting indicators further.
   // It means that a buffer with a larger index is drawn above the buffer with lower one
   SetIndexBuffer(0, Values);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, SmoothedValues);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, Crosses);
   // besides, it is important that additional buffers are located after displayed ones
   // (i.e. they must have higher index) otherwise problems may occur displaying buffers,
   // and sometimes the error can be hardly found

   // This function sets an empty value for the buffer with the preset index
   // I do not recommend to use this function in order to avoid possible difficulties
   // Default empty value for buffers -- EMPTY_VALUE. 
   // Empty buffer values are not drawn in a chart (except for DRAW_ZIGZAG)

   // SetIndexEmptyValue(0, EMPTY_VALUE);
   // Set parameters for buffers
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);     // The main signal is a solid line
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DASH); // Smoothed -- dotted line
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2); // Intersections -- crosses of the size 2
   SetIndexArrow(2, 251); // cross code in Wingdings
   IndicatorDigits(DigitsUsed); // set number of significant digits after point
   // Setting the starting plotting point for each indicator. If in terms of the current index
   // the history depth 
   // is lower than the value written here, the buffer value with this index will not be drawn.
   SetIndexDrawBegin(0, RSIPeriod); 
   SetIndexDrawBegin(1, RSIPeriod + MAPeriod);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(2, RSIPeriod + MAPeriod + 1);


int start()
   // counting number of bars for re-calculation
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  
   // Calculating values
   // counting from history start till the current moment
   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      // I understood its convenience only when I started to use it
      // I recommend to conduct the normalization of data at once,
      // so that later comparison could be easily made
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   // Counting smoothed values
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      SmoothedValues[i] = NormalizeDouble(iMAOnArray(Values, 0, MAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, i), DigitsUsed);
   // ...

3. 特徴


3.1. ライン交差

おそらくどんな開発者も、2つの MA(移動平均)の交差を用いた、または同様にMACD のベース ラインとシグナルラインの交差トレーディングのアルゴリズムを実装しようと試みたことがあるものです。それを視覚化してインディケータで交点を表示することでより明確にしましょう。


3.1.1. タスクの公式化


3.1.2. 問題



if ((x1 > y1 && x2 < y2) || (x1 < y1 && x2 > y2))
    // line crossing here


if ((x1 - y1)*(x2 - y2) < 0)
    // line crossing here






3.1.3. ソリューション

この時点から、関数 init() は重要ではないため考慮されることはありません。フルコードはソースの中にあります。


//|                                 RSI_Crosses_Sample.mq4 |

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;
extern int MAPeriod        = 5;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double SmoothedValues[];   // Smoothed values
double Crosses[];          // Crosses

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  
   // Reading the values and normalizing them 
   // Mark the crosses
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      // i+1 must be greater or equal bars count in the history
      if (i + 1 >= Bars)

      // if some of the values are empty, it is not necessary to check
      if (
            Values[i]               == EmptyValueUsed || 
            Values[i + 1]           == EmptyValueUsed ||
            SmoothedValues[i]       == EmptyValueUsed || 
            SmoothedValues[i + 1]   == EmptyValueUsed ||
            Values[i]               == EMPTY_VALUE    || 
            Values[i + 1]           == EMPTY_VALUE    ||
            SmoothedValues[i]       == EMPTY_VALUE    || 
            SmoothedValues[i + 1]   == EMPTY_VALUE
      // clear the current value
      Crosses[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      // crossing check (simple case)
      if ((Values[i] - SmoothedValues[i])*(Values[i + 1] - SmoothedValues[i + 1]) < 0)
         Crosses[i] = SmoothedValues[i];
      // the crossing condition for a complicated case - 
      // when crossing contain several bars with the same values
      if (Values[i + 1] == SmoothedValues[i + 1] && Values[i] != SmoothedValues[i])
         // there is potential crossing - checking it
         // lets find the second end

         int index = i + 1;
         bool found = false;
         while (
               index < Bars &&    // out of range
               Values[index] != EmptyValueUsed &&   // check for empty
               Values[index] != EMPTY_VALUE &&      // check for empty 
               SmoothedValues[index] != EmptyValueUsed &&  // check for empty
               SmoothedValues[index] != EMPTY_VALUE)       // check for empty
            if (Values[index] != SmoothedValues[index])
               // ok, we have found the second end
               found = true;

         if (!found)
            // the case of the end of history or empty value
            // anyway, we mean that there is no crossing
         // checking the ends for crossing
         if ((Values[i] - SmoothedValues[i])*(Values[index] - SmoothedValues[index]) < 0)
            // crossing found
            Crosses[i] = SmoothedValues[i];
         }  // else we have a touching - do not mark it

3.1.4. 自動化

本項では、Indicator_Painting ライブラリを用いて問題解決法を考察します。

//|                                 RSI_Crosses_Lib_Sample.mq4 |

#include <Indicator_Painting.mqh>

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;
extern int MAPeriod        = 5;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double SmoothedValues[];   // Smoothed values
double Crosses[];          // Crosses

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   // Reading values
   // ...
   // Mark crosses
      Values,            // the fast buffer with values to check
      SmoothedValues,    // the slow buffer with values to check
      Crosses,           // the crosses buffer
      toCount - 1,       // start check index
      0,                 // final check index
      CROSS_ALL,         // use CROSS_UP for up crosses CROSS_DOWN for down crosses CROSS_ALL for all
      0);                // used empty value

3.2. レベルマーク


3.2.1. タスクの公式化


3.2.2. 問題



//|                                 RSI_Cut_Levels_Sample.mq4 |

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

extern int HigherLevel     = 70;
extern int LowerLevel      = 30;

// buffers
double Higher[];           // Overbought
double Lower[];            // Oversold
double Values[];           // Values

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  
   // Reading values
   // ...
   // Mark levels - upper
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      // check for empty values
      if (Values[i] == EMPTY_VALUE || Values[i] == EmptyValueUsed)
      // empty current value
      Higher[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      // greater than high
      if (Values[i] >= HigherLevel)
         Higher[i] = Values[i];
   // for the levels mark - the code is same
   // ...





第2の問題は第1の問題解決後に現れます。シグナルバッファがアルゴリズム完了の結果として『偽』レベル ブレークダウンの疑似マークを持つことです。


この問題は、リアルタイムクオートでインディケータを使用する場合にのみ現れます。解決法はシンプルです。処理中2本のバー(0 および 1)を確認し、その他のバーは必要に応じて確認するのです。

その後、RSI に対して以下のような図を取得することとなります。

3.2.3. ソリューション


//|                                 RSI_Levels_Sample.mq4 |

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

extern int HigherLevel     = 70;
extern int LowerLevel      = 30;

// buffers
double Higher[];           // Overbought
double Lower[];            // Oversold
double Values[];           // Values

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

// looking at least two bars - 0 and 1.
int Depth = 2;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  
   // Reading values
   // ...
   toCount = MathMax(toCount, Depth);
   // Marking levels - upper
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      if (Values[i] == EMPTY_VALUE || Values[i] == EmptyValueUsed) continue;
      Higher[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      // greater than level
      if (Values[i] >= HigherLevel)
         Higher[i] = Values[i];
         // if previous is lower
         if (Values[i + 1] < HigherLevel && Values[i + 1] != EmptyValueUsed)
         // mark it also but with the level value
            Higher[i + 1] = HigherLevel;
      // if current lower
         // if previous is greater
         if (Values[i + 1] >= HigherLevel && Values[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE)
            // mark it also but with the level value
            Higher[i] = HigherLevel;
   // Mark levels - the code is the same
   // ...


3.2.4. 自動化

Indicator_Painting ライブラリを使用することで同じ問題を解決します。

//|                                 RSI_Levels_Lib_Sample.mq4 |

#include <Indicator_Painting.mqh>

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

extern int HigherLevel     = 70;
extern int LowerLevel      = 30;

// buffers
double Higher[];           // Overbought
double Lower[];            // Oversold
double Values[];           // Values

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;
int Depth = 2;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  
   // Read values
   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   // Mark levels - upper
   MarkLevel(Values, Higher, 0, toCount - 1, HigherLevel, GREATER_THAN, EmptyValueUsed);
   // Mark levels - lower
   MarkLevel(Values, Lower, 0, toCount - 1, LowerLevel, LESS_THAN, EmptyValueUsed);


3.3. 頂点と底


3.3.1. タスクの公式化


3.3.2. 問題



if ((x1 > x2 && x3 > x2) || (x1 < x2 && x3 < x2))
    // x2 is extremal


if ((x1 - x2)*(x2 - x3) < 0)
    // x2 is extremal





3.3.3. ソリューション


//|                                 RSI_Extremums_Sample.mq4 |

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double Extremums[];        // Extremums

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  
   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      // check the values relative to the current index.
      if (i + 2 >= Bars)

      // check for empty values, if there are, it is not necessary to check
      if (
            Values[i]      == EmptyValueUsed || 
            Values[i + 1]  == EmptyValueUsed ||
            Values[i + 2]  == EmptyValueUsed
      // fill the current value of the mark buffer
      Extremums[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      // cross condition - the simple case
      if ((Values[i] - Values[i + 1])*(Values[i + 1] - Values[i + 2]) < 0)
         // we have found the cross
         Extremums[i + 1] = Values[i + 1];
      // the cross condition in a complicated case - 
      // when top contain several bars with the same value
      if (Values[i + 1] == Values[i + 2] && Values[i] != Values[i + 1])
         // there is possible extremum - to check it
         // we have to find the second end

         int index = i + 2;
         bool found = false;
         while (index < Bars && Values[index] != EmptyValueUsed && Values[index] != EMPTY_VALUE)
            if (Values[i + 2] != Values[index])
               // ok, we have found the second end
               found = true;

         if (!found)
            // we are at the end of the history or have an empty value
            // for the both cases we assume that there is no extremum
         // checking the ends for a cross
         if ((Values[i] - Values[i + 1])*(Values[i + 1] - Values[index]) < 0)
            // there is a cross
            Extremums[i + 1] = Values[i + 1];
         }  // else -- there is a bend point, do not mark it

3.3.4. 自動化

Indicator_Painting ライブラリを使用することで同じタスクを解決します。

//|                                 RSI_Extremums_Lib_Sample.mq4 |

#include <Indicator_Painting.mqh>

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double Extremums[];        // Extremal points

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();  

   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   MarkExtremums(Values, Extremums, toCount - 1, 0, DIR_ALL, EmptyValueUsed);

3.4. 方向ごとの着色


3.4.1. タスクの公式化


3.4.2. 問題






//|                                 RSI_Simple_Directions_Sample.mq4 |

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double Growing[];          // Growing buffer

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();

   // Reading values
   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   // Mark the growing levels - we will get the falling levels as a result
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)

      // check for empty value, if there are, the further check is not necessary
      // ...
      // filling the current values with empty values
      Growing[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      // if growing
      if (Values[i] > Values[i + 1])
         Growing[i] = Values[i];
         Growing[i + 1] = Values[i + 1];





空でない値を持つ追加のバッファデータは黒の点でマークされています。点の間に直線が引かれることのないように(スタイル DRAW_LINE によって)、その間に空でない値を少なくとも1つ持つことが必要です。プロットされた範囲はすべて空の値ではありません。基本バッファが『鋸歯状の』箇所でのみプロットされるのはそのためです。


解決はそれに対してバッファを 2つ追加することです。そうすると、描画された部分を交互にすることが可能です。これで、バッファそれぞれに必要な空の値を持つこととなります。




3.4.3. ソリューション

//|                                 RSI_Directions_Sample.mq4 |

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double Growing1[];         // First growing buffer
double Growing2[];         // Second growing buffer

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();

   // Reading values
   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   // Mark for the growing levels - we will get the falling levels as a resut
   for (i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      // check of an empty values
      // ...
      // assume that the current values are empty
      Growing1[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      Growing2[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      // if it growing
      if (Values[i] > Values[i + 1])
         // if it growing on the previous bar
         if (Values[i + 1] > Values[i + 2])
            // writing to the current growing buffer
            if (Growing1[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE) Growing1[i] = Values[i];
            else                                Growing2[i] = Values[i];
         // if the previous bar was not increasing
            // write to the buffer which it was not used the last 2 bars
            // we must have at least one such bar

            if (Growing2[i + 2] == EMPTY_VALUE) 
               Growing2[i] = Values[i];
               Growing2[i + 1] = Values[i + 1];
               Growing1[i] = Values[i];
               Growing1[i + 1] = Values[i + 1];
      // if the last value does not grow, remove it
      else if (i == 0)
         if (Growing1[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE && Growing1[i + 2] == EMPTY_VALUE)
            Growing1[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;

         if (Growing2[i + 1] != EMPTY_VALUE && Growing2[i + 2] == EMPTY_VALUE)
            Growing2[i + 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;


3.4.4. 自動化

Indicator_Painting ライブラリを使用することで同じタスクを解決します。


//|                                 RSI_Directions_Lib_Sample.mq4 |

#include <Indicator_Painting.mqh>

extern int RSIPeriod       = 9;
extern int AppliedPrice    = 0;

// buffers
double Values[];           // Values
double Growing1[];         // First growing buffer
double Growing2[];         // Second growing buffer

int DigitsUsed = 5;
int EmptyValueUsed = 0;

int start()
   int toCount = Bars - IndicatorCounted();

   // Reading values
   for (int i = toCount - 1; i >=0; i--)
      Values[i] = NormalizeDouble(iRSI(Symbol(), 0, RSIPeriod, AppliedPrice, i), DigitsUsed);
   // Mark the growing levels - we will get the falling levels automatically
   MarkGrowing(Values, Growing1, Growing2, toCount - 1, 0, EmptyValueUsed);

4. Indicator_Painting ライブラリ

完了したすべての作業の結果、Indicator_Painting ライブラリがあります。



// ====================================================
// Mark for tops and bottoms
// ====================================================
void MarkExtremums( 
      double values[],        // Indicator values
      double& extremums[],    // Buffer for extremums
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included) 
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      int direction,          // DIR_TOP for tops, DIR_BOTTOM for bottoms, DIR_ALL for tops an bottoms
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark
// ====================================================
// Mark for crosses
// ====================================================
void MarkCrosses( 
      double values1[],       // Values of the first indicator
      double values2[],       // Values of the second indicator
      double& crosses[],      // Buffer for their crosses
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included)
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      int direction,          // CROSS_UP for up crosses,CROSS_DOWN for down crosses, CROSS_ALL for all crosses
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark
// ====================================================
// Mark for level crosses
// ====================================================
void MarkLevelCrosses( 
      double values[],        // Values of the indicator
      double level,           // Level value for a cross check
      double& crosses[],      // Buffer for the crosses
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included)
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      int direction,          // CROSS_UP for up crosses,CROSS_DOWN for down crosses, CROSS_ALL for all crosses
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark
// ====================================================
// Mark for levels
// ====================================================
void MarkLevel( 
      double values[],        // Values of the indicator
      double& level[],        // Buffer for the crosses
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included)
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      double levelValue,      // Level value
      int condition,          // Mark condition (LESS_THAN = -1, GREATER_THAN = 1)
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark
// ====================================================
// Mark for dynamic levels
// ====================================================
void MarkDynamicLevel( 
      double values[],        // Values of the indicator
      double dynamicLevel[],  // Dynamical level values for check
      double& level[],        // Buffer for the crosses
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included)
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      int condition,          // меньше (LESS_THAN = -1) или больше уровня (GREATER_THAN = 1)
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark
// ====================================================
// Mark for direction (upward)
// ====================================================
void MarkGrowing( 
      double values[],        // Values of the indicator
      double& growing1[],     // The first buffer to mark the direction
      double& growing2[],     // The second buffer to mark the direction
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included)
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark

// ====================================================
// Mark for direction (downward)
// ====================================================
void MarkReducing( 
      double values[],        // Values of the indicator
      double& reducing1[],    // The first buffer to mark the direction
      double& reducing2[],    // The second buffer to mark the direction
      int startIndex,         // Start index for check (it included)
      int endIndex,           // End index for check (it included)
      double emptyValueUsed); // The value used for "empty" mark



1. ファイル"Indicator_Painting.mq4" をフォルダ "experts/libraries" にコピーします。

2. ファイル""Indicator_Painting.mqh" をフォルダ "experts/include" にコピーします。

3. インディケータコードに以下の文字列を追加します。

#include <Indicator_Painting.mqh>

これでライブラリ関数をすべて利用することができます。詳しくはファイル"Indicator_Painting.mqh" を参照ください。





タスク提案と手助けをいただき、本稿をより良いものとするためコメントを頂いたことに対し、Viktor Rustamov 氏(granit77)に感謝を申し上げたいと思います。

MetaQuotes Ltdによってロシア語から翻訳されました。
元の記事: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/1569

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本稿では DLL ライブラリ- MetaTrader 4 と MATLAB の数学的デスクトップパッケージのインタラクションを可能にするラッパーの作成に関する考察を行います。また落とし穴とそれを克服する方法を説明します。本稿は Borland C++ Builder 6 コンパイラを使用している準備済みの C/C++ プログラマ―を対象としています。
開発者諸君、己を守れ! 開発者諸君、己を守れ!
知的財産の保護はいまだに大きな問題です。本稿では MQL4 プログラム保護の基本原則について説明します。これら原則により、みなさんの開発結果が盗難にあわないよう、すくなくとも盗人の『仕事』をひじょうに複雑にして行わなくなるようにします。
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本稿は、みなさんのコードに複数のニューラルネットワークを取り入れて無料の人工ニューラルネットワークライブラリ(FANN)を活用し、MQL4 コードでニューラルネットワークを簡単に利用する方法をお見せします。