Robots comerciales e indicadores para MetaTrader 5 - 113

Capital protector MT5 es un Asesor Experto que trabaja en función de las pérdidas y ganancias de su cuenta. Sus funciones incluyen: Cierre de todas las órdenes cuando se alcanza una determinada ganancia o pérdida. Elimina cualquier otro Asesor Experto instalado en un gráfico secundario cuando se alcance una determinada ganancia o pérdida. Envía una notificación al móvil cuando se alcance una determinada ganancia o pérdida. Para configurar el Asesor Experto solo tendrás que programar el límite d

Индикатор RSI MT5 - это индикатор Metatrader 5, и суть этого технического индикатора заключается в преобразовании накопленных исторических данных на основе индикатора RSI. Сигналы показаны разными цветами свечей. Смотрите настройки, тестируёте. Это очень полезный индикатор и он точно должен быть у вас . The RSI in candlelight MT5 indicator is a Metatrader 5 indicator, and the essence of this technical indicator is to transform the accumulated historical data based on the RSI indicator. Signals a

Описание индикатора будет крайне коротким. Индикатор Коридор тренда показывает трейдерам зону в которой находится валюта и даёт понимание по какому тренду движется рынок. Визуально очень хорошо воспринимается. Уровни взяты и просчитаны не просто. Полезный индикатор для арсенала индикаторов трейдера. The description of the indicator will be extremely short. The Trend Corridor indicator shows traders the zone in which the currency is located and gives an understanding of which trend the market is

Сообщения в Telegram из MT5 о торговых событиях: Открытие/закрытие сделок; Выставление/удаление отложенных ордеров. Версия утилиты для MT4 здесь: Настройки Telegram:
Создайте своего бота. Для этого напишите для пользователя @BotFather команду /newbot , и следуйте инструкциям. В результате вы получите Token бота, примерно такой: 1245680170:BBGuDFVkTYIPtjSaXMgQEhdfg7BOQ6rl8xI. Узнайте свой ID в Telegram, для этого напишите пользователю @userinfobot любое сообщение.

A "Volume Profile" is an advanced charting indicator that displays total volume traded at every price level over a user specified time period. The main components of the volume profile are POC ( Point Of Control - the price level, at which the maximum number of contracts were executed during a selected period), VAH ( Value Area High - the highest price in the Value Area) and VAL ( Value Area Low - the lowest price in the Value Area).
When we settled on the original indicator, we spent a lot of

This algorithm is based on the grid strategy and performs dynamic position management to make it work on netting accounts. Unlike other robots, this grid system bases its entries on profit over time of the asset instead of using pips. This parameter is the one that corresponds to "Average Distance".
You can trade all 28 major currencies simultaneously. Parameters: +------------------------------------------------------------------+ :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:EXPERT SETTINGS:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: +---------------

Trade the trend Amazing trend strategy for GBPUSD H1, which uses KeltnerChannel and daily extremes. No grid, martingale, tunned backtest or fairytails, but real results. This EA has passed 9 robustness tests , indicating a quality strategy.
Benefits for you Plug & Play system - you don't have to read long blog or study excessive technical description, only to be able to run the strategy. EA should be simple to use without demands on customer. Every position has predefined stoploss with config

EA Solution 500 it is an operational assistent authomatizated for mini índice operations. This algorithm use moving averages and oscilators, doing operations with excelence in trends and reversions. Tests are done in trading sessions since 2020, this algorithm showed a 600% return, obtaining 2000 points of maximum profit and 1250 of maximum loss, both diary, realizing just 2-4 trades per day.

First Scalper is an Expert Advisor based on Scalping, Using the best and safest scalping EA on market. Large number of inputs and settings are tested and optimized and embedded in the program thus inputs are limited and very simple. Using EA doesn't need any professional information or Forex Trading Knowledge.
First Scalper can trade on all symbols and all time frames, using a special and unique strategy developed by the author.
Using EA :
General Options Trade Type : Long/Short/Both Stop

This MT5 indicator, Bull Bear Visual MTF (21 Time Frames), summarize the strength color graphic and percentages of power for both Bull and Bear in current market emotion stage which will show you in multi time frames and sum of the total Bull and Bear power strength which is an important information for traders especially you can see all Bull and Bear power in visualized graphic easily, Hope it will be helpful tool for you for making a good decision in trading.

3-BAND VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price)
Fully customized and EA-friendly VWAP Bands Indicator
Choose the period of the VWAP calculation reset (Daily, Weekly or Monthly): For day trading use the Daily VWAP, and for longer term analysis use the Weekly or Monthly calculations.
Fine adjustment of the deviation of the bands: Find the best band’s deviation for the instruments you trade and adjust accordingly.
Customize line colors, style and width according to your chart p

ADX is one of the most versatile indicators, understanding it can help you understand the true nature of movements. It is often used within automatic experts to filter input signals. Unfortunately in its original form it is not immediately understandable. This version aims to simplify its reading by transferring the burden of interpreting its values to the code. The result is a clear graph where it is easy to identify the accumulation and distribution phases, trend phases and excesses. The color

This MT5 indicator, Bull Bear Visual MTF V2, summarize the strength color graphic and percentages of power for both Bull and Bear in current market emotion stage which will show you in multi timeframes (21) and sum of the total Bull and Bear power strength which is an important information for traders especially you can see all Bull and Bear power in visualized graphic easily, Hope it will be helpful tool for you for making a good decision in trading.

The Binary Option System "SMA5 + Price Action" Hello fellow investors. I experimented with Binary Option trading and brought in some popular trading systems to make this EA. This is my EA name "Laststand Type4 Ronin" . I won't tell you what this trading system really does.If you want to know, please test it yourself. About setting up my EA click that youtube link.

The EA uses 4 strategies, each strategy uses joint work on several currencies at the same time. The EA uses 4 stages of control and order tracking for a step-by-step profit capture. Trading is carried out in a pair for several currencies at the same time, trading is also carried out in a group of several strategies, for example: the advisor opens orders simultaneously for two or more pairs and closes upon reaching a certain profit in% of the current or user balance. The EA does not use Marti El indicador de evolución de los precios refleja con precisión la evolución de los precios de mercado y, al mismo tiempo, la evolución futura de los precios de mercado. El indicador no se redibuja y no se retrasa. Se recomienda UN período de tiempo no inferior a H1. Cuando los precios de mercado se sitúan en el rango verde claro, el mercado se sitúa en el rango ascendente, y cuando los precios de mercado se sitúan en el rango verde claro, el mercado se sitúa en el rango desc

Transfer volatility levels to the chart to understand the nature of the ongoing movements. The levels are calculated based on the volatility recorded in the last few sessions. Easily identify possible targets or swing points for intraday , daily and weekly trading. In addition, the round price levels considered most important are also visible, here the highest trading volumes are usually concentrated. NO REPAINT

This multicurrency Expert Advisor uses 28 currency pairs. For predictions, the advisor uses models trained by the machine learning algorithm in the Python language environment. All signals of this advisor in real time and settings for it can be downloaded from my website - copy and paste into the browser
The Expert Advisor can work with two time intervals H1 and H2 together or separately parameters in the Use Time Intervals group The profitability of currency pairs can be view

MCDX is an indicator based on specific formula to detect Buy and Sell momentum Red Bar means Price go up and Buy momentum. Green Bar means Price go down and Sell momentum" Height of RED bar > 50% means Bull is in control. i.e. RED more than GREEN to go buy. Lower of Green bar < 50% means Bear is in control. i.e. GREEN more than RED to go sell. DARKER RED COLOR - STRONG Up Trend or Strong Bullish Power
LIGHTER RED COLOR - WEAK Up Trend or Weak Bullish Power

Description. This EA base on Accelerator oscillator indicator and Parabolic sar indicator. Accelerator oscillator details. set = iAC(_Symbol,_Period); Parabolic sar details. set = iSAR(_Symbol,_Period,0.02,0.2); This is only Buy EA. This EA fixed details in side. Only input is volume. Because i need to keep it simple. Buy order when Accelerator oscillator indicator and Parabolic sar indicator had a signal for buy. Close order when Accelerator oscillator indicator and Parabolic sar indicator had

Description: TrendAccess can optimize your trading time by showing you the trend via two different calculation modes quick and easy.
No more searching for Trends. Just open the chart and look at the trend display.
Features: Shows Uptrend, Downtrend and "No Trend" indicator
Shows the calculated ZigZag Profile
Works on all timeframes Two different calculation Modes (MACD and Candle-based calculation)
Settings: Variable
Standard Value Description
Calculation Mode
Candle based
Choose betwe

Fractal Plus is a trading tool in the form of an expert advisor. I n it there are 1 indicators that are position execution and 4 indicators that function as filters. You can choose whether each indicator is active or not, it can even be combined according to your trading needs. All filter indicators have multi timeframes options.
Indicators as execution position: 1. Fractal
4 Indicators as Filter: 1. Moving Averages 2. Stochastic Oscillator 3. RSI 4. Alligator
Parameter Information: - Lot Mo

Pivot Point Multi Method MT5 Pivot Point Multi Method MT5 is a fully automatic pivot point indicator and indicate support and resistances (S1,S2,S3,S4,R1,R2,R3,R4) based on four Methods that you can select on of them Pivot point detection and drawing support resistances Methods( Classic ,Camarilla ,Woodie ,Fibonacci)
Pivot Point Multi Method Mt5 is working on all time frames and all currency pairs and gold silver and crypto currencies .
Recommended Setting : Pivot_Method select one of t

/ ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** / Big Sales for Easter! Price is reduced > 50 % already! Grasp the chance and Enjoy it! / ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** /
This is a powerful EA that support single order strategy, martingale strategy, multiple timeframes strategy, etc with lots of useful indicators and self defined

您能做的最好的事情就是保護您的訂單免於虧損。 您現在可以放心,讓 UR Basket 來處理它。
使用 UR 籃子的優勢:
所有參數都可以在圖表的圖形面板中動態更改 - 您無需重新啟動 EA 即可更改參數或調用您使用的設置! 您可以通過以下方式跟踪您的訂單: - 幻數 - EA評論 - 以上兩者 -一次完成所有交易 UR Basket 可以通過您的貨幣價值、PIPS 或您的餘額或淨值的百分比來跟踪您的利潤。 圖形面板始終顯示您在這三種方法中的利潤,並刷新您告訴他的頻率。 最大優勢:鎖定利潤,不虧本! 下面詳細介紹它。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求!
為什麼選擇 UR 籃子?
有很多 EA 可以自行交易,或者需要您盡可能多地關注獲利的優秀手動策略,但這些都不是防彈的突然變化或經常發生的“鯨魚攻擊”。 因此,這個籃子讓您可以跟踪所有交易,鎖定您的利潤,這樣您就不會失去您已經建立的東西,並儘快關閉交易並確保您不會陷入負值。 圖表上的設置也由用戶動態更改,因此您無需在每次要更改值時進入 EA

¡Haga que sus niveles de Take Profit, Stop Loss y Trailing Stop sean invisibles para el corredor! Opción principal: MODO DE SIGILO Stop dinámico virtual Beneficio virtual Punto de equilibrio virtual Virtual Stop Loss Vida útil virtual de los pedidos ADVERTENCIA: El Asesor Experto no realiza pedidos por sí mismo. Debe abrir las órdenes usted mismo (incluso a través del panel de expertos) o utilizar un experto externo en otro gráfico del mismo par de divisas. Especifique el número mágico "-1" en l

El indicador Oferta Demanda RSJ PRO calcula y traza las zonas de "Oferta" y "Demanda" en el gráfico, identificando el tipo de Zona (Débil, Fuerte, Verificada, Probada) y en caso de reevaluaciones de la Zona muestra cuántas veces se volvió a probar. Las zonas de "oferta" son las zonas de precios donde se ha producido más oferta que demanda, lo que hace bajar los precios. Las zonas de "demanda" son las zonas de precios donde se ha producido más demanda que oferta, lo que hace subir los precios.

Our Trend entry points should be used as potential market reversal points. The indicator works using the cyclic-wave dependence function. Thus, all entry points will be optimal points at which movement changes.
The simplest use case for the indicator is to open a trade in the direction of an existing trend. The best result is obtained by combining the indicator with fundamental news; it can act as a news filter, that is, show how the market reacts to this or that news.
The default indicator s

The Financial Control expert system traverses the entire history and all currency pairs with a single setting. The bot works on both Netting and Hedging account types. The Expert Advisor can be launched on any hourly period, on any currency pair and on the server of any broker. It is recommended to work on liquid Forex pairs, with a low spread and use VPS. Financial Control is high frequency trading. You can start using it with $ 100 and 0.01 lot.
If there is a commission on the account, it mu

The Checkpoints indicator implements an advanced algorithm for visualizing the market trend. The main application of the indicator is to generate buy and sell signals.
Determining the market trend is an important task for traders. Probably, almost every trader has dreamed of non-lagging MAs at least once. I have embodied this dream in my indicator. With this indicator, you can predict future values.
The indicator is designed to determine either a trend or short-term buy or sell signals. The

The Interesting Thing indicator visually unloads the price chart and saves analysis time: if there is no signal, there is no deal, if an opposite signal appears, then the current deal should be closed. This is an arrow indicator for determining the trend.
The indicator implements a trend trading strategy, filtering and all the necessary functions built into one tool! The principle of operation of the indicator is to automatically determine the current state of the market when placed on a chart

The expert is based on two moving averages , one of them is used for opening orders and the other one is used for closing , each of them having separate settings . The "Twist" comes from the fact that for closing the orders , the classic condition is not used , if a closing signal appears , the EA has the capability to skip the first or several closing conditions and so the chances for increased profit rises . The expert also has a buit-in recovery mode with a maximum of ten steps , in which , l

The Trend Complete indicator is a signal indicator and has interesting properties. It should be taken into account that this indicator reflects extremes and should be used as an additional one, and another instrument should be used for the entry point. Searches for and displays pivot points on the price chart. Trend indicators are one of the main tools for analyzing trends in the Forex market. The indicator is able to transmit all types of signals to the user: messages, E-mail and Push!
The go

Un Asesor Experto puede operar en una terminal con diferentes tipos de instrumentos. Controla los riesgos configurando Stop Loss y Take Profit. Utiliza TrailingStop para obtener ganancias si el precio no ha alcanzado Take Profit y se ha revertido. El robot no entra en conflicto consigo mismo al procesar posiciones abiertas. Informa de cada transacción en los registros con una descripción detallada. Utiliza los indicadores más óptimos y efectivos para operar. Todos los cálculos de riesgo y marge

This EA clearly controls the market and performs a statistical price analysis. The best technologies for professional trading: a universal strategy that always works! All this is available in this versatile robot!
What should be remembered? Some advice: Don't buy at the top and sell at the bottom. Play with the main trend. Calculate your entry risk. If possible, it is better to choose the market, which is the most suitable for this trading strategy. If you do not have a proven expert, you ca

We all dream of becoming a foreign exchange trading expert, making a lot of money and having a large number of trading fans who adore us. There seems to be only one thing standing in our way: actually learning how to enter and leave the foreign exchange market. Most trading strategies put their emphasis on finding out when to enter the market. Whether it’s technical or fundamental, everyone is looking for an entry signal. However, this only covers half of the trade. As any trader knows, there a

Floating data window and Risk Reward Profit and Loss tool. The FloInfo floating data window brings you OHLC and indicator data to your mouse cursor.
The PnL tool included allows you to set Risk/Reward and Profit/Loss tools onto your chart to help you manage your orders and risk management. Included with the FloInfo tool you also get the PnL tool which allows you to quickly find the risk/reward ratio. For more details on all the features and how to use this product please see the link to the gu

DSProFx Trade Monitor (iExposure) gives you detail information of all trades in your account including total positions, lot size, average price level (Breakeven Level), floating profit, and today's maximum profit/loss. The display is simple. Each data will be separated for every symbol/chart. This indicator will help you monitoring your trades especially if you are working with multiple symbols/charts and open many orders. Just attach DSProFx Trade Monitor in one chart, and it will show all deta

Visible Market Profile graphically represents the amount of trades made on each price level. This indicator in particular, unlike the daily market profile , is calculated on the visible area of the chart.
Visible Market Profile cannot be considered an indicator of operational signals, but it can be a good support for reading the market, in addition to what is already used by every trader in his work process. The Visible Market Profile is able to determine with a good approximation the price

Promotional price for the first 10 buyers! Awesone Forex performs trades based on various input indicators. Profit is dynamic and defined in percentage terms. The loss occurs when the maximum user-defined drawdown is reached. As the EA strategy is very assertive, before the maximum drawdown occurs, in general, the operation achieves profit. The EA is optimized for EURUSD, on 15 min timeframe since August 2020, a period when the market returned to semi-normality, but it works with all currency

Dragonfly EA is a trend or reversal expert advisor that uses indicators Ichimoku Kinko Hyo , Bollinger Bands , Parabolic SAR , Stochastic Oscillator , Relative Strength Index RSI and On Balance Volume . Dragonfly can be configured to trade on trend or reversal behavior.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic SAR and Stochastic Oscillator works together to recognize a bull or bear trend, while the indicator RSI filter entry signals according to its configuration and optimization. Dragonfl

Reversal EA is a price action mean reversal trend expert advisor that recognizes candlestick patterns such as DOJI , ENGULF , THREE WHITE SOLDIER and THREE BLACK CROWS and HARAMI , either for long or short trades. The indicator Relative Strength Index RSI can be used to filter only reversal trends. Takeprofit and Stoploss can be configured with fixed values or dynamic values according Bollinger Bands. Indicators: - Relative Strength Index RSI. - Bollinger Bands. Features: -

*** SALE *** PROMO PRICE ***
Doji Hunter EA is a candlestick reader reversal expert advisor that recognizes candlestick pattern DOJI , either for long or short trades. Stochastic Oscillator , Bollinger Bands and On Balance Volume (OBV) can be configured and used as trade in filters. So, it´s possible to trade only dojis that are created under determined region of bands or a limit value of stochastic. Takeprofit and Stoploss can be configured as fixed ones or as Stochastic

Binary Trader EA This EA is designed to trade synthetic indices Boom 1000 index & Crash 1000 index. Boom1000 index & Crash1000 index from volatility 75 index Please don't use the default settings, ask for proper settings and I will send you. This EA follows the trend. Can set risk as a percentage. Only tested on binary deriv broker indices. Crash 1000 index spikes down, so to avoid that, we trade on a bigger timeframes, 1hr timeframe is perfect. Contact me if you have any questions.

VR Pivot es un indicador de puntos de pivote clave (pivot). Los puntos de pivote son un tipo especial de niveles de soporte (support) y resistencia (resistance) que se utilizan para identificar las zonas de precios más fuertes. Los comerciantes profesionales utilizan los niveles de pivote para determinar los precios a los que hay una alta probabilidad de una reversión de precios. Los niveles se calculan de acuerdo con fórmulas matemáticas especiales, se tienen en cuenta los precios de cierre, ap

Multi-currency trading expert, trades on four currency pairs at once, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY.
recommended initial deposit, only $ 100. It is possible to enable Martingale, and set the auto lot increase.
The aggressive trading option increases the number of open positions.
You can reduce the number of currency pairs involved.
the minimum size for calculation in paragraphs is recommended to be set from 90 to 150
if you have any questions please contact us

Aegean Trade Group LLC produce este asesor experto en forex, el robot de comercio automático mt5. Fue escrito con una codificación limpia para que el robot comercial funcione de manera más eficiente. Este robot ea de metatrader5, que fue creado combinando las estrategias Trend, BreakOut / Down y Scalp, se optimizó agregando la función Trailing Stop. El robot solo opera en un período de tiempo de 5 minutos. Hay un dicho que los corredores suelen utilizar: "¡Las ganancias valen la pena!" Aquí, ve

Эксперт - торговый помощник, созданный по одноимённой торговой стратегии Оракул в сотрудничестве с ее автором Нео. Определяет на графиках в автоматическом режиме разворотные импульсные модели и строит по ним Вилки Нео - авторский инструмент, позволяющий определять циклы движения цены и указывающий на ожидаемую цель TakeProfit . Поиск ведется на всех заданных периодах графиков одновременно с фильтрацией совпадений. Осуществляется фильтрация неверных Вилок с указанием кода ошибки. Утилита имеет

The indicator builds a dynamic regression channel with high accuracy without lagging.
Channel deviation is calculated using a unique formula and displayed on the graph.
Can be used on any timeframe and any instrument. MT4-version: Can be used as a ready-made trading system, as well as an addition to the existing one.
Settings: Fast Period - Fast smoothing period; Slow Period - Slow smoot

This EA trade based on RSI oversold/overbought situations, for reduce false signal it used 80 on overbought level and 20 on oversold level. The best time frame is H1 (minimum) up to D1. Higher RSI level and higher time frame will reduce false signals and also the EA will trade less frequent. Use time restrictions for best time to trade. Recommendations Initial deposit = USD 1.000;
Leverage = 1:100;
Time Frame = H1 to D1
Trade on VPS.

A dealer with simple logic of opening orders and reliable closing control for advanced.
The input signal is determined by only one indicator.
Closing occurs on target profit.
When drawdring first orders, the following appears.
Maximum number of orders - no more than three in each direction.
Settings for configuration:
----------- Trade Settings ----------- Quantity Lot 1 - the size of the first transaction Quantity Lot 2 - the size of the second transaction in the series Quantity Lot 3

EA for MT5 Start :300$ But recommend 500$ Cross orders technic. Money Managenet or Fixed lots can be select. EA schedule to work can set. Please Optimize before run this EA. Recommend to run 1Pair per account It can be optimized in the strategy tester It can trade on any time frame -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stabilized Funds EA is a fully automatic Expert Advisor built for the EURUSD currency pair. Stabilized Funds EA does not use Martingale and Grid, All Trades are covered by StopLoss and TakeProfit . Stabilized Funds EA only works in EURUSD currency pairs. Stabilized Funds EA has been tested for more than 5 years in Strategy Tester . ************************************************************************************************************************************************

AoMA is an indicator based on analytical geometry calculations, where the average price angle of a given period is calculated.
Being a powerful indicator of reversal points and supports, supports and resistances become objective with the formation of well-defined "plateau" areas.
It can be used for trend monitoring and the anticipation of trend reversal points.
Two levels of periods are available, a short and a long one, and period crossings can be used as indicative of buying and selling as

Ichimoku Map (instant look at the markets) - built on the basis of the legendary Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator.
The task of the Ichimoku Map is to provide information about the market strength on the selected time periods and instruments, from the point of view of the Ichimoku indicator. The indicator displays 7 degrees of buy signal strength and 7 degrees of sell signal strength.
The stronger the trend, the brighter the signal rectangle in the table. The table can be dragged with the mouse.

Description : Sensor EA MT5 is an advanced Expert advisor for MetaTrader 5, built using the usual signals provided by Bollinger Bands Technical Indicator . The Expert Advisor places a buy order, When price crosses above the lower band, and a sell order when price crosses below the upper band. The Expert Advisor uses a Stop Loss and a Take profit. The Expert Advisor settings are as follows :
( The parameters below can be set according to your trading rules. ) StopLoss ( Stop Loss in pips) TakePr

Order Entry Tool with several additional features. Money management feature - As in the free version but in this pro version the lot & risk calculations are updated as you drag the lines making it much easier to setup the order. Close all - Will close all orders opened with the tool in one click. Intelligent trailing stop loss - Attempts to maintain a trailing stop loss just behind the last identified structure in the 1H chart in order to try and avoid unwanted stop-outs. Adjustments are made ev

Small expert of great use. Close All by Magic Number allows you to speed up the closing of all open positions with a certain magic number. Thanks to this expert, it is possible to manage multiple strategies at the same time without the risk of making mistakes. You can close all discretionary trades, all experts, all spreads... The position of the button can be customized so as not to disturb any other indicators

Multichart Control Panel is a small panel that can change the timeframe and zoom level of all open chart with just one click. Simple, intuitive and fast.
Inside there is a simple hidden function: the buttons have a light red color when working on a demo account and a light green color when working on a real account. This little trick helps all traders who for some reason often switch from a demo account to a real one not to get confused and not to make involuntary mistakes.

SafeProfit Market Profile es el indicador de seguimiento más avanzado del mercado Forex. Fue desarrollado para rastrear el perfil de mercado de cada sesión del día: asiático, europeo y americano. Con este indicador operarás Intradía sonriendo ... sabiendo exactamente dónde están posicionados los Big Players y el momento exacto hacia donde se dirigen. El indicador es simple, rápido y objetivo, rastreando cada movimiento de los Grandes Jugadores en precio. Salga de la estadística del 95% que solo

Circinus 2021 is a versatile algorithm which can use wide range of deposit. Suitable for EURUSD pair. Backtesting showed more than 220% profits in 12 months for initial deposit 100 USD and initial Lot 0.01 (TP_money =10) Backtesting showed more than 130% profits in 12 months for initial deposit 1,000 USD and initial Lot 0.1 (TP_money =10) Backtesting showed more than 130% profits in 12 months for initial deposit 10,000 USD and initial Lot 1.0 (TP_money =100) C

VorTech MT5 – торговая система, позволяющая торговать в режиме Неттинга на любом финансовом инструменте (валюты, металлы, криптовалюта, фьючерсы, акции и т.д.).
Принцип работы: Любая торговля происходит по принципу «купить внизу – продать в верху». VorTech старается определить «впадины» и «пики», на которых лучше всего покупать и продавать. В основе работы VorTech MT5 комплекс индикаторов, как собственной разработки, так и доработанных стандартных, данный пакет индикаторов формирует «излучен

Setup 9.1 strategy created by the North American trader Larry Williams . SIMPLE setup, effective, with a good level of accuracy and excellent return. Attention : The Demo version only works on the tester, if you are interested in running it in real time, please contact me and I will provide another version. Buy Signal:
Exponential moving average of 9 (MME9) is falling, wait it to TURN UP (in closed candle). Place a buy stop order 1 tick above the HIGH of the candle that caused the turn to occur.

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A trend trading expert uses a breakout strategy in the direction of the main trend. The EA has a unique deposit protection system that allows you to safely exit the drawdown in the event of a trend reversal. The Expert Advisor uses an indicator (built into the Expert Advisor): Trading instruments (TF 5m): GBPUSD. Torn for MT4: The Expert Advisor has been successfully tested with 99% quality quotes, floati

RViEnVelop Description. This EA base on RVI indicator and Envelop indicator. RVI details. set = iRVI(_Symbol,_Period,14); Envelop details. set = iEnvelopes(_Symbol,_Period,14,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0.100); This is only Buy EA. This EA fixed details in side. Only input is volume. Because i need to keep it simple. Buy order when RVI indicator and Envelop indicator had a signal for buy. Close order when RVI indicator and Envelop indicator had a signal for sell. This EA fit for EURJPY and CH

We all dream of becoming a foreign exchange trading expert, making a lot of money and having a large number of trading fans who adore us. There seems to be only one thing standing in our way: actually learning how to enter and leave the foreign exchange market. Most trading strategies put their emphasis on finding out when to enter the market. Whether it’s technical or fundamental, everyone is looking for an entry signal. However, this only covers half of the trade. As any trader knows, there a

Trend and Signals MT5 indicator scans 30 trading Instruments (Forex, Metals and Indices). It uses special algorithm on the current market based on Pure Price Action and display the overall trend and signal on the dashboard. When signals are produced the indicator sends alert and notification. Strategy for Signals This indicator uses the daily timeframe to determine the direction of the trend. The hourly timeframe is used to identify possible entries. Main trend and is determined by

Bear vs Bull EA Is a automated adviser for daily operation of the FOREX currency market in a volatile and calm market. Suitable for both experienced traders and beginners. It works with any brokers, including American brokers, requiring FIFO to close primarily previously opened transactions.
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EXPERT AMAZO é um Expert Advisor projetado especificamente para negociar WIN (mini índice) e WDO (mini dólar). A operação é baseada na abertura de ordens utilizando alguns indicadores como Sars parabólicos, médias móveis, Bandas de Bollinger, Fibonacci, etc., trabalhando de acordo com 3 modalidades de estratégia, o AMAZO procura prever os movimentos do mercado com operações contra ea favor da tendência.
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