New publications in CodeBase
- Logging Class for both MQL4 and MQL5 The CDebugLogger class is a flexible and comprehensive logging utility designed for use in MQL4/5 environments. It allows developers to log messages at various levels of importance (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, DEBUG) with options to include timestamps, function signatures, file names, and line numbers in the log entries. The class supports logging to both the console and files, with the ability to save logs in a common folder and in CSV format. Additionally, it offers functionality to silence logs based on specific keywords, ensuring that sensitive information is not logged. This class is ideal for developers looking to implement robust logging mechanisms in their MQL4/5 applications, with customizable features that cater to a wide range of debugging and monitoring needs.
- PrevDayLines.mq4 - Draw Previous Day's High, Low, and Average Price Lines The PrevDayLines.mq4 script is a tool for MetaTrader 4 that automatically draws three critical price levels from the previous trading day on your chart. These levels include the highest price (Max), the lowest price (Min), and the average price (Avg), providing traders with a clear visual reference for key support and resistance points.
- Rotate TEXT The script creates a text object on the chart that continuously rotates and changes its position based on price levels.
- Abiroid Switch Templates Script This is a template switcher script mq4 file. This script will work with your MT4 (Metatrader 4) platform. It is to switch between templates.