MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 873

Hello, How do i check if an EA is running on other chart? Thank you
Hi, I have developed an EA that looks for a few price action setups. If a setup is found then the EA prepares an order and shows me the pre-filled order window for confirmation. It works quite well on one symbol/chart at the time. The fact is that I am using it on multiple symbols and, although...
Hi, I want to use for example the bid price for a symbol for 24 hrs ago. How can I get that price? Is the values stored? Can I for instance get a price of 1 week ago?
Dear All, I am looking for the Dollar Index indicator on MT4 And also some specific indicators or strategies for intraday Spot Gold trading in FX. Please help. Thanks Regards JP
Hi everybody. I use this code in my .net app: Call in load or button: Listen("Pipe1") Private _pipeName As String     Public Sub Listen(PipeName As String)        Try            ' Set to class level var so we can re-use in the async callback method            _pipeName = PipeName            '...
  Paid advisers  (76   1 2 3 4 5 ... 7 8)
Hello. Please advise me on some profitable EAs, not free of course. Which ones do you use? We are only talking about paid advisors for MT4
  MA Mode Question  (2)
how do I use special modes in MA settings like: MA-Method = Linear Weighted MA-Method = Exponetial Apply to = First Indicators Data    MA1 = iMA(NULL, 0, 11, 0, MODE_Linear, PRICE_First,0);   MA2 = iMA(NULL, 0, 34, 0, MODE_Exponent, PRICE_First,0);
I test 4 times, I got 4 different result as follow: First test: second test: Third test: Forth test, fifth, sixth....... : , and it fix on the result, but when I close the MT4 app and run again, the result change to the figure no.1 again. I'm going crazy. who can help me please:)
I'm looking to run multiple MetaTrader 4 platforms on a tablet and trade from them, while also running excel spreadsheets . What are the best tablets to use that provide these requirements? Advice would be appreciated
Hello When i am making a EA and back tested i found some times the condition not executed . example let us make simple EA if(Ask==1.3097){Comment("The Ask got the price");} So, when i backtested with Insta broker from 1/1/2013 until July 2013the Ask price passed the 1.3097 and did not show the...
Hi guys, i' m running an EA, that searches all Symbols. Now the EA proofs if there is a chart window of this Symbol and Timeframe already opened by using windowhandle(). If it is true the EA should search in this Chart window how many Objects are inside. (this is a different chart window than the...
  Indicator not refreshing  (15   1 2)
I'm not able to figure out how to get the following indicator code to update. I've tried inserting RefreshRates() and inserted some suggested code around the "limit" line but to no avail. What needs to be changed in order to get this indicator to automatically update on the chart? Thanks. Bill...
Hi all, What is this in my logs: "Signal - not found update signal"? 13:06:29 '999999': Signal - not found update signal - 9005 in base 13:06:29 '999999': Signal - not found update signal - 6216 in base That's not really my account number. I was running a EA, but nothing major. I never used any...
Dear Guys I just want to know how to SELECT_BY_POS return index. I mean how to open order indexing. is older order to new order. when I open 1st order then order index = 0. then I open 2nd order then that index=1 or 2nd index = 0 and 1st order =1.
Hi, I am a beginner in programming (know some phython basics and can write basic functions in mql4) and I would like to program an intraday ATR indicator for a specific time range. For example I want to have the ATR(5) of the NY Trading session from 1430pm to 2100pm. I think I would use a for-loop...
  no Arrow?  (3)
Dear Forum, A quick question: I have an EA attached to 3 different charts, works normally, until it starts opening and closing many trades, but when closing, it does not put a closing arrow? What could be the potential reason of no putting a closing arrow in the chart when closing? Maybe the
Hello, I have indicator that currently has 1 buffer for buy signal and a buffer that record the date and time for the prior buysignal, say the name is buy1datetime. buy1datetime[i]=Time[i]; The problem is that this buy1date1time value is in second pass ince 1.1.1970. I want to turn it into...
In the documentation it says that OrderSend() returns -1 on failure. But in the expert advisor example documentation here, it shows the following: Ticket=OrderSend(Symb,OP_BUY,Lts,Ask,2,SL,TP);//Opening Buyif (Ticket < 0)                        // Success :){    Alert ("Opened order Buy "...
  Duplicate orders being sent?  (22   1 2 3)
I am currently forwarding testing my EA and I've discovered an issue. My coding seems to be having a conflict when it is trying to place multiple orders. Some times it will place two orders on the same market (double the risk) - Most of the time it won't be doing this though. I swear I thought I had...
Hi All, This works really good attached to 1M chart. It gives us the number of tick per min and then it calculates an average between 2 ticks in milliseconds. Any one willing to change this to get the average fresher? If we could get the average updated with a parameter in sec. For example
Hi forum, had it recently pointed out to me by one of our esteemed moderators (THANK YOU RAPTOR) That I writing my code such that my indicators were updating every tick. Have just found the time to start looking at this and hopefully re writing some code to ease load on CPU, but I am a bit confused...
As the current version of MT4 does not support backtesting with real tick data, I am looking for a software that enables MT4 to do this. I am aware of the Tick Data Suite ( and I am ready to buy it, but I would like to first compare this software with its...
Of course not I hear you cry!!!! So have any of you found a solution to this? I am using Dukascopy data, downloaded via birts eareview, which gives me a better modelling result. I backtest my ea to get the optimized settings, and then use these settings for the ea on my live mt4 account. If a I run...
Hi, I would want to know, if it's possible to call dynamically variables. For example: I create 3 variabless: string Var1,var2,var3 And I call them in a loop like this: for(i=1;i<4;i++) { print(var+i); } When I compile, i have an error:" var+i didn't declare". Do you have solution please?...
Nice to meet you. I am a software engineer. I resigned recently, and I have no job now. Fortunately I found MQL. It's quite cool tool and very useful programminglanguage.(But I'm not familiar with it) Now I'm focusing on some other trade project for commercial use. It will use indicator to show some...
In watching some MT4 related videos online it seems that there is a way to visually see MTFs while backtesting. The approach explained is to: 1. make sure offline data is available for both timeframes 2. start the backtest (M5) and press pause 3. File-open offline - select larget timeframe data...
Using MQ4 Build 509 If I directly subtract two time values mq4 gives 0, but if stored in intermediate variables the result is correct.  (probably something to do with the  way mq4 implements the syntactic sugar to make the TIME longs look like doubles??) Run following script for demo... int start()...
Is their a link or anything that can show me how to download an indicator onto my MT4 broker? Not been able to figure it out. Thanks