MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 410

Hello all! I'm trying to make a custom indicator that's able to plot RSI and OBV on the same window so I don't have to load those indicators again and again but I'm having trouble to normalize the value of OBV to fit the range of RSI or ignoring the range of the RSI and just show it relative to its...
Hi All, i would need an help in the program i'm developing. I have an ea that open a position, buy, with a specified magic index (example id:111) After some pips if it is triggered the strategy, it opens a new position always buy and always id:111... and so on anytime the strategy is triggered....
Hi all,I am a beginner at coding and trying to write an percentage SL indicator of MA at mql4. The percentage (double) and MA period (int) will be changable. I take the percentage But i couldnt make it act as SL. Could anyone help me? I want it act as picture.  Thanx P.S: computer is not with me so...
Just thought I'd post here to let ppl know about a C# API I'm working on for Metatrader. It is in early stage development, and not fully tested, but if anyone is interested, checkout the install/source here: It is not designed to be a multi-terminal tool,...
Hi - I want to learn , if anyone experienced here tell me about the CCI indicator I have one question , while adding this indicator inside the Meta Trader - there's option called "period" , changing this option leads to different results (the drawn line) anyone explain what is this option and how...
Hi, all. I want my named pipes to be asynchronous. So I need to use _OVERLAPPED structure as a buffer. here is MSDN description of process: My current implementation does not even compile: //-MS Types:#define PVOID int#define...
Hey guys, a picture says more than 1000 words. Please have a look at both charts. The script works when I use 30 rows but when I use 100 the height of the rows is wrong. But I don't see an error in the calculation. Can someone help me with this issue? This is the script:...
  MT4  (1)
Dear Colleagues, Where can I download broker-neutral Meta Trader 4 and use it with several trading accounts from different brokers? Is that even possible? Thank you.
  SnakeForce.mq4  (2)
void Drawing( int Shift){   double val,Dval;   val = 5 * (Mart[Shift] - Mart[ ArrayMinimum (Mart,cPeriod,Shift)]) / 9 ;   Dval = 5 * (Mart[Shift] -            Mart[Shift + 1 ] +            Mart[ ArrayMinimum (Mart,cPeriod,Shift + 1 )] -            Mart[ ArrayMinimum (Mart,cPeriod,Shift)]   ) / 9 ;...
i need someone help me to update privet expert i bought 4 years ago now when make test   code    OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES);     if (OrderMagicNumber() == Magic && OrderSymbol()==Symbol())     {       if (OrderType()==OP_BUY)       {         if(OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots()...
Hi all! Someone can explain me how can i get the value wich assume a precise level of Stchastic oscilator, i mean: In this screenshot you can see im pointing "level 50", that is worth 0.89725, how can i have this value from code? Thanks you all in advance guys
  Round Number  (15   1 2)
Hi everyone, I write a little code for getting round number of 4 digits. Example : 1.23455 -- > 1.2345 1.23456 --> 1.2346 my code is below. Please help me to check this code and tell me if i wrong. And, anyone have a better ideas? Please share it . Thanks double RoundNo(double price){...
Running an EA on MT4 which requires a very heavy workload (computing large amount of orders). Through testing, I have noticed that the EA tends to skip certain ticks it receives (new price points) as it is busy computing previous orders. This has led me to think that the EA workload can be too much...
How easy is it to keep the chart objects in tester on background to see panels clearly without all the mes flying over it? I think to fix would require either removed tester objects and place own or lookup each object to modify.. Panel set not to background is still beneath of all chart objects...
Hello everybody, I would like to change the name of my signal. I remember it was possible before but right now I cannot see this option at all? Is it requestable or not allowed at all anymore? Kind Regards Pawel Czechowski
int Close1B()  {   int      Close1B=-1;                  // None open.   for(int cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--)     {      OrderSelect(cnt,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES);      //if( ! OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) ) continue;      if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol()         &&...
  Unresponsive Buttons  (26   1 2 3)
Hi Guys... I'm just wondering if anyone has the same issue... my mql4 "Buttons" (OnChartEvent) on my MT4 charts are very delayed or un-responsive.... It's definitely got something to do with the Data Feed but I have no other way to explain this to you... You will either know what I am talking about...
Hi guys, I'm testing out on this new chart operation ChartXYToTimePrice() on a custom indicator for the new Mql4. But the price converted from CHARTEVENT_CLICK (x, y coordinates) behaves weirdly. Price converted from screen XY coordinates (obtained from mouse click event) is incorrect & appears to...
I need to copy the last ten highs from the high[] array in OnCalculate()    int Length = 10;   double ahigh[];   ArrayResize(ahigh,Length);   ArrayCopy(ahigh,high,0,0,Length);   for(int i=0; i<Length; i++)   {    Print("high[",i,"] = ",high[i]," ahigh[",i,"] = ",ahigh[i]);   }   int compare =...
Hi,How can I set the history tab of the MT4 iOS App to « Day » by default ?  Each time I run the iphone MT4 App it is by default on « Month » and when I set it to « Day » it’s ok only until next reopening of the App.  Thanks,
Hello everyone, I have created a simple MA crossover EA. When I run it from 26.02.2018. until 28.02.2018. it shows 3 trades only: But it has more crossovers (see the red arrow): If I run it from 27.02.2018. until 28.02.2018., it makes the trade which he missed when I tested from 26.02.2018.: Why is...
I have noticed that Rectangle Labels receive click priority over Labels, irrespective to the z-order assignment. Is this behavior deliberate? This can be seen by creating a rectangle label with z-order 0, which partially overlaps a label with z-order 100. When clicking on the "So" text not over the...
  Array sorting  (23   1 2 3)
I am developing an Expert Advisor where I would like to implement FIFO support (closing orders according to order open time, sorted ASC). It it possible to use a similar logic described in this article: It does not seems very straightforwarded though. My...
As we see  the values are difrent, description
Hi all I am currently backtesting Cyberia Trader and Profit Seven EA2 on a machine with 6 cores (x2 with Hyper Threading) and 16 GB RAM. It is really slow. How can I speed it up? Is it worthy of running it on a super computer in amazon web services. Please note that when I see the...
I have isolated the issue to the brokers platform versions, I don't have a old build of the program to roll back and clean installs don't work with this issue...any suggestions
Hi everyone!. I came across this article It is a pretty good way to create tabs on a gui panel. Is there a way to achieve the same results with using only standard libraries. Thanks in advance.
So I have a template file attached, where I have a stochastic and MA loaded in the same indicator window. In the data window, the MA values are displayed as Price, and the Stochastic is displayed as a value from 0 - 100. What I would like to ask, is if there is a way to compare the values between
I have written an indicator that puts an arrow above a pinbar when detected, if the next candle moves ahead 4 points it puts a horizontal arrow on [i] pointing at the entry position on the next candle. It works well and puts the arrow permanently at the +4 points level on the chart....
Hello everyone, I am trying get negative numbers stored separately from positive numbers over a 15 minute timeframe. Question: How do I do this? Is there an in built function for this?  void statistics()  {   shift=0;pos=0;   for(shift=0;shift<=26;shift++)     {      CCI[pos]  =iCCI(Symbol()...