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Added topic Checking Information From Different Timeframes
Hi there, I've moved over to programming MQL5 after several years with MQL4. In the past, if I wanted to process information from other timeframes than the chart hosting the indicator, I would likely use the iHigh/iLow/iClose/iOpen functions
Added topic CChartObjectFiboTimes - Get Bar Time Based On Each Level?
Hi, I'm using  CChartObjectFiboTimes and assigning custom percentage levels. I would like to draw some boxes between the levels (as a coloured background) but don't know the bar times of each of the vertical levels drawn
Added topic Indicator Problem After Windows 11 Wakes Up
Hi, I have ported an indicator that I wrote over from MT4 to MT5. There was very little that needed changing, just a few MT4 functions that weren't available in MT5 need replacing with their MT5 counterparts. After a period of inactivity, my Windows
Added topic Get Value Of New York's GMT value using MQL4?
Hi, Is it possible to get the current GMT value of New York using MQL4? I am based in UK and right now, NY is GMT-4. However, depending on the time of year, it is GMT-5. Obviously, I know this but, does MQL4 provide some kind of capability to
Added topic Simulating Index Buffers In An EA.
Hi, I am developing an indicator that I have adjusted to run as an EA. The reason for this is that I find that an EA works much more reliably in the debugger than an indicator. The screenshot below is the result when running in the indicator - I am
Added topic "Expression could not be evaluated" using debug.tpl
Hi there, I am trying to write an indicator to work on Fibs on a chart. To debug this, I created debug.tpl and when I run the indicator in the Debugger, the correct template loads. The debug.tpl has as Fib and some MAs. When I step through the code
Added topic Invalid pointer access using copy constructor?
Hi there, Some very simple code below to illustrate a problem I'm having. I have a very simple class with a copy constructor. The sample below creates a new object and then tries to make a copy of that object via the copy constructor whereupon I get
Added topic Are Chart Indicator Layouts/Configuration Stored In Cache Files?
Hi, I have a set of charts that had evolved over time with different indicator settings. However, the template files I had originally created for these charts have not been updated recently and do not reflect the latest chart configurations in the
Added topic ZigZag issues on MT5
Hi, Whilst considering a shift from MT4 to MT5, there have been a few issues with the standard MT5 ZigZag code. The images below show a ZZ set at 12,5,3. Notice how the white ZZ highs and lows in no way match the underlying price bars. When the chart
Added topic Number of values in custom stochastic indicator buffers not rendered correctly on chart
Hi all, I have developed a stochastic indicator that has an UpdateBuffer function that receives parameters that allows it to update the Signal and Main buffers with appropriate values. On GU/M5, rates_total is set to 100,731 of which the first 731
Added topic Indicator Licence(s) Obsoleted By Lated Windows 10 Updates
Hi, A number of my "paid for" indicators have stopped working because of the latest Windows 10 Update(s) (see attached). If I re-install them, I'll lose a licence count. Is this correct? How can I avoid this? I tried to post a message to the service
Added topic Problems With "HotKeys" in OnChartEvent
Hello, I am trying to trap the left and right Square Brackets "[" "]" and the left and right Curly Braces "{" "}". On my keyboard, the curly braces are generated by the Shift+[ and Shift+]. So, two keys on the keyboard should provide the 4 values I
Added topic Convert String Non-Numeric String to double
Hello, I want to take the value of the current _Symbol and convert it to a numeric representation that can be stored as a double in a named global variable. So, a kind of 1-way encryption process that outputs as a double? Is there a way to do this in
Added topic iCustom and Bill Williams Fractals
Hi, I want to reference Bill Williams' Fractal indicator using iCustom. Here is how I am trying to do this:- double iCustomFractal( int buffer, int shift= 0 )   {    return iCustom ( NULL
Added topic Order Handling Library
Hi, I have a requirement to automate trades based on signals from an indicator that I have developed. I haven't previously coded an EA to do this. In the past, when I have looked at posts in this forum, the task of correctly handling/processing
Added topic Accurate Price Axis Text Positioning On Chart
Hello, I am trying to come up with a robust solution to position text objects above/below price. Obviously, I have my price bar's high and low values but, I want to be able to have a high and low "offset" so that a user defined value can be provided
Added topic FileFindFirst returns large negative number?
long searchHandle= FileFindFirst (_subFolder+ "\\*" ,fileFirst); Hi, The above code is occasionally returning a large negative number like -1905372416. This is fooling my code that tests as follows:- if (searchHandle!= INVALID_HANDLE ) As
Added topic Problem with iCustom
Hello, Please see below for a sample of the code called:- double CTdiUtils::_volHigh( int shift, bool reset= false , bool force= false )   {    double volHigh= NULL ;    if (_volHighValue== NULL || force || reset)
Added topic Calculating True Risk/Reward Ratio?
Hi, I am trying to understand the risk/reward ratio over a series of trades. To keep things simple, using my custom indicator , I might get 50 signals/trades and each trade uses a stop loss of 10 pips.  25 of the trades make some kind of pip
Added topic delete invalid pointer message, debugging with preset?
Hi, I posted a similar topic yesterday and actioned a suggestion from Nicholi. However, when debugging again today, I got numerous instances of the "delete invalid pointer " message in the Experts tab, after the debugger inadvertently failed to stop