General - page 737

  Best Scalping EA  (3)
Can anyone advise which is the best tested scalping EA or i am looking for an EA to run for day trading currency pairs
I recently posted a link to a signal in Telegram and noticed that the preview image used looked very different to the growth chart preview shown on the signal's web page. Can moderators please contact the website operator to have this corrected. Growth Chart Growth Preview...
I have applied the following code.void OnInit(){   EventSetTimer(10);}void OnTimer(){  // Print the current value of the timer.} As one can see I have applied the Timer and want to know the value of the timer in the OnTimer(). Say if it is 1 then print one or 2 when it is 2. Please let me know what...
When I close a signal trade, it automatically re-opens the position. Why do I not have full control over my trades? I simply want to copy a signal trade, not have it have it have full control
I have subscribe to <...>. how can I change my lot size
  EA order  (1)
hi guys new here , order EA from programmer from freelance services on market place , what kind of details and files need to collect from programmer for future update or need to change anything in future ,  he is a good guy but just wondering  thanks for help
Hi all, I'm still pretty new to trading on MT4 and I'm looking for some help. Forgive me in advance if these have been repeatedly asked: 1) How does one deploy a script that automate trading? That is, is there any way that we can ensure that that the script is running in the background on the
Dear MetaQuotes, we customers have been waiting for a long time for your MQL5 economic calendar functions and finally they are there (thanks for that!), but the delay at which data are published is often ridiculously huge! For example take the last US Nonfarm Payrolls (as of 5th July 2019) — they...
I have subscribed successfully to  one  signal but, I couldn't see the opened positions of the signal in my MQL5 signal page.  in one hand, at the left, I see you are subscribed and in aother hand, where positions are shown, it shows, "information available only for subscribers"Thanks for your help...
Can you some help to get LWMA cross over alert signal with alerts popup
Hello, My broker (<broker name removed >) moved my account to <broker name removed> server. I would like to move my signal subscription to this new server, but when I make the change and clic on "Move", nothing happen. Can someone help me ? Thanks
how do I connect to the metatrader vps hosting  I have the vps icon in my navigator section . the journal said it has started and in my setting it is there  I am more than likely missing something silly but I need help Thanking you in advance Keith
Hi, I asked my broker but they said "We'll get back to you" and I'm kind of impatient. My broker, AdmiralMarkets, charges a minimum "transaction" commission of 1$. So, my question is, when I place a Pending order, with Fill policy that is set to Return, my understanding is that "If filled partially...
Is there any way to create pluggins for metatrader 5? For example, add a new item in the menu bar or add a new feature for metaeditor... Thanks!
I will like to find out if it is possible to add a new account from different broker to my existing my MT4 platform which i downloaded from another broker.If so how do i go about it.kindly assist me if you have an idea.Thanks you all.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+//|                                             EA Pending Order.mq4 |//|                        Copyright 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |//|                                   
what will happen if the employer is not logging in his account for many days during arbitration ?
Hi does anybody know how to adjust the settings on contract specification stops level? I have circled it in the image. Would really appreciate the help.
  StepMAExperts  (42   1 2 3 4 5)
Dear colleagues! Good time to do the gifts before Cristmas. I have just finished the first version StepMAExpert. Let this will you beautiful toy on New Year's holidays. Merry Cristmas Igor P.S. Results to optimization will be in following posts. File Tracert.mq4 rename Tracert.mgh then place it in
Hi everyone, I try to obtain last second trade in history is profitable or not. I can get last trade in history is profitable or not as follows; if (OrderSelect(OrdersHistoryTotal()-1, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY )  {   if (OrderProfit()>0)    {       success=1;    }   else    {      success=0;    }...
  news file time  (2)
Hi I noticed the dateTime in the file is GMT+12. Is this correct? and is this always the case or it gets changed? and if so, when and why? Thanks
As per 2085 Release notes: "Distribution of tasks to agents The tester can now redistribute tasks to agents during the optimization process. If a new agent has become available (or one of the previously used ones has been released), the tester...
  New Blog Post  (8)
I want to add a blog post on Blogs section ""  But there is a problem  I don't finding "Add new post" Option.  I can't guess the problem, Can anybody help me out of there?
The new MQL5 economic calendar functions are in principle great stuff, but I noticed that many calendar values are delivered with (partially huge) delay, e.g. the last ISM United States Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) as of 1st July 2019 was...
I recently purchased an EA from the market. I have yet to activate it because every time I click on the market tab I get an script error and it freezes my terminal to the point I cannot close it. The only way to get out is to restart my computer. The dialog window says: An error has occurred in the...
Does anyone know if there is a ASH for Meta4?
Hello everyone, How to GetValue from Excel and WriteValue in Excel thank you for everyone.
  OrderHistory  (1)
Good day, Ive been trying to write a script where if (iSAR>Ask && LastClosedOrder=Buy) to open a sell order. I have this part where I get order history. When i run the script it seems like it does not get last closed order instead it gets all of the history. i see this because even if last closed...
Hi i'm using android mt5 on my tablet, unfortunately its not possible to drag and drop the stop and target in android while we are using in desktop, anybody know how could we use this function in android or IOS?
i write a script for check indicators of symbols in my watch list, and filter them, so finally exporting filtered symbols in a .csv file! in mt4 its possible to download server data and check many of symbols but mt5 dont update the symbol charts, and you must open it on screen and waiting for