Signal Growth Preview Chart Incorrect


I recently posted a link to a signal in Telegram and noticed that the preview image used looked very different to the growth chart preview shown on the signal's web page.
Can moderators please contact the website operator to have this corrected. Growth Chart

Signal Growth Chart Growth Preview Growth Preview

Telegram Growth Preview

Signal Growth Telegram Preview

As you can see the preview chart image loaded in Telegram, and other social platforms that show a page preview, correctly shows the periods where growth goes below 0%, while the signal page's preview chart does not and is incorrect.


This is preview ... smoothed or adapted :)

Besides, many people do not trust Telegram.


But, anyway, if you feel that it is incorrect preview so you can write to the service desk.


Sergey, please take another look.

I think Drayzen spotted it while pasting over Telegram. But you can ignore the Telegram image.

The issue is with the first two images, which are purely mql5 images.

The MQL5 preview image does not go below 0, and (my additional comment) the profit at the end of the curve is at highest, while the mql5 growth chart goes below zero and the profit at the end of the curve is not at highest.

so it looks like the smoothing is too agressive and filters out higher frequence (which are not minimal, but relevant, though)


Yes, I see that MQL5 preview was going below zero one time, but mql5 growth chart was going below zero many times.
But as far as I know - the abnormal growth of the signals is ignored by the system - look at this thread 
So, we do not know the exact growth ... and because of that - we can not compare the review with this growth ...

And because of that - I can not report to the service desk about "possible bug" ... we do not know about it as it is the preview only (and it can not be compared with the Telegram growth).

You or Drayzen can write to the service desk about "too good preview growth charts" for their consideration.

Signals - Reliability
Signals - Reliability
  • 2018.12.07
How do I understand the Reliability Index for Signal providers...
Sergey Golubev:

Yes, I see that MQL5 preview was going below zero one time, but mql5 growth chart was going below zero many times.
But as far as I know - the abnormal growth of the signals is ignored by the system - look at this thread 
So, we do not know the exact growth ... and because of that - we can not compare the review with this growth ...

And because of that - I can not report to the service desk about "possible bug" ... we do not know about it as it is the preview only (and it can not be compared with the Telegram growth).

You or Drayzen can write to the service desk about "too good preview growth charts" for their consideration.

This has nothing to with Telegram or the Signal's reliability. The same image is loaded no matter where you post the link.

Here is the full image:

Paste a link for a Signal in to any social platform that shows a link preview image and you'll see this same format image is loaded.

It is an absolute misrepresentation for the preview to alter the zero point, or use a smoothing method that clips minimums.

The lowest point not shown is -5.76%, so can not be dismissed as insignificant.

This is most certainly a reportable bug.



This is most certainly a reportable bug.

I understand your points.
But it is not enough information about.
Look at the image (as we know - some abnormal monthly growth figures are irnored by the system) - 

  • preview ... the preview is based on the real growth (without irnoring), or it is based on the growth with irnored figures (included) ..


Well ... I will report to the admins with the link to thius thread for their consideration.

Sergey Golubev:



    Well ... I will report to the admins with the link to thius thread for their consideration.

    Yes, I reported.

    Sergey Golubev:

    Yes, I reported.

    Thanks Sergey,

    The signal shown does not have any ignored growth.

    Hopefully we actually see something done about this as it seems all too often clear issues and good suggestions are dismissed.