Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 18

A little announcement...
1. After connecting the constructor, we will create a simple window.

2. Gradually we will start to complicate it by adding new elements.

3. First we will learn a simple system for creating groups of elements.

4. Then I will show simple principles of positioning through declaration of anchors and corrections.

5. Then we will set different properties of elements and windows using simple words like FIC - fixed if clicked, OOI - open on init, V_MIN, V_MAX, and STEP - minimum value, maximum value and step, for input fields with buttons and sliders. We will also synchronise value changes between several controls using the SYNC keyword. A command SWITCH will be used to link the switching of buttons in a group of elements.

6. I will show how easy it is to create a table and integrate any elements into it using only two words: IS_TABLE.

7. And much, much more. The possibilities of the language are wide and after 4 years I still haven't remembered everything. But, all in due time...

One of the strengths of the designer is the ability to quickly create and save templates of windows, groups and elements, so that next time you can copy entire windows and groups to make only small changes to reduce the time of building the interface by 90 per cent or more.

Small technical hitch.


Also added 5 windows to the designer to make it easier to find and install the following interface resources:

1. Required icons

2. fonts

3. Sounds (they are also connected via markup language).

4. Frames (you can set frames for elements).

5. Colours.


Auxiliary windows will be called from the taskbar of the constructor, as well as from the context menu (via double click).

This is how it looks like:

All icons are already integrated in the builder, but fonts and sounds are not. However, you can switch on fonts in Windows settings, and I will give you the sounds in an archive and you just put them in the Sounds folder in MT5.

As you may have noticed, the designer has a taskbar at the bottom. You'll be able to minimise your windows while you're working on the interface to maximise space on your graphics.

This is what it looks like. Tabs can be dragged, swapped, and closed. They are triggered by pressing the left mouse button.


The constructor has its own context menu which is invoked by double-clicking on an empty chart space or on any custom window within it.

You will also find the following functions:

1. bring other windows on top using the "Bring window on top" function. This is needed when another window with the "Always on top" property is blocking it. In other cases this function is not necessary.

2. Through the context menu of the constructor you can call a custom context menu that will work in the user interface. In this way it can be edited or changes can be seen.

3. The context menu of the constructor can call a custom taskbar and work with it.

4. The option "Save project and print API file" prints the created interface to a file for its further connection to the user programme.

5. The "About the programme" option calls a window with a text telling about the copywriter.

This is how it looks like:

That's all for now. See you Sunday.
Реter Konow # :
That's all for now. See you Sunday.
Thanks for donating your time this weekend and looking forward to Sunday's release.