Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 25

Реter Konow #:

The functions in this file link interface controls in various ways. For example

1. The SWITCH_ALL command in the markup language refers to setting the activation state toggle for all elements in a group. Suppose there are 10 radio buttons in a group. This command will cause the buttons to toggle themselves when clicked without additional code. The same applies to any element - labels, simple buttons, checkboxes ....... Any element that can be clicked. It can even toggle different types of elements. It is very convenient to use this command if there are a lot of elements. If you need to switch individual elements within a group, their names are listed in SWITCH, . .END, ...

2.2. The SYNC command acts similarly to the element parameter. It synchronises the change of parameter values. For example, let's connect a slider to an input box with a button, so that when you enter a value in the input box, the slider moves to the desired position. Or move the slider handle and the value in the input box bound to it changes. If different elements have parameters, it is possible to synchronise the parameter values of these elements. the "Set_SYNC()" function can help with this.

3. When the main element is pressed, C.word BLOCKS opens the list of elements to be locked. the "Set_lock_elements()" function is partly responsible for executing this command.

4.4. the function "Set_link_between_fields_and_tabs()" does exactly what its name suggests - it creates links between the clicked tabs and the space of elements within the opened window. That is, it manages the phenomenon of the elements assigned to it.

Can this be considered the basis of a constructor? Quite the contrary, it is only one part of the puzzle, of which there are many. The basis of the constructor is scattered in many files, not in one place for objective reasons.

By the way, at first I wanted to publish constructors in one file and collect them. It turned out to be ~37 000 lines. But even in that file I could not point to the basis of the constructor because it could not be collected in one place for technical reasons.

I hope my explanation was helpful, and now I'm going to work on the release.) (If there are still questions, I'll answer them as best I can.)

Okay, thanks!
hini #:
How can I get rid of the more than five thousand warnings that are generated when compiling, many of them in markup language files?
As far as I know, you can only "get rid" of them by correcting the warnings.
Enrique Enguix #:
As far as I know, you can only "get rid" of warnings by correcting them.
Are there any directives to disable certain warnings?
As the author says, correcting warnings by modifying the source code is not possible for this project.
Maybe the ME editor should add a feature to filter the warning display. Like the VS IDE does.
I'm pleased to announce, today is the release of the first full version of the builder.

We are not going to go by leaps and bounds. We'll do everything the classic way. First we will create our first window.

In the archive will be present:

1. Indicator KIB-source.mq5

2. Folder (1) KIB v1

3. Folder (2) KIB PROJECTS

To start working:

1. Open the archive.

2. Copy the folders of items 2 and 3 into the include folder (replacing the old ones).

3. Copy the KIB-source indicator to the indicators folder (replacing the old one).

4. Upload Expert Advisor (1) KIB v1 to a free MT5 chart.

5. Compile the KIB-source indicator (new) and put it on the same chart.

6. Compile the indicator again.

7. A window with a button should appear on the chart.

8. Open the connection file of this window in the KIB-source indicator (in ME). You will see the KIB-code of this window and comments to it.

9. Then continue...

See you tonight.


Grab the release.

** IMPORTANT (forgot to say)!!!

DO NOT FORGET TO RECOMMITTEE (1) KIB v1.mq5 before installing it on the chart.

Files:  1558 kb
Реter Konow #:

Grab the release.

**Important (forgot to mention that)!!!!!

Before installing KIB v1.mq5 on your charts, please don't forget to recommend (1) KIB v1.

Good news!
hini #:
Good news!


For those who want to start experimenting with creating windows and elements, or just for those who are curious, I've prepared a list of the grossest mistakes of writing cyb-code. This knowledge will help a lot.

I attach the files in English and Russian.

P.S. Both files will be included in the next build, but you can read them now.

The Russian for me, even in the directory names, is prohibitive.
Gerard Willia G J B M Dinh Sy #:
The Russian language is prohibitive for me, even in directory names.
You don't need constructor code. Just the markup language. It is in English. Follow the instructions written above and you will immediately create a window with elements. And in a few minutes you will make several windows with content.

I will soon post an explanation in pictures.