Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 11

Janis Ozols #:

My interfaces were, of course, much simpler. I didn't use Canvas, but simply built a panel out of standard controls. To prevent other objects on the chart from shining through, I redrew all the window components once a minute:

Here Controls is an array containing component names.

If we're talking about visual shining through, that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about click-through. There, even indicator settings are sometimes clicked this way.


I promised to reveal the technology of the author's KIB markup language.

A small introduction...

Among the readers of this thread there will probably be people who deeply understand the technology of markup language, but I will say at once that I am not such a person. That is, I have never read or even searched for information on this topic. The same applies to the visual editor. I will not boast of ignorance, just stating a fact. However, how did I come to them?

Intuition? Randomness?

In a strange way, I first made a markup language and then realised that this is what it is. I realised it a few years later, when I had already developed solutions specific to the language and interpreter.

Yes, the solutions were written non-standardly, for which I was criticised in every possible way, but... they worked fine. No, not without bugs... We all have bugs. But my solutions always had room for development and scaling ahead, and the approach didn't come to a dead end, as one might expect... and as I was prophesied.... and as I was prophesied.

I'm not saying they were the best solutions, no..... but they were optimal for a single developer with no education in programming, who is fixated on the goal and absolute freedom from stereotypes. And also has the nerve to oppose himself to anyone.

Arrogant? Yes.

Did you realise that you were wrong and everything should have been done differently? - No. Because everything was working and evolving.

Does he think he was right? Not really.

Commercially and professionally, he was wrong.

Creatively, he was right.

For being wrong commercially and professionally, he suffered because he didn't become a real programmer. And because I didn't earn anything from sales.

For being right from the creative point of view - I got a unique experience in developing and testing my approach.

And what costs more?

Depends on what stage of life... But let's leave that question. It doesn't have an unambiguous answer.

Here's a paradox - after I made a markup language, I learnt how it works...

It was as follows:

First I learnt about MT4 and the MQL language.

Then I learnt about graphical objects of this language.

Then I started to create them...

...and the first thing I did was to build a visual studio...

...the first thing I did.

Almost as soon as I learnt to write my first lines of code.

Here's the proof: 2014.

And graphics has completely replaced from my brain algotrading, which I was going to do. Why this happened - I don't know.

But it's not about graphics. There was another idea behind it...

More about it below...


Since such an interesting topic has popped up, let me off-topic.

A long time ago I started using EasyAndFastGUI, then it stopped working. Then it stopped being supported, stopped compiling and working, became obsolete....

Now the need for a GUI for myself again appears (I don't sell software). During this time there were a few series of articles with GUI, but very voluminous and integrated with trading engines, so it is difficult to separate the bees from the honey. Or describing the very basics, for independent development.

I need your opinion - is there an open free GUI that is as functional as EasyAndFastGUI - buttons, edits, tabs, charts. Canvas based.

For me, as a programmer, GUIs are not an end in themselves, I will never become their developer. Though I did it in my youth in Windows 1.0

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

Since such an interesting topic has come up, allow me to off-topic.

A long time ago I started using EasyAndFastGUI, then it stopped working. Then it stopped being supported, stopped compiling and working, became obsolete....

Now the need for a GUI for myself again appears (I don't sell software). During this time there were a few series of articles with GUI, but very voluminous and integrated with trading engines, so it is difficult to separate the bees from the honey. Or describing the very basics, for self-development.

I need your opinion - is there an open free GUI that is as functional as EasyAndFastGUI - buttons, edits, tabs, charts. Canvas based.

For me, as a programmer, GUIs are not an end in themselves, I will never become their developer. Though I did it in my youth in Windows 1.0

Yes, that's exactly what I have. But I need time to refresh my memory and remember how I created GUIs for people who contacted me.

There is a thread about it

Краудсорсовый GUI. Открытое бета-тестирование. - Опубликую открытый код конструктора GUI для MQL-программ. Установить советник KIB Ex5 на свободный график.
Краудсорсовый GUI. Открытое бета-тестирование. - Опубликую открытый код конструктора GUI для MQL-программ. Установить советник KIB Ex5 на свободный график.
  • 2020.02.04
  • Реter Konow
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- СБОРКА - движок GUI в пользовательском приложении. Шаг 5 - проектирование пользовательского GUI В дополнительной ветке. Шаг 6 - сохранение пользовательского GUI Вызвать дабл-кликом на график контекстное меню конструктора
Реter Konow #:

Yeah, that's the one I have. But I need time to refresh my memory and remember how I created the graphical shell of the programmes of people who contacted me.

It would be nice if you could be motivated to publish a working library.

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

Need your opinion - is there an open source free GUI that is as functional as EasyAndFastGUI - buttons, edits, tabs, charts. Canvas based.

To everyone. To everyone who has tested GUIs published by several authors. And even to the authors.


And so, behind the graphics was another idea.....

What was it?

I've deduced a formula for one of the parasitic ideas of the human subconscious:

Finding a supertask --> finding a supertask --> finding a superresolution --> stage 1, stage 2, stage 3.... stage n

Then there is a logical fork in the road:

1. There is a solution --> search for a new supertask

2. There is no solution --> we make a choice:

a) look for a new supertask and (write the loss in the subconscious)

b) continue looking for a solution to the previous one (feed ourselves with hope).

With any choice, the cycle repeats itself.

It is worth noting that an individual's supertask has no vital relevance and exists only in subjective perception. It is a figment of imagination. But the "infected" person is not able to understand it. For his subconsciousness the supertask is real and the solution is absolutely necessary. He throws energy and money into its search, and as a result he wastes irreplaceable resources - time and health. And money too.

It is quite easy to infect a person with a parasitic idea if he has a predisposition from the beginning.

Where does the predisposition come from?

From social immaturity. From the fact that the "inner child" is stronger than the "inner adult". And then the child takes the upper hand in the internal confrontation.

Why is the "inner adult" weaker than the "inner child"? - Because the inner adult is SOCIALLY UNFORMED in the process of growing up as an individual.

Who is to blame? - Society. I said it earlier... Society breeds a lot of"un fit" adults to make them "worker ants".

In "unfit" adults the inner child (who "feels" the incompetence of the "inner adult") is constantly switched on and sabotages the efforts of the inner adult in social competition for the sake of their childish ambitions and pleasures. Because of this, such people are forced to accept the most unfavourable conditions in the "bargain with society" and ... work where others wouldn't.

But that's just my theory and I'm not imposing it.

I must admit, at that point, my subconscious was infected with the idea-parasite. Yes, yes, the same mythical subconsciousness looking for the "Grail" and "Utopia" was activated when I touched the "magic" of programming.

And what idea popped into my head? - The idea of theCube. A cube of object properties. I decided to try to write the properties of all objects in an array and edit them "on the fly" in loops. That's how the idea of the "Kernel-Motor" started.

" Kernel" is"C ube", and"Engine" is algorithms controlling properties of objects in"Cube".

That's it. After that I could not give up this idea.

It was a"Super Solution". I needed a"Supertask"."Why not create a Visual Studio like VS?" I thought. And so it went...

Why, what for, why - it didn't matter. There was a Supertask and there was a Super Solution.

The rest did not matter for the inner child - he found new "ideas-toys" and there was no stopping him.

Continued below...

Реter Konow #:

Here's the paradox - after I made a markup language, I learnt how it works....

It was as follows:

I'll continue from here.

The idea of "Kernel-Motor" came almost immediately with the first lines of code.

Now I realise that it had the potential to create not only a markup language but also a visual editor. And it required almost no additional education in programming. Only the most basic knowledge was needed. Theoretically, I could implement a visual editor with a primitive education in programming and it would work well and efficiently. That's how it turned out in the end.

This paradox reminds me of what's going on with AI right now. There is no AI - that's what all the scientists at international research institutes will tell you. They've been researching intelligence for years and they can hardly be convinced that it consists of predicting the next word based on linked data from a statistical model. And if you stick an LLM under their noses and say, "Isn't that consciousness?! Isn't that thinking?!...", you'll just piss them off and they'll send you away. But this "brainless" thing is communicating with you as a human being.....

What does that tell you? - That someone has found ashortcut to imitate "intelligence"....

It's the same with me in programming. I found ashortcut to UI.

Not knowing OOP, I found a way to create and process objects bypassing complex programming science. At the same time, the code speed was much faster than professionally written UIs (in the same language) because the algorithms were extremely simple and efficient. Yeah, not by canon and not by standards..... Just like LLM from Nature's point of view is a ridiculous (unprofessional) copy of human consciousness... But humans have found a way around Nature's difficulty in the matter of imitating intelligence...

So have I.

My code almost always worked very fast in comparison with alternative solutions of this direction. At the same time, I almost never tried to make it faster. I just consistently deployed the potential of the "Super Solution" I chose in the beginning.

"Unpacking" the Super Solution always ensured progress. Everything came easily and by itself.

But how technically I came to the markup language before I realised that I was creating it...?

About this further....


I set the same supertask... er... I don't remember... about 3 years ago, maybe. To create an "AI" bot that would come up with trading strategies by itself.

But I also had a goal that it would make money :) At the same time, I already had experience of successful trading, but in other ways.

In the end, the task turned out to be really archically difficult, I have seen how chelicks went off the rails on the forum, and even now they go off when entering the MO topic :)

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

It's good if you get motivated to publish a working library.

If I am, I will. But I can't promise. I'll do my best.