Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 58

A fully functional base version of the engine and builder is a valid and achievable goal. It requires a clear plan and prioritisation. In turn, it means the end of adding big tasks to the plans and the beginning of solving urgent problems.

Let me give an analogy with the construction of a high-rise building. Let's imagine a project where the foreman doesn't know exactly how many floors need to be built. Let's assume that he was not informed. But he is a creator at heart - a creative person. He doesn't care. The bigger the better. He likes tall houses and skyscrapers. While he's working, the construction goes on, floors are added and the building grows to the sky. But the flats can't be handed over to the tenants, because the scaffolding hasn't been removed and the living space hasn't been cleaned. Even the doors are not inserted. The house is unfinished. But for the foreman it is trifles. He's looking up. The sky. And the tenants are waiting impatiently, they need flats.

In general, it's time for the foreman to "change the firmware" and mentally reorganise. Stop building floors and start putting doors in the openings. And finally start cleaning the area, plastering walls, laying parquet and installing chandeliers ....

Let me put it this way: the floors, for now, will not be built. Instead, the floors that have already been built will be finished. The work will be planned in such a way that the house will be handed over to the tenants as soon as possible.

After all, the house was built for them....