Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 12

Реter Konow #:


What does that tell you? - That someone has found ashortcut to imitating "intelligence"....

...It's the same with me in programming. I found ashortcut to UI.

... Humans have found a way around Nature's complexity in the matter of simulating intelligence ...

... "Unpacking"Superdecision has always provided progress....

To add to the above:

When I first watched an interview ofOpenAI chief engineer Ilya Sutzkever to some YouTube journalist (about a year ago), I was struck by a phrase.

Speaking about AI development he said something like this:"All we need is to predict the next word" .

Frankly, I was "bummed."

I thought he was a serious intelligence researcher... I thought he was trying to explain the nature of consciousness, thinking, the psyche... And suddenly I find out that the chief AI developer just wants to predict the next word in a sentence based on statistical probability! And that's what he's building a conversational AI on!

How can you not be blown away?))))))) It's like realising for the first time that Father Christmas isn't real.))))))

And you know what the most frustrating thing is? He succeeded. It was Ilya who created the first GPT-3 level conversational AI. It was only then that I realised how smart he really is.

In other words, he's smart enough not to take on research that his company will never do. Like studying the psyche and the human mind.He took ashortcut and came up with the ultimate goal .

And yet, his sober and cynical attitude to the issue of AI creation suddenly made me deeply respect Ilya's mind. Not everyone can adequately weigh knowledge and possibilities to survive the maximum result. He could.

And now he continues to try to "unpack" Superdecision with next-word prediction and scale the technology. He talked about it in the same interview. Whether it will succeed, I don't know.

Superresolution always has a limit. I know it well from my work with Kernel Drive. ...Ilya must have already reached the limit.

What's the nextshortcut? ))

Continued tomorrow...

P.S. This and previous questions will be discussed tomorrow. I will also post examples of working with markup language.

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

To everyone. To everyone who has tested GUIs published by several authors. And even the authors.

Yes, I will help you. Motivation has arrived. I need some time to recover my memory. Keep an eye on that thread I linked to. I'll post there when I'm ready.
Реter Konow #:
Yes, I'll help you. Motivation's back. I need some time to recover my memory. Keep an eye on that thread I linked to. I'll post there when I'm ready.

Thank you. I'll look forward to it. I guess I'm not the only one.

In general, I wonder why MQ hasn't implemented something like this. There is only a set of small "build it yourself" elements. At a very low level. Someone will say - MQL5 has everything to programme anything you want. But you have to spend too much effort on something that is not an end in itself, but only a tool.

Many people need a GUI for more convenient management and analysis.

I have been following it since MQL3. The language and performance have developed tremendously. The developers of the language are amazing. But the MT interface has remained at a primitive level, minor flaws are still there for an hour of work. As I joked once, they should hire a second programmer.

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

Thank you. I'll look forward to it. I guess I'm not the only one.

In fact, I wonder why MQ hasn't implemented something like this. There is only a set of small "build it yourself" elements. At a very low level. Someone will say - MQL5 has everything to programme anything you want. But you have to spend too much effort on something that is not an end in itself, but only a tool.

Many people need a GUI for more convenient management and analysis.

I have been following it since MQL3. The language and performance have developed tremendously. The developers of the language are amazing. But the MT interface has remained at a primitive level, minor flaws are still there for an hour of work. As I joked once, they should hire a second programmer.

Well, perhaps you are right.

I am left with a hard feeling of unfinished work of some big thing. It's agonising. To shoot it, you have to finish what you started. Finish the visual editor.

Even in hobby mode, it takes two to three months, two to three hours a day. It's no big deal. I'll remember quickly, the code is simple.

I decided to combine the editor and the language. Let me explain. It is too difficult to realise all the features of the markup language in the vis.editor. For example, it is better to create tree lists or large tables in the markup language, and it is easier and faster to put standard elements in windows in the view editor.

Simple features will be provided by the editor, and more complex - by the language. I will stop here.
However, we will make your project entirely in markup language. Then you won't have to wait for 3 months.

a long time ago, in the days of "core-engine", everyone told Peter - to make things go, get yourself a resource...with his graphomania, it is not difficult to fill and promote the matter

a website/repo/blog, etc..

And now it's too late to drink borjomi, now the epitaph is published here.

example to all: in order not to repeat this sad experience - keep projects as a separate entity.

Maxim Kuznetsov projects as a separate entity.

Even if no one uses my labour, I will quietly finish and move on. That's the plan.

I have no regrets. Don't get your hopes up.))

By the way, remembered how to let the user write and plug in their own GUI. In a few days Edgar, it will be possible to start.
In a few days, I will post three open .mqh files.

1. GUI constructor. Compile it and save it to the EAs folder. Throw it on a free chart.

2. Markup Language Interpreter. It is a file for connecting your markup code, which you will write in ME.
You will compile it and save it to the indicators folder. Then you will upload it to the same chart as the constructor.

3. The engine for the GUI to work in tandem with the Expert Advisor. You do not need to compile it. It is a plug-in module.

When you build your interface, the constructor will generate two files. Connect both of them. One of them - "Internal API" has everything you need to interact with your programme. There is no need to open the second one. This is a file of technical information.

H.Y. I decided to finish the project and now is the last moment to get technical support for the markup language. Learn to create an interface in it and you will never have problems again. You will be able to write any windows with any set of working elements in minutes. And you can connect it to your EA/indicator in minutes.

I'll say it again. I am finishing the project. There will be no other opportunity.
Реter Konow #:
In a few days I'll post three open .mqh files.

Quite generous. Much will depend not on functionality, but on explanations inside the code (preferably in Russian), as well as examples of different panels are required - it makes understanding the code much easier.