Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 51

hini #:

May I ask what software you used to create the gifs? Why do you have to click to see the picture move.

I use Camtasia Studio. It's good, great features.

I can't say for sure about clicking.... file size, picture size, image resolution... Or maybe it's the programme. For the sake of experiment I'll try to make a small .gif with low resolution. If it will be static, I'll look for another programme. It's really inconvenient.
Реter Konow #:
I use Camtasia Studio. It's good, it's got a lot of possibilities.

I can't say for sure about clicking.... file size, picture size, image resolution... Or maybe it's the programme. For the sake of experiment I'll try to make a small .gif with low resolution. If it will be static, I'll look for another programme. It's really inconvenient.
The width should be no more than 760 pixels. I don't remember the height exactly. Experiment.
Artyom Trishkin #:
The width should be no more than 760 pixels. I don't remember the height exactly. Experiment.

Here is a .gif taken by Nikolay Semko (1660 x 798px. 9.2 MB): Works fine without clicking (follow the link).

And my .gif(1120 x 540px 141.1 kB)

Checked the saved .gif files from Camtasia in the folders. They are all links. There are no full files there. Where the studio saves them to - I haven't found it yet. But that's exactly the point . The site uploads a link to the .gif file, but not the .gif itself.





From now on, all gifs will be like this.

There's a subtlety to it. Someone told me about it before, then I forgot. I remember now.

Artyom Trishkin #:
The width should be no more than 760 pixels. I don't remember the height exactly. Feel free to experiment.


hini #:

May I ask what software you used to create the gifs? Why do you have to click to see the picture move.

For the general convenience of forum members wishing to visually demonstrate the result of working with the markup language, or to expose an interface bug/problem found, I will reveal the subtlety of publishing a moving gif with any size. I'm not sure that the person who shared this secret with me would like to reveal it, but I repeat - for general convenience and effective exchange of information in the branch.

And so, as far as I understand - gif within the limits of up to ~(760 x 600px) does not require additional actions and becomes movable after publishing a post. However, this space is often not enough. If we shoot a large .gif, the site shows a static picture and only when you click can you see the full video. This is inconvenient. We wouldn't want such restrictions. And they can be circumvented.

To do this:

1. Click on the image import button.

2. Select the gif file to import.

3. Click the import button.

4. Click the HTML button.

5. Find those lines in the code and do as instructed in the picture:

Put the correct size of your gif and replace the bottom file name (wrong) with the top file name (ending in .gif).

That's it.



Реter Konow #:

For the general convenience of forum members...

Thank you!!!

That's great, thanks. I usually just ctrl+v paste gifs, not sure if there is a limit to large images.