AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 102

Renat Fatkhullin #:

Look at the OpenAI Copilot settings in MetaEditor and the Ctrl+Alt+/ hotkey.

ChatGPT already works in the editor and allows you to write code on the spot.

I was too early to rejoice, as a paid subscription to OpenAI is still required. So far it is possible to get it from Russia only by perversions. And I've read a lot of stories on forums when such comrades were split and subscription was cancelled with loss of money.

Suggestion: Now I have about 10 subscriptions to channels in TG that give access to ChatGPT3. Access is either free with a limited number of tokens or paid for Russian rubles, very inexpensive.

Let MQ make the same access through their mighty resources and I'll be the first to subscribe for a fee!

Реter Konow #:
1. You yourself asked the AI if it was going to take over the universe. In your post.

2. You concluded that freelancers should go to the factory for thirty dollars because GPT-4 is many times cooler than ChatGPT, and the latter wrote code that they haven't tested but are sure it fits.

3. I gave a video with a situation between GPT-4 and a "customer" a nub with a TK, who is trying to solve his task using AI. A good demonstration of the real capabilities of AI. After watching it, update your conclusions about freelancing.

1. Correct. He replied that he wasn't going to take over the universe. Now I'm not interested in these flame discussions.

2. It was a code from the three, I haven't tried the four yet, it requires a paid subscription. And from Russia it is difficult to get it.

3. I will definitely look at it tonight! Let them freelance for thirty, I'm not involved. By the way, they threaten to release GPT5 in summer.

P.S. Watched a few minutes of the video, no time for half an hour. The blogger just says ChatGPT without mentioning the version.

Soon we will enable copilot via MQL5 account
Renat Fatkhullin #:
Soon we will enable copilot via MQL5 account

If it's free, I predict a mad rush of beginners :). I used to teach online courses in MQL4/5 in the mid-2010s and I remember the problems of beginners from scratch. For example, complete stupor in understanding 4-dimensional arrays. And this way you can advertise the terminal + editor even for learning the basics of C/C++/C#. I will be your evangilist here and on other resources!

Renat Fatkhullin #:
Soon we will enable copilot via MQL5 account

Looking forward to it


Another service, seems to be free, but generates only texts and seems to be in English only, I haven't checked in detail.

Recently I wanted to congratulate Muslim girls from a neighbouring large shop, ChatGPT helped quite a lot :)

Alexey Volchanskiy, [25.03.2023 22:26]
We have young and beautiful Muslim girls Kimatsoe and Lola working in a large department store. They are big toilers, they work at the cash desk and put products on the shelves of the shop. It is a Muslim holiday and fasting. Write them a greeting in Muslim style!

GPT Chat bot, [25.03.2023 22:26]
Assalamu alaikum, Kimatsoe and Lola!

Congratulations on the coming of the Ramadan holiday! We know this is not an easy time, but your stamina and patience during the fasting period must surely amaze everyone around you.
We appreciate your dedication to your religion and respect your efficiency. You are an example for all of us how it is possible to combine faith and professional activity.
We wish you prosperity in your work and thank you for creating cosiness and comfort in our department store. May Allah grant you much joy, spiritual inspiration and prosperity!
Khususan Ramazon muborak bulishiga azizlarimiz!

Alexey Volchanskiy, [26.03.2023 0:47]
Translate the phrase Khusususan Ramazon muborak bulishiga azizlarimiz!

GPT Chat bot, [26.03.2023 0:47]

Our dear ones, may the coming of Ramadan be blessed!


Printed it out, the girls were very pleased. Who doesn't know, in the month of Ramadan you can't drink and eat all daylight hours, so the AI wrote "We know this time is not easy".

Just remembered how a friend, a police major used to write holiday greetings to all the veterans. He was the only one in the department who could compose anything other than protocol :). Now he would be replaced by a bot.

Cohesive - The most powerful AI editor
Cohesive - The most powerful AI editor
Experience productivity boost with Cohesive, where the power of human creativity meets the brilliance of AI. Seamlessly create, refine, edit, and publish your work with ease.
Alexey Volchanskiy #:


3. I'll watch it tonight! Let them freelance for thirty, I'm not involved. By the way, in the summer they threaten to release GPT5.

P.S. Watched a few minutes of the video, no time for half an hour. The blogger just says ChatGPT without mentioning the version.

3. They seem to want to put the brakes on GPT4. Musk is worried about our security.

4. Blogger works with ChatGPT first, then goes to GPT-4 "playground" and keeps combining both, since ChatGPT can't remember all the code of the game the blogger used to build with it. GPT-4 had enough tokens.

Реter Konow #:

3. They seem to want to put the brakes on GPT4. Musk is worried about our safety.

4. Blogger works with ChatGPT first, then goes to GPT-4 "playground" and keeps combining both, since ChatGPT can't remember all the code of the game the blogger used to build with it. GPT-4 had enough tokens.

Well yes, on the 4 there are 32768 tokens and on the 3 there are 4096, I could be wrong. I've read about the 4, Musk and other New Luddites too. I doubt they'll make it, the luddites didn't make it either. And nothing, the world didn't collapse, just cloth got cheaper and the first Industrial started.

I think I'm still going to see huge changes and the dying off of a large range of professions. I have an ex-girlfriend who worked in accounting all her life. In the mid noughties she decided to quit her day job and set up a firm of accountants. In those years she earned crazy money for me, about 300,000 Russian roubles a month! This is not counting salaries to employees, taxes, everything is official and white. And now small companies use cheaper services of accounting services in the Internet and her business collapsed.

That's why I'm studying AI.

Samsung has experienced leaks of classified data due to ChatGPT
Media reports that Samsung authorised its engineers to use ChatGPT, but they started using AI to quickly fix bugs in the code and as a result, sensitive data was passed to the chatbot. Three cases of data leaks through ChatGPT were reported within 20 days. This prompted Samsung to warn its employees about the dangers of using ChatGPT, as data transmitted and stored on external servers can be compromised. Samsung is working on protective measures and plans to create its own AI service for internal use, and employee access to ChatGPT may be blocked if such incidents continue.

Remember when I suggested that the news that AIs wouldn't be smarter than GPT4 for at least six months was mere PR?

Then I reminded you that GPT5 was going to come out sometime in December anyway, which is later than six months. So there was no resonance in the news.

Now, pay attention. Elon Musk is the Co-Founder of Open AI, the same one that's developing GPT4.

This is just a PR stunt that was a success. The whole world wrote the news.

Musk is constantly manipulating the news, creating it and making mad dough in the stock market.

He recently changed his Twitter avatar to his crypto dog and what? It went up, as if on cue.

When the whole world is watching you, you become the richest man in the world in such a simple way (you create news, get profit from the exchange).