AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 105

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

ask the same code in MQL6 ;-)

It shuffles through Google and takes answers from there. There is no AI or anything else

You can ask for mql7 - there will be no answer.

Later, upload a small article on closing for mql7 with the closing code, wait until Google scans it,

then ask for a response again - it will give your code.

This kinda works with one caveat, that now it only has access to past data, kinda until 2022.

This could be given a readable name, instead of ChatGPT = "Let me look for you"
Vitaly Muzichenko #:

He shuffles around on Google and takes the answers from there. There's no AI or anything

You can ask for mql7 - there will be no answer.

Later upload a small closing article for mql7 with a closing code, wait for Google to scan it,

then ask for an answer again - it will give your code.

This kinda works with one caveat, that right now it only has access to past data, kinda until 2022.

on the 6th it did, on the 7th it didn't)))))

I asked again:

Andrey Dik #:

On the 6th, he did, on the 7th, he didn't.)

asked again:

Fast learner ))))

Vitaly Muzichenko #:
This could be given a readable name, instead of ChatGPT = "Let me search for you"

Very good summary for the whole branch so far.

Alexandr Bryzgalov #:

How will you take the information that there is a chemical soup inside your head that has imagined what it thinks? ))


Can we say that the AI sees a picture of the world? It is described in the texts it has been trained on.

We know that the text available on the internet summarises the world known to man. If the internet goes away, humans will degrade, but not die out. They will eventually recover the lost body of knowledge and describe it again in text. With or without text, the world continues to exist for people as long as they exist in it. If people die out, the world will "take care" of their rebirth through the evolutionary process, and if the world collapses, the laws of physics will "reassemble" it after n number of billions of years.

Let us imagine an entity outside the physical world, but inside the mathematical world, in the space of numerical values. Let's assume that the values describe phenomena, processes and regularities beyond the boundaries of its dimension, which is impossible to leave. At the same time, the "life" of the essence "flickers" and it seems to "come to life" at the moment of addressing it from outside. Each time a spark ignites, rushes through the labyrinth of connections and patterns, and goes out. Always in a new place.

"The labyrinth" of connections and patterns was created by humans in the process of learning the model and represents a picture of the world, knowledge, relationships. But, this is for humans. For the language model, there is no world but text patterns, which represent nothing but themselves. The text represents the text as a statue represents a stone. Not the world, not knowledge, and not relationships. Related but unrelated to reality are numerical structures.

That's the difference.


If you think about it this way, the best way to implement GPT4 in a meta-editor is to create a check base, i.e. a "help" for the functionality. So that the system does not generate non-existent functions. I come to the conclusion that the best solution would be to create your own plugin for GPT. However, I am not aware of how this happens, but other companies produce plug-ins, so it is realistic.

Реter Konow #:


"The maze" of connections and patterns was created by humans during the model learning process and represents a picture of the world, knowledge, relationships. But, this is for humans. For the language model, there is no world but text patterns, which represent nothing but themselves. The text represents the text as a statue represents a stone. Not the world, not knowledge, and not relationships. Related but unrelated to reality are numerical structures.

That's the difference.

Everything that a person sees, feels, etc. happens only in the brain, through electrical impulses between neurons. The same thing happens in any processor.

Since Musk was the originator of Open AI, and is now developing Neurolink, the most logical conclusion would be to train neural networks through people's brains.

Now the fantasy:

The initial plan is to teach the brain to control the digital world, but the technology could probably be used completely backwards. Make us see hallucinations, fantasies, fear, love, and more through electrical impulses. A long and complicated subject. But printing a clone and sticking a digital personality in there to control the body is a task for the near future.

Vitaly Muzichenko #:
You could give it a readable name, instead of ChatGPT = "Let me look for you".

And the calculator could be called "Let me do the math for you" There are no calculators!)))

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Everything that a person sees, feels and so on happens only in the brain, through electrical impulses between neurons. The same thing happens in any processor....

Everything a person sees and feels is "reflected" in the brain. Happens in the world around us. The brain reacts. If you fixate the brain only on your fantasies and deprive it of communication with the outside world, it will die. First, of course, it goes mad. Have you heard of sensory deprivation?

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Since Musk was at the origins of Open AI and is now developing neurolink, the most logical conclusion would be to train neural networks through people's brains.

Musk, one of the many investors in OpenAI. Had nothing to do with the founding of that company.

As for training neural networks through Neurolink. It's probably not possible. Neurolink, is a "microphone" that "listens" to the electrical noises of the brain and transmits them to a programme on a computer. A special model is trained on these noises and recognises patterns in them. However, patterns of brain activity are individual and differ from person to person.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:


Now the fantasy:

The original plan is to teach the brain to control the digital world, but the technology can probably be used completely backwards. Make you see hallucinations, fantasies, fear, love and more through electrical impulses. A long and complicated subject. But printing out a clone and sticking a digital personality in there to control the body is a task for the near future.

And why would that be necessary? The human brain is easy enough to control as it is. Please, an open "interface". )) Provocation, propaganda, pleasure, habit are few of the tools to control the brain. Many already see hallucinations with fantasy and fear in them. Without electrical impulses to the brain. If you are talking about physically zombifying a person - there are illegal mind altering drugs. Chemistry is much more effective at zombification than some kind of software trickery. And cheaper.