ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 71


one of 7 trades, consisting of 2 entries.

fixing - a pullback has occurred on this instrument.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

Of this book, I'm afraid the most relevant now is the story of Crow's Sloboda, which couldn't help but burn down.

A perfect literary analogy indeed, a self-fulfilling prophecy!


the decision to recognise will be made

from a market perspective - more of a downward signal

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

the decision to recognise will be made

From a market point of view, more of a down signal.

A downward signal, but in terms of patriotism you have to buy in full right now!

I've been asking since this morning!

Otherwise you'll soon be like Akhmadeyev - he's for the Motherland, but invests in the stock of the U.S. military-industrial complex...



that's it - one more futures - all the movement of the day.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:


like that - one more futures - all the movement of the day.

Were there any stops?

Almost 10% off for the day.

Delightful, of course, congratulations on the profits.

transcendreamer #:

Were there any stops?

It was almost 10% off for the day.

A delight, of course, congratulations on the profits.


On the bearish breakthrough at about 10 o'clock and later I added more volume, because the signal is strong and quite understandable.

I raised the risk after the breakout by adding more volume.

I closed my Buy account right after the break-through and stayed calm in the evening, did not look at the chart during the day :) I did not look at the chart in the afternoon, frankly, I was busy.


Before the breakout, there were VERY long pending orders on Friday's haul for averaging.

As soon as everything went down, everything was in a Buy and I removed the averaging pauses.


went into cache - greed is a bad companion.


Another tool, also all day


The news rhetoric is not yet indicative of a buy.

Ruble assumption more likely and more likely towards 100

RTS likely ( more likely ) even lower.


at - the end of the show, the backlash

It was a shame not to go in, of course.