ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 128


buy rupees and related derivatives, they will rule :-) slip a dodge

for opinions on other currencies and economies apparently a ban


Wow, what interesting times we live in: a non-political opinion on economic issues in a specialized forum is easily punished, which is an indicator in itself.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

It's human nature to have a property that you're slipping more and more into philosophy :)

Who knows, but in 10-20-30 years everything will change dramatically, maybe even the contour maps in the world will be different.

Maybe even MetaTrader 7 will come out with a new pair of world currencies or a couple three currencies will disappear.

Almost post-capitalism is coming... I hope we will live to see post-humanism...

Further comments on this subject are so sensitive that I won't write them here...

(it's safer to discuss it all in a Sect with end-to-end group encryption)

Mikhail Makhovskii #:

Is it really called a cult? Or is it some kind of popular name ?

Yes, it is called a Sect 😁 On joining, the neophyte takes oaths of secrecy and vows not to back down from wisdom, and most importantly vows to seek market inefficiencies, takes an oath of cross-validation, and the official cult of the Sect is Maths and Economics. 🤣 Oh, and another rule: you can't get out of the Sect. 😁

Mikhail Makhovskii #:

Is it really called a cult? Or is it just a popular name?


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transcendreamer #:

Then you will grieve, remembering Drimmer, but it will be too late...

Don't go. Opposition is always necessary for balance. Otherwise, the thermodynamic death of the universe.

Mikhail Makhovskii #:
A community that didn't even have the imagination for a name is definitely worthy of decent people.... 🤣

Who has no humour, go to the factory! 😁

Gloomy people are not liked anywhere.

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

Don't go away. Opposition is always needed for balance. Otherwise, the thermodynamic death of the universe.

I'm not in opposition to anyone, I'm quite self-sufficient...

It's just that some characters are very indoctrinated and they just get flamed by any other opinion, and it's not the best time, so to speak, a throwback to the dark years...


The Sect is actually a hybrid multi-component secret society, and within the Sect there are even several secret Sects, Orders, Clubs. 😁

Mikhail Makhovskii #:
Oooh just like our ZoG!

Sort of, and there were confidants from Italy from Spain from Poland from various countries, then there was some period of madness and schism 😁 just before the monstrous events... must be a sign...

Mikhail Makhovskii #:

So you're still not sure ?

Well the general outline is clear, the timing and sharpness/depth of the fall is unclear...