Random wandering - page 45

onceagain #:

All this would be nice if this law did not have to be enforced FOR ALL points on the chart AT ONE time (not just for your chosen "starting" point)

"... Where higher the Y-axis dropout curve deviated from the X-axis where lower does not matter..."
It does not matter to you,... but to the Law it is critical... For if your graph will touch, suppose, value Y=20000, then, at the moment of the end of your coin tosses, the Law should distribute results EQUALLY on both sides of axis X constructed from your "starting", and axis X constructed from a point with Y=20000... And this, as you can see, is not realistic... And for Law, your "starting" point has no advantage Before the point with U=20000, for example.

And most importantly, the human lifespan does not allow us to build a "random number trading" strategy, taking into account the "effects" to be expected for an EXTRAORDINARY number of outcomes.

Therefore, you may well die rich before,for example, Martingale will "inevitably" wipe out your deposit ...




Everyone loves pennies. As soon as newbies come in, give them a coin.

Let's do it this way. We'll take 20,000 flips of a coin. How many heads and how many tails do you think will come out of those flips?

Don't be precise, approximate.

Is it really 19,000 to 1,000? So that the graph doesn't go where I've been telling you all day.)

Uladzimir Izerski #:



Everyone loves coins. As soon as newcomers come in, give them a coin.

Let's do it this way. We'll take 20,000 flips of a coin. How many heads and how many tails do you think will come out of those flips?

Don't be precise, approximate.

Is it really 19,000 to 1,000? Whatever the graph is I've been telling you all day.)

The odds of hitting 19000 to 1000 are equal to the odds of hitting 19999 to 1 and equal to the odds of hitting 10000 to 10000.

You're such a pain in the ass - five times you've "gone away" and you're still here....

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:


I always thought the variance of a random variable was a function of MO....

Where am I gonna get so much popcorn?

Stop with the popcorn. It's got diacetyl which leads to dementia.)

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

The variance is there too, but only a sample, like in the matstat) Without an integral, the usual definition is not possible) Well, except for discrete random variables.

"distribution" in general should be read as "distribution of the result" (not as a place-based distribution in Soviet times), i.e. it does not refer to the definition of future cases...to the final mean and integrals over time do. But post factum. Only you have to explain it to the big dummies digging the bulb between the mugs of cognac.

And again for the record - the values are ALL discrete. There are no continuous ones. And even time, in a separate process of servers (and the client) is clocked and each individual is synchronized to real time, if there is a discrepancy readings and clocks are corrected.

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

"distribution" in general should be read as "distribution of the result" (not as a place-based distribution in Soviet times), i.e. it does not refer to the definition of future cases...to the final average and integrals over time do. But post factum. Only you have to explain it to the big dummies digging the bulb between the mugs of cognac.

And again for the record - the values are ALL discrete. There are no continuous ones. And even time, in separate process of servers(and client) is clocked and each separate one is synchronized in real time, in case of discrepancy of readings and clocks is corrected.

Discreteness is extremely inconvenient for all sorts of calculations. Physicists have been using DFT (it works for discrete distributions too) long before mathematicians proved it to work with a continuous normal distribution.

So many cryptic words and no one knows how to trade
Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

The probability of hitting 19000 to 1000 is equal to the probability of hitting 19999 to 1 and equal to the probability of hitting 10000 to 10000

You're so pissed off - five times you've "gone" and you're still here....

That's not what I'm talking about.

How many times have you fallen out in experiments the results19999 to 1 and 10000 to 10000?

It's interesting to hear from an intelligent interlocutor. He disagrees with the grandfather.) Hee-hee.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

I'm going to get you wrong.

How many times have your experiments resulted in19999 to 1 and 10000 to 10000 ???

The same number.

Vladimir Baskakov #:
So many cryptic words and no one knows how to trade

Oooh!!! I finally agree with you.)

Vladimir Baskakov #:
So many cryptic words, and no one knows how to trade

Manually, with drawdowns of 25, 50, 80 percent like yours? Of course we can't. Once and you can't do it again.