A topic for traders. - page 230

transcendreamer #:

The evaluation of society, well, in this way you agree that the evaluation of an individual's work is ultimately done by society, and in each individual case through negotiation and without coercion. And then if a proletarian in a factory gets a low wage, it just means that his work is not valued too highly, but that's fair.

Labour is a necessity, not an end in itself. We come into this world hungry and suffering, and labour helps us to create the conditions that are good for us. Labour is a means, to create a good, but labour itself is not a good.

There is nothing special about it. By 'better' in that context I meant more skilful, adaptable, knowledgeable. Without moral and ethical impurities.

We were talking about the evaluation of a life, whether it was talentless or useful to society. Evaluation of work is different. Evaluation is a fact. More is less, enough to live on a yacht or you have to go to three more jobs to get by. I would not apply fairness to the evaluation of the value of labor. It would be better to speak about the standard of living given a given salary. It is difficult to compare the difficulty of different activities. It seems that the norms in activities and terms of labor are made with the purpose of fair wages, but it did not work out very well.

The bolivar is not out, and everything seems to be fair. But most people condemn... apparently Bolivar for not carrying two))))

We never disagreed on the definition of labour. I agree. Except that not everyone comes into the world hungry)

If I were you, I would pick another word for competent, adaptable, knowledgeable without moral and ethical impurities. The best person without morals and ethics in the conventional sense does not exist. The best expert, then.))) It is immediately clear that morality has nothing to do with it).

transcendreamer #:

In general, yes, no one expects workers to understand anything about managing the plant's finances/operations. If at some point the plant simply became irrelevant, uncompetitive, without any theft, let's say, the workers will have to look for a new place.

OK, so you being on a programmer-trader forum are complicit and contributing to immoral acts. 😉

Let's say that exactly as much as one earns, so much as one spends.

Yes, and maybe move elsewhere. We have monotowns with a population over 30k being preserved. And the lesser ones... well, that's just unlucky. Mistakes of the state.

Yeah, so? Seems to have come to that in past discourses. Williams also defined it, activity is immoral, but better than stealing. That's what he wrote, I don't like to work, I don't want to steal, so I became a trader).

Ha. imagined, either he spends so much and has nothing left, pleasures are not capitalized, or he earns so little, and it would be more correct and peaceful for him in a factory))))

Yes, and it was a decent branch at the beginning, promising
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Yeah, well, it was a decent thread at the beginning, promising.

No, it was clear from the start that the thread was for free chitchat.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

We talked about evaluating a life, whether it was mediocre or useful to society.

We should boldly and honestly admit that hardly 1 life in a million is truly meaningful, the rest are simply consumers of different levels. Not everyone is destined to be Aristotle or Caesar. Usually at best one can advance "a millimeter" in some industry. Most lives are just a line between dates, playing almost no role in global history. But at the same time, one cannot deny that the importance of different actors to society, by the contribution they make to the overall result they make or better if by the vision they bring with them. Lawyers, medics, programmers bring a unique good to people. And some on the contrary even drag society to a disadvantage, they are all useless freeloaders, drunks and false prophets.

Appreciation of labour is different. Appreciation is a fact. More is less, enough to live on a yacht or have to go to three more jobs to get by. I would not apply fairness to the valuation of labor.

How is it different? It is also the recognition of people. And why should labour valuation not be fair? 😁

Better to talk about the standard of living that a given wage allows.

We can do it that way, it means society collectively assessed that only a yacht is enough, and not enough for an aeroplane anymore.

It is difficult to compare the difficulties of different activities. It seems that the norms in activities and terms of work were made for the purpose of a fair wage, but it has turned out to be a mess.

It is difficult, but the market does it. It is difficult even to determine the true value of one apple, but the market does it. Social consensus. Sometimes crooked, yes. And no one has yet come up with any other way that is more adequate.

It's not like the Bolivar has been borne out, and everything seems fair. But the majority condemns... apparently Bolivar for not carrying two))))

We never disagreed on the definition of the term labour. I agree. Except that not everyone comes into the world hungry)

There, and now you must accept that capital is also the result of labor, or labor in another form, fixed, embodied labor. That's why the children of the more successful don't go hungry from the start.

If I were you I would choose another word for competent, adaptable, knowledgeable without moral and ethical impurities. The best person without morals and ethics in the conventional sense does not exist. The best expert, then.))) It is immediately clear that morality has nothing to do with it.)

Suggest another word. I used the word "the best" in a simple intuitive sense like social Darwinism. Morals and ethics have nothing to do with it, it is outside the framework, it is left out of brackets. A successful person may or may not be highly moral. And a beggar may or may not be highly moral. It has nothing inherently to do with that. Although the social pressure factor may push the less successful to 'do bad things'.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Yes, and it is possible to move to other places. We have single-industry towns with more than 30,000 inhabitants. And the smaller ones... well, that's kind of bad luck. Mistakes of the state.

That's right, people are being held hostage by those old domestic social policies and no one is going to help them.

Yeah, so? It's kind of what we've come to in past discourses. Williams also defined it, activity is immoral, but better than stealing. He wrote: I do not like working, I do not want to steal, so I became a trader).

Good. 😉

Ha. imagined, either he spends so much and with nothing left over, pleasures are not capitalised, or he earns so little and it would be more right and quieter for him at the factory))))


transcendreamer #:

That's right, people have been held hostage by those old domestic social policies, and no one seems to be able to help them anymore.

Okay. 😉


Can you do anything yourself, or is it all daddy?

Алексей Тарабанов #:

Can you do anything yourself, or is it all daddy?

I can troll on the forum 😉

Generally envy silently and ask your daughter for tips or money. 🤣😂😃

transcendreamer #:

I can troll on the forum 😉

And generally be jealous in silence and ask your daughter for advice or money. 🤣😂😃


Алексей Тарабанов #:


I'm sorry... but it's all your own fault for your depressing life...

You should have studied and gained skills better and then your life would not be depressing now.