A topic for traders. - page 221

transcendreamer #:

I did not claim that everyone is honest, but I cast great doubt that the dominant part of capitalists are thieves, well it's kind of stupid to think so, at some point who are they going to start stealing from? - From themselves?

Please familiarise yourself with the concept of "axiom"... and what you are talking about is only your perception, not an axiom.

I am pointing out the point that most often the common notion that rich=vor is a collective irrational projection of consciousness of poor people, who find it more convenient, comfortable, peaceful, justifying their poverty by saying that, well, capitalists stole everything, can't help it...

Ha, small victory, not everyone is honest anymore. OK, not dominant, how much do you think then? Take the American market from 1910 to 1975, or ours from 1985 to today. My estimate of honest capitals (i.e. obtained without violating the law and morals) is less than half there and there.

What's wrong with the axiom? An assertion that has no evidence and is accepted by the majority, in another interpretation that requires no evidence, I like that one less.

You seem to think quite badly of the collective irrational projection of the majority consciousness))))) Most of the poor in your understanding.

You also have your examples, the IS sector, the same Durov and Grishin, 1C. Of course all with a stretch, but nevertheless the beginning was, as in your idea of a fair market. Kiwi is not one of them. Although it is completely your example. Investor only business. Now, yes, the Evotor cash register already has a more human face)))

Shoker #:

So 1: how is your marking different? What is its superiority?

The superiority of hypertrophied bravado and the apotheosis of fakes 😆

transcendreamer #:

The supremacy of hypertrophied bravado and the apotheosis of fakes 😆

🤫 let the man speak his mind

the prophet has fled the branch and is sowing "good wisdom eternal" across the rest of the forum.

Literally, a "neural net without training" has just been invented.

We have to celebrate great milestones somehow!

transcendreamer #:

What do you see as a violation of rights?

Inefficient work - they fired everyone - it's a normal work situation.

It is different, and there are times when it is a weak and worthless company.

And there is no ethics in wages at all, it would be ridiculous to say that wages have anything to do with moral and ethical aspects at all, it's purely economics.

So I was just saying that in a normal "capitalist" relationship the manager would get his ass kicked first for failing to meet targets.

Even at a micro level you can see it, for example: you're involved in an implementation project, the goal is to deliver functionality by a certain date, the project fails, peers get harassed from all sides and deprived of bonuses, and you as a team leader or an expertise centre - sit back and relax - because it's not your personal fault, and your bonuses are fine.

What does my vision have to do with it? Infringement is usually a pay cut, removing the showers in the hot shop to save money. Say again, it's the workers' fault.

We won't have your ideal capitalism for another 50 years or maybe not at all.

The ethical structure of society is defined not only by the laws, but also by the responsibility of the capitalist (as defined by the laws) for his workers, if we are talking about your ideal capitalism, with honest capitalists and managers.

In general it is a different question, how much of a performer (good and rare) is responsible for his salary. Maybe he would be better off as an entrepreneur or a team leader, and if it becomes a moral issue, there are few bosses, and one has to take the place of a brother whose mortgage is on fire and will burn down. Yeah, that's right, the brother gets screwed. And if everybody goes over their heads to become bosses, entrepreneurs, team leaders, will it get better? According to you it will. But I do not believe it.

We have local capitalism in general. It is not ideal at all.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Ha, small victory, not everyone is honest anymore.

Well I'm well aware that corruption happens, and it happens in all countries 😉 - but to reduce capital accumulation to corruption is ridiculous.

OK, not dominant, how much do you think then? Take America's market from 1910 to 1975, or ours from 1985 to today. My estimate of honest capitals (i.e. obtained without violation of law and morals) is less than half there and there.

I do not undertake to give quantitative estimates now, we need an objective study, I myself would like to see such a study for a long time, and what was the share of ventures in total turnover during the conditional wild west / establishment of capitalism... but i am sure we will get vague grey borders between legal and illegal origins and we will argue forever about those borders... but i don't think there is less than half legitimacy as you say... And consider also the point that at the time of land enclosure these practices were considered legal in terms of current laws or for example the famous Indian Removal Act was also legal, but in terms of modern assessments it would probably be perceived negatively/immorally/etc.

What's wrong with the axiom? An assertion that has no evidence and is accepted by the majority, in another interpretation that requires no evidence, I like that one less.

An axiom also requires universal acceptance, for a second, and your thesis does not satisfy that requirement... Besides in social and economic sciences axiomatics is not applied at all, it is not mathematics...

You seem to think very poorly of the collective irrational projection of consciousness of the majority))))) As for the majority of poor people in your understanding.

Being determines consciousness... or better said, the factor of social pressure makes people of lower strata more stupid - because they have no experience or even the possibility to look into the real economic reality, to get away from their everyday life and the factory ...

Yes and your examples are there, the IB sphere, the same Durov with Grishin, 1C. Of course all with a stretch, but still the beginning was like in your idea of a fair market. Kiwi is not one of them. Although it is completely your example. Investor only business. Now, yes, the Evotor cash register already has a more human face)))

I think you will agree that the principle of remuneration for results corresponds to the principles of universal meritocracy, so on a larger scale this approach corresponds to the natural understanding of justice.

One must also remember the fundamental error of attribution, which also contributes to a selective view of the world, and as a consequence inflates the "evil world quotient" (or the formation of the evil world syndrome) in average citizens, who, influenced by available sources, begin to believe that, other things being equal, a wealthier or more influential person is worse morally than a poor or rank-and-file worker.

Defaulty regret and justification of a poor person usually follows from circumstances - as if he didn't have a chance to be different, while for a rich person they look for reasons rooted in his disreputable deeds... right down to the archetypal figures of the evil rich man and the good poor man... and in reality it's the poor who commit most of the crimes...

Shoker #:

🤫 let the man have his say

Ok we'll wait 😃 ... But in advance I would like to point out that you can't get any constructive feedback from Izersky, he has already written before that he doesn't want to say anything (and as we all understand he simply has nothing to say).

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

the prophet has fled the branch and is sowing "good wisdom eternal" across the rest of the forum.

Literally, a "neural net without training" has just been invented.

We have to celebrate great milestones somehow!

А... great... The false prophet has embarrassed himself on the waves and started a new mythmaking on neural networks, and soon we'll apparently find out he's a big expert on machine learning. 🤣

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

What does my vision have to do with it? Infringement is usually a wage cut, removing the showers in the hot shop to save money. Say again, it's the workers' fault.

Your ideal capitalism won't come for another 50 years, and it may not come at all.

The ethical structure of society is defined not only by the laws, but also by the responsibility of the capitalist (as defined by the laws) for his workers, if we are talking about your ideal capitalism, with honest capitalists and managers.

In general it is a different question, how much of a performer (good and rare) is responsible for his salary. Maybe he would be better off as an entrepreneur or a team leader, and if it becomes a moral issue, there are few bosses, and one has to take the place of a brother whose mortgage is on fire and will burn down. Yeah, that's right, the brother gets screwed. And if everybody goes over their heads to become bosses, entrepreneurs, team leaders, will it get better? According to you it will. But I do not believe it.

We have local capitalism in general. It is not ideal at all.

Reducing wages is certainly sad, but strictly speaking it is not necessarily a violation of rights, like the other factors. If a company can't finance infrastructure, what is there to do? It is not because of anyone's bad will but simply because the enterprise is economically inefficient. Likewise the individual, when his income is reduced, is forced to cut back on expenditure and has to give something up.

The responsibility of the capitalist for his workers can only be limited, he is not their father, nor has he promised them a fairy tale, they have only agreed on a wage. If you want to grow, invent something, implement it, start your own enterprise.

Sometimes in practice it is easier and more profitable for many people to stay on a stable salary than to jump into the unknown, especially if there is no experience, but in any case it is their choice.

I laughed about my brother... then everyone gets screwed... the market decides who gets to be who... it's a constant struggle, that's life...

Shoker #:

sorry here, but your explanations all boil down to

and we're here to socialise. You've planted the seed for communication, but it's not sprouting.

So 1: how is your marking different? What is its superiority?

2: I don't understand ZZ at all, but I know that some people make money on it. Just as some people make money on Mashka, I only see it as a drain. But my gut tells me that ZZ is a reflection of waves, but the principle of making ZZ is different from my understanding of making waves, as I understand yours. But I cannot explain my vision, that is why I do not use it, but I look at it half-eye without using it in my TS in any way. But you grish so much about your vision, but never explained it (at least in an open forum). And the topic was created for general discussion, and there's nothing to discuss, so we discuss what we see.

I, for more than 20 years on the Forex market, have experienced a lot - at the start I even bought a "gold" turkey for a lot of money. The purchase turned out to be absolutely useless (in terms of trading - if anyone is interested I will tell you - I am not ashamed), but it gave me invaluable knowledge and I have explained this knowledge in my statement, to which I got your response and which I am now continuing to discuss.

Sorry, but this thread was opened for all traders, not for me personally to"Share opinions."

But for some reason everyone is only demanding an answer from me on the topic of waves and channels. The rest is of little interest to anyone else, apart from the attacks and accusations against me.

I can prove my competence as a speculator. For example, I can open a test signal (not for subscription) at any moment, and show a profitable short-term trade. I have done it more than once. In response I hear ridiculous accusations of drawing a report and losing money).

But gentlemen with inflated cheeks who present themselves as millionaires and capitalists, cannot do so because of their incompetence in trading).