The future of the Forex industry - page 54


It looks like we're already confused...

The second truce gong sounds. The socialists embrace the capitalists. Banquet. Dancing.


You are again trying to sidestep, the details are unimportant, the principle is important, but even if you are talking about Mukhosransk, who is to blame that the residents of Mukhosransk are unable to pick themselves up and move to a better place, so let them suffer, no one will solve their problems for them.

In order to find out who went to the sidelines, let's reconstruct the chronology.

Заводы платят одинаковую ЗП, других заводов тут нет, куда они убегут?
Даже сейчас неодинаково(сравните среднюю зарплату в Москве и в каком-нибудь Мухосранске, где имеется один завод. Я же вам описываю гипотетическую ситуацию, которая возникнет, если мои предложения будут законодательно оформлены. А вы все переносите на существующую ситуацию. Зачем же при аргументации ссылаться на существующую ситуацию? Похоже на глумление или издёвку.

After that you had to admit you were wrong. The factories do not pay equally. But you went sideways.

кто виноват что жители Мухосранска не способны взять себя в руки и переехать в более достойное место, так что пусть страдают, никто за них не будет решать их проблемы.

Well just like a frying pan). If you use this manner of argument, after you have pointed out my erroneous statement, I should declare - and you have blacks being hanged, and the police don't like it when they stand on their feet and are still alive -).

Besides, it's not the best solution to the problem. In Russia, the population and the cities are already very unevenly distributed. And you propose to aggravate this situation.


It looks like we're already confused...

Replace the pronoun 'we' with 'I', then I agree)
Заводы платят одинаковую ЗП, других заводов тут нет, куда они убегут?

It was referring to my example.

Даже сейчас неодинаково(сравните среднюю зарплату в Москве и в каком-нибудь Мухосранске...

You started talking about another situation

Я же вам описываю гипотетическую ситуацию...

But here is why you were moving to another situation?


It's like being in a frying pan). If you use such a manner of polemics, after you pointed out my erroneous statement, I should state - and you have Negroes hanging, and the police don't like them standing on their feet and still alive-)


Also, it's not the best solution to the issue. Russia has a very uneven population and cities as it is. And you are proposing to worsen this situation.

Most of the territory of the Russian Federation is uninhabitable, so why put more people into this depressing situation?


In any case, I will repeat that

You alone are responsible for your own wellbeing, no one is obliged to feed you for free.

Show me a place where I demand to be fed for free.


In order to find out who got away with it, let's reconstruct the chronology.

After that, you had to admit you were wrong. The factories don't pay the same. But you went sideways.

Well just like a frying pan). If you use this manner of argument, after you have pointed out my erroneous statement, I should declare - and you have blacks being hanged, and the police don't like it when they stand on their feet and are still alive -).

Besides, it's not the best solution to the problem. In Russia, the population and the cities are already very unevenly distributed. And you are proposing to make it worse.

In general, I see that you are again evading straightforward questions, but I will say it again:

  • You have failed to explain why the average wage should somehow limit the owner's profits
  • You haven't been able to justify on what basis you are encroaching on someone else's property - the net profit of the entrepreneur
  • You have not answered the question of whether you will compensate the entrepreneur if there is no profit
  • You have not defined equitable distribution and decent pay
  • You have mixed up the concepts of profit, income andpersonal income
  • You think that someone richer should solve your personal financial problems

😆🤣😂😁 what's that got to do with negroes?

You can't live in most parts of the Russian Federation, and why put more in there in this depression?

The issue was that wages are different in different factories. What's that got to do with suggesting small town dwellers move to a more decent place?

Who's suggesting that? You?

I did not, to my recollection, suggest such a thing.
Mykola Shevchenko:

What is the future of Forex as we are used to seeing it.

Yesterday I decided to visit the site of one brokerage company with which I had a long-standing relationship, the site is not working, started googling, it turns out that it has been abandoned for a couple of years and disappeared with the rest of the clients' funds. Then I decided to visit alp's site and looked at ratings of pams. Apart from Paymaster, with its 2 million, there are ALSO!!!! 7 accounts have investments of 100K, the rest have less. By comparison in 2015, the pams in the same alps with investments over 100K were making one wonder about the industry as a whole.

The reason is not entirely clear. It could be disappointment in pamm services and forex in general after a bunch of epic losses, maybe switching to crypto under the influence of general hype, or maybe the general financial crisis and instability.

It is not an easy topic, taking into consideration that in general practice there are no refunds in brokerage companies, usually a dump happens in one day and owners just disappear. And if we take into account the general dynamics of the industry decline, it may become massive. While the scams of different DCs used to happen for different reasons, now it may be due to a mass exodus of clients from the whole industry.

I may have drawn the wrong conclusions, it would be interesting to hear the opinion of other participants)

this all started a long time ago !

and this topic has always come up, like:

"the whole truth about forex" and so on...

as mayakovsky said about one guy :

forex is alive now, forex lived, forex is alive, forex will live !


The question was that salaries vary from factory to factory. What does this have to do with suggesting that small town residents should move to a better place?

Who's suggesting that? You?

I, as far as I remember, did not suggest that.

I was only responding to your passage:"In Russia, the population and cities are already very unevenly distributed. "

Salaries of course vary depending on the development of the region, the best move to more successful regions, the less successful stay in their depressed cities.

It is just like moving from factory to factory.