The future of the Forex industry - page 122

Aleksei Stepanenko:

I am not an investigator. I watched it for myself to get to the bottom of the situation. And after watching it, there is not the slightest doubt that the guys can't even tell a good lie. Isn't that so?

Well, really, Khorosh, admit it. Tell us your impressions of what you have seen. It's not like they've been dragged out of their mouths. That's just crazy!

Real GRU agents know how to lie, they have all the answers prepared in advance and they don't get caught off guard. They even know how to fool the lie detector, because they are trained to do so. This is not the case here at all.

That's for sure.
/Aleksey Nikolayev:

If you haven't read Julio Cortázar's short story 'The Night on Your Back, Face Up', be sure to do so - it's short. In case you, as a character in the story, ... [deleted by anti-spoiler censor]

I recall... magical realism is as close to my heart as cosmicism... Sometimes I've been moved into other people's lives, and it's even kind of like me, but different, and it's weird to remember my alternate history... In one dream I even got married 😱🤣 or is it some alternate version of the world in the multiverse made up of echoes/reflections of wave functions... e.g. in one dream I found out that fairy grandfather Pu had died and I purposely googled in the dream from my phone and did find confirmation of this news... and just before the amendments were passed I had a dream where I was in an exceptionally stagnant, degrading future,where not even an ambulance worked, but with elements of futuristic totalitarianism, control of all and sundry, and a 1984/half-life atmosphere, there I managed to meet a mate with whom we set up a makeshift ambulance, transporting the sick in a primitive makeshift caravan, and even made some money on it, but then we got chased, we hid in a slum, where we met a prophet who said: - they'll rule for 15 years and then they'll abruptly fuck off <experience an emergency defecation effect>... it seemed more correct to say 16 years, but it was 15 for some reason...


All right, Drimmer, what are we hanging around for?

Get to work on the book right away. The first print run, I think we'll try about three hundred thousand to start with.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

All right, Drimmer, what are we hanging around for?

Get to work on the book now. The first print run, I think we'll try about 300,000 to start.

I've been thinking about it.

This is no joke. It really has it all: the idea, the plot and the passion.

You mean the gun is a phallic symbol? (chuckles) Okay. But in other dreams, guns do shoot.

Generally, I'm not intentionally going to kill anyone, they're victims of circumstance.

Nah. The gun here is something to use, but I can't. It's a bit of a mismatch.


Real GRU agents know how to lie, they have all the answers prepared in advance and cannot be caught off guard. They even know how to fool the lie detector, because they are trained to do so. This is not the case here.

You are overloaded with Soviet stories about the awesomeness of special agents. But those are just stories, and the reality is...

If they were so good at lying, they wouldn't be working for the GRU, but for Hollywood. And sometimes you can also see how Hollywood actors "lie on stage".




I have a younger brother who also lived in Germany. He died a year or so ago. His heart valves were replaced in Germany. When he reached the end of his life (my brother told me this himself) he was operated on again. But the surgeon only replaced one of the valves. Then he explained to my brother that one was still good, not worn out. At the same time, the German, who was in the same room with his brother, had both valves replaced. The brother died shortly afterwards. The surgeon decided to save money and make his job a little easier. Probably thought the Russian was inferior.

I was operated on in an oncology hospital three years ago. They took out a basalioma on my temple and put in a skin patch from my stomach. Everything was done perfectly, excellent general anaesthesia, didn't feel a thing. And no bribes. So the laudatory ode to the quality of medicine in Germany is not so fair. Yes, they do some surgeries that we do not. But we also have some unique surgeries that people come here to learn from abroad.

Here's the business of my dead brother's son (my nephew) - auto house. Trade in used cars. The nephew is a real modern capitalist. Dressed, as they say, with a newfound taste. He considers clothes that are sold in Germany to be unworthy of him and writes them out to a special order from fashionable firms in England.

And this is his country house.