The future of the Forex industry - page 60

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Genotype, of course, does not determine the skills acquired, but the speed of perception and learning does.

The speed of learning is also pumped up within certain limits.

Of course, if a person is born with brain defects, he or she will lag behind, that is understandable.

But development of intellect and height of intellectual achievements depend on environment, not genotype.

There is no tabula rasa in newborns. They are already individuals, already after the 7th month they are individuals. And that determines genotype.

Yeah??? How much can they do at seven months?

You haven't heard of an early development centre?

We put a newborn with the best genotypes with wolves and what do we get?

You have sat in the puddle again, congratulations.... 😁


Well Drimmer, you've got irrepressible energy, answering this one and that one... well done :)

Let me say some thoughts, not specifically about socialism and capitalism, but a little aside.

I think that if a person wants to take total power in his hands, under certain circumstances, even in spite of the rich history of democracy, he can take it. It will violate every conceivable law, but people can support this takeover. What to say about weak democracies. The people are generally passive and easy to control. To put self-government, self-determination in the hands of the people is, in theory, a set-up. Do we need to intervene? Should we start to regulate the process and become a tyrant against a tyrant? Or remain a bystander?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Space is of course rational. It's all in a straight line.)

What's in a straight line?

Has a complete cosmological model been compiled and proven yet?

The intelligent universe hypothesis too?

What do you have there? - Anaxagorean mind, Boltzmannian brain or eternal transcendental spirit?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

It is not an arbitrary use of terms, but a logical one.

So also intelligence is originally both a property and an ability and it can be developed)

Intelligence emerges and develops through interaction with the environment.

The quality of that environment determines intelligence and the rate of learning.

Read a little at least how the brain is made so as not to talk nonsense 😉

Sometimes at least come back to the sinful thing, here though it is stagnant, but not eternal))))

Writing from orbit, yes...

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Or do you think the penguin's behaviour is not rational and if it could count, it would survive?

The penguin has no rationality (a full-fledged mind comparable to that of a human), it has instincts, and stop fantasising.


are you going to the factory?

Stop arguing with the nerds.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

A human will not be able to swim 50km for food and deliver it to their baby. Yes, penguins have these innate skills, but they are rational.

What does that prove?

Equating the ability to swim well with intelligence/intelligence/rationality?

Did you even go to school?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

No, it's not. What's so great about it. To show that intelligence doesn't develop on its own in an alien environment? Yes. It won't. It depends on the environment. But if it gets to more advanced aliens, it might develop. This example is a special case of the general. An individual, even in a foreign group, acquires the skills of that foreign group. Intellect is an acquired and developed property of an individual. What is the point of the example? Except that Mowgli will not become educated and intelligent in the jungle. And by the way, it is not a fact, if he has to calculate flight paths or something, he will probably do it better than some reasonable people).

So why argue then? Finally after several pages of stubbornness you finally realise that you are talking nonsense and admit that intelligence depends on the environment and that intelligence is an acquired quality.

Of course Mowgli will have a higher adaptability to life in the jungle than a room baby, of course, but Mowgli's intelligence will be a complete mess.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

I don't know about that. I read from beginning to end. I got the idea of cycles, innovation, the entrepreneur. But about elitist democracy, I thought it was Josef's dream.

Very interesting, where in Isms and D it is. There have been moments in life. But in his main work he has a rather pejorative and in some ways regretful attitude towards Marx, one could say. In his words (not accurately) he is not a penitent man who was even expelled from his homeland, or his homeland could not accept him. And he goes through Capital quite harshly, on the irrelevance of surplus value, the incorrect division of society into classes and incomplete... You're pulling out individual cases for your own benefit... ))))

Then you have read it very arbitrarily, because Schumpeter wrote about the competition of leaders, and his book "The Theory of Economic Development" (1911) contains strong indications of elitism.

Schumpeter singled out the entrepreneurial function as key, essential for economic progress, and explained its essence as the implementation of innovations that would move the production process forward, and this requires the special talents that true entrepreneurs - the true elite - possess.

The fact thatSchumpeter himself grew up in an elitist environment determined this course of his thought - and it would be foolish to deny this by saying thatSchumpeter's elitism is something of an afterthought.

Then later he goes on to say that socialism should supplant the entrepreneurial elite, but as we have seen history clearly shows that socialism has failed and that the entrepreneurial elite continues to rule in America, China and elsewhere.

I'll even help you fix your hopelessly crumbling argument a bit.

Schumpeter moves away from pure business elitism to intellectual elitism, no doubt counting himself among the intellectual elite, and he talks about it in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, but even so this elitism makes people unequal even under his socialism.

Schumpeter envisaged the destruction of the old capitalism and the rise to power of an intellectual elite, this is nothing new though, and all the philosophers and sages of antiquity wrote about it.

Of course, some theorists have always wanted to rule! - so Schumpeter became finance minister in Austria in 1919 - and what happens next? - he fails miserably! - he is negatively assessed by the capitalists and socialists and even by his own subordinates and he is out after 7 months, then he gets a job at the Biedermann Bank, but he fails there too and the bank collapses.

At the end of his academic career he had a positive attitude to socialism and Marxism and his last work is called "The Movement Towards Socialism".

So remember when you citeSchumpeter as an example that in fact Schumpeter screwed up 😃

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

In my beginnings of research there was Duty: the first 5000 years of history, the anarchist Graeber, well, and a pretty good study of Mantessori in Food of the Gods.

A near-scientific read with references to scientific sources)

There was no natural exchange within the tribe) Tell me more about shoemakers and barbers working for wages in commodity terms. The tribe lived as a single unit.

And the cases of innovation advancement, well, that only began with the manufactories. I told you, the cases of recent years))) Well, about 200-300 years)

You're repeating nonsense again, how many times? 🤣

To deny natural exchange is just mega stupid.

Read some normal books, not any leftist anarchists!

Graeber describes an alternative history, inserting all sorts of anecdotes and lyrics into the text.

In decent society you will be laughed out of your mouth and thrown out on the street if you refer to him.

But now I see where you got all that nonsense in your head 😁.

And you have placed yourself in the status of a marginalised person.