Uladzimir Izerski page - page 66

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Well... the publicity's backfiring. As you'd expect.

a branch to be torn down?

I'm not responsible for anyone's provocations. There are moderators for that. They'll clean it up.

But you, as a subscriber to this thread, are a fool to say so.

Or is your goal to destroy the thread?


As long as I am not restricted by the queen's wish I will show a picture from W1 EURUSD.

Bottom line.

Dependence of waves by TF closes and by wave tops. And this is a different category of big players.


You can take a closer look.



In my opinion, you have to be very naive not to consider this thread an advertisement)))

The author throws out a picture of his paid indicators, writes some spells after looking at them and then we all kind of got it all))

Moderators, you either allow everyone to advertise or tear down this nonsense. Otherwise the forum turns into those forums where you pay 3 kopecks per post ... or whatever it is ...


In my opinion, you have to be very naive not to consider this thread an advertisement)))

The author throws out a picture of his paid indicators, writes some spells by looking at them and then we all kind of figured it out))

Moderators, you either allow everyone to advertise or tear down this nonsense. Otherwise the forum is turning into those forums where you get paid 3 kopecks per post... or whatever.

These indicators are not in the marketplace. There's a similar one, but it's fundamentally different...

To explain something, you have to show something. But you cannot understand even with a picture.

Then an advertiser? But then someone is stupid.)

You would show something interesting, but you yourself are afraid of the same barefooted commissioner.)))


Oh these commissioners))

Starring in every thread for three kopecks and shouting "keep the thief".

If you don't like it, don't read it. There are people who are interested.

I'm always interested to see how others build TCs.

But everyone is afraid of "commissioners" to show something.

I like to read scientific nonsense in all the threads. And at the same time not demanding to stop littering the forum.

It's funny to read. Don't go to Petrosian or Zhvanetsky). It's cooler here).


I think that such "commissioners" are likely to be DC employees.

They are afraid of breakthrough technologies and are inhibiting the spread of new ideas in every possible way.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I think that such "commissioners" are likely to be DC employees.

They are afraid of breakthrough technology and they prevent new ideas from spreading.

Because it is the perfect money-grubbing machine.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I think that such "commissioners" are likely to be DC employees.

They are afraid of breakthrough technologies and prevent the spread of new ideas in every possible way.

take it from above - it's all Soros' agents, and sometimes himself

Uladzimir Izerski:

I think that such "commissioners" are likely to be DC employees.

They are afraid of breakthrough technologies and prevent new ideas from spreading.

Seriously? Conspiracy theories?)))
What could possibly be of interest, to anyone, in your pictures and inarticulate explanations? You're on the mcl5 forum. It's about code, not fantasy.
It's about codes, not fantasies.

It reminds me of the joke: Eat, eat, dear guests, throw away anyway.

Or, "God, what's wrong with us?"

Когда используется поговорка «На тебе, Боже, что нам негоже»?
Когда используется поговорка «На тебе, Боже, что нам негоже»?
  • 2018.01.25
  • chtooznachaet.ru
«На тебе, Боже, что нам негоже» говорится о не нужном, бесполезном подарке — вещи, от которой таким образом избавляются, потому что хранить её не имеет смысла, а выбросить — жалко «Боже» в пословице скорее всего искажённое «убоже», то есть звательный падеж от «убогий» — «очень бедный или нищий». Естественно, нищему отдавали, «что нам негоже»...