Uladzimir Izerski page - page 60

Serqey Nikitin:
If you really used your two brains, you could find your own indicator to test the IDEA...
So many years and where is the result of your indicator, just like Volodya's, only words and an offended face
Vladimir Baskakov:
So many years, and where's the result of your indicator, just like Volodya's, just words and a hurt look...


I, for one, don't believe any piece of writing until I myself have checked the information shown by someone else...

I think most traders do exactly the same.

The verification of the IDEA is quite simple, or a forecast on a specific date... The rest is not real - it's empty information! Although cheaters will show you anything you want... This information I have never trusted - strongly suspicious!...

Vova, what's the wave on the Jew?
Vladimir Baskakov:
Vova, what wave on the eu?

Impulsive up on all TFs, only corrective on M5.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Impulsive up on all TFs, only corrective on M5.

You are my idol.
Uladzimir Izerski:

On all TFs impulsive up, only on M5 corrective.

In short, there should be one trade on each TF

and on which one can the whole cutoff be made?

Renat Akhtyamov:

in short, there should be one trade on each TF

and on which one you can have the whole cutlet?

Wrong trading ideology...

You have to follow MM in ANY case - the risk is 30-35% and not higher...

Pyramid variants are possible, but there is a margin of profit, and in this case it is possible to increase volume of position...

Serqey Nikitin:

Wrong trading ideology...

In ANY case it is necessary to follow MM - the risk is 30-35% and no higher...

Pyramiding is possible, but there is a margin of profit, and in this case it is possible to build up position volumes...


But what TFs should I trust if the signals are different everywhere?

Renat Akhtyamov:


but which TF is to be trusted if the signals are different everywhere?

You understand that the strategy must be SETTLED...

There is nothing better than testing to determine the OPTIMAL signals for opening and closing a position...

Serqey Nikitin:

You understand that the strategy must be SETTLED...

Determine the OPTIMAL signals to open and close a position - there's nothing better than testing...

yes, i understand

but tester and real - it's heaven and earth for some reason...

Even Isersky said - never traded and won't trade