Bank deposits and bond coupons are to be taxed at 13%... - page 13

Alexey Kozitsyn:

The general trend is downwards. Just the decline since January, as you wrote, is indicative of that.

Where the price has stopped the fall... If you think that one green candle is a stop to the decline, you are very much mistaken.

The reason the correction started is the Americans keeping their economy going. But... that's not to say that it's only going to go up now.

You're mistaken to say bullish trend, downtrend. It's horrible ))
In addition to the green candle, there are many other signals on the chart, unfortunately, you do not see them, if you say so.
Analyse the chart again in conjunction with the news.
There is a good saying, buy the rumour, sell the facts.
In this case, the news is a rumour, when the company goes public, it will be a fact.
But at that time, the share price will already be far in the hay, and the media will shout hooray, economic growth, hamsters will buy in the hay, creating us liquidity, to close our longs )))
Thank you for being there ))

Konstantin Nikitin:

Let's use figures, not emotions. The yield on government bonds in 2019 was ~7%
1 000 000 / 100 * 7 = 70 000
70 000 / 100 * 13 = 9 100
70 000 - 9 100 = 60 900
60 900 / ( 1 000 000 / 100 ) = 6.09% per annum, net
This is still more than the income from a bank deposit.

What's that got to do with it? Clearly, 13% is not much at current rates of return.)

The point is that this is a serious step down the wrong path - paying for the losses of the oligarchs out of the pockets of the middle class.

And this is only the first step in this situation, there will obviously be others.

Aleksey Mavrin:

What's that got to do with it? Clearly 13% is not much at current yields)

The point is that this is a serious step down the wrong path - paying for the losses of the oligarchs out of the pockets of the middle class.

And this is only the first step in this situation, obviously there will be others.

And what about the profits from the aligarchs' deposits/shares are now tax free too. And some have interest/dividends as their main income now. That's pretty much the category in question. And those who have a lakh or more in investments in securities are not so many.

Konstantin Nikitin:

And what about the fact that profits from deposits/shares of the aligarchs are not taxed now. And some have interest/dividends as their main income now. That's pretty much the category in question. And those who have a lakh or more in investments in securities are not so many.

Don't mix it all up and mislead people, you have to understand that a deposit and a stock are completely different things.

And I do not consider a deposit as a source of income, a deposit is a means of saving and protection against inflation and no more, even the interest on the deposit does not save from inflation.

Why then do annual recalculations of pensions, public sector workers' salaries and housing and communal services?

A devaluation and no interest on deposits will save.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Don't mix it all up and mislead people, you have to understand that a deposit and a stock are completely different things.

And I do not consider a deposit as a source of income, a deposit is a means of saving and protection against inflation and no more, even the interest on the deposit does not save from inflation.

Why then do annual recalculations of pensions, public sector workers' salaries and housing and communal services?

One devaluation and no deposit interest will save.

A deposit is not the same as a deposit. There are some that exceed inflation. Oh, come on. The point was different in my previous post. And you got it, as far as I can see.


Knowing many pensioners in big cities, I would say that 1 million roubles is a normal limit.

And, although taxes make few people happy, it is fair to say that tax on any income (including deposits and investments) above a certain threshold is global practice. We have a habit of demanding from the state to bring up to the world norms what is pleasing to us, and whining when the world norms inconvenient to us are adopted.

By the way, yes, we should also reduce the income from deposits and investments by the rate of inflation, etc.
Edgar Akhmadeev:

Knowing many pensioners in big cities, I would say that 1 million roubles is a normal limit.

And, although taxes make few people happy, it is fair to say that tax on any income (including deposits and investments) above a certain threshold is global practice. We have a habit of demanding from the government to bring up to the world norms what is pleasing to us, and whining when the world norms that are inconvenient to us are adopted.

There is already a law that if the deposit rate is higher than the central bank rate a tax is imposed. Didn't you know?

Konstantin Nikitin:

There is no such thing as a deposit. There are some that exceed inflation. Oh, come on. That's not what my previous post was about. And you got it, as far as I could see.

That goes for you too.
Sergey Chalyshev:

There is already a law that if the deposit rate is higher than the central bank rate, then tax is taken on it. You didn't know that?

No. I don't have a deposit.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Knowing many pensioners in a big city, I would say that 1 million roubles is the normal limit.

Tax on income on deposits from 1.0 million roubles, and we insure with DIA up to 1.4 million roubles. There is a lot to think about...