Bank deposits and bond coupons are to be taxed at 13%... - page 3

Alexey Kozitsyn:

That's what I'm saying: a lot of people are coming to the market now, so why do we need the lure of an IIM? So I came to the question of whether they are going to remove it altogether.

IIM appeared much earlier than the introduction of the deposit tax. At that time the IIM was necessary to attract people to the OFZ and the stock exchange, according to statistics from brokers many such accounts were opened, but half of them are empty. Now the tax will stimulate the empty ones to deposit, or attract new ones to open IIS because no tax is taken on it. Everything seems logical, and there is no sense to abolish the IIM.


One problem, most of our population does not have financial literacy. At work one day we were talking with our female colleagues about the crown virus, the crisis and the falling funds. I told them that now there's an opportunity to buy shares cheaply. They took it very negatively, like you won't eat the stock and so on. Besides, we still have people alive who remember how Ginger fooled everyone with vouchers, the GKO default, and MMM with Lenya Golubokov.

Vitalii Ananev:

IIAs came into being much earlier than the introduction of the deposit tax. At that time, IIMs were needed to attract people to OFZs and the stock exchange; according to brokers' statistics, many such accounts were opened, but half of them are empty. Now the tax will stimulate the empty ones to deposit, or attract new ones to open IIS because no tax is taken on it. Everything seems logical, and there is no sense to abolish the IIM.

We shall see.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Is there something you wanted to say? If you could write in a nutshell, so as not to guess.

It will be the interest on the bank deposit that will be taxed. Which already does not shine with its performance ))
This is not a problem at all, because I doubt that our traders keep a deposit for the sake of the bank interest.
The same will be taxed on dividends received which arewithdrawn to an overseas bank account.


Interest on the bank deposit will be taxed. Which already does not shine with its indicators )).
This is not a problem at all, because I doubt that our traders keep a deposit for the sake of the bank interest.
The same will be taxed on dividends received which arewithdrawn to an overseas bank account.

 Москва. 25 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Держателям бондов на сумму от 1  млн  рублей,
возможно, снова придется платить налог 13%  с  купонного  дохода.  Так  трактуют
слова президента  РФ  Владимира  Путина,  сказанные  во  время  телеобращения  к
россиянам, опрошенные "Интерфаксом" участники рынка. Разъяснений  от  финансовых
властей пока нет.
Alexey Kozitsyn:

This model has already been tested on us in 2014... some things became clear. So they are pushing ordinary people into risky assets where these ordinary people can be professionally screwed...

if in 2014, these dates can be recalled with a cycle of about 5 years, just different categories of people are determined, now they get bumped, now others - someone was saving for a flat, but the flat was sold for 2 prices in 6 months, someone bought a car and the sanctions missed him again, the same happened with currency mortgages.

they keep testing and improving it to prevent people from figuring out where to hide their money from .....

think about it - i saw my great-grandmother's chest of wood with different kinds of bonds inside - do you think that grandmother decided to buy the bonds and use them as paper herself? ))))

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I quote verbatim.

"All payments of income in the form of interest and dividends going abroad from Russia to offshore jurisdictions should be taxed adequately.
I propose that a tax rate of 15% be introduced for those who withdraw their income in the form of dividends to foreign accounts."

"I propose that for citizens whose total amount of bank deposits or investments in debt securities (OFZ) exceeds 1million roubles, a tax on interest income should be set at 13%.
That is, I repeat, not the deposit itself, but only the interest earned on such investments, will be subject to personal income tax.
In doing so, the conditions for placing funds in Russian banks will remain attractive and amongst the highest-yielding in the world."

So yes, now the already paltry interest on deposits or OFZs will be subject to income tax.
I have another question, who uses these deposits, exactly to get bank interest or coupon income?
For them to have any kind of normal income from these instruments, they need more than one trillion.
So it is of little concern to ordinary citizens.


So yes, now the already paltry interest on deposits or OFZs will be subject to income tax.
I have another question, and who uses these deposits, exactly to receive bank interest or coupon income?
For them to have any kind of normal income from these instruments, they need more than one trillion.
So it is of little concern to ordinary citizens.

Erm... Are you suggesting that everyone who has R1m is already on the stock exchange?

Guys, I would like to ask you to write down (step by step) what you would do in your current situation if you had 1-5 million rubles in OFZs or in a bank deposit? Exactly where would you invest it?
Alexey Kozitsyn:

Erm... Do you think that everyone who has R1m is already on the stock exchange?

No, I don't, it's just that most people don't have a million.
And those who do, probably don't use their investments wisely.


No, I don't, it's just that most people don't have a million.
And those who do, probably don't use their investments wisely.

I agree that most people don't have any money.

This thread was created in order to find out what people who have a million rubles are doing.